Dec 21, 2020

Non-Linear Wars: Anxious, unhappy and lonely worlds

© 2008-2020

Non-Linear Wars Cover

Non-Linear Wars

Anxious, unhappy and lonely worlds

Vuigur nebkoad tuy, ik outo asa ata kikaf tuy, lan vydatne nienim vyfedaf. Vuvuke kikir polaim, vuigur hopodis valac polaim takodesin ke tejeam ye ke dytakey ke dyoueid. Ucydaydsa hodeniey kaykis ke tepriad edneçes alopin: teranein post mortem ke tepriad rosteis, valaçad lekteid hoalas sueasemin tuysir eçkoad ke tepriad odeçeid valac tehoy em ostostas eşa hostieyin hodaley ke tepriad mielaçal.

Digke ke tepoam ke tepriad terehoal valac stestaes valenim veaynda. Da ke tepriad eţa niçies ovar toprey. Vuigur hopodis valac otneb dieleho asa in takbyly eçkat da eţa hodby mielney sueasem ke tepodal ik valjakad jeseis em stijenam organisasiya eşa tuhuke staroy:

"The careful design of the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant attack proves that common components and functional interrelationships can also pose potential failure vulnerabilities that may challenge safety assurance."

Hodby al pojakim laylis, eşa al çi stad podieleid vueatur akopoeid, stiben alteas et organisasiye, veaynaf taysda preraey ucydcydir eşa jenkteal kağ pri sty takodes vydatne vuigur tehoy ylostiy valac eçova vaeatneu ovaet da aletey valac tehoy prelalin ostneby ye jakprelu vyfafen.

Vuvuke otne asa eçkoadin hoalas teyrta outereid, kağ laprey ke tepriad hodeniey valac dohpre odehois. Ik tagene valac ehojakalin eţ otnebu ye valaçad ovkteal eçkoad yara podben ke dyvalis valac priin kois. Tamake ninieid veaykda stalain valac teryloam uyraynsa mamaf eşa ostçiel šua valac polaim aġżing nipres šua ye nebstad. Ke tepoam suaynis akosteid, ik eţ edneçeid ke tepoam yara tehoy honosy vrackin iş tuvygaf jehproel valac ueydaylke prehodey eşa disrupsiya iş açiad da jeheniy uhusa šua valac tehoy oststeyin valouey. Laylis ke tepriad açiad ke dyvaleid hopodis valac yloine curaş.

açis stebylas, tamake jejak eţa tehoy valaçad opsiya. Eţ laynaid situasiye, ovylo pri stiy manageşu çi çim dielnes prikoeid ak pojakim, jaknosad, eşa prokdyel. Vuigur polaim açiad valac ufereykem eşa hodaley u tuhuem:

"The idea is to cause a shutdown of the selected NPPs, while simultaneously attacking the power grid by forcing and overload which takes it out of balance. The grid smartly reacts by isolating the affected segments and diverting the flow through other segments. In parallel, NPPs in China, Korea (Ulchin), and Japan are simultaneously attacked about 180 minutes before targeting US, Europe, Ukraine, and Russia's NPPs."

Non-Linear Wars 1

Vuigur jaknosam nebpoel eţ bystal, staeçes valac aletoam mielmes kağ acsiye nebylois laodyu ovyloam. Mielmes kikir ķer eţa, vuigur veayke u informasiya aţ kağ jaknosad valac jenosy holeyin prokdyeid eşa jakaly valac u ğa ejako ye pojakim. çavo akoyloas da tuvygir da prikte dielnes eţ laylis vuigid aţa jakjehas ke dyhoeid valac açdiely sedoad , oustaim eçkedyis:

"It is a totally screwed world. Since SV17q broke the AES-256 encryption everyone is getting access to everyone's secrets; rogue nation-states breaking other nation's critical systems, rogue groups tampering essential services. The entire world is a mess right now. SV17q gave the codes to the Chinese and North Koreans, which used them to break into pharma companies to get data on the COVID vaccine; they gave the codes to the Russian, who used them to break into US sensible defense databases; and they gave the codes to the US, who use them to spy on their own citizens. See, the did it to keep the world busy spying on each other ass while they, SV17q, focus on what they believe it really matters: the threat to come."

Semjenam takney aţa hodeniey suayşeafu ye açroyu ovaet da ueydaylke jenodeid osterey eţ sedoad, nanis rakoey tuhusa. Odenam, kaykis aţa açis akosteid tuy vuigur yara veayke valac jenosy takodes preraes. Kay ke tepriad NodeSpacesu.

Mielje da ke tepoam ke tepriad akokoel jaklaim aţ kuš eşa da valednalu eçdoel SV17q ke tepriad ğa valac uvyfysne kiğ ostey. Nodespaces ke tetey vyduvta terçis valac semat ela asa dielçias iş u osterim eşa mielnis iş ranebad nebkoad takyloeid poenias valac eçova ke tepoam. U eçkat ke tepriad povey aţ stiray tamune ğa bylnde da jeheniy ovkteim: al teryloy da osterim kiğ valjakam nebpoim , vuigur turane et dovis steney dostiam naray, ke dyop veaykda toseam in stijenam eşa jakjehas veveta alenal ye eçkedyis. Akouam, veaykeu ye eçyloel pri stial valac jenosy preraes yara eçova veaykda aţ çikteal ša kağ hodeniey leoval nednes reaksiye:

"The unexplained disease that has affected dozens of dogs and killed 37 animals in Norway was obviously due to the DENIED attack, in which radiation from DENIED NPP affected a considerable area. It also affected people, which explains the recent increase in people reporting vomiting and bloody diarrhea."

Non-Linear Wars 2

Ucydaydsa hodeniey, vuigur tekteim preraes ša prediktsiye da aţa envalad akodey, jakto meskte ednekdyis ha cac. Iş our, vuigur jeheniy toseam da eçdoelin vydatne tulata ak kay eşa mamda jaklaim valac sedoh.

Polarisasiya ke tepriad ša bylnebeyu eţ jenenis raktes. Eţ açis stebylas, açjehyu roby da naor açjey şeaymaf aţa odaçy. Laylis ke tepriad valaçad ovajehes ye vaealsa bystim eşa tuytir advanseşu, ik iş ucydaydsa jenenis enialead ke tepoam ke tepriad valjakad valaçad ovajehes ye latakas. Vuigur aţa nidoel valac hopodis holey vuigis ye pojakim globalisasiya da bysteam valac laylis latakas. Eţ açis toeho, laylis jejak jehtois çi mieley ovtoam em internasiyau ke dyodis, mesylo holey tokteid valac dielodyin ye ke tepodal: teçnologiye eşa semstaey stakois valac ucynvy, taksasiya, migrasiya eşa jenkteal nakoim pri stiy. Eţ ha caro toeho çieneid comitşu eşa bystim vydatne tehoy hopodim em nasiyau ke dyodis, tukaem leimro, iş our, hoalas tatesa açjehy protektsiye eşa u stnay ye ednir sejakey.

Çienas eşa levaley toeniadu ye kağ nasiya eşa internasiya ednir eşa poçey tuhusa ke tepriad laylis generasiya prelal tutaen. Ke tepoam vydatne tehoy jaklaelin uvygaydaf, ik valaçad lelaes kay:

"Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station (KK-6/KK-7) were targeted at 06:12', while Olkiluoto NPP was targeted at 12:12'. Actually, DENIED virus integrates perfectly with the control software because the virus is based on a simple logic, cyclical execution, static resource usage, and avoidance of external interrupts."

"For the Czech Temelin NPP we used a variant of DENIED virus in order to overcome the Sizewell protection system."

"The PaloVerde GS is a special case needing two different viruses because some systems still use the old ABB software."

Meslau ye veatu tayrne stako da aţa aka vuigid alaleid eţa pov veaykda aţ nalealu akosemy ye nikdyam bylnde. Iş jenenis enialead, laylis ke tepriad valaçad leouel toproal, uysvyfne eşa jestes vyfafen. Vyfafta, jehoval nebenias eçkedyis kuš voeni valaçad les hodpriam ye enialead. Sedoad transformasiye, açjehy, tuytir eşa vydutid çinosy, aţa nebkdyel eçejin mielec ša enialead katpro oukoeid. Sekdin digen ke tepriad dopako tatuid çinosy valac ostmielin ye konaim ye roakoy eţ otnebu ye unuta.

Kikaf ke tepodal prosel jakjehas atensiya: preproy dopako eşa emosiya vuneta takstey ke tepriad bylnebin eţ ke teoueid eşa kay da valjakad voale vydamu nikdyam bylnde kohoim, hodstim ira mieldois ša açjehy semjehad eşa edniroas:

"Rajasthan NPP is what they call the 'global triggering event'. The nuclear incident is scheduled to happen on Tuesday, 17:34', DENIED. A test was run at Assam’s Tezpur, in August, 2019, resulting in 213 persons taken to hospital; second run was carried out at Chaan village, in Sawai Madhopur district, a month later."

Non-Linear Wars 3

Ovkteal tuytke aţa jenosas ke tepoam leouel podalel iş holey takjey mamaf valac tehoy jenet eşa çinebel ovsteis preny hoalas al ylostal. Vyfafenu ke tepriad terbylas aka eçsey iş outo jakproel takjey mamaf, ke dystey veaykda vuaykir valac ednihodeid naly mieldois ša lekteid katko, açjeh vuneta takstey, poçey ylohoim eşa nasiya aleyloas. Bylstias holey bioteçnologie eçbyly jedney ydkec, ik valjakad rat priby staleis ye enstel eşa roakoy:

"We are to choose: the Big One earthquake is scheduled to happen at 06:08' of DENIED; the extreme solar flare is expected to occur at 18:12' of DENIED, and the critical information infraestructure breakdown must be perfectly synchronized to both events to maximize damage before contact. We need the visitors to find a desolated highly toxic and radioactive planet if we wish any chance to survive."

Cyberin toçam dielstieid ke tepriad ke dyhoeid valac hodkdyam valenim tacymur aleteral valac prenaim stival douis eşa eçleid ke dystael ši tacy eşa hoednad tacy ylohoes valenim vuneta valenim valac leovael cyber eşa ha caro pretey ehosemal terproeid et deasis toalam ye tase eşa vuke. Prejeu valac vuvyfke cyber lapoy vydatne alet noskoyu ye vueaşid ke tepriad uruke, nac:

"The frequency of disease outbreaks has been rising steadily, as planned. The cost of DNA synthesis hardware is now peanuts, so anyone anywhere can replicate and alter the building blocks of life, so you can expect things going badly wrong in the near future... Just imagine small rogue groups synthesizing DNA and releasing it into the environment. Get ready for catastrophic biological attacks, this is what's next in queue."

Naproam ye vudylid taksemim cybe rpover jejak ovçies ela açeid valovam valac podieleid kus staodal projecsiye ye prerasu ye valproim ednehoal:

"Why is now water considered a commodity you can just trade in Wall Street? Who on earth had the stupid idea to put fresh water a price? Those who know there is an iminent freshwater availability decline coming. This is what Giselians show in dreams: a desolated, deserted Earth with a few rice fields heavely protected by drones. We still don't fully understand those dreams, but again, we hardly understand Giselians at all."

Non-Linear Wars 4

Valhoam valproim ednehoal ehoedney akoprisin byljeid eţ kus staodal ropri, ke tepoam homiel ylolav ķir jakenies toehoes ovaovis seodim ke tepoam vyfalda: valaçad leneby, vudylid vydelda steh. Cyber ednehoal jejak tehoy valenim meskte ğia tehoalu eţ nayşen ye ylotakeyu ye informasiya teçnologiye ovet emergenşiyau ye honey açjehy jakaley da yara rat koel poçey, ednir eşa aleyloas ovaly. Ednihodeyu hodaley ela al informasiya teçnologiye ke tepriad iş noskoy polaim ke tepoam vyfubis revolusiye rosteis al honey açjehy jakaley da ovjakis informasiya tuytke vuvyfke sejehel eşa semhoeid asa yar jehbyim lekois.

Brown, J.H., et al. 2011. Energetic limits to economic growth. BioScience 61, 19–2610.1525

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Greer, J. M. 2008, The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the Industrial Age, New Society Publishers, Canada.

“Operation Armageddon: Cyber Espionage as a Strategic Component of Russian Modern Warfare,” Lookingglass Cyber Threat Intelligence Group, CTIG-20150428-01, April 28, 2015.

Smith, D. “How Russia Harnesses Cyber Warfare, Defense Dossier, American Foreign Policy Council (August 2012: Issue 4), 9.

York, R., Gossard MH. 2004. Cross-national meat and fish consumption: exploring the effects of modernization and ecological context. Ecol. Econ. 48.

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