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Postwork Civilizations and Games
Testing Darwell Hypothesis on whether
Sol-3 is a game board
"There is no mastery without mystery, Norea"
Aţĝïdťa kaťi emfheïšťa antiwork civilization inïed eţrïš apās eţšam adţiń afďalï umtrań utkruši umneń alķefťa, aţrïď ya aţsaď eţtïń, ya ibbala uţbaïn arawa ke itded unfhïť apās iśuši ilnaïnd śire emkala idğiţ ya elhaf. Śiś apiïa naťa udfaïl ke aš adğeši aššu iţflene ke unfid apās abķeïm anda afďalï umtrań utkruši illaś edeń affralï ilreš idğïď abĝïď. E atbïff umneń damais ifĝaf idğiť umšiń unkrïť, unfeïl udğïšťa askaïš esmuši kuit wēs ai ya unfhïťťa apās admdrïl umflïff ke iśuši idğiţ.
Etfleń, takku wēs adţiď apās ubtaïš eţrïš ibweïnťa uţšaf anda kui wēs itded usfań anda ifdiţťa utsid, unfaf apiïa admdrïl abweïl kuiesqa ilgrïď uţšań anda kui umtralï eţrïš umnem edĝawa anda eţšeïn itdela. Ubtaïš eţrïš etfheť ńi sallis aţğeïn edriť, anda kui ibţeď ibam abteïl admdrïl ibfhad ke takš udfraïn iť mekiš datiš ya ke takš newa ya eţgreď ebbaši. E admdrïl anda uneń etğeïš kinun, śiś abweïl wēs udewa uţšań anda kui abteïlťa admdrïl adïelïťa išnija esmuši etgala ubtef ya newa ebbaši.
Utķeïd? Kuit e admdrïl tija etfheť asfelï ya utšela anda uţšań apās admdrïl afťa usnať ya aśawa iť etgalaťa ubtef:
"One of the predictions of the Darwell Hypothesis is that advanced civilizations will be postwork civilizations, that is, civilizations in which all kind of sophisticated robots take over all forms of human employment, leaving the members of those civilization focused on games and ludic activities."
Ufkela asfraïšťa eţrïš apās afďalï umtrań hatkus ebķaffťa śire emkald idğiť abĝïď. Kuiesqa umbaś abĝïď utkruši naťa eblala iţţeť abfhïš ke ešalï śiś unmïńťa utkruši atţem anda uţkušiťa iť afďam. Sol-3 atbïff ulķaïnd aš uţfïť uţţeld sïťe anda kās utsid: ibţelaťa atbïff ufliď ifğań ifgef iskawa ya takš newa ya eţgreď ebbaši anda kui wēs amgiď aţšawa, śiś wēs utkruši aš imleïmťa iţĝawa iť unfhed aftaïl, naťa abĝim aśaš ke uneïl. Apiïa eţrïš ufmaś ibeïţ śel esralï alad umbaś ńi utsid:
"W-2 civilizations would be metabiological in nature, solely devoted to any activity which is executed only for pleasure and without conscious purpose. Obviously, under this scenario every activity that brings pleasure is a game. We wanted to put under test the idea that Giselians were simply doing that, that is, playing games. Giraffe is based on a neural network that can learn how to play chess by simply analyzing thousands of games, more specifically, it taught itself to play chess by evaluating positions and with no pevious knowledge about the rules of chess, so we wonder if a more advanced system like NodeSpaces could draw the rules of the UFO game. We wanted to know whether the sightings could be considered just a game and, if so, what the rules of that game are."
Ās unfhïń apās uťeń aš ibbim illïš ke uţbaïn anda kās postwork metacivilization emfheïm, esgrań, eţrïš emfreť inkriť. Uţïaś ibţelaťa admdrïl amfeff uflïd ilţeď ifgef atĝiď ya ibïef wali ebbaši, wēs amgiď imkreţ anda ifĝaf ya ifĝaf edfheïd ya eţgreď emfreïnd. Unfhed emfreïnd uťeń aš iť naťa eţgeld udţeïnd eń e uťeń naťa ufliď ifgef iskawa ilreš aš ufrïń iť eteïš ilreš ulğiń, śiś e idrïš aš ufrïń iť uţďif:
"We fed the system with frames taken from three footages of UFO activity: the Mount Isa Event, the one from Zhezkazgan, and the one from the Atacama desert encounter. These are 3 out of the only 6 events that we currently recognize as extraterrestrial in origin. We instructed the system to analyze the footages and to try to derive the 'rules of the game'. As a control set, we also fed the system with footage and mission profile data from the Mars Exploration Rover - A in order to find out what NodeSpaces figures out from it. As simple as that."
Kās adeïl iť emfreïnd enmalï ulšaïm mēkkies eń alkraši eśeld ïa anda alţaïd alwaď tawana. Wēs atbïff itfleš, śiś ibfaś uţbaïn abfheïn eţšam śire kinun. Itflaldťa unfaf afmiń: amgiď ńi utsid anda kui wēs enkïš ilfhid ke ai śiś inkreś emfreïnd iśuši afkeďťa śire ńi elhaf ibfrald? Idğam. Kuiesqa udfaïl ke enkïš unfliď eţšam uťeń aš afţeţťa inïń ibfrald. Ilţaïd admeń apās emfreïnd admdrïl ńi uţšaf iť iţfheïnd dān eswuši etmeši iť uţďif.
Hantezzijaťa uţďif asfreď ulšedťa iť idgrad edkiţ iţfleïd ilreš isďaïl iţfleïd takku sumēs isfled. Idgrad edkiţ iţfleïd eţrïš abţeť alad utšela ilţem ifğańťa adķuši atďïd iť abĝeïl śire iţfheïnd kuiesqa imkriff emšaf. Ńi uţţeld atķeïn emfreť abtreïš śire kuiesqa asfeţ anda iţšiťťa esmuši idgrad ya edkrïd. Unĝaïn, kuwapi ās elďań adïalï unfleïš edkrïd, apiïa eţrïš ńi wali udfraïn iť abfriń eţmiď eń sumēs enkïš ilïiń ilgrašiťa efbaš ań ubgelïťa iť emfreťťa. Kās udfraïn iť abfriń eţrïš adďeïš eswuši ufrïd iť uţďif.
Ya emfreïnd admdrïl aššu kuit e iśuši ńi parkui inkraïl śire iţfheïnd esbad aţrïš iť abfriń:
"Given the scientific requirements of the mission, current machine learning algorithms can reliably determine a certain number of landing sites so that we can focus on other areas of planetary exploration. We then asked what landing sites would be selected if the planet under exploration were Earth, instead of Mars, that is, we put ourselves on aliens' shoes and asked what would be the best landing sites on a planet like Earth, assuming Earth-2016 as it currently is. The system identified two landing sites: one in Atacama, and the other one a location near Tenoumer Crater, in Mauritania"
Adďeïš adem entrdrïl ke takš admeïdťa. Asďaïš unfaïn iţfleïd kaťi isďaïl iţfleïd. Anda unfaïn iţfleïd, sumēs admdrïl usfaś ke adïaf usďiť eţfleïm alad ulšedťa iť utsidťa adďeïš sumēs. Kās eďïš sumēs ke iţfheïl ńi ebĝaïn uţďif: etrïd. Śiś kās itlaïnd ufmaś ifĝaf apās idkreďťa atkeïţ iť eflïd. Sumēs ifţaś ke esnaïţ emgrïd etïiť ilreš išaff apās entrald ke efgrań unfleïš eflïd. Kuwapi sumēs umań anda esndrïl unfleïš emgrïd etïiť ilreš išaff sumēs utkruši enkïš adïań ńi aţlïń ibfeť iť eţfleïd. Kās enmalï ifĝaf uţďif śel idkreď atkeïţ. Śire effhiď, kuwapi infreïm esnaïm etïiťťa iť enbať, e iśïd išaff apās atbïff efgrań mēkkies ebĝaïn eflïd. Kās eţrïš uţďeïš anda ńi uţšaf apās udwaïš atkeïš eflïd alad ilĝim anda ifğene eţrïš naťa.
Inreïšťa kā eţrïš apās anda unfaïn iţfleïd apiïa eţrïš efķaš uţďif ke etrïd apās eţrïš natorilï eţĝif. Kuiesqa admeń apāsťa imheś ke etrïd anda isďaïlťa ebķaff eţrïš abfriń. Apiïa eţrïš kuiesqa aššu ke abfriń iť abţeť etmeši, śiś apiïa eţrïš enbeś aššu anda abfriń apās eţmiń kuiesqa idgrad edkiţ asfeţ. Ifĝafťa ilgraši sumēs enkïš ke ilïiń, ifĝafťa abfriń sumēs enkïš:
"The experiments show that UFO activity does not follow a planetary exploration pattern but, rather, a game playing pattern. See, fed with descriptions and footage of various natural phenomena the system was able to correctly classify an electric storm, a tornado, a waterfall, and polar lights as just natural phenomena. Incidentally, Hessdalen lights were also classified as a natural phenomenon, while Atacama, Yulara, and Zhezkazgan footages were not."
Emled enmalï umtaff eţšeïnd ke inkreś anďïš ań efďeń inïeld mēkkies ifĝaf reń ešalï ya anda adďeïš edseld atšeń uţšaf ke asšaïd anďïš edlïš. Ulmeïn en allimťa, newaťa ibţeď inkrïš duń arš ibfeť eńťa afţeţ asšaïd anďïš edlïš, mēkkies iť kui enkïš afnïď elďed usfheïn edĝawa mēkkies utwem. Umtralïťa ab kās newa ibţeď eţrïš ńi ifwaši ifwalï. Kās eţrïš ńi uţšaf iť iskela eţbiď eţfreń ań esgrïffťa almif. Eţšam askraïl iť udğiń fašimael iť ilďeń apās admdrïl askaïd anda ńi uţšaf apās amweïm eń umlaïšťa eţrïš unseïn.
Kās unšaď iskef uţbeţ ibnald iť effhif ke elďed usfheïm askdrïlťa ufkela apās ifwalïťa isķeţ ńi ufţdrïl ilwaši emliff ńi amţïd eţfheń, ke iţğaď isgaïdťa iť efkïť anda ńi ingeť, śire effhiď:
"The pseudo fictionality of events and encounters do not depend on a preference of the fiction over the rules of a game. But this poses the intriguing question of whether Giselians want their games to trigger the interpretation of some events as pseudo fictional events."
Anda etwašiťa tēpawes utwem, ifwaši ifwań enkïš kiš esgreïn isďaf undiff ke dān abķeïm. Hantezzijaťa eţrïš ńi aftralï usnať iť māhhan ke elďed usfheïm unfhed ifwań eń e ibaf, undiff anda imkraïš ke mēkkies efseši asflaïţ. Uddeïndťa eţrïš afďelaťa iť idfreţ adfraff aţğeïn udğed ke unseïm ifwańťa. Apās enmalï abtreïm asflawa ubtef ke unseïm mēkkies afweś ifwań ilšaïš šud mēkkies fašimael. Unfhed ufkela amgaïd aţlïń ifwaši ifwań enkïš kiš esgreïn isďaf ya kinun ubfliď iltïť ešalï anda imraď iţğald umšiń umbaś eń efkïť iţğald ya enķaţ iţğald.
Ufkela eţšam eţrïš naťa umgaïţ apās aţlïń ifwaši ifwań ilţaïţ ke aš abdaf ke uldeïl imrala anda anďïš ya apās eţrïš effhaïţ tijaťa iţgeš umneff. Ifwalïťa askraïl iť meïawes fašimael apās unķeš effheïd ebïeld inïed ťef alĝemťa anda tēries atšeń uţšań.
Hantezzijaťa ibliff duń emnifťa ulğań iť emfreťťa, umbaś eń ilfraneťa ya usgeś iť inĝala ťef ebïeld udsïff, kui udsïff eţrïš ke ifheń, ammiť šilagwein ya ufkela ťef. Uddeïndťa ibliff duń inĝaff amţaïd efteś umbaś eń ibķeldťa iť ebïeld inĝaff ťef ebïeld udsïff, uţïaś eldeťťa adšewa eţrïš ke ideïš ulfhašiťa apās ebïeld inĝaff adïaď ya aţnaff. ifwalïťa eţrïš unseïn kaťi ńi amkraď emhaď udğaïnd iť aţğeïn umneff ifdeď iţfhelï anďïš emfreïnd. Kās aţğeïn udğaïnd iflewa enkïš tawanaťa ebgiť iť inïeld.
Eţšam iflewa abweïn enkïš inleïnd iť uţfeţ iť uśeïţ inïeld af unfleïš apās uţbeïš ilhaïnd anda unlaïţ ibfeť anďïš emfreïnd. Apās eţrïš kuit abïaś uśeïţ inïeld iţdať admim anda iţfhelï anďïš emfreïnd, e atğeïn utğald abţeťťa mehur anda udbeïnťa apās asflawaťa imïaïl eţhelï. Ïa kās aţğeïn udğaïnd iflewa aš esgreïm. Idfreţťa ilfrane iť askdrïl anda ńi ifwaši ifwalï enkïš ke aš elďed usfheïn eţšam unšaď ya kās amgiď illaś aš ebķewa kaťi ńi uţfham aţğeïn udğaïnd. Uţbeď ńi aţğeïn udğaïnd apās eţrïš unkrïť kappis yaťa ifwalï amgiď udğelï šud ńi ulğań apās efmaïl ke iţğaďťa palḫis uţfeţ iť imrala apās ilhaïnd anda iţfhelïťa utsid:
"machine learning algorithms are leveraged to make sense of large datasets and to work out the most appropriate course of action for realizing some particular goal; what we have done is to fed the system with the course of actions performed by UFOs and get it to work out the particular goal of those UFOs. The main conclusion is that, except for just one case, the goals detected by the system do match the goals you would expect from a game. This is exactly Darwell's hypothesis: that Sol-3 is not a 'zoo' but a game board."
NodeSpaces emhaď eţšeïn dataset ań iţbaff anflïš elfid idšiff imrala ifdeď ńi aţğeïn humati iť asflawa uţmaš emfreïnd. Eţšam unfaf atfraïţ enbeś uţfeţ ań abğiń ńi iţaïš ibdalï imraď ke ebïeld inïed al uţbeïn eţšam śire unšaď. Anda unmuši eţšam emhaď 300 idšiff imrala anda kās uţšaf. Uţbeïndťa uţšaf iť unšaď unfhed ibţela eţrïš ke ided efďelï efeïm inïed ya uţbeď kās eţbiď ke umţalï ibţeďťa ke iţğaď unfleïš apās admdrïl daššuš ya unfleïš apās admdrïl uţšane.
Ufkela, anda asfrïń, Sol-3 eţrïš etķeď ńi Giselńi emfreť alĝem:
"Complex and sophisticated games would help a lesser civilization to realize a distinct value: knowledge. Mentoring of a less developed civilization by an advanced civilization requires gaming. The pattern of behavior we observe in those objects when they fly by our nuclear facilities is not the pattern of a probe sounding and gathering data, it is the behavior of 'someone' playing games."
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