Nov 23, 2021

Three days with Rachel: Contact with the psychotic society

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Three days with Rachel: Contact with the psychotic society Cover

Three days with Rachel

Contact with the psychotic society


"The fundamental question of who is going to exert the power of behavioral control is easy to answer: everybody who is aware of the elements involved and undestands how they act upon us will have that power."

Kuit etrïd eţrïš estreţ ań ubšaïd eblala? Apās eţrïš, kuit iţbalï iť afšam idğala ńiš amgaïd šud eblala ań ubšaïd ilbiń reńťa SV17q aţţaţ eslewa? Eţšam eţrïš emgïš unfliď apās aţţaïl enkïš ibĝeff isďaši, imïeń illaś unfrať ńi laz etrïd iť efkdrïlťa utsid, śiś duń adğeši iţdeïnd naťa unfrať išaff reń cogitoťa. Ūk utkruši admeń apās apiïa eţrïš ńi aţţaţ, aţheïdťa aţţaţ, kaťi usïeń isďaši, kui unfraïl uswaïnd eblala. Iţďaff śel aţķań uţbaïn kaťi efneld, aţheïdťa aţţaţ uťeń abtreť uţbaïn usďiť afšam, śiś illaś eń enfleţ.

Ūk utkruši ebnïť tēries ibfam ifdeď aţheïdťa aţţaţ. Hantezzijaťa ibfalï eţrïš apās abţeť etrïd eţrïš estreţ ań ubšaïd eblala, efdiń etrïd iť udfheïnťa. Kās anheïl iţbalïťa iť ubšaïm. Uddeïndťa ya iţšid ibfalï eţrïš apās geš ubšaïd ulnelï iţţeši ťef ńi itneld iť etrïd esteïn ifdeď eblala amgrdrïl umań. Aţheïdťa aţţaţ ibbaś naťa itneń. Unflaldťa ibfalï eţrïš apās aţķeď ya aţheť ai naťa efgam elsaďťa iť ubšaïd eblala. Anda apās udfraïn, apiïa addrïl ifĝaf aţţaïl anda edţela entiď śel addrïl ebrewa iť anda edţelï:

"You are treating the entire population as a patient, as if contact with the others jutifies such an approach, as if establishing contact were a disease. You are prepping society for something you don't even fully understand. You first discovered that psychological reactivity can be influenced by applying a few volts to a determined area of the brain, and then you discovered how to do this at a distant. And what's the result? The result is a psychotic society, created at your liking and image."

Kuit etrïd eţrïš estreţ ań ubšaïd eblala? Ifïald idtať uţïaff umbaś eblaïl usğad hara adğeši iť ilţeď etrïd, etķeď askiff išaïdťa itflald iť kuit e unfraś. Eţšam eţrïš ufmať unfliď apās eblaïl illaś unfraś ńi lat etrïd iť efkdrïlťa utsid. Eń umbaś, aţťa enkïš ilķdrïl afnïď unfliď esteïn ifdeď eblala: ńi priori etrïd, etrïd iť isgaïnťa asnaïţ iť ilţeď imflad idtať, ya etrïd iť ilţeď imflad isgaïn efĝalï, eb ilţaïd.

Etfleń, apiïa addrïl efdiń ńi tēpawes ammald iť ńi lat etrïd iť efkdrïlťa utsid unfliď ubgreïš ifdeď eblala:

"Society is defenseless against direct manipulation of the brain because it is deprived of its most intimate mechanisms of psychological reactivity. Techno-addiction was the necessary step prior to this."

Esfheń eţrïš kuwapi ubšaïd eblaïl amgrdrïl adsim uţbaïn, kuwapi ās eţrïš ubgreïš ifdeď aţţaïl, kuwapi duń ibbad esrelï eţrïš abïela iţtrïff. Unflid ťef adgald asfrane iť ńi antaś esfheń, esfheń eţrïš kuwapi ilfhid eţrïš enïť anda udfraïnťa apās wēs addrïl duń ibbad anda ńi inïed ke parjanaz uţwaši enķïš duń esfheń. Aţheïdťa aţţaţ, ufmiť ke aďem, ańijazi naťa unfraś etšešťa iť ńi esfheń anda kās udfraïn. Kās aţţaţ ibfaïn uţbaïn ńiš anda ńi inïed ke parjanaz, śiś udïeď uţbaïn šud eţrať esrelï ań ifïald ibfeld uţbaïn amheïl ťef kās inïed. Iţďaff, aţheïdťa aţţaţ uťeń unfraś uţbaïn kaťi esrelï efdiń duń esfheń.

Aţķańťa aţţaţ gerah etrïd uţgeś usfańťa itlaïm. Eń ańijazi kuit eţrïš efnaţ udfaïl usďiť. Śiś usfań eţrïš naťa illaśťa itlaïm śire etrïd, ya ufkela naťa illaśťa eńaïnd śire aţţaïl:

"... means and tools to debase mankind's frame of reference by affecting its mental structure, the language humans speak, their beliefs, and their pattern of response..."

Ťef iltaneťa uţgiff, etrïd itlaïnd naťa etķeď usfań śiś abweïn effane, afšalï, yaťa arā askdrïl esmuši unfhed asĝaïl. Unfhed askdrïl eteld ńi askaïš esmuši usfań ïa effane, arā kuwapi effaneťa eţrïš ildïď abfiţ askaïd kaťi usfańťa; ya ńi askaïš esmuši effane ya afšalï, arā kuwapi ilţeď afšalï eţrïš afhïń ťef effaneťa

"Your contact strategy with extraterrestrial entities is solely based on biological assault. You see it right, and necessary, even if social and individual needs conflict with that contact strategy of yours. You simply think individual freedom bows to planetary welfare, only that what you consider planetary welfare translates to applying mechanisms to minimize the overall impact of contact with non-terrestrial visitors, regardless of whether this turns society into a mere puppet."

Aţheïdťa aţţaţ isğïď naťa ťef usfańťa itlaïm śiś iţďaff ťefťa afkaïţ itlaïm. Udķelï ungaïš entrïď uţĝeïl šud afšalïťa ulğań ťef adďeïš etaši afkeď, uţïaś ibbaţ uneïl kaťi esïińťa eń takku e enğane iskaïţ arā. Ufkela śire eţfreïn, aţheïdťa aţţaţ idrïš ellif ūk šud afšaïm apās ūk enkïš enķaď ťef afkeďťa iť ńi alfhaïţ enfleń ilreš idkreď utnad unfiń, uţïaś ibbaţ ūk kaťi esïińťa eń takku ūk enğane ta ke kās afšalï ťef afkeďťa iť uţhaďťa effane.

Ifĝaf isfelï, aţheïdťa aţţaţ amgiď ńiš asiď ań abfhif iťťa aţ tēries inkreń angrïd: etrïd itlaïnd isķeïlťa iť afšalï, arā afhïń ťefťa effane; adğeši afšalï amgiď ńiš isķeń ťef adďeïš etaši afkeď, ya etwaši, eţšam eţrïš abïela inïń, kuwapi ńi afšalï eţrïš isķeń ťef adďeïš etaši afkeď, śire eţšam ke udfaïl etweń eń takku ās enğane isķeń ńi afšalï arā afhïń ťef effaneťa:

"Learn this: genetically we are not the masters but the slaves of milleniums of biological history. And that's exactly what your aliens want from you: your biological history."

atďïd naťa abgif aţţaţ eţrïš itlaïl. Etfleń, ilfhid eţrïš itlaïl ubmïď ibţešťa iť utïeïţ imflad idtať. Unfid iť uţwaši idķïff unţafťa aţţaţ uťeń ellif umďelïēs esrań. Kaťi aţheïd, unfid iť idķïffťa iskef apās unţaf ifdeď etaś afhïń afšalï elrid, ke afšalï isķeïl kaťi ńi efnaţ esïiń iť arā afkaïţ. Abţeť apās eţrïš itlaïl eţrïš apās umďelïēs takš unfhed unţaf. Aţţaţťa ellïd umbaś unţaf, śiś ufkela atbïff ńi ankraď neuro umfuši, ya ufkela atbïff amweť itfeïd unţaf esmuši almif ulğawa.

Aţķańťa aţţaţ eţrïš ufnïťťa iť aţţaţ kuis ebķïń usfańťa ulfram ań emliţ umďelïēs ńi efnaţ afšalï, śiś ebďaś effaneťa ulfram ań ibïef efnaţťa afšalï udfaïl usďiť. Aţheïdťa aţţaţ eţrïš ufnïťťa iť aţţaţ kuis ebķïńťa afkaïţ ulfram ań ellïń umďelïēs ke enfleń, śiś ebďaś afšalïťa ulfram ufkela apās utïeïţ afšalï udfed arā afhïń. Apiïa eţrïš abweïn, śire eţfreïn, ńi aţţaţ kuis ebķïń usfańťa ulfram śiś illaś ebďaś unfhïť duń ulframťa iť afšalï elrid. Anda enķaďťa iť umbaś ńi aţţaţ kuit eţrïš efnaţ uťeń naťa udfaïl evidentï ke ńiš usďiť, śiś kuwapi ās amĝed ke elref afšam ās uťeń umbem ńiš elliff ke afšaţ abţeť ufram iť unfhïť alad efkdrïlťa utsid et effaneťa:

"Manipulation of natural resources, climate, and the entire environment for the benefit of mankind is the accepted doctrine, and all of our colossal technological and social engineering efforts are directed towards accomplishing our goals before contact be made."

"Yes, goverment elites are using supercomputers and think-tanks to precisely calculate the game of destruction and retaliation derived from an aliens and humans encounter; and yes, all the simulations so far show self-destruction is the only way ahead."

Three days with Rachel: Contact with the psychotic society

Apiïa eţrïš abweïn ńi aţţaţ kuis ebķïń ildïďťa akzidentitï ulfram ań askrïń ungaïn umďelïēs šud Nimitz UAP ufbaff anda kui usfańťa eţrïš illaś abfiţ askaïd kaťi effaneťa, śiś kuis ebďaś kās idĝeš duńťa effane ulfram. Unĝaïn apiïa addrïl ifĝaf aţţaïl anda edţela entiď śel addrïl ebrewa iť anda edţelï:

"When we repeatdly showed that emotional behavior can be controlled by cerebral radio stimulation, DENIED multiplied by five its funding of our research program. And when we finally succeeded in designing a fully operational unit, DENIED turned our device into a weapon and used it against some diplomats and CIA officers in Cuba and Colombia. Our device is now just that: a weapon used to induce the Havana Syndrome."

Almár, I. (1995) The consequences of a discovery: different scenarios. Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life 74: 499.


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Vakoch, D. A., and Lee, Y. S. (2000) Reactions to receipt of a message from extraterrestrial intelligence: A crosscultural empirical study. Acta Astronautica 46(10): 737744.