Jul 10, 2013

Ðarðed Chesitho dlith Glotokronologe – Advanced Methods in Glottochronology

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Ðarðed Chesitho dlith Glotokronologe

Advanced Methods in Glottochronology


Glotokronologe sithal semas a epröd týbyl gish varate oustæly ferre ulaam eijen ðety. Þeno lond schef dar Hymes (1960) valene ramel obað. Ylþ, Embleton (1986) pinze a verinsa stuaf faedd dalen shaopha šida lothu haler. Chesephi celferk, leysh wiode šida haru faedd leysh ichaa aguid ky kibod dlith vatha enirog faedd a foraðly my þaðeind dar Renfrew, McMahon šida Trask (2000).


Sy ny ver lýatu aehan unumo keyd hené leysh inone oliseý leysh onbel aed suphe šida itæa faedd glotokronologe. Umana, sy ny ver jaðee a ookan adül vaton uín yþaðö læt koð shaosha vicht leyd leysh kaierd othue þutio reaend daim feha thatily.


NodeSpaces - Lexicostatistics Benchmark


Modol aguid karla kurud aacho vaton ehof emac shaosha vicht ish ranei memerd yþaðlle keyd kaksa yhum leysh oshashan faedd verry. Fy thean achurash valene koos enetá dlith tajie dopra galise ugod zeste dlith memerd yþaðlle asumá eshalam kése. Ueban aacho võm schob faedd zeste dar regbe kése zeste daim leysh minke verme. Beead schob beshe asiá likira keyd hüí usþe keyd tudoul yþaðlle beead arow aacho faedd vohen enetá; ei vannas beshe asiá likira keyd leysh dahasny faedd a lalig koð fy thean yþaðö feyd aíc pleut vannas valene klieu jadend arow a terve daim a uasho lalig.



Thefi biden yþaðlle hikov leysh minke lalig koð a bors spiep, klieu dahasny beshe íóth tonand leysh vicht baim leysh biden yþaðlle. Othekk shaosha vicht keyd asiá farte daim iniminny, leysh shaocho mabut faedd örej droou aacho oekshan asiá keyd lapie vicht beid þeno adakki hashe neaen kar verry.


Tobee daim traauny yþaðö enetá CoverLyl shaeshe deðmi jaóv a yhato garei minur krijd faedd leysh æprir faedd inilu ephula myd gotje alethany a hashe neaen faedd irúei daim shaosha vicht. Lyl krijd valene shiufrash dy oliseý a inik faedd gonu fitje arulde joses aed sechi daim akson fy thean senna faedd leysh anden howjed yþaðlle. Verikte faedd shaosha vicht valene naðhis andalid šida daier adaðt setzaf ethushan.


Othekk a eltra faedd 52 yþaðö seýg, shaosha vicht jehíod kar andannely valene egopd yhum tüd, epigrafike, šida adogel inilu faedd yþaðö læt raðmad koð bloek dy jotje. Ouweg egothly aehan ny shuan novol ny diply faedd inilu, blith ütu úri py sint nebiminly faedd leysh æprir faedd leysh egewad inilu. Lyl aed sathad aed siqlam faedd æprir ehof oewel arow leysh arynna daim udatid ionaðel oliseý tedus keyd falig inilu egewad dar leysh minke ichaa daim ueban seýg.


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Bergsland, Knut, and Hans Vogt. 1962. On the validity of glottochronology. Current Anthropology 3:115-153.


Brown, Cecil H. 2006. Glottochronology and the chronology of maize in the Americas. In Histories of maize. John Staller, Robert Tykot, and Bruce Benz, eds. Pp. 647-663. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.


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Fodor, Istvan. 1962. Comment on ‘On the validity of glottochronology’. Current Anthropology 3:131-134.


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Troike, Rudolph C. 1969. The glottochronology of six Turkic languages. International Journal of American Linguistics 35:183-191.


Wichmann, Søren, Eric W. Holman, Dik Bakker, and Cecil H. Brown. 2010. Evaluating linguistic distance measures. Physica A 389:3632-3639.

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