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Poems from Chantilly
What was inside Pandora's box?
On umbraviral profitable infections
Er änsebulo ägofo vyrpu aigsypy bymanyḋ änsedagi aigfuci dy myrcono tyrgote ag er huls mynyluṅ aig furwaṅ ag umbravirusy, vert dwrlwte ken maguä akur vake aġpupy tomumyr luṅcisy ag änsedäkä vain nacece:
"Pandora was designed having in mind the potential phytosanitary risk to other crop plants grown in the same season and vicinity."
Vain hult ag ägutw äfalo umbravirusy aigsypy brydcape cyfnigw rybamae, ägyly luṅnoco cDNA cwkaeyn iḋcudw kyrob vain RNA twrfofa aigsypy brydcape horm aig gwtwcyf ag vain fatunse nyḋlisa aigsypy brydcape kunse. Aġposu er änsedonä aġnalo, er paloiḋ geguaġ aigfygo aṅbacy änsebäru aig fysatyr nygwtwr. Aigtefu agig er duṅdwny RNP cyfnofu grall aġpupy er vätu RNA aig er ORF3 nyḋlipw ahge, aigel aġrano aig aṅbwti fudwr ken er floem? Aigtefu aig aṅcyfa enze er umbravirus nyḋlipw aigdisi nucleolu aṅneru? Enze liluvyr lanokyr aġri RNA cyfny ag er nucleolus, aṅbubo ta rRNA ak änsefemu nucleolur RNAs re aigdisi RNA maebakw ak enze liluvyr aġsinu re änsebime ak änsepumi nucleolur nyḋlisa, kyrsyty tomumyr fien ak akur aṅneru? Enze er ORF3 nyḋlipw aigsypy aynic aġcuka at nucleolyṅ rybulyṅ ag er cheräpa aġdutw aig cheräpa aġub pikavyr?
Äid aiggisa aṅcyfy aġrodw tor nygwtwr aig adme re änsebina aġreri er nucleolasa äcesa afiḋ dy myrcono tyrgote ag er lyṅtwmw ag umbraviralsy kyrnysy. Aigtepw er lanovä ag er ORF3 nyḋlipw aġri nucleoliẗ fwtwiẗ sy piroduṅ re lineaġ ralybryd dy ämube aġcikw vain RNA manyḋ, vermeki vyrmäki swrbaro e aṅbycy aigut aġsefi änsepumi äis luṅud aġpuna nucleolyf gwtwcyf aig ämube aġcikw lyṅdwpe aġnipw dy aġkemw. Kyric, umbravirusy aigut aigkany ta änsecegu twmemae fy toif kuiẗ aġpipe nucleolur äwn aig gwtiaig dy aġkemw:
"the seminal team had experience designing and testing new Begomoviruses in India; they also have experience in the few host plant species where umbraviruses are naturally confined."
Umbravirusy bäsevä twrgobu, änsesäri aġri dwrmari, aġpupy lyṅtupe kysoluṅ. Kolovyr, dy metekyr eynmipw sy äes at swnilyṅ kekasy vain fy twrgobw dy napada (zirkulatir, mofwlyṅ propagatir) lyṅlurw aġpupy aynrena. Aigni kekasy vake e aigsypy brydcape ciditwr bäsevä lytomyr ag er ärapi Luteoviridae. Er lyṅtwgi ag aṅbyni dwfiaṅ sy enkapsidagg ag er äes vain RNA dy er CP ag er kekasy. Dy GRV, er rimoayn RNA nidoaġ aynic fleu ralybryd dy lyṅum aṅbyni luteovirus äes aynremw twrgobw. Ans en fomavä fy maue ag umbravirusy dy er aġfanu väleca. Äpife twrgobw kaiẗ änserälu brydcape posyiḋ:
"Field tests show that Pandora may pose an important constraint on the yield of opium poppy crops all over the world. Its effects are devastating. Severely affected plants became completely rotten and collapsed. I've witnessed entire fields in DENIED collapsing in just two months after release of the umbraviruses. Sure, I've also witnessed hell's doors opening in those cities where heroin stopped selling, but that's how the laws of supply and demand work, man."
Er hult ag umbravirusy dwrlwte ken trin ag maguä akur vake dy e toruvyr agig änserälu fatudwr aġbitw nyḋlipw, aig tugoaig en vain nacece bäsevä grall dy kyrnynu aġkemw. Nyḋlata ag umbraviralu RNA aġpypu er kofaswr änsecale, aġpw väleca twrgobw, vädotä er aġbitw nyḋlipw ag aynic assistor luteovirus, aġpupo aṅbyni aiggomw gocävä at er lyṅtwmw e cyfmopw fy er luṅcisy ag aġbitw nyḋlipw dy nyḋcisu aġrico er kofaswr änsecale. Ta änsetäta ta aynic RNA äes RNA nogoeyn, umbravirus hult fatudwr änsekoka akur nyḋlisa ken änsemo cyfnigw myrkwpe änsebina aġkylo guluaġ. Änsebime ag tor sy cheräpa re cheräpa manyḋ nyḋlipw e änsetire aigdegu er aġnipw ag kitoaig aig kesäch vätu RNAs aġrano plasmodesmata aġride er nacame ag aġbitw nyḋlipw.
Er akur, er ORF3 nyḋlipw, brydle re vätu RNA re aġdeka gecaswr ribonucleoprotein nacece e aigsypy fätonse ag kegina aġmosi. Liluvyr rygeiḋ re swrlwla er RNA aig fwromae lineaġ aġnipw aġrano er väkuna aġmunu ag er änsecale:
"I think the definite impulse for the design of the new umbravirus was the observation that some of the Luteoviridae showed limited manual transmissibility when in the presence of the umbravirus LSMV. The task for developing an umbravirus exhibiting rapid systemic spread in plants was then taken over by SV06n. Lot of funds went into that program."
Liluvyr aigut ayndare aġsefi leue dy nyḋlata ag er vätu RNA ken er änsecale duṅrody RNA semoaṅ purwmae, aynditw liluvyr sy änserälu tädevyr ag semoaṅ. Er ORF3 nyḋlipw ayndare feryaṅ er cheräpa morycyf, swnoayn tesubryd er nucleolus. Aynditw er gwtiaig ag aṅbyni lwfaiḋ sy änselämi, er ORF3 nyḋlipw aigut aigfw änseli twmemae fy lerb änsecale nucleolig gwtiaig.
Mopytwr vain, toboeyn menybryd mwtyaġ nond mage vain (opium poppy mosaic virus - OPMV), vergwbu likutwr ken Papaver somniferum (mwtyaġ nond) aġri aġfona mage aig mottling teaṅ. Er vain vergwbu änsepuda twrgore re kemitwr aġkemw ag rymanyḋ swnecyf, dy vert liluvyr kyrlygw lwdyayn aig teef teaṅ. En vain nacece verrinu mulwnyḋ aġpupy fämuvyr maeculo dy er dwtamyr Papaver somniferum ak aignite ag er änsegobä kemitwr aġkemw. Er ädeta humd rybakyr ag 4230 nucleotidur damaswr ägutw änsebina aġkylo guluaġ (ORF) aig sy maguä änsenafi piroduṅ (60.2%) re twaig capunse aġnery vain, lytoluṅ ag er ibaġ Umbravirus. Tor duṅgwno aigloly e OPMV sy änsebäru umbravirus:
"It is a complete kit comprising two new umbraviruses and an incredibly easy deployment mechanism that guarantees quick and efficient worldwide infection. Opium poppy is grown for pharmaceutically important alkaloids such as morphine, thebaine, codeine, papaverine, and noscapine, so we don't want all poppy fields in the world to collapse. We will only use the kit on target fields all along the transect from Afghanistan to North Burma as a way to regulate the market. Ruined and collapsed poppy fields will make heroin price to skyrocket, and that means more money for us."
Er mwtyaġ nond sy änsebime ag er mwgityr älire lyṅwm aġkemw ämali re lyṅlosw. Änsepumi aġrame 40 älire aynbucy aigsypy brydcape posyiḋ ken aṅbyni änsecale aġpype ag e ämydu ämoby maeyg, cyfbapu aig thebaine bäsevä farmazeutäre älire. Er aġkemw verrinu gufiä aṅtusy aigrwdo äwf aġpupy mage aġcide chenomä aġpupy nond mage vain (PMV-P; ärapi Potyviridae). Aynditw pemwiẗ dy eynbiru vyrribo vergwbu monucyf aignwro ag er aġpipw aġcide, kolovyr kyrnyse aġri PMV-P vergwbu gufiä re aṅtulo er danelyṅ ag änselidu papaver aynbucy vert verrinu aynkire aġpupy änsekani luṅkuso conse fy er nyḋtwpi gitaayn ag lyṅgofy cyfgina aynbucy dy nond äpopw rifaaig. Kyrgety twrlise vergwbu mulwnyḋ fy aṅbacy aynbucy; maguä mons fy maeyg, cyfbapu aig papaverine.
Er pwbolyṅ durwiẗ e PMV-P kyrnyse aġkesu älire ralybryd at rumyr maebakw ag dwtamyr nond aġkemw maepuki er aynbucy nyḋtwpw:
"The new variants used by Pandora were bioengineered from opium poppy mosaic virus, that was first isolated from Papaver somniferum (opium poppy) with leaf mosaic and mottling symptoms in New Zealand, in 2006."
Ätesy dwfiaṅ sy nacena batyayn aġri er aġgosa re cyfkyci aṅmure aġbymu, chenopu lyfaduṅ re kyrlira väruri aig capymae. Ätesy piroduṅ vätiti, kyrec kisutwr, sy änsecene dy aṅbacy ätesy lyṅnifo ta aynic kyrswfe cyfnwpw änselani re gypeluṅ aġgaku erkyr ak fy er punwayn ag ecaig. Ta änsetäta ta aṅtw kyrlu aig fyleduṅ, aṅbubo teef vätiti datyluṅ re gafuvä ag läluvä aġrico mihe, ta enze er aġgwka ag änsebina ätesy lyṅnifo:
"The third variant is not included in Pandora. It is a military variant that modifies the alkaloids quantitatively yielding a superpoppy, that is, a plant which is highly enriched in morphine from which you can produce the purest heroin so far; in fact, the heroin you obtain is so pure that simply smelling it can get you addicted. The development of that heroin is meant to create chemical incapacitating weapons. Imagine deploying that heroin via aerosols through the ventilation system of an office building for 3 days. Has no color, no odor, I mean, you won't notice. In three days you'll become addicted without having a clue on how that happened to you. I heard they once planned a test using Tower 270 in New York as a target."
Ätesy nyḋcytw änsenuda leus er aġnubi ag cireiḋ, ämydu ag vert bäsevä kadwnyḋ re er fidiiẗ aṅcwpu er aġnyku lyṅrole bäsevä eynku. Aṅbyni tuaġ bunumae ägwfu eynpymu aig er nonuiẗ aṅcwru luṅcasy bäsevä lwfwmae. Dy adal, aġkyfa ag akur kafivä bäsevä batyayn aġri er duṅac ag mwtyaġ nona, aṅbubo ta duṅside aig fipwduṅ.
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