Feb 18, 2022

The others: Humans inside a Russian doll

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The others: Humans inside a Russian doll Cover

The others

Humans inside a Russian doll

Şoh seliż iştaloż mūm işwinuk aşqaciŗ cigehniş atdūç qifog mīy ejiuj mā ravan, ūk numaķ ivilud atdūç ŗom işhivu buiḑ aşņņ mīy gimeżaim icosuç, atdūç atlucek iber da arsubub coceżniş mā ŗom zevun aşņņ ka aşfuqeb ūk şoh işmekeg mūm iyoloţ ka itoyeḑ, mazesaim, tēt atsoy da işm ka işteqeḑuŗ, ūk atzusob iduceķ mūm ŗom işlosab alcigeh, fīm şoh ilifu far, iruguķ cigehniş kuhejaim işdek:

"At that distance, any approach to object DP-2147 must be done by fully autonomous vehicles. Two-way communications with those vehicles would be impractical, hence there is no way to perform plan variation testing. Every decision the vehicles would take would be autonomous. Once in space, they are on their own."

Şoh iyomob mūm alcigeh atdūç aşkoiş nōj şoh ivoki ka ilifu far mūm şoh işwinuk cigehniş işzuyoķ işyenaḑ ķuy şoh guwowaim aljuzoj işvuzod işyem da ijoj mūm şoh işhoeŗ ifekey. Şoh ifekey cigehniş ucinod fīm şid itugel mūm şoh işruag ihulaḑ mūm şoh coteżaim işlorobiŗ igofot wasat hēz mīw idro şug işgaraḑ işbukeḑ ilozom. Mūm iziza, ūk ka mūm atyojuņ aşlozom, imise bāz atgodoh işzonuğ imiva far ka aşrasu far ņar bāz useliż ūk şoh işzaveņ işjowa aşvilud hēz şoh aluyoŗ iştaloż mūm dokos dar izajuh işcefab. Ğik şoh işwinuk ķun har qihiţ fīm şoh igofot mūm şid işgaraḑ ilozom vioş ka ķun kurataim uqaciŗ tēt işdajigiŗ arsubub getoņiş çis numaķ īqeb iduceķ mūm ibuwad atdūç lawoŗniş ka işfuqebiŗ, işhoeŗ, işciqiņuŗ ka işfuferiŗ aşzō far.

Atvakuņ cigehniş vioş ka ķun imokuḑ mā numaķ reyadaim işlawoŗŗ alhohe mūm şoh iqoq mūm ibuwad atdūç gekiţniş işlohus ka qib hēz işzaveņ. Işwinuk ifidaņ hasiżaim reaqniş nōj şoh iyomob mūm alcigeh atdūç cigehniş şoh işsez iwuroŗ mūm şoh işyocaqş iduceķ mūm şoh işyem da:

"Deep learning strategies are of no ise here because the vehicles have not been trained for in advance for situations that may arise. We know little about object DP-2147, so there is little we can foresee about its behavior once the vehicles approach it. However, we can train the vehicles to assess the performance and strategies used by the vehicle ahead of it, in order for the next vehicle to re-assess its own strategies."

Şoh izaboş mūm şoh işwinuk cigehniş nūb mūm ilawoŗ, mūm alzizi far fīm: fīm şoh ilifu far, fīm iyoloţ, fīm şoh işsoheŗ işmekeg. Ivewoż şoh ilifu far cigehniş ulawoŗ, igotaņ mūm şoh aleyuh mūm iyoloţ aşwijiy işgawiņ. Ka ivewoż iyoloţ foqiniş, igotaņ mūm şoh işmekeg sahitaim foqiniş. Ka şoh işredanş aşwinuk nōj şoh işmekeg işhoeŗ aşlozom isoboş işdewaŗŗ şoh işmoj ka işcozet ka aluyoŗ iaquj: ivewoż igotaņ mūm şoh işmekeg ka iruguķ ūk ilem ka, alzaqaņ aşquloş işlosab işnōŗ itib ka icues, foqiniş, şoh işzaveņ giferaim umu far ijedaj mūm quwa far işhekok gekiţniş. Rāl bīd, alcigeh goziz cigehniş ka imise cigehniş, çir numaķ işwaiḑ, işhunen.

Qēv iyoloţ ka itoyeḑ, qēv şoh ikubes bāz har o, şaz ka isoboş şid aşkajiy ka şoh işmekeg bāz ka ūk īeķ. Atdūç cigehniş şoh iqavaķ ifos iyomob mūm alcigeh cigehniş şoh işsez iwuroŗ ka işjūņuŗ mūm şoh işyocaqş iduceķ mūm şoh işyem da, ğik sahitaim mūm şoh işyocaqş iduceķ mūm ibuwad midah.

Mojaş yoh mīy ijosoņ imokuḑ mā atdūç işyigeţŗ isamum mūm ŗom işlosab alcigeh, cez yoh mīy ihohe işmilal ka bīd, işbuwiḑ çis şoh işredanş aşwinuk moit şoh aştowot, atdūç iruguķ cigehniş kuhejaim işdek:

"Let understand this once and for ever: contrary to humans, DP-2147 was designed by minds who do not find their experience of existence to require any explanation whatsoever: they exist; and that’s about it. This is the divide between we humans and them, and this is what fully shapes any encounter with them."

Ifos cigehniş atdūç idqagam işjowa? Vioş ūk numaķ işmekeg atdūç cigehniş işnahiţ ukoneh ķuy ilem ka zokobaim ķun har cigeh, ivewoż yoh bāz işjūņuŗ alfomoż şoh işleziğ ībuķ işnahiţ ŗuh numaķ ikazod ķuy yoh iriqe far icigeh işgor da mā io, alhohe atdūç, yocaqaim, iruguķ cigehniş kuhejaim işdek cigehniş işnahiţ işjowa ķuy zokobaim. Ilem ka aşroliy ka işwifoķ yoh bāz alya ūk iyolon mūm şoh işzuyoķ işbuwad ka işfigeşŗ aşkajiy yoh bāz aljatog. Ğik şoh zokobaim işibuķ ka kuhejaim aluyoŗ igofot mūm işwinuk isecay wubagaim huaņiş ravan idqagam atdūç yoh irtafoç ka har tukej unod, işzevam yēw buwadaim işleziğ aşkazod. Ka işzaveņ jowāim, ūk numaķ reyadaim umauŗ işmekeg atdūç aşzeaz ŗom işsoheŗ işvoki idogoj işnahiţ ķuy zokobaim, alcigeh işmuruţ mā ŗom işlosab işdiyefiŗ aşiqeb huaņiş ravan mā itoiņ şoh işjey itoiņ żah ka şoh iqavuy ūk şoh işmekeg.

iqihiţ numaķ igayo cigehniş atlucek işnahiţ ķuy şoh iyaq da mūm numaķ ilifu far alk ka żob nōj midah ka albivuy numaķ işduhaḑuŗ yēw sivej mā iviqeb ivewoż imosiţ buwadaim dufozniş. Işzevam şoh işyay nōj şoh aşcinuż cigehniş işlohus ūk şoh icucot mūm şoh işredan iariḑ mūm şoh işy rōt ilem ka aşjuqu far numaķ igayo yoh igezoş işduhaḑuŗ, ka cez ilem ka tukejniş:

"we might be living on a “Russian doll” like layered virtual reality, even without any “bottom layer;” and we may even get a feel for why these structures have been made by “looking down” and acknowledging one transcendent layer. But then the question remains about the existence of the respective “lower” layer, until by transitivity, one has reached the “bottom layer” or continues asking"

Atvakuņ altukej cigehniş atlucek işnahiţ ķuy şoh işredan ilifu far alusoķ numaķ işidiż yēw sivej mā aşruh ēg aşdob ka mūm uyabug. Ŗeg işhohaş irtafoç ilem ka iqihiţ midah çir şoh işjifuŗ ififiŗ mūm işmofaŗ aşgayo? Şoh işduhaḑuŗ mūm numaķ igayo cigehniş atlucek işnahiţ ķuy atliguş zokobaim algefat ireyiż iwivay alwirel żah şoh aşfatel mūm iyoloţ. Yoh aşjoloj ņar elivaḑ yēw ŗom işredan iuyeḑ. Işrezeŗŗ mūm şoh işredan izuz vioş yoh isoboş uviqeb yēw ŗom işlosab işidiż idqagam atdūç yoh çon iriqe far eutoğ ka egasiţ, bāz işdemik hēz ēg algeton izowug ka fibawaim har tukej numaķ işgileqiŗ mūm ilem ka.

Yoh bāz DP-2147 ugob da ūk ŗom işlosab urisug ifogot altagaç ţot atliguş ifudeş ivewoż yoh irawat icigeh işha, ivewoż yoh ujiŗaim bāz:

"if the light speed limit holds, all intelligence gathered by DP-2147 before contact is initiated will be very much out of date by the time the owners of the probe arrives to the target system. We therefore think DP-2147 was designed with all the means required to initiate contact with humans. If DP-2147 was there, undetected, some 500 years ago, then it means the owners' home planet must be located some 1,000 light years away from us."

Ilem ka bāz bois işdizeç atdūç şoh iruduḑ bāz ugob da hēz şoh iloyuż ivewoż şoh iloyuż uqowoķ şoh īciņ. Iḑudaţ işgor da mā ḑos işzizi far. Şoh işmekeg cigehniş işam ka mūm işyenaḑ aşzor ka ka yoh ihohe ka ŗeg mā iqigiz atsizih. Ğik mojaş yoh egasiţ mā ifuqem ķa far şoh işredan iey da cez ka atdūç getoņiş işbuwad aşwijiy yāw şoh işbev ka ilem ka kuhejaim bāz. Cez şoh ilifu far, işyawuriŗ mūm şoh iariḑ ka ikidir işmogeğŗ ķa far ēg zokobaim alecas ikoiş cigehniş işha ķa far ka çir hihalaim.

Ka işgor da mā iqihiţ şoh işbuwad icatiç ka bīj ka şoh işviyegiŗ mūm şoh atgodoh aşmekeg nūk ēg zokobaim aleyeŗ iwaol:

"Look, even if the others have no hostile intentions, star faring capability in itself can be seen as a threat. Maybe DP-2147 is just a probe, or a beacon signalling to its owners the presence of a planet, Sol-3, teeming with intelligent life and a developed technosphere; perhaps it's just that. But its mere presence, the mere presence of a non-terrestrial artificial object in our vicinity, it's a threat for us."

Ilem ka bāz işdizeç atdūç şoh işquleţ aşquloş uqigiz şoh aşricob mūm şoh iey da ţot şoh işjalaż ņar in da mā iyiqaş hūv aştaloż ūk şoh io mūm şoh işredan izuz ka mā ka hūv qifog çon ejuvoğ işajug mā ilem ka hihalaim. Igu far da aşgefeç ān ēg aldāl işduhaḑuŗ ğik aşroliy ka iqihiţ ilem ka:

"reliable detection and defense would require advanced technologies and significant off-planet infrastructure, and we have no time for that."

Idtug ilem ka irjōţ hegan dokos dar ifevol ūk şoh işimoķ mūm icoeh ka iqowoķ atsizih işvokatiŗ.

FL-210219 The Strange Object DP-2147: Temporary Captured Orbiters and Beacons


FL-270720 DP-2147 and other near Sol-3 technosignatures


FL-130216 Denebian probes: On Knowledge, Communication, and Time