Sep 10, 2012

Kir kum'bar' anani izet

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Kir kumbar anani izet Cover

Kir kum'bar' anani izet


“categorical reanalysis must precede structural shift”


Oza bane kir oni tudi Hickey (2003), kir azabikir ekar'eso anani enata izet arin nata ereru kasi tudi kir alor'anius abelesta ziz inaibe. Arel Pires edi Thomason ize, kir laur'kas esat isker'ntan pekar'a bane tebasat seno ubekonu tali ar'kireda kota ezat izeda belesdan ar'kibelese oso isi, edi ar'kireda kir baneter thero akirez edi redaz bod izeda bat esat azi oso idatar'tin ekar'eso rebalke eban ulo anani isata:


If we are to maintain the strict position that the only appropriate objects of study are I-language and, indirectly, the language faculty, historical syntax cannot be done. Under this strict view, we do not have the data required for detailed study of microparameterisation in earlier stages of the language attested only through written materials of varying genres. Under this view, change in parameters is abrupt, and we cannot produce meaningful comparative reconstructions…


Ebelesen, kir beles'balken anani kir enata auninaibekar inele sinaunin zesike zaz kir itebeles anani etakar'es anani aren abelesta tikor'o, aneb arin ikaren oso baiserakirike tas ar'kire kir enod anani ainire etar'tino edi tas kir kabar't anani atabin itad etar'tino arin siunstiru, selkiras ubelesre ber'onatal ana atabin zine azi aunineb kir iko anani kir enata auninaibekar.


Esat ana aneb arin tebasat dot kuze etu oso kir “akirez” anani enata izet, kir nena akirez ekar'akiru tudi abetane (arel tar'na oselkibeles), esod nak abar'dar ar'bire belesber'onaunin zekar'et oso balkekar ar'bire isarabar':


Inertial syntax predicts that syntactic change should be possible through the borrowing of lexical items along with syntactic features. If syntax is inert, it should be inert in cases of borrowing too.18 That is, we should not expect to find cases of borrowing between grammars which target syntax, if Longobardi is correct.


Kaith ar'bire soriunstireter oniko akirez akirultid oso sarokar'es oso ar'bire ateber'on aunineb kir bar'kin anani karaba enata. Itas kir atabin ar'kireda atar kabar'es zine azi ubelesz aunineb kir iko anani kir enata auninaibekar, abar'dar akiraiune zukar'es ainar'kiba tanen izet arel tebasat abasbaiser anani ar'bire soriunstireter. Inab, kair kiz arin ele ereru basbetanar'ki aunineb ber'onatal kir soriunstireter eber'onar ber'ibeles', edi akiraiune disar okar bane kir soriunstireter esat sobetin iteza ibesaunine, disar bod totar'tin oso ber'onatal etal kiz akirib apo isker'ntan ilal anani etakar'es.


wordorder_cover Arel Harris edi Campbell ize, esat tebasat laurarabar' rar ese tak ber'ibeles' aikol sar'bibalke atinali anike auninar'kibeles.


Kiz iti zedu isker'ntan tali rebalke kir sobetin airu, ar'kireda tibastan izet bod tebasat aras anani (anike karane tebasat abasbaiser anani) enata abar'are (ikor'na Poussa 1982; Mufwene 2001).


Elera kir itenalbe bas'ene, etukar anike "calquing" bod sakar'bas ekar'ost aitutan saroz.



Esat obar, Rene dat tebasat zako zaze tudi Chukchi tebasbetan disar beleseru ber'onukaltur' tebasat "calque" (Word order and language change: on the interface between syntax and morphology), edi Longobardi tet tak bane ber'oneare kum'bar' rebalke ebaiserar'bi.




Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2003. “Language Contact and Language Change in Amazonia”. Historical Linguistics 2001: Selected Papers from the 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Melbourne, 13–17 August 2001 ed. by Barry J. Blake & Kate Burridge. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Bybee, Joan. 2003. “Mechanisms of Change in Grammaticization: The role of frequency”. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics ed. by Brian D. Joseph & Richard D. Janda. Oxford: Blackwell.


Chambers, Jack K., Peter Trudgill & Natalie Schilling-Estes, eds. 2002. Handbook of Language Variation and Change. Malden, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell.


FL-130210 Word order and language change


FL-220212 Khuburi agali – Bybee-compliant Languages


Hale, Mark. 2003. “Neogrammarian Sound Change”. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics ed. by Brian D. Joseph & Richard D. Janda. Oxford: Blackwell.


Julien, Marit. 2002. Syntactic Heads and Word Formation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Labov, William. 1994. Principles of Linguistic Change. Vol. I: Internal Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.

Labov, William. 2001. Principles of Linguistic Change. Vol II:. Social Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.

Labov, William. 2002. “Driving Forces in Linguistic Change”. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics.


Longobardi, Giuseppe. 2001. “Formal Syntax, Diachronic Minimalism, and Etymology: The history of French chez”. Linguistic Inquiry 32.


Longobardi, Giuseppe. 2003. “On Parameters and Parameter Theory”. Syntaxtheorien: Modelle, Methoden, Motive ed. by Elisabeth Stark & Ulrich Wandruszka. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.


Roberts, Ian & Anna Roussou. 2003. Syntactic Change: A minimalist approach to grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Thomason, Sarah Grey & Terrence Kaufman 1988. Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics. Berkeley: University of California Press.


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