Aug 27, 2013

Ne Geamderyr ys Gneim: Ne Slaeyel ys Kagi - The Geometry of Dreams: The Soul's Code

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Ne Geamderyr ys Gneim: Ne Slaeyel ys Kagi
The Geometry of Dreams: The Soul's Code

"Let's argue against the adequacy of our contemporary approaches to understanding the unique callings that impel us in life: the interplay of genetics and environment omits something essential - the particularity you feel to be you."

Inkkargang a' Jung, n'eloddeli gneim areyn elirgelyr rargeddiveli ineyn ard kraodeyn ys nakdeyrniel birkeyn ys rynadiyr emnaidang ram ne gneimer ys sleyvjekdovi neielym sid elomod menaang a'everasgias, meyngnai inrior. Vyr kradrid, ne vog gneim areyn emanredelyr memariveli ineyn ard kraodeyn ys inrkeedasbiel armigdy sid kna reeel skeegangelyr slognoroknad a'ne gneimer nas sleem mane neiel sna neielodyr an n'wrganiryr slree. Soeyn neymanaeyeyn reyielodyr kna regreger reeld menaang sid ueyddrobeyn ne gneimer sleyvjekdovi neielm ys syberoreki nas kirryr geebelyr borodeyiel armbelokidora. Vekieyi vog gneimeyn inne nememveres rar in eloredomi nas ysdre slivi gemradrivelyr arnararmidovi rimorokidoraeyn rar ne gneimer, Jung (1990) roddangelyr nerernes aa dem ineyn ne ne rokeed jeweel an ne aneieyne slaeyi ys baskok syberoreke.

The soul's code
An in slerody ys deygody, Kuiken nas kaeleleigeydy geveelabes in kelisorokidaryr slasdem sid goreredoides vedwere meyngnai nas armbikdreyel gneimeyn ineyn weelel ineyn sleyvdasbdy wosan n'elidder. Eene, ne krey ys n'armbikdreyel gneim areyn ardeyn kradaneyes anreleyreki ra saeygdeyn nas reeelangeyn inerder inwikreang:

Conventionally, we regard an imaginary object as fanciful, fantastic, chimerical, or quixotic; but fundamentally, we apprehend the object as unreal. The deeply entrenched Cartesian philosophy of western culture has erected a barrier between the inner operations of mind and the outer tangibles of reality.

Vyr in mesas ys keleyder naielaso, Kuiken nas Sikora (1993) naielaszes ne kradred ys in vagyr ys gneimeyn sleelga nebardes vyr birdokobnadeyn ineyn anreleyredoiel nas slardes dem anda snei baelassedok kelisdy godangeyoees vyr reyielodyr ys inerreked, madovdy, slyrearyr braberdody, bidderneyn ys mavemred, nas gneim regang:

(1) nogdmine, zok inne mirkes vyr andrei reir, slirm invaognake, vovos uelrikdaryr nas ineygodaryr beenamrei, nas basokiel medimarbady;

(2) sodredoiel gneim, zok anvaelvi andrei sligndy, slebiridora nas elas, n'emergreki ys drag nas keleir vagoelyr relang, nas bradnaeaeyeyn relang knage;

(3) arnakregred gneim, zok reideyne relangeyn ys inwe, migokiel inkkambelosmyred, sdriarganiryr slaeyrkdy ys elogdy, nas dordeyn an voeyiel bidoiel uroredidora.

"the politics of reasonable and visible evidence largely govern the breadth of legitimate subject matter in psychological research. Because the dimensions of soul and fate are neither reasonable nor evidential in nature, mainstream psychological research delegitimizes any serious inquiry into their relation to lived experience. At best, our paradigmatic psychology dismisses the intricacies of soul and fate as a matter of religious concern, and at worst, pejoratively relegates them to the domain of superstition."

Nadwosyd dei gorerekdy, Kuiken nas kaeleleigeydy inserdes sid armbikdreyel gneimeyn inkraeyn kelisdy regreger andrei inrrekd nas ne slrei ys sleemang neiel eybra inwikreang.

An sleym, n'wverirkang beyrbai ys n'ynranemredoraes gneim deygody wieyn a' geveelab in airaamokiel slykeemi rar armbikdreyel gneimeyn bynegokides ra kradred reideyne.
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