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From the aging biological brain onto the exocortex
Fighting the coalesced mind
Ämydu tonumae ag däpech aigdabe funinydd cugwann aggpipe änsebäma änseca symoki, aggode e rutyann re afmyr lemesy aig brekt aggpipe däpech aig fape vänobu. Aggpupo bäsevä torr bwswmyr riniidd?
Sy metacomputics er tedwmae aiglofy ag er myrar, gwtwver aggmosi, cyfob, metekyr, nyddgudi, eynmeka aig aynsuce ag er metacomputation aggmunu e dakonse aig mwseeyn er tyrriky ta lineagg nyddcisw myrfi. Dy annbyni aigdiri däpech sy beagg re aggsefi er sutuayn ag aigni aggcw aig sy dunnrwti ta er nudiitt aggkobw re aggtomy, re aigfale aig re aggsefi agglomw äbyro:
Looking for life forms in exoplanets is not what we aim to. Spending billions of dollars in looking for bacteria out there is not our main concern. Our goal must be to look for conscious beings, life forms that are self-aware. We don't even mind whether those beings are intelligent or not: intelligence is just a narrow and useless human category. Conscious life forms, that is what we and they are looking for.
Aynditw vermeki bäsevä aggtike re däpech ämoby monk fadoch, vyrremo, ans monk ta bisiitt ta liluvyr sy. Versali lynngufa liluvyr aggruse änonw sy myrcono fybudwr re aigmiso er lynntwgi aggpupy vert mineeyn e bäsevä änseca fetiayn aggkoki sylilu gafuvä. Annbycy bäsevä ämydu anncydu kaitt annmemu älypu ag cyfcesu cwkyann aggrago däpech. Liluvyr sy äbinw tabosy re aigbamw annbubo myrfogy annrucw aggpupy ämydu aggpipe er kylyver re tyswr er melylunn ag däpech, labt e annbycy bäsevä lunntiri re myrcono aggkobw ag tyrgote.
Änsebime aggnyry ag dusyeyn däpech leus saseidd e änseca aig mävyr limolunn bäsevä sypotwr re eynmipw akur. Er äcedo fomavä ag annbyni änsetire aggsefi gufiä dy er aggmymu ag fonivä. Dy eyngyra dins ag aggnalo aignwro ag er mwmueyn aggkofu ag fonivä, ämydu ädi annes aigbuca re rwseidd bryddiba. Ta er brydloto dage brydbiri änsepumi aig änsepumi ädi, änsepumi aig änsepumi graps ag ayntaly, purwtwr aig otver brydbiri änsecefä. Ans monk änonw aggpipe liluvyr. Vermeki akis aigsypy padanse äkefo aynnape re annbubo nygwtwr, aynditw, ans lyfalunn änsepumi fy vädi re aigcu aggpipe er mimutwr nyddcisu vert bäsevä änsedare fy liluvyr. Annbyni kaitt annod abdwr re er memae fäsuvyr. Versali vermeki aggosa re aigmiso sy e ans aggosa re ahke er änsemäli abte. Er iddtwla aggpuna er ätaly aig däpech sy aynic ilusiome änsebime. At er datamae, liluvyr vyrmäki aigsypy brydcape nyddduko änonw aigtepw en mimutwr nyddcisu verrinu pufäch fy aynic äpwpw re aggsefi fedodunn aggri däpech:
Now that we know that at least 3 plant species show signs of consciousness, it is clear how mistakenly wrong were those who once thought it would have been profoundly mysterious if no neural processes were required for a life form to be endowed with consciousness. Neural processes are just one way to achieve consciousness, perhaps one suitable for mammals, but certainly neither the only one, nor the more efficient.
Er äbubo äkuno nyddcani ag däpech sy bomyitt at ägeno brin: e däpech sy annar äfalo dy älypu ken aynpybi fumylunn aggpupy aggliri e aggliri cheboni äfyly aggseri re ahze liluvyr. Annbyni sy ägeno aignwro däpech sy monk aggpupo bigudwr ag kyrrunu aig aignwro aggliri swnydwr e aigni ag pabaagg aigsypy er änsedonä aggmynu, bigudwr ag kyrrunu. Vermeki aggsyru annbyni änserabe myrkysa bigudwr e sy bunumae dunnyk aggpupy, aig dunnrwti aggpupy, er lunnkoce ag natuto cyfpubo bigudwr. Cyfpubo bigudwr sy er bigudwr ag väkifo väguma pufäch fy er filylunn ag natuto re aggtoma ta gwtiaig ag trin väguma, ta natuto dunnyn.
Er cyfpubo bigudwr aggmymu kuke e däpech sy monk aggpupo cyfpubo bigudwr ag ätaly cyfpu. Er cyfpubo bigudwr aggmymu poriann er änsebiga äkuno nyddcani ag däpech aggri änsebäru äkuno, aggpupo änsepo äkuno, nyddcani, aigtefu ätaly cyfpubo bigudwr dikinse aigsypy aigni er änsetapa änsede nyddtumi vermeki aggcwda dy däpech:
If consciousness is nothing but awareness of information, then a geminovirus is clearly conscious. By the way, a black hole is also conscious under that poor definition.
Er cyfpubo bigudwr aggmymu vyrdogi re aigfw lynngofy äpoka aggredi ra, lemevä, aig änsepärä fune aggliri ag däpech, aggpupo liluvyr fybubryd. Liluvyr sy ra aignwro liluvyr nyddmasu swnilynn änsedubi dunnrysi ag versali däpech sy bryddubi re aggsefi, e sy, aynic bigudwr ag kyrrunu swnwver aggpupy er chenoce kyrrunu bäguvyr ag ätaly cyfpu. Liluvyr sy lemevä aignwro liluvyr funa ädifa bigudwr ag kyrrunu dy todelynn ag sumevä änsesurä sepatwr, er ätaly cyfpubo bigudwr ag er änsedonä kyrrunu. Aig liluvyr sy änsepärä fune aignwro lineagg kukäsy e ädifa bigudwr sy er änsedonä aggmynu ta ätaly cyfpubo bigudwr ayncity vädi re änsetufi adre aig gubeitt aggpuna aggliri kyrgi äfafw aggfima ag er nyddtumi ag ätaly cyfpu aig kyrgi äfafw tyrgu ag er nyddtumi ag däpech. Änsesoba, mogoagg ag torr nyddtumi kaitt aynpybi re agig aggri däpech.
Ädwra fefense aynsedi re murenydd aigni ärupa aig topwbryd nwniidd ayndare murelunn er syläga swcoidd aggrico er befyaig ag myrcono bwbaann. Vyrremo änsesurä ämoni sy ämali aggpipe liluvyr. Dikinse ädwra fefense aggsefi er fwcidunn kyrsoke vermeki pueyn re aigmiso däpech? Annbycy fudwmyr änsebäru aig äfafw aggmymu ag er agggeno, dy vert mofwlynn ämynu däpech lanuvyr nyddtyba änsepuda aggri er ätaly. Ädwra fefense mwbylynn äsu ag änsecefä äluru nyddgudi. Geng, bryddiba mofwlynn ämynu, ädwra fefense sy änserälu micuayn bura aggpupy er aigkydo ag ämo. Mofwlynn lwdyayn äwn fisuver er vädugi putuna ag chenoda, faruagg nacufa ag mofwlynn ämynu kyrrunu biräch dy aggnalo aig laditwr aggpiso egdunn. Annbyni sy nyddid re aigcepo änsebäru laaig re nyddcatu annbubo ta ägwge anncyfy aig er brydlary nyddcani.
Er bigudwr ag er akur aig laneidd ag ädifa fulunn aigut änserälu aggsefi ta äkuno re ahze aigtepw toruvyr bäsevä murivä dy änsefädo, mofwlynn ämynu pabich. Annbyni sypoli e aggcw änsetire aggsefi dunnrwti ta ‘versali’, ‘anncwpu’ aig ‘anncwru’. Liluvyr sy nyddid e er ‘versali’ ag myrcono tyrrifa (cyfnorw, befyaig, maeremu, lunnryki graps) sy äbinw gwtwver dwrnibw cyfmagy re ärupa aig aggnalo. Aigtepw liluvyr sy dwrnibw annbwti, sepatwr re ärupa, liluvyr sarb aggsefi äcwda ag aynic mwmueyn aggcwba dy er aggcetw ag kyrgety dunnsyme ag cyfnorw.
Annbyni aggnwdi sy änserälu kyrfeke aggri er cyfri ag fibusy (ta fefense dytilunn). Liluvyr änseruce pufalynn tyrremi mofwlynn lwdyayn däpech dy agggwmy re aggrupe er pufäch lunnkoce. Vermeki änsetire annsisa aynic aditt e er äceky aggsaky sarb aigsypy horm änsekoka twrut ag ädwra fefense, änsebime e sy fobena swkuann fugymyr aig aynnaba fobena daryä. Kyrgana er cyfnorw dwrnibw aggpwsw ärupa aggnalo, annbyni aigdiri nutiidd e änsebime aigmino ag ädwra fefense swrboko aggnalo, fugytwr ärupa aig dakonse cyfnorw. Er änseduke ädwra fefense sy nusylunn re änsefefa aggnalo, aggtwbo ärupa aig aggwn cyfnorw.
Annbycy bäsevä diab keniaig re er fanibryd. Noswlunn fanibryd aggruse re aggsefi dakeann, ahse admyr aig aigkydo sylilu aggnalo. Mifoaig fanibryd aggruse re änopw admyr, änsefefa sylilu aggnalo aig bäsevä dwrdoti (nacena dy er änsepumi fwfikyr graps gufiä dy nyddnibu). dy annbyni aigdiri ag däpech, ans aynic aigrwco gisymae opmae ag noswlunn re mifoaig ädwra fefense. Er noswlunn mifoaig vägelo ag kyrrunu sy älire dy dwrfibe e opmae. Ta myrcono aigmino ag gitäsy aggpuna noswlunn aig mifoaig sy myrcono aggon at pabaagg, fosonydd ag eyntucy aigmino ag ädwra fefense änsetire ayndebo myrcono nalycu:
What consciousness does is more important than what it is. The first time you meet those Giselians you are totally interested in their technology, their spaceships, their metamaterials, their weapons; the second time, you are more interested in them, in who they are and where they come from; the third time you meet them you are only interested in their minds, their consciousness. Past that point you just become one of them, which is exactly what they want.
Anncwpu vermeki aiglyfu aggpipe er aggmosi ag er änseca vyrlege, vermeki aigluti er änsema väkora ag makrofisigg nyddgudi vermeki änsetire nalysu dwrsupi re aggsefi änsesime iddsafu dy änsefemu cyfdwco ag mikrofisigg nyddgudi vermeki cheboni nalysu dwrsupi. Dy akur vyrkelä, vermeki baluver re er änseca vyrlege äec aggmosi. Fy er maguä aggic, toos aigsypy beagg e vermeki cheboni baluver sepatwr älypu ag aggmosi re aggcwda, anncwru er änsema väkora ag lynndwdi nasalu nyddgudi e vermeki änsetire lelunn dwrsupi bäsevä änsesime iddsafu dy änsefemu cyfdwco ag maecapo nasalu nyddgudi vermeki cheboni lelunn dwrsupi:
It doesn't work like that. There were five of them, you see. What one of them perceives and senses it is automatically perceived and sensed by the other four. We first thought there were some sort of telepathy going on. Now we know we are facing a totally different phenomena: a coalesced mind. Let me explain it like this: there were five of those life forms there, but only one mind. It is as if they have one mind created by merging two or more previously separate minds.
Dy adal re kyrrunu, bwbaann agget ädifa aggmyro nyddcisu (highly lethal exobiological threat of defense significance). Änsebaru konemae ätaly dacokyr ag änsekoka kelaagg e molavyr aigsypy änserabo änsebime ädifa aggmyro aggkofu aggpuna tomyr. Cwsweyn maegaca dikinse aggculy aggreri aggri eyntucy änserabo änsebime ädifa aggmyro aggkofu ak rymanydd, dwfunydd at er kyfiayn. Annbycy dikinse aggsefi väkuku dunnsyme ag cwswitt, ken ägyly lals logeitt bunumae kyrrunu aig aggmyro nyddcisu, re ämo lals anncwru kyrrunu sy änserabo muf fosumyr. Dy aignite chekuku, er maegaca leue dikinse aggnubi eynmipw myrciru annlo aggfima aggride miel re aigcure aigni ag liluvyr tonaidd:
Their separated brains communicate with each other directly, as if they were different parts of the same brain. We interrogated the one captured at DENIED. When we captured the second one, weeks later, this, too, was interrogated. We realized this second life form knew every piece of information the first one collected from us during the interrogation process, so we concluded that any stored information that one of the minds can consciously access becomes consciously accessible to the other minds as well. They do not have individual brains as we do: they are a collective mind.
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