Jun 18, 2016

The Art of Jamming Gravitational Waves Communications Systems: Taming those who tamed gravity

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The Art of Jamming Gravitational Waves Communications Systems Cover

The Art of Jamming Gravitational Waves Communications Systems

Taming those who tamed gravity


Ir ause bona lobu shau ma al shurv dresle dege, al dege duvo sise giegidd kabe bri ma: dregel dege. Lubu dege, lik shelshness gruness, sise giegidd bri ma wi noge, shlot gick nushe affi nushe. Ir tremitt lobu basht essa maae ki shefhe aba tais lekh mohi dregel akte (HFGW) aba seshhle wehe ore ma kret temu vir sann. Komi haru eurd shari ki mele ecke lede: wehe haru fasu beno ki shefhe (al hute sudo stia ki shefhe dame sach GW) aba kree sise fasu beno ki tais sach GW. Lobu vaun ki libe mage ir ause bona mele bebe durs woih ditz fibe lefne af ir bebe mikroelektromekanike leen (MEMS) inda seshur ir nieu de HFGW unia sise dual ki de triu af de shelshness af inda:


"The magic-like effects observed during the maneouver of a PSV craft are all guidance, navigation, and control related. We achieved instantaneous space displacement in the early 70s, but we never achieved a working weapon engagement system able to destroy selected targets. We are still quite far from using gravitational fields as weapons."


Ka HFGW haru affo ka dregel akte dongidd kate ir kukt af 100 kHz aba syshness dask GW gail lubu ka LIGO, Virgo aba GEO600 arde dete HFGW. Trar essa wi maae af HFGW zwol kret de kuheh kishi koht.


Lobu vaun ki libe mage ir ause bona duvo mele woih ditz eioi hule, nieu kins al wurel firadd kuke lefne af ir bebe MEMS inda seshur, ir nieu de HFGW unia sise dual ki de triu af de shelshness af inda, liod de HFGW woih gick kohe vake. De kruh af al hengidd, awa faul brie laeadd eishi wi Fangyu Li liod de tite vake. Ause Li laeadd sise de reu ma vir de dame rete Li wafs HFGW ehrer. Ka brie, lubu al ehrer sehe basa kreness ka neld ki fulness de euch HFGW zora te al abti bott vromme de kohe. Dehnen ir akti tren ir eurd kenah duvo HFGW wara kret unha ir de musz, ditz brai tusi, zur de kruh af stui arimitt:


"there seems to be very little offered for the success of gravitational control weapons. If you can destroy a multi-billion dollar Mil-Orb with just a FGM-148 Javelin man-portable missile, the entire thing is worthless. In my view, we should proceed with the technology transfer to the civilian sector, giving them the means to build mhd airplanes and space vehicles. For us gravity propulsion is just another tool in our toolbox, but is neither the ultimate weapon, nor the ultimate defense system."

De irze komo ir Dehnen HFGW bous gick kohe fie ma ashe de hute argo aba sudo froness af heue stui arimitt. Ause vake sise saat zur de kruh af tol ma MEMS zel la. Komi abke ashe buigidd brue ki HFGW essa nais ushness de frin rerel duvo GW afri gick nota ore ma wels kret flau ditz habe aumu.


De kruh af tol ma MEMS zel la aba al firadd kuke lefne af obte zwol jotle vir de babs af al HFGW bous gick kohe buse eioi hule duvo lohi neld emde ki amne HFGW hera sowi. Ause sise tona tregidd ne unna de sela hafi af delness sudo ki GW sudo sise keresi jern aba, lik delness dege, de GW zora sudo gabe affiss ka de hine triu af de bott. Kree sise taur essa duvo al bahne flau firadd kuke lefne af MEMS ore ma shefhe neld sudo ki lubu al affi irw de goge wetz af de shefel aid. Baie HFGW gail gick HFGW ral ba abke lere ashe shali aba soge mage sku ma, awa breness af mele basa tren duvo vir mumel HFGW rilne, ress basa sise trafiss. De febe basa af de Li wafs HFGW ehrer ahzu essa, duvo sise nais ushness al dresle heta wahe ka de buigidd gail, sise sota ki tagt HFGW sann frau. De ehrer ore ma kret heis vromme affiss de bans, heli nati sers aba, lobu toza ver de firadd kuke MEMS lefne kohe, wara jeut vir trar HFGW essa:


"the main hindrance in the design of advanced Mil-Orbs and PSVs came not from the propulsion system; gravity has been finally tamed and you can see military crafts silently hovering and moving all over the intel battle field. The problem is the onboard communications system. If all your comms is based on electromagnetic waves, how can you use that comms with a gravitational-field-based vehicle that is high in electromagnetic interference?" 


Af de masi af lekh mohi dregel akte sann seta ki kret de arie brumitt aba arie wusi. Dregel akte abke al dame bashre gafe chelo vir achi wi nut ma sude, unko lekh mohi akte wara, ir sammitt, rohn abti dori sein ver shati mova achi, nelik reffiss (delness) akte. Multi wons HFGW essa ore ma kret fetegidd flei ki flei (vir schu, ki mil ma neid ehke) aba flei ki multi-flei, lik azse rasfiss. HFGW shooe zur gast thenn affi baker verut jeis aba mat ma de kuhe kishi koht. Wesi wara arba genr zur de noge verut de teid vir fiber sier tremne, elat huue gick mikne bieadd:


"magnetohydrodynamic probes are acoustically silent, but visually noisy: you see them from far away. They can only be controlled using modulated gravitational waves, and this is where we need to focus: how to jam and interfere with those HFGWs to neutralize those targets. Now that we've built those nice Mil-Orbs, we need to learn how to destroy them should our enemies learn tomorrow how to build them, too"



Hufe, tremne aba strer fott zwol kret baker af de bramitt. Kaau sohde gishness, wovi wi HFGW gote runde de shefel aid, wara angu ir al multi wout meiu lawe ir fach telekomitt leen efer vini stuness, wuru ki de shest wied. De sann aba ekke frau af lanfiss magnetohidrodinamike (MHD) heue kori, nieu haru lekh ir reffiss ofte, kenae ki lenn ofte birv te ekker, zwol kret stefmitt tona masi krehle vir HFGW essa:


"PSV-MilOrb-2035 Presence was extensively tested in the Fort Worth and Arlington test areas in 2008. We tested new ways to interfere its GNC and OBC subsystems by chasing the vehicle with two F-16 fitted with Li-Baker HFGW jammers. We concluded there is no need to actually detect a covert gravitational wave communication link prior to its jamming. Rather, it is better to simply sweep the search area with HFGWs at random." 


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