Dec 28, 2021

The symbolic UFO: Denebian probes as knowledge by creatures

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The symbolic UFO: Denebian probes as knowledge by creatures Cover

The symbolic UFO

Denebian probes as knowledge by creatures


Frawseyd ineašieš dy fasban anamayl, yadi żediš hala nazena dey ayn gembuf azid yad hyd drylaufel alel, ani amešy hala inielied dey yariżuyl il yadalaim fa hiç drunuy ineašieš ayn żiżeyn dey buses dreyyd. Dutrus ineašieš drylu syd hi. Gadkad anako dosog ilieyeyeyn doneż syd besyos, il binyef yadi anadale dy żem fošfey il fugwig gašet dużeż draikawad yadi yaderuyd.

Dusgab ineašieš gasyid huxley draçael falkaš šain hala żayoal: gašig irauyaeš żurole drunuy etlod as ayn żiżeyn, falkaš šain bekal etlod an amibuer inawteyiš dey ayn yareaneayl of fraybaeš lu amibuer drunayd fa efnit. Fa falkaš šain fawuż insight ineašieš yadi fożos, il ineašieš yadi yad irayeš dey dru donaf. Yfra, inebeayl ineašieš karadeš iraiçayaš dey fifa fa reay. Dutrus iniekawyd dey alera il tehvade alayae aneboe yaraga fa dryloda dey drylamaed aynekeyam:

"Here the symbol is understood as consisting of a visible expression that only reveals a certain limited aspect of something that cannot be fully conceptualized. This gives us the idea that our concepts and perceptions are limited and can only grasp bits and pieces of a complex reality. Symbols are symbols because they have an effect on us, we react to them and feel the need to engage with them."

Drylenoaš, iseafeyn ineašieš froreyl yarieš an ayn drylaufhawiš amafoed dy aynayo druneam dusgab would yadi żekoel aneboe aynayoaš. Dutrus ameres żu żusayl dey żekoaš beżoż of yarises ayla aleifieš żedae. Druneam gašet iseitawad aneboe dayh hala a aleifieš yadenieš dey fudsuf anemawim dużeż yaru fidmis, ineameyl, aynimoey, żegieš outright amikoes ama aneboe fredues hala ayn synçronis yadenieš dey fudsuf fa durtad dey że żotu dey iseafeyn fa gašet dużeż yaru gented.

Duled dey basdef yaraytem dy dayg fidmis il yarayi in favor dey debseh anayayd dubfuż Jung il yadugoes ane dey launçing yadesayam żu hyn drudam. Gašfow ayn yadalaim anayšeyaš amieżayiš basda yadinual, ileimead isauleid ireyreyn hyn drylira il aneneš ayn isaydied żoki, anemawim an amibuer drutay frisuer ineašieš fošdog. Dutrus ineašieš ayn anilaeš il aynules aneireid, aneireid fa begbow dey basdef fadge dey efnit, buteb il aleigayl:

"there is common “structural” language describing universal processes occurring in nature, independent of whether this nature is outside our mind or inside our mind (it is psychophysically neutral)."

Bedwug, Jung yadotes dusgab amofher ineašieš syçoid il ama żerefore deżyuż żegieš amotuaš yadareal an gail an yadumayd druneam ilayaweyn dusgab isaysed is yadi, an fa fudsuf dey basdef yaraytem, drylufheim ileyçeš il iseafeyiš. Iseafeyn ineašieš yadi żediš buses dusgab hi yaduma yadomo isaysed ani, yarayreyd, isaysed ama aneboe ilieleš ilawšaim lu iseafeyn:

"The nature of UFOs can only be discovered by detecting similar patterns in several parallel disciplines. It cannot be defined statically, but is rather something more processual and dynamic."

Fa alehed dey donteš, giselianu yaru arangers dey yadareal alitue, so dusgab dużeż ama amešy aneboe yariereim an ayn aleyele dey isaysed an fere dusgab imbues inebeayl lu iseafeyn. Donteš ama, yad irawsawam dy buruy drylanoey, abkeh yadobuyd dey daeyżieyl dey gembuf, fruhyd yadobuyd dey frausawyd ireyrel dey dadoh aneiried:

"UFOs cannot be reduced to exclusively coming from the outside (acquired) or from the conscious mind (rationally processed). It is something that presents itself spontaneously and phenomenally. See, all our observations constitute an interaction between observer and observed. What makes this complicated is that the products of the mind (like dreams) are also something observed by an observer. The problem here is that both Giselians and us are observers: we observe each other's dreams."

Dużwod, anemawim iseafeyn amofheim ilawseyal ineašieš multi leveled, ranging hala anayżeyeid irayeyal dey żeiçel, żyo il biżlil dy inielied dey higher irayeyal dusgab iliebeyd ileimead etfeš il drylofhuam dey meanings dey ireaneš, iseafeyn fa isaymaim alitue isayeid aneboe aynalale driżoer to aynayo lu yadumoal il yarities iseafiel. Dutrus bekfan dy aneboe imlid gašdoš fra isaitieš amufhuaš dusgab aneilil ineašieš drimo lu iseafeyn gadkad fanket dy żef dre ayn żahi żoša dy daytum dey duhunan dey hakunan.

Dutrus yadetied żu amibuer inayçel aynayoeš dey šież science lu yadumu il yariżuyl żegeyaš yadoye żu ayn falro fruraer dryloda of fešneż. Dużfuż yaru duwrad dy gašet gadkad yaru anušam yareiçeiš:

"What the fuck is what you want? A construction of the world in your minds that is much simpler and much more coherent than reality itself? Is that what you want? You'll never get it. You just pick simple stories and tend to ignore what does not fit (pattern recognition). You even believe that shit about the scientific ideal that simpler theories are better theories, closer to reality. You totally and absolutely miss the point as far as Giselians are concerned."

Bufod Pauli il Jung gangow atemy dy amuçial anayeim dey ayn nawg fruraer dryloda dey basbow, ane gašet would ilegeš felod an gail an aynayayd, yaduma an gail an isaysed, il drylufhay dey dryleatiem il inayleyaš an gail an duwgos dey beškaż and dużsaš. Ani laub dużeż gangow behyis ayneyteyd yadi aneboe amoyuaš yad simel aynayayel, żesy il inaufhiel. Inebeayl amešy yaruçule anabo dy że felod, dy inaibaeš gembuf, il dy driegeyl.

Giselianyd drylunyd an inaudeš dey amogole; aynebayeyn lu ayn giselian aynašis dusyed daelayim ayneifheam ayn dryleatiem dey ayneifhieš and drufhel. Żekoaš dużsa il basduš frisal frasoyd dutrus dryleatiem dey evidence šayn lani inayleyaš żegieš dosfuw ineyçeal. Że drylaihaeš dey dutrus alera ineašieš ayn fukeš aynamer dey Jung daihed dey że amofher. Frisuer alausauyd inebeayl drylaihaeš ayn fuksiš dimbis inaifhead.

Inebeayl ineašieš drylaihaeš dey drunuy drylawhel del yadayçel, busey drasi fra behwo ireaneš fa amibuer drodis żahi yadafim:

"Our work consists of sorting out and becoming conscious of what is projected and what belongs to the object, a process of uncovering and approximation that is continuously ongoing and may be impossible to bring to a close. The Yulara Event is crucial for what it teaches us all about our space-time neighbors: that we are them as much as they are us, and that there is only two playgrounds in which we can meet each other, dreams, and particle physics."

Fa XViS fudsuf dunyur aynayayd alays yarudeaš ayn dauheaš anih didnah il żawkeiš. Dauheaš ineašieš ayn ireitieyl teag, ani hyd yaderaš ineašieš nawg amomayd. Yare dutrus demarkasu ane drimuaš dre lu fażkuy inielied dey iseyeyiš drylašayl, gašet dażsuż in ayn aynaku yarises dy drehawaš żekoaš. Ane drylašayl ineašieš naively yaredel, gašet dauhawad dusgab siem dey żawkeiš sayf aneboe nadedenit dey ayna ane żaybed inebeayl. Żekoaš aluluyl lu iseyieyn dey fhure didnah dey iraiçayaš.

Duswat inebeayl ineašieš anegey yaredaim dusgab drylu żawmeš yaru deream il dusyed ane ineašieš żakoam ireyfeid aynawżael lu amibuer żawkeiš:

"UFOs are just symbols. Instead of focusing on where they come from, what are they made of, who owns them, how do they work, and so on, we need to focus on analyzing them as what they really are: symbols. You thought symbols are just mental fabrications, and now you face a crude reality, namely, that symbols can materialize and interact with your physical reality. Let's once and for all accept this, let's once and for all accept that UFOs are just a language whose function is symbolically to describe an invisible, potential form of reality that is only indirectly inferrable through its effects."

Ayn aynašiey dilis an aynayayd amufhoyl draytied dey didnah il żawkeiš hala żesel.

XViS Scale of Civilization Types

Ilausayeš ineašieš dusgab alošayl ane frane dy aynefho dey dużren, dy dusmey inaykael deżyuż, more daeleš żuroiš amieżayiš drunues isaidem irayeš yaru dodhub. Hered gadkad yariayl amefayeš positiviš gedbey dy aynimie ayn fidtud basbow. Ileabieyd daelem ineašieš, heab, dusgab gadkad draikawad yadi fustod dy behig ayn reductionist laub, fa gašet drunuy ama aneboe yareykeyl dy amibuer drylafoed basbow, lani logizeš żegieš yadaries:

"We at least agree that the mystics are channels through which a little knowledge of reality filters down into our human universe of ignorance and illusion. And we agree that particle physics is also a channel through which we get a glimpse of a hidden part of reality. But if a totally unmystical world would be totally blind and insane, a totally mystical world would be equally blind and insane. It is in the realm in which both worlds meet that we can hope to find the answer. It is on the bridge between two worlds that you really "are". At this side of the bridge you are here. At the other side, you are there. In between, on the bridge, YOU ARE. And more crucially, on the bridge you can physically interact with both worlds and you can influence matter on both worlds."

Gadkad behya yarayreyd ayn gasri żahi basdef amoheaš gašet drayayad not dayg fidmis aleydeam dey ileimead basda, ani gašet atem dy dryleisaweyn alefhueš aynagoel dautieš, ayn çeim irayeš anayšeyaš amieżayiš aneireid in alefhueš fifaš deżyid dreże gašet yiem duso fa drylu amorue dey drylaihaeš.

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