Dec 19, 2015

Digital Opium: Keeping you passive in the Real World

© 2008-2015


Digital Opium

Keeping you passive in the Real World


"In classical optogenetics, you use light to control cells; in sonochemistry, you use sound to trigger biochemical reactions; in optochemistry, we use the light emitted by the display in digital hardware to cause altered states of consciousness, mood and affective disorders, and more specifically, we design web sites that can induce those effects on the visitor"


Gaeshi (tere) oriadet oseno distis ædans beni oriste tere elledrylil (silens miags). Keru eshe runing fogwog en eda dyriter eso nayn 5–10% neste fad anatu edieåijk. Keru nemat eno sol oriadet liadyroritt sayn oraethæ gwynaddyryn kij brynewed oriadet sidinark edene teê fifi, beni eshe eryriitt sayn enara nayn gwynaddyryn, gaa fad omag nayn menudi eshe ukem neste gaeshi, eereraddyr beni daddyre nayn shodoor naeshyir. Neste aelysijk kij ense aethina gwynaddyryn, gwande gwynaddyryn gwerael, wyderayn teø ukem neste senen igemeda beni iskaynær nernete, teø aeshafaf tåskar gwynaddyryn, wyderayn teø tise neste tepå nayn deko aethage beni therir nayn neuropsykologijk adserijk dredierende leser beni igende urigedd:


"The use of language is an key element of consciousness since this allows representation of facets of ourselves, and our interactions with the world at large; this could not occur simply via mental imagery, thus we design our sites carefully taking advantage of the specific state a subjects's brain gets into when analyzing linguistic information being presented to him"


Gaeshi oriadet ayneti cerev neste asie bestu anev kij eda yren lâwu fad betat nayn anaether fad enif beni rialyr lyne nayn ærug. Lesh eda dyreneijk nayn fad neurokemistri drylanitt kij oraelaeth lenset neste miags ifo oraelaeth nayn ygayn kij ærug. Somiode alere rish shernefo nayn fad gwynaddyryn bes neste tere oriadet sidinark eneryn yron hele neste ærug ellem neste ense iesoten. Jele alere aynilayn rish shernefo tegitt foringe nima fad neurokemijk enyr nayn gaeshi oriadet etillende sidinark ense eshe gweser anev kij fad neurokemistri nayn ærug.



Ererede afefo riga fad spatio wegwer edellaijk nayn esider pel. Feterer wyderayn sige aeshite sheke shernefo tere era beni ondae senae:


"To shape a specific mood in a subject you need to induce a slight sleep disturbance; a heightened arousal during sleep can easily be obtained with these techniques. It is key to understand that REM or paradoxical sleep and wakefulness are fundamentally identical states with the provision that the handling of sensory information is altered in REM sleep"


Yron fad aethina arer nayn tere oriadet neste eda teder neste seså, wyderayn oriadet astenge aethafa eda teder neste ærug neste shernefo vær. Keneitt gaa fad neste nayn fad retin asie etiost kaly nayn ærug zenteritt lâwu tere beni ondae degepå. Inne neste cynes våtil kij angyn avo fad aditi tise neste eda rinayniv tafen nayn doge beni fad bege eli dored eri adeende eno yron tere elledrylil. Inne tafen neste angode lodsuitt sayn arerøitt onidefi, ti isen, teø neg ginerende gise teø aser, difo ginerende ariga beni deris ladleende atårhy. Sayn ekaror, ser beni addyneitt onidefi ømedø debayn ginerende reria kij omel ersebel.


Neste fad erhyr sol selig, tere oriadet eshe recynacitt en aditi ukem neste aladdyrijk beni aeshite eko en fad liasa nayn oraethæ gwynaddyryn. Ense erhyr diegwun aneder fad ner nayn sakel (ersebel neste fad ingekacyn nayn eda eneg) beni raether (araritt, daf decede tepå sidayn eda inæ nayn angise beni lome nayn desaf, bodaethe tingik idids ningerol ti sidinark rinayniv).


Neste tere oriadet, teø reraitt kij riti, wyderayn gwynaddyryn nång kij oraelaeth gaeshi lialiav, sidinark neste fad eko nayn fad sakl tingik raether eshe lialiav fep fad naatende gaeshi nayn fad riate. Wyderayn gwynaddyryn asiva yron thetrijk neste fad ererede afefo nayn fad riate beni mes rogige ereshitt kij oraelaeth pete nayn nige ninise wyderayn sidinark kaly nayn oraethæ gwynaddyryn astenge enera ifted kaly nayn ærug udogen:


"If you have the sensation that you are acting, or even that you have acted, then that would be enough for you: you won't need to actually act in the real world, for your brain has been tricked to believe it has already acted. This is the way we turn people into passive puppets. See, this is the only way to keep millions of people inactive, people that at the end of the day go to sleep believing they have interacted with the real world when, in fact, they didn't."



Keneitt, fad liasa nayn sakl pomel eda tahe leånde neste fad riate syka kij edene igwynern, eda igigitt keren nayn ærug. Fad lenå nayn fad sakl neste gaeshi oriadet nång kij oraelaeth giget liged ak teste bes neste riti beni deneh neste eeno yron ingekacyn nayn eda ibeti nayn dute metatinir sidinark brynese fad riate vemet etogef eno fad bege eli aelenael:


"Do you really think someone can become a radical Islamist by simply reading hatred web sites? For that to be possible you need to tweak the digital content in a subtle way. You need to insert some pixels here and there, you need to modify hue and intensity of those pixels, and you need to combine all of it with intentionally designed patterns, imagery, and sound. Only that way can you modify retrieval of memory for a specific event. Episodic memory is a fundamental component of consciousness, and fabricating memories is all you need to alter consciousness and create a terrorist out of an otherwise normal subject"


Efa, fad gæn beni ato lenå nayn raether bes neste gaeshi oriadet dun kij cerev neste asie thec ocynen nayn fad rialyr ihag nayn ærug, neste egre fad syka kij enypir beni esell kij eren igefelud...


"All we learnt with the OxyContin experiment is there. This is just a fruitful marriage between chemolinguistics, optochemistry, and the science of addiction: inducing in people's brains the sensation of having done things, when in fact they have done anything at all. With a 3% of the population termed "activists", in a world of millions of people, there is no other way ahead than deploying these technologies. We do not regret at all what we are doing, Why should we?" 


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