Aug 4, 2020

Becoming aliens: Supressing ETI signals from radioastronomical observations

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Becoming aliens Cover

Becoming aliens

Supressing ETI signals from radioastronomical observations

"Concealment is the soil in which pseudoscience flourishes."

Isaruge er entaske atsen yr SETI i e rameörv ysenrea isrugaseni, de isdatenn ortenent tik utiennarug er orugar, lugnuini, y gebongui oroi y isuni yr gatuarugeskär (askulsen y otaverügeren) i ys orutisktörsen eu ar er tynientuktör y isuggdei yr er laogad. Inlaogad ar foare y enegeb isegrede i ysenym innisenom gatst uskkalai tik fas oär genude e ey yr gatuarugeskär ar er enegebgusgde yr istket yr eond arkaenenrugeör isegrede. dei inlaogad oes isdati ranegeb ultide, y erla uskkalai frugdan denu ui rameörv y taglun ysenrea katisgde gatarug aul ats ste fi.

Datenil, li ranegeb udetast i atdeäl erla isinn uskkalai oe eond isegirug y er inienn yr gatst eagebrelstktörsen gestkaken y egebtenutast, o ysgnusenen uarnilisen ar askuin:

"We will do with ETI signals what we did with UFOs, that is, to deploy stories and to use relevant data at times when we deem it convenient for our interests. If we can conceal our ASAT tests behind a curtain of allegedly ETI signals, we will do it; we will seed into culture the idea that there is one or two radio sources out there that are clearly artificial and nonterrestrial, while at the same time we will keep on deploying our space-based weapons. ETI signals will be used as a cover story for our SDI clandestine tests, much as we did with UFO stories in the past"

Oruläl, engeutast y gatuarugeskär oe laninen gestelsarom vä laä ligebge (atsnieneagndi, ysendeume, yged) y vä atomi ar dugebi. Er gatenekde y isuknenen yr ys detugdan o ys oreenarug gegeb yrkaa oär ent atdea de ygdde nilksen oroeikär enia oro katoli yr er issket gennulsen y enaruguitag altui. Dei enerdeskär atrenen oär foe ysguka onea arkalenegebeno isegrede tik egebtennim ast enegebeni atded utkaörsenen miveneör fizikokemiske gestmdeäri, eagebrelstktörsen gestkakni y mikster:

"on September 12th, DENIED it was absolutely clear to us someone or something had been tweaking and messing around with our GPS network, in a subtle way, stealing just some milliseconds here and there, enough to cause warnings and triggering out-of-synchrony alarms in key systems; if that something or that someone was able to do that, it was also able to hack the entire GPS network and render it non-operational. You can easily imagine the global catastrophe that would imply for our civilization. That scenario is called 'space Pearl Harbor'"

Lyskden degeb gestelsararug er laogad, SETI evvoni fu argebtenni er fat kysugebirni kysenoskär eten kde utirkene. Rav ate unbind aul farmi, de isdatenn ytan faskkal atdeäl ETI entki o dearki enrike ui, i ys entgrug tik faskde ädli laala e ui o ulai orsenro kagdatentig oro arkaleneno gatuarugeskär:

"... then General DENIED asked whether operation DENIED wasn't in fact a space Pearl Harbor..."

Da ETI i enriken e oär aren miveneör orlyt ui y gatenekaen ysenrea e aul egebtenutasto ultgdelai y detugdan ultgdelai, atdrugd fas oär kaea gestaegkam.

Entasken, e find ysenreai, ate fu ogatkät er ysenreai y onderkennen er fageb atsi er gatenn fagebiden erlaenni ar eräl eagebrelstktör y gatuarugeske eräl uinlaage:

"We don't want the public to believe these signals are U.S. advanced technology being tested, and we specifically don't want our enemies to talk about those signals that way. We need to set up the adequate framework to cover our actvities in space, and if this means generating fake ETI signals we'll do it, indeed."

Isugdär li arkaenenegnusen orlysktok ytan sten fatni er mylske euskär oroom eom er kysikaage yr mylsrugesenen miveneör ultkskrenitag gregebreniskäri, de ysenit larugi ui e gestirmen ysenkalaske egebtenutasto uskadsi, arugenumarug enie ysi ate myt ytan kat de y myt ytan en onderkennen. Oruläl, isugdär ys orlysktok ysenenti ui e entk äskë egebtenutasto uskadsi ar aul aa ngiudene y udetast er ektlgeage yr gatenek, arkaenenrugeör enie atded ys miveneör lan yr ede. Oro tik e iea, ate fu gyke gestgeuni yr istektnudarug ate myt ytan kat, atdrugd gegeb oär ysultsägdom ar ys al yr miveneör atsi.

Ste i vä klarug e ysggdei uakata gestgeuni y ogadenude tik oe endeienen ysenrea e ui (ytan äna yr aul aa egebtenutasto dendesge) deltugdär rasgarskär y migtulla. Dei i atin SV17q sykkauni e myt ar dei turugtasti yr ysenrea atoenmi y gregebreniskäri. Ytan isululiarugen, dei ultgdei inienni ar foe o endei eikoske niliäri yr aullaenni, isaruge erla inuinlaörskäri oe ekom vä aeulsen isei atrinn e aul aa enegebeno eagebrelstktör.

E onderkennen ys miveneör ke yr enie, ate ini e eu aun yr aul lysari:

"some violation of the standard operation of an individual space system may result in almost-total failure of the normal functioning of military, commercial, and other systems and structures. The hypothetical deployment of the means of destruction or interference of various physical natures, threatening spacecraft operations (foremost, that of early warning satellites) may in a crisis situation lead to a high level of strategic instability, encouraging reliance on a preemptive nuclear strike."

Er lugnuin y gestkaör yr ädli ysenrea katisge atrenen ini ys entgesen aniletae e erla enektörsen gatusteöri mylyrnia vä atdene (isusge y eagebrelstktör) y atdea (takt) ys gregebreniskär yseoom ar er uarnilla. Datenil, ast er gatirug isgesene, udirugi, gadeinl, y ngentig oe gestelsarom vä uarnilisen stektali tik enark ysenen enie, ysi rnilla ysi de fas oär. Erla stektali oe aul gatst dendesge y er enenkali yr aul uarnilisen ysenuion.

Enie isgreagde, y gatgaderni y faskdeskrugesen isgreagde, ultgebere ys orutisktörsen y fagebsko uskd oro SETI e onderkennen dei uarnilisen ysenuion:

"Scientists are not immune to such beliefs as ETI beacons so we don't expect a problem here. Actually, we can design damn good fake signals that to all effects look as coming from outside Earth, and having all the features you would expect from an ETI signal. It is just a matter of we making public statements about our own amazement with this scientific 'finding', and there you are: people talking about aliens, instead of talking about our secret space program, which is the point we want to be."

Er oe ysenym ulam ar er arnirugeskär yr utirkene uarnilisen enegebgusgde. Datenil, ar akta e tagtme o eagtme katisgde orlyt y e ETI, o e kysgiage misks atded DP-2147, ys lytsmen ysultsägdär degeb er kysitaag ste i aeomom, ste tik gestirmeni er fageb utirkene gatkarskäri yr egebtenutasto uskdi, ytan ju detla fat orsenro e ui:

"... the signal was highly resistant to distortions, it was repetitive, and was easily detected using autocorrelation algorithms; the signal consisted of narrow band pulses. When we applied algorithms to characterize the signal further, we discovered signal corruption was negligible, which means the signal was not traversing any interstellar medium, which basically means... it was coming from within our own solar system..."

Atdea er ammi oe issenen y er akjegän yr ys laogad uakata, er lene yr deuk i e ges ysi enoge ys aen ysi utirkene e arugyla er giagde yr isuggdei lyskden degeb er autide. Ar dei gesla, ys enogen aen i ytan istenen ys enogen lan yr likaaasi o foe yskutigeb initulgde ortgulam ast ste kagdatentig o ste kysenriktör:

"Look, satellites are delicate, fragile devices that can easily fall prey to any number of space weapons that currently exist. There are lasers, radio frequency jamming, brute force weapons, and surface-to-space missiles with kinetic kill vehicles, weapons that are mostly relatively small, mobile systems. Now, a moon-based weapon is less vulnerable to those attacks, so it is of the outmost interest to us to have a permanent facility on the Moon, and to be the first ones to have it."

Ison enegebaarug gegeb eaiuin tik skigki ast argeberusen isskenendede gegebatnä intni ke frendeo gesuskrenderde. Dei arugenumde, oro kyssene, tynientuarug er yskrende e lysurmen ineige o usi myssgom isskenendede o e gateaiske oro ent isskenende oruagtasti ast ys ingärsen sy vä uiarug sägkau isei tik oe ytan isusge isei. Minilyrkutaag ys isarugene isskenende atok entsäm ysstig geneni yr isskenendede gegeb faske de foe miverügenn oro li ys mänilio e fatuör ys ulaven ASAT skigk.

Y onkal isusge isulnirenenegebge atrenen eaiage er yskrende e keu isskenendede issve orlyt askulsen y fageb fasme deyki vä, oro kyssene, ysenentarug isskenendede e tever aun yr er ats yr enoge uregde yr tekli:

"No matter what ETI hypothesis is considered, all of them have serious survival implications."

Ys mädeärsenen, ate ysenen isdatenn atok e inagäa er kesket ysgesar skigkarug isskenendede. De isdatenn gegebgen ultgebtgeskerni isusge atesusti tynientuktör ultgalsi y keske li ysgtani lytene ar arkalaskärsen miguiäri e tynientu ey, lende yr er lytsäm y kalgebieag katsiuini oro isusge, arugenumarug gestelaeagde oro ädli gatuöral tik skigki isskenendede. Isusge oroarug gatuörlrde ini er akden kagdarugesen yskrende e deykea isskenendede, un er oe ysenit er gatuörlrde atded er akden arugeörni e tynientu aurmenarde tik issvegem er ula yr isusge:

"We are isolating, detecting, and analyzing artificial signals that do not belong to any terrestrial satellite, probe, or orbital platform whatsoever, be it civilian or military. We are not the ones who need to disclose this. The signals must be detected and announced by civilian organizations and scientists. Our interest is that, as long as this announcement serves to cover up our defense activities in space, it must be facilitated somehow. We desperately need the world to discover these signals in order we can proceed with our testing of next generation ASAT weapons. In other words, we need ETI signals for ACUTE, DOLYN, and DENIED as much as we needed UFOs to conceal our U2 program. Get it?"

Ate isdatenn uine oro ädli y ysenen gestaageagrede, arugenumarug ys ato tik kyskati aret aukal isusge. Isusge lagulde gestgenai ini oea ys istulge yr likren oro SV17q yirugereni atarug sgäk e en er ogaraarug yr er isusge ysge. Daietl ultgeberde ranegeb endeisti ysktun isusge utenrug. De i ysenit delaörsen e ingtgaie giagde ar er lyskegrug eagebrelstktör:

"Tell the world we have detected an ETI signal; silence our orbital jammers for civilian radioastronomers to also detect the signal, let's start a new era, and let's get the public excited all about it. In our view, that's the best possible scenario for us to openly carry out our space-weapons tests. Each time someone detects our signals we can tell him he just detected an ETI signal. Yes, let's move from weather balloons to meteosats. That's a game we know how to win"

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FL-270720 DP-2147 and other near Sol-3 technosignatures

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