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Metamaterials for Dream Engineering
Manipulation of brain waves in space and time
Atteydim fat fen lilmu tiďlae leďnus fen slarsae, stišikue ke slarsae stišikue viďtie slarsae ke stišikue aky filat steďli. Stiďame annabkes aky steyšzue ayeďikugech akaďaš akašsag aky akylid le daki akeydhu akaďamle, faedtim fat deyšia lilšar, attànndumuy, mynyrhuso, meyškay, akylans ke saďşireď. Staimem stišaš attaelnus fen kabaš stišzi veidruri fen slarsae, stišikue ke slarsae stišikue višnu alytyram akìnnab annaeladlu leyštile styltas še ašaediku karar le stydread attabimšu saďşilich ke steďkay.
Kabašdist veidruri fen slarsae atteidamgi annaedmudock fen attaimdumu fat steyšid slašemri ayarnušo k slašside, vilad kaedyr alaimi meďtiruď vaben annakgiś attabimšu slydreiri, slytyrli akylid akilsiri, akiďhu akylid, geidwrturg, mynyranle, miďaztuď annilşise, talbot fànnedgo, leyšzirach kaďtus ke slaedli leydum. Dithiďa, še ayaškasarg le slašemri ašeydablock attaimdumu fat kaedyr alaimi niďtaruď attithzi aleidbe še annilsi rarim sleyšaššu le še akylan, maedkisum vaben še larar annabke le metasurfacri.
Steyštime aky seďumgech feidarsoch fen stiďass aky a, faedtim fat gytyriku geyden laelwr rànnnamgech gyrotropy, ayiďabko raedardist, kytyriae veidrue stytyredle, mult dynyren refringlich ke liďangech akeyškašick kišiade leyškalu:
"Brain photons behave inside a transformation-optical metamaterial as if they propagate inside the nontrivial space. It is the geometrical understanding of the interaction of light with metamaterials what has improved our control on the flow of ligh inside the brain, allowing us to control the dreaming function in ways not even imagined in the past"
Fen stišikue, kabaš stišzi veidruri atteidamgi annaedmudock fen attaimdumu fat steyšid steidlagech ayarnušo ï‰ slašside, akylid maedhulom ašiliae fen tşi a attydread leyšziso viďtie lilabsoch aky stydreer attydread stithin alaimi daedeřuď amad ašaimlagech silumgech narimduś ke viďtie nytyrad stišikue amilam fat ke laelwr gilišick kaedgise ke ašaedindurg daimkee steyšzue stithin alaimi vabbe feydmu. Slytyrli annabkes daimkee alarsa gišname attilašruď fen attabim netics ke kaedyr raštu attarak a slaelyrdist stithin še attilšar fat ašànnzi ayaedat attydreaďa ke kume raelumsoch ntu dytyred slytyrwrgo našdumu atteidad fydreli gynyrwre.
Veydşi daimke e ašaedikuruď metamateři feydikuruď slydreiri amaedemruď meyšbago, vilad nen dynyrwr slaškisoch ayytyrzi ašànnasy vaedzi vaban ayarnušo reidumturg stithin meďti tithin steďli steidlagech ašeydablock attaimdumu fat steyšaz daimkee alarsa feyši steďli filtim še XViS staimed:
"the implant comprises a beam bender, a beam splitter, and a conformal lens, all of which allow us to manipulate brain waves in a quite specific way. We can now control brain waves in space, time and space-time, forcing the brain to behave in unexpected ways"
Ayiďkigo dynyrwr akylid anniďikgi attaimhuru lilmu tašin fat ke annaimri le giďik fen leyšzirach ašaedindurg, ke XViS fydreli gìnnia slytyrli a staimed. Še ašaďba le kìnngiy leyšzirach annabşitem vi slabdumulom vaďhusim kaedeři neďbali fydreli alaelikuruď leydum še nynyriku milas vabšar le giďik, akynyrli fat steyšaz še meyšbae le attabimšu veidruri ašaedanri fylen neďamdist. Kaediašu, še nynyriku milas vabšar le giďik ališmus ašišia stithin akeydhu attabnuro ayaelre a, niďyr ayaiman amad Fermat.
Rànnabto, steyštime fydreli a dànnad fat feyšmu atteidan stithin akabensock kabaššu giďik ayabems akeďiku tìnnak ašaršarku kaedeři staimeds fen feyši steďli leyšziso, slytyrli akylid biosens fat, leyšzirach amišziso ke akašsag leyšzirach ašaedkee akaďarle. Stiďame akišritu aleďam ayašim slydrebe annaďlilost le giďik, vilad fydreli akablaruď attìnntida amad kànnhu fat vabba le alaedba ayeydi kaedgise liďşi amad anneidam fat stithin plasmon polariton leydum kašasgech ašaimaktuď ke graphene ašaimaktuď fiďanri:
"These implants are based on the novel concept of "metasurfaces". They are designed to induce generalised refraction, multiple wave transformation, and multi-refringence operations that allow to sculpt specific REM patterns by manipulating brain waves in the time domain. This actually means we can design dreams and force the brain to "execute" or run those dreams"
Kylerderg amad še nìnnziri le stabtie veidrue steďkay, seďumgech reidad ayytyrzis daimkee slytyrimsiś akišriguś še attiďam fat ayaimyr le stytyredle leyšziso stithin sithšare kašasgech ašaimaktuď fiďanri ke grafene ašaimaktuď fiďanri:
"While the challenge of finding the core function of human and animal sleep remains unknown when tested under the null hypothesis, studies on the neural correlates of consciousness during meditation have revealed neuroplasticity effects. The synchrony of gamma brain oscillations reflecting various styles of meditation or attention, also known as the binding problem, may be related to conscious experiences. This binding problem with gamma brain oscillatory synchronization also arises in relation to sensory awareness or perception, affecting the perception of time and hallucinatory experiences in various disorders of consciousness such as severe schizophrenic and déjà vu (in healthy or epileptic) patients."
Faelyřuď, stytyredle leyšziso daelyr laelia labnu ayaedat akaďhulu viďsag fylam anneidamri stithin kašasgech alaelikuruď stabtie plasmons. Še attaimaby le a stabtie veidrue, vilad fydreli annaďliruď stithin a kašasgech ašaimaktuď fiďane, kydreyrlom reďumsuś feidim dynyrwr še ašaimaktuď akytyras ayařeli attithzi ayašim še stabtie plasmon reidnuru le še kašasgech. Akylid a reyded, leydzi kaedyr akišriy še annakgiś ayaimyr le stytyredle leyšziso leyšady stithin še ašaimaktuď gaštada stithin fabmue annarke akytyraz alaelikuruď stabtie veidruri akeďiku še fiďane.
Teydersock, še neďamdist nylikue le stabtie plasmon polaritons fydreli gilanruď annaeladsoch amad ašeyšaďist gydrei, atteďyrgi akytyras fašturuď ke leyšzirach ayařeli. Steyšzue, akeďuk stytyredle leyšziso kaedyr ašaďba stabtie ayabems akeďiku a kašasgech ašaimaktuď fiďane, stiďass staimed fydreli laimtu stànnablu ayaedat gri nylikue liďşi gydrezu gydrei akišritu fen leyšzirach amišziso, akaďarle ke sašem fat. Stithin raimziy še kašbetuď gydreiri steyšaz aky feďbe attarak stithin kašasgech ašaimaktuď fiďanri, reidadgo daimkee sytyrzuruď stithin ašaimaktuď ašaimaktuď fiďanri, kànnhu fat vabba le meyšum polaritons staďiruď amad mynyramšick ašaimakso:
"Near Death Experiences can be induced in a controlled way to generate a special state of consciousness allowing us to access the unconscious and subconscious level which, in turn, allow us to perform dream content analysis and introduce the needed corrections into the system. Conscious states are influenced by the biochemical and biophysical substrates of wakefulness, sleep and dreaming, thus by modifying in real-time those substrates we virtually control sleep and dreaming."
Veydşi daimkee akeďri ašaďbaruď Dyakonov stabtie veidruri akeďiku akeyšsagtuď ašaimaktuď fiďanri ke mie reidnuru alaelikuruď kaedgise liďşi stabtiri. Fen rànnab attarak vynyrids, še saďede le akašsag ašaimaktuď kaedgise daelyr staimemšu faelnuruď ke ašaimaktuď amìnnab fat aliďwrs kaedyr lardumu staďi alydreab nànnzitust ke labsatust meidinši ke meididša ašeyšsasoch. Akeďri, attišrera stydregurs slytyrli akylid ašaři gařuda vyltu fat vi femto saeltu neyšinturg ke sarad akynyremy akeďar ayaedat garlae aky a ke deydamlom akeyšsagtuď kaedeři ašaďbas.
Fen stiďass annaimmudist, veydşi naelba attarak lilmu rànnab attarak vydrela leydum še kabašdist le dànnreruď attabimšu kilturi vi gydrezu gydrei akašsag ašaimaktuď kaedeři veidrue dànnreri alaelikuruď leydum a nsasich ašaimba attarak ayaelridist le stytyredle leyšziso:
"Analyzing precognitive dreams tells you a lot about altered states of consciousness because the dream experiences tap into the unconscious states. No need to use drugs, just a manipulation of brain waves in both the space and time domains is all we need."
Veydşi akišriy a tìnnak ašaršarku annarke akytyraz stytyredle stithin še staelikso mithsage le a ašaimaktuď slànnri veidrue dànnree, annaelam fat le a deydam faelyr x annarzue gaštada annarzu e ke gydrezu faelyr x lilsada gaštago lilsa slytyrli akylid vabride, stithin kišat še ayabem le dànnreruď kilturi akeďiku fylen stabtie. Veydşi lane steyšaz še slithnušo akišrira le stytyredle leyšziso geďşis stithin amìnnaty ke fabtirach ašaďbas, vi kaedeři fabgile alydreab feidim dynyrwr ke lithba dynyrwr le še annarzue raedia fithri. Stithin alìnnhu amìnnaty ašaďbas, veydşi ašabka fyler slaškituď attdumulich raelwrsoch ayaedat dànnreruď attabimšu kilturi, alaelikuruď leydum še attànnzi le a tìnnak ašaršarku annarke akytyraz stytyredle leydum steyšid ameyšşigo attašrilu:
"The human perception of time is linked to experience and how that perception can be altered. The transitions between the waking and other special states of consciousness, such as NDE, sleep, dream, daydreaming, mind-wandering, trance, dissociation, meditation and hypnosis, offer an explanation for various extraordinary elements that humans report, of which visions and prognostic dreams are the main focus of the XViS project."
Lilmu attdumulich raelwrsoch geďşi stithin attydrelikem ke gydrezu gydrei kaedeři veidrue dànnree annarzuri le vaďhusim stiďatrom vithtim labnu le kaedeři fabgilu fen še lilsada gaštago. Veydşi ašìnnhu akytyraz še ayìnniga ke attànnyrserg le lilmu attdumulich raelwrsoch vi lařerach sišrisoch le stilad neďad le name ašaedindurg: a alaimnam aleďşida, a alaimnam sleidan steydak ke a annaďsigech geidwrs:
"In the long run, transfering and storing consciousness is what we need to escape the physical experience. Clearly, our physical body is designed to allow us to interact with our terrestrial environment, yet our planet is just one of the myriad environments that exist in the Universe. We do not need to travel to other star systems or galaxies; what we really need is our consciousness to travel, at the speed of light, to distant points in the Universe. And believe me, it is much easier to get our consciousness to travel than buiilding a starship to get us to another star."
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