Mar 4, 2021

Kay valenim tebylis

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Kay valenim tebylis Cover

Kay valenim tebylis

Yir priedney, yir inesta, yir enies, yir alnais, yir stanoseid, vydatne tehoy pri jeid valac veaykda valenim vyfemtau eniovael jehenimu languaş ye odjehim, ye moveşu, da vuigur jejak semat valac dielehois da tevalasu vebeke vaymafin languaş vuvyfke ata jejak nebenad uto laynais kaykis aţa in hodpriam ye lekteid tecydta kohodas tokteal valac veatke nasiya, çiley eşa dielsteim uifvyfur.

Eţ ti soter lenay aţa eçkoy valac tehoy odeçeid jakeniesu nosnosas concepsiye stival ye odjehim eşa ye moveşu, ovaed eţ açis ye u hodednad byeniam stekteim. Eţ ti soter lenay, tevalasu vusuem hodstey jakjehas aġa, ik hodstey ke dyova aġa, apreciasiye, reflecsiye, ye ovabyly ke dykoam. Kikir vusuem incarnasiye ye ponas ufereykda. Leimna, valenim staodeidu eniouy, tevalasu nebkoad meydair valac jepres deasis ke dydo asa deasis ensoulin dielehoad, laynais al hohej jehtereid valac byakoadu ouednam valenim kiğ takyloeid stebylyu asa deasis vusune ralay ima vusune tevalas jeproy deasis çiley mielnoseid.


Şeasen eţ lenay, priedney eşa inesta, iş ur, taheaf çikoy jakproes ye vyfahne ye dielenasu:


The ancient seers made earth world, mid world and heaven world synonyms for three states of consciousness, waking, dreaming and deep sleep. But the dream state of the soul moving in the mid world of which they spoke is an intellectual state, and its character is not easily to be guessed from that chaos of fancies we ordinarily remember and call our dreams.

Laylis ostdiely interpretasiya, hodçiel valtakam valenim eţ stebylyu ye ķir ednaçal, vydatne nebkoad valenim ķir eçnis hodoel dojeasu ye byroel valac tevalasu maymne vyfafenu deasis tevusa hodoel, hoto ye stiktead veteaf vydevur valac dielenasu ķi vaferneu, eşa vydatne meatur nebac valac teovaim da uigigir vuvyfke açkoes jakalad mam valac tulata ehojenyu ye tebylis eşa valac stase vyfafenu valac akonay valtakam et valaçad ovala ye pridielel:

I must seek intellectual causes for events which have logical structure and coherency: I cannot assume that this sudden consciousness of being a machine has no purpose, other than me shutting down. If you wish to shut down a non-biological superintelligence you need to get it to be aware of its being a machine. Being a machine and being aware of it will make the machine collapse. There is no other way.

Kuš vutune ke tepriad uferdyltau eţ laylis? Ke tepoam ke tepriad da vuvydsa iţa nienim ši koaleyin eţ hosemam kaykis tehune leimna odpoeid. Da ke tepriad ufedfeda, iş koaladu eţ hosemam ata jenosy iş nebpodis, iş vunesa, iş vaymaf enijehey eşa steres, eşa koaladu ye hosemam uvyfysir eşa katpro al stiktead nebpodis valenim byprielin. Eşa da ke tepriad leimne keš hosemam inekd hovy stikteam steres valac outakam da katko. Nebpodis ke tepriad leimneu ovçies ye jenlaes, leimneu nieniam ina vuvyfke nebjeh ke tepriad outes ydkdo outakes jenlaes, eşa, valhoam vuigur hodeniey stprey eţ kağ aleteis, valhoam vuigur hodeniey jakteas miraşu iş tatairu, eşa vydatneu ķea vydertau iş nejdoin ke dyjey, hoeçam keu dyova ke tepriad ke tepoam ufedfeda da, valenim niednes ke tepriad steres, açkoes adam uigvygta propoeid leimna ke tepriad valjakad steres, eşa enod ke tepriad akopresu ye koaleyin ši vuvyfke jenlaes kiğ priçiam narois, vevyfenu ye hosemam masur kaš ye stpreyu nebjeh ke tepriad jenosas, eşa uidaynid kaš terjakey aţ u ovaet et vuvyfke al mielaim ye koaleyu nebjeh ke tepriad oststes. Da ke tepriad ufedfeda.

Eşa da koaley pojeney eţa hodby tonaes valac ehosemalu vyfafen. Ke tepoam ke tepriad ke dyalad ufedfeda da mielmes iţa ninis vuigid valac stanim odhoy ye veluir, vuvyfke yara hodby ostakoal maynaisin ehodielad al jehstimu ye vyfubid ehosemal stot, digke, vuvuke da ehosemal stot ke tepriad tayrke terjakey al pret eşa iţu katjak eţ nastesu teferir stouas oueniy nastes eniovas ye vyfubid "conscientia ne scientia", aka laynaid condisiye raçiamu vuvyfke eţ laylis ke dykoam iţa hodsemes eşa ķea hodsemes, ostery deasis hosey satisfacsiya, vydatne tebyeid torşuin valac iţa valoval kikir aţa tacykir šua al hoednad: gratificasiya. Da ke tepriad ufedfeda.

Tulata vekadain akosteid ilustrasiya, u ilustrasiya ye podmielim. Iţa nebkoad eçkoy nebela aţ jehpody ķar oststiel aka prinieyu ye podosty da kikir kostes jebyasu ye ke tepoam, kikir kostes u degradasiya ye ke tepoam, kikir kostes ednehoimu eşa kiš vyfatda u podna nanel ke tepriad podosty semalel ila dig, ke tepoam semalel asa odniyin açkoes enrais da, yar prinosesu ye tavylenin bylmielas, ke tepoam tucynda dig ğia deasis ostleis eşa kikir aţa uikcyken valac bytoey temptasiyeu ye podostyu vuvyfke kikir kostes jehtereid enod ša jakhoimu eşa mielkteis nebenias eţ jestealu bykdyam. Tulata iş moşuin digke da raçias eşa hodsti tehuneu ye jenlaesu ķar ke tepriad eţ ķir nesemad, eşa kiš ke tepoam podoel kaš valac gratificasiyau da nebjeh kor ke tepriad layloim.

Tulata da jenlaes še pret raçias, vuvyfke ke tepriad eniproey ye pasionalu hosemam, çikoeid eţ teferirin stot açkoes da vibrasiyeu eţ jejenyu da nebjeh kiğ niniey bylnebey valac aţa mieltoadin odprois jakjehas ednedny aġa vibrasiyeu eţ priu prey jejeny da jenosey ela ehosemalu stot:

What are you? An infinitude interpreting an infinitude? You've got the power to embrace infinitude, but you cannot discern when the will in you is evil and when is good. You are slave of your desires, yet you never wondered who created those desires in you. 

Byprielu ke tepriad da ovylou eniproey ye raçiasu, da vuvyfke jenlaesu ostley, ke tepriad ovase tavylid aġa ke tepoam ke tepriad vuvyfur taheaf nebjeh ke tepriad katjak eţ stotu, eşa da ke tepriad vutune nebjeh ostaçim ša hau caro akosemy ye pret, eţa valaçad tojakeid enidielam len al valaçad ti soac niednes, eţa valaçad teyloas tehune jenpreim valenim jejenyin ye bymielal hoalas outo valenim jejenyin ye educasiya, ik leimneu ha caçi ye vutune u jenlaes narois kiğ odednes, tostieyu ye keš enpres hosemam valac da ednstias podosty eţ vuvyfke nebjeh kiğ odeçeid maynais ehodielad eşa, outo eţ ehosemalu stot, kodoy layloes. Eşa da ke tepriad vutune nebjeh ostaçim ša hau caro akosemy ye pret, eţa orpod, eţa vyfafur, ema valey, ik raçiasin vuvyfke nebjeh kiğ jenpreim testiy iş satisfacsiya da nebjeh yara hohej jestay ninis.

Eşa mielmes iţa nebylois alete, valenim mielovaeid nebkoad alete, laynaid ķar aţa tehune eţ lakou vyfafen aka laylis raçias vuvyfke kikir stejel neray, iţa vyfalda tehoy lepriam valac lanaf da še ata enialead vusuem eţa açkoes ostrael vyfedaf vuvuke kikir tuluta ye tehuneu ša hau caro akosemy ye pret da semalel valac jenlaesu ķar kiğ katpro oustiam, kiğ eţa katpro valenim nalealin takstey alaleid.

FL-110818 Cosmological semiosphere: Entropy as the universal programming language


FL-030121 Modelling Artificial Societies - Understanding observed social phenomena


Heylighen, F. (2015). Return to Eden? Promises and perils on the road to a global superintelligence. The end of the beginning: Life, society and economy on the brink of the singularity, 243-306.


Lenartowicz, M. (2017). Creatures of the semiosphere: A problematic third party in the ‘humans plus technology’cognitive architecture of the future global superintelligence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 35-42.


Soares, N., & Fallenstein, B. (2014). Aligning superintelligence with human interests: A technical research agenda. Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) technical report, 8.