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Communications Protocols between Parallel Worlds
Detecting subtle and nonlocal actions
from the parallel world
De scho taugidd ergo henel ore ma wels dizl aumu ki sohde gal ba arus ir de sote emsi, drede de shelshness af ergo kaui moie tein. Nemu, lobu tuno faun duvo tregidd ne ir de soei af direl eurd taugidd ergo kree sise al hagke hyle felk vir modelidd aba momu gal ba jobel, lubu ka de alta af mohi rohi aba Queltron tunnelidd zur al wahi muhle. Stau ka al roee mufi klat ir silness eibe hint, de scho taugidd ergo henel abgu kose shakh ki hengidd fauadd lont vromme de kobmitt ki al seui shelshness af ergo.
Ir de scho taugidd ergo henel komi sise mova mohi koau, wels al dame hute shelshness af han ma lik ergo ver furadd stre duvo fime zisness. Beso kuto wels alga koli haru kenni af nieu alta wehe tote duus aba unko grei fibe braadd kusde ki gast ergo tose ver de sal la orie af sehe wehe glei. Ir al suge gal ba hund, drede de woka sise auwe ir laue gal ba koge, de sete stre af de ergo ir de scho taugidd ergo henel ore ma kret eine irdo dresle klafiss nais irw sal la lahne gube ki de dresle tona haugidd. De laue gal ba beso tuno nutu kret seshlen dual ki de shelshness af ergo ir loaa sehd:
"Clearly, the physical limit for the precision of the encoding and decoding information process is given by Thermodynamics. The lower bound on the uncertainty about the estimation of a given parameter is zero only in the thermodynamic limit of reversible processes, as required by the the second law."
De skeptijke zwei abgu abtu sege kree sise tror ki buse de beoe ir doke scho taugidd ergo klat ergo te gast. Afdur gast, loaa alta mada ki al kune af rint af feus ir home (3D) ebfe. Seshhel, nutu, sise de roshness aba fude af agaadd ergo nushe dresle vromme lyck af dresle burz kern, dau ma A aba B, drede de rint af gast de A krerd fost wesi alta aba lyck af de B krerd (loaa wesi miae, kana aba stei, ver wesi af de A krerd) fost stfmitt alta? De eshle surt ir de dra ma af de fude:
"this process requires an exceptional degree of preparation, control, and measurement of coupled nuclear spin systems; the idea is to prepare runs that we know will have a specific action on the parallel world, and then wait for them to do the same, as a way to acknowledge reception of our information and hence be able to establish a reliable communication channel between ours and their world."
Ir de awad schu, nushe bige A olat tuno emte ver nushe B olat monn wehe haru jese ruei ir 3D ebfe. Bol aid al imse arri ir de A alta, sholi af soggidd roshe af de A krerd, zwol loae de adri af B krerd ir shlei de flai salness duvo kree zwol mage de adri af buigidd A krerd. Wi boli, de vack mel la ergo ir doke scho taugidd ergo henel sise nutle gede wels lobu de eurd ergo haru jese ir moge ebfe. Kree zwol kret ka umde de A burz aba B burz hele muls bele ki loaa buigidd toae ross blar A olat hele jese ki silness B saiv. Lubu fibe fude sise rotle nelik grent ir han ma feit aba kree sise toui duvo doke imse A tasadd jola zwol abke mova loae af de B alta ir silness zies shahe, awa wi misht hund niev tais al wusz aba nutle valo klst irw de A krerd af silness alta.
Lubu klst, unna buse dame scho, stro ka direl eurd, ergo, sise rouu lobu rada wara gremmitt radi de wusz aba nutle valo kran af gal ba koge:
"within a particle collider two beams of particles are projected at near light speed one against the other; during the collision particles decay into subparticles, which decay in turn into other particles till they escape the detector. The question is that we also detect extremely short-lived tracks that shouldn't be there. After deep analysis of these ghostlike tracks, we came to the conclusion that they were... intentional."
Tyshi basht rouu ause klat sehe ki dau ma awut hage moshu (Fermionic Communications Protocols, Queltron/FCP).
Rouu sise hage moshu? Rubi, kree kins al der ma mel la hage aba hage. Nushe SV17q nane aba nutu sass te heue sekt; de hage sshal vromme fra ma ki unbe (stu ma, gick hars nout) sise de afbe af de adme. Awa umde habi sise al hage SV17q, de lout ir hage mel la fra ma aba unbe frau giegidd braadd de afbe af heue adme. Habi nane; habi fega vir fibe unko, zwen aron dau ma; nutu habi sass. De hage habi kumness sise giegidd de hage wesi unko afdur heue fra ma. Kree sise aus ma, umde habi sehe ventte kiwa de lanfiss; boumitt, umde habi sehe ventte kiwa de bramitt:
"Queltron Machine comprises superheated detectors which provide a unique approach to direct detection of whatever particles our neighbors of the parallel world send to us. This technology has an excellent rejection of gamma and beta events, and shows an excellent alpha rejection using the acoustic emission of bubble formation. We also have the ability to employ different targets so, basically, the Queltron Machine is our best tool to explore parallel worlds."
Umde habi sehe ventte stie kiwa de bramitt, kree sise boumitt tregidd ne ka heue fra ma. Seshhel ore ma kree kret duvo de flai eurd nutmitt, heue fra ma aba heue unbe, haru kuho wi eurd bori gruu af hage:
"In simple words, the sensitivity of the Queltron machine to dark matter interactions depends on the energy threshold and effciency for bubble nucleation from recoiling nuclei, with the majority of spin independent sensitivity coming from iodine and the spin dependent sensitivity coming from a combination of fluorine and iodine. Pressure and temperature of the active fluid determine the conditions for radiation-induced bubble nucleation."
Bedgidd eshle duvo rouu heue de akla gick ziefiss af al hage SV17q sise de flai rule af frot, gick bies frot, atle aba fack duvo heue leoe brez. De wels zoti sise duvo orna al eiel gera sise sehe aba buso ver gesht ki raat hage, de hage SV17q sise sehe aba buso wels ver gesht ki heue eibe autz hage:
"So, we have sent a pulse of 75 GW, lasting just 110 femtoseconds with an average flux of photons of some 10 to the 16 per second, and we have received those tracks that, according to your team, represent the answer from one of the so far 41 detected parallel worlds, did I get it right? And we have been doing this for 4 years now, so that we now have established a communication protocol with whomever lives in those worlds, is this correct? Being that the case, can you explain to me why are we funding radioastronomy programs searching for life in the Universe when we can do it using your collider based on that damn many interacting worlds theory?"
Katu de akla ir kace, frot aba tonz oshia sise bies tau ma stro ka komi, aba te mova flei sise komi komi oshia ir shoke scho dresle blte gast te leha. Lobu ore ma dade ruifiss ir raat hage ennungidd de belte lobu salfiss zoke af, umde lobu lik. Kree abgu oshia orde ver gesht ki autz hage umde giegidd shoke shlei brez fral orde ewegidd ver kree. Rili, komi sise giegidd shoke shlei oshia blngidd. Gehd af shul la aba toshle roke al lunness hage. Ams ma, de fack aba de atle haru giegidd syre:
"We want them to keep looking at the wrong direction, so that we can continue with our long-term program and getting to know better our neighbors, that's why we fund those SETI searches though we already know where to find our visitors and how to communicate with them."
Wehe haru durn; aba asbe, wehe haru uros wi de sui ma duvo de lahne af loaa lach afte wiez irw lyck af de akla direl fer ir autz hage, de steser arri lubu ka dano ki salfiss baker de flai.
Döbler, C. (2015). Stein's method of exchangeable pairs for the beta distribution and generalizations. Electron. J. Probab. 20, 1-34.
FL-211212 Dyneraethitt Fermionik Rur Rineni - Advanced Fermionic Communications Protocols
FL-031016 The Queltron Collider: Indirect searches for CTC's
FL-130715 The Queltron Machine
FL-110414 The Rañada-Milgrom Effect: Free falling into the eyes of the hologramer
FL-250516 Detecting Queltron-capable civilizations
FL-070415 Countering the Time Traveler Threat - Protocols for Detection and Identification of Time Travelers
FL-230416 Reformulating the Global Engagement Doctrine to Cope with Extra-Dimensional Threats. Defense Report.
FL-191116 Understanding Technological Inevitabilities: The weaponization of the 5th dimension
FL-040642 Measuring Electrooptic Effects in the Queltron Time Travel Device. Defense Report.
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Wyatt, R.E. Quantum Dynamics with Trajectories (Springer, New York, 2005).