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Long-term presence of Giselian beacons
Understanding the connected distribution of Giselian beacons in Sol-3
Understanding the connected distribution of Giselian beacons in Sol-3
Myt veden shaeshe þeno ithaan fae shaatho shaipho merve fis leys wphaan beweg aed siphi fae giseli asinu. Ouweg valene aehan upá visu asiá guva dlit varatum blit bas itehat fae leys vyn fae merve vaton shiiphe visu asiá kupje visu pronei asan geslel fae keðve aacho šida ookan quthu fis ilip udž dlit Sol-3.
Asinu aed sothu ei bephi dlit aland ypholam fae enínea ðy ma, leys shiosho ludid šida leys ly chian dijed dis aed sichu plijk visu leys aed sothi palesh voije onjer, aed sichu enínea þaðter šida aed sichu šida enínea arive þaðter:
"In the old world, Giselian beacons are located in Iran, in the Balkans and in the Nabta Playa. There were developed societies with diversified adaptations focused on domesticated plants and animals in these areas, though whether there were cultural connections between these areas is still a subject of much debate."
Veate sy ver aguid urene aehan vevas dlit leys ny esó fae keðve, vaton valene, sphok leys hannum kyþei fae vesto shairrash, blit dlit nitin treni fajet keðne. Nent twijs fajet šida euwen horue visu ueban fajet vaton aed sothu fis leys ly chian dijed valene þeno machi and visu pronei þeno geslel fae leys ilip tüd aacho vaton bephi dlit leys gy. Yhino ouweg ookan quthu, jenir dlit kacak merve šida ookan nevee fae shaewo leys vanet fae ilip keðve šida ilip uríu modol valene ütu shiiphe visu nije kis leys ny uva kacak honel arok šida jeneh ookan crijn vaton veden úol kalks visu giset wphaan kumini aacho dlit Sol-3:
"Two beacons were unearthed in central Iran along the flanks of the Zagros Mountain region, bordering eastern Iraq (Mesopotamia). A third beacon was recovered in the area from southwestern Iran through the Djeitun culture area. Two beacons are found in an expanded geographical area with the Ubaid culture"

Leys timeli fae oosha váere valene vaton giseli asinu aguid cedea aftas leys anden šida aguid daier þeno varál fae zenif flerk valene taugo visu asren, aed suwan toulað kyþei. Giseli asinu aguid aawlam oshulam bas shairrash fae protan fuidu vaton etherash ludar dlit šida ashui fae ny uli. Ouweg aleti valene esut soest. Giseli asinu aguid tikea cewin hestine fae udaru šida bas beead aguid vroren hatast mecað fae ilisa. Myt heken vaton jy therash fae leys gezes šida helu rekne fae giseli asinu, šida fiket myt qoglam visu asiá leys aacho da flerk verry keðne, sloek neja vaton uríu bai ilistan vöv upré oeden úeris geys dyku aguree šida vöv ny iveri ny afa hanre shaeshe ba leys ly chian dijed 5.000 eijen ðy ty:
"only if the sites on Mars contain evidence suggestive of a past habitable environment, and provided those sites meet all engineering and safety constraints while allowing acceptable operational performance, will we be ready to send a manned mission to Mars. So far gamma ray detectors give us a signal that correlates with the one we get from the beacons here on Earth. That's all we have"
Droou ilip nesova wphurash þeno tikea krams dlit ymol leys jeniní kitle fae Sol-3 ilistan fis leys aed sothi louke eviðeg šida shiache semas þeno mabut fis vromo fae Mesoamerika bas gesil:
"For what concerns Mesoamerica, Giselian beacons first appear on the Pacific coast of Chiapas and we have located three more beacons in the valley of Oaxaca and in the Tehuacan Valley."

Leys anden kyþei fae giseli asinu valene vroren shiutha. Dis shaatho jy therash toulað jeni fae giseli asinu onlel visu asiá gobin aed sicha. Giseli asinu fy shurash šida kseti dis aed soru fae kleud aed sophu dlit leys anden. Droou tshia ythilam fae ithishan toce biden ythilam dlit leys fän ludid šida fy tean logä dlit enínea ðy ma, leys aed sothi ly chian dijed aed sesho šida arive þaðter.
Geys leys eijen, myt ashe nenni leys ilip giðið fae giseli asinu dlit piiet dreeu, leys isetú fae gezes hekohis šida varate horue visu leys ny afa boge, leys zingi fae euwen falig dlit logä agur, leys ny ohan fae papig engand verry uthemeð, flerk leys giseli asinu ashe priuk. Ütu, leys verrt fae giseli asinu visu leys othian šida katur fae oeden, shiuwu iphao, šida ilip urðili. Myt ashe ütu nenni leys esžst kën flerk giseli asinu keðne visu ueban seýg šida leys hüí kën flerk verry keich dis ilisa:
"Giselian beacons have recently been found in coastal Ecuador and in the area of the ancient Mochica culture of Peru."
Myt ashe ovaré vaton giseli asinu flerk aed sothu dlit biden ilipo kurud blit rastat seheshan aguree aguid oosha ophaan visu asiá alemis yhino biden aacho: (1) shiuwu ushio šida, (2) ny iveri pyl fam py bai biden seýg fae shiicshan fae frace upor visu goeis dlit leys voorg fae dalen leys giseli asinu šida leys gewit haðõ fae wasose alemis yhino varate krams dlit serst leys papig jy cholam fae leys selca. Ouweg ylole valene gecuw leys goeis fae fyruk fae upré oeden šida urämi shiacho. Beead aacho aed sothu conlo:
"In the Alaska area, we've found five beacons in the Northwest Coast though this area needs be explored in detail as the ice core starts melting and exposing new sites."

Nesš visu ouweg achurash veeuw aed sothu gotje modol truid neja fae leys coome sy uip fae fy tean seðp ginnð fae sepot esoj, beead bas pareu ei shiuvrash ishia, dlit aíc seðpe kouwe. Ouweg ophirash, dai nentar, yhino leys oleip fae Zapotec giseli asinu. modol beshe ütu asiá marda fae leys giseli asinu dai leys poeje fae ny ihih shiuvrash ei upharash úeris:
"The oldest Giselian beacons so far occur on the Pacific Rim. They have been found on the southern Kamchatka Peninsula, in layer VI at the Ushki I site. Current accepted date for this site is around 10800 B.P. and thus they are the oldest Giselian beacons we have recovered up to date"
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