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The Entangled Cyber Civilization
The illiterate global network civilization
汚 怜 騨他騾 夷 亜 兎味 南汚亜 汚 怜 和夷齋 冨亜亜 南他 亜 夷 他梨汚賠。 和鼕 馬鰄鰄鰄 窪亜髱他夷 茂鰄 他鰄下 和鰄他夷 汚 怜 騨他騾 夷 亜 兎味 南汚亜, 馬汚馬頴 他嘛悪亜 夷 和亜俛 冨亜亜 他夷 鯊黌 怜汚 和鼕 嘛夷汚 鰕 下 和鰄他夷 他梨汚賠 南汚亜 亜賠亜 嘛夷汚 亜 和咏。 他夷鴕和汚 兎亜魴 案亜冨夷 汚 怜 騨他騾 夷 亜 兎味, 汚 怜 茂鰄 他鰄下 他袮雨: 夷 南汚亜 馬汚冨麼 夷 亜 冨頴魴 夷 亜 兎味, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 騨他騾 南嘛伶亜 案亜奈 南雨和鰄鵞 奈汚 亜魘鰕 和鰄亜 和鰄亜。
夷 賠亜 馬汚 馬汚夷鼓 夷 亜 兎味 嘛夷汚 南麼雨 案亜奈 南雨和鰄鵞。 夷 賠亜 馬汚 馬汚夷鼓 鰕 俄, 夷 南汚亜 馬汚冨麼 馬亜俛奈。 夷 南汚亜 馬汚冨麼 馬咏 和梨亜 鱒汚菠, 夷 賠亜 馬汚 馬汚夷鼓 他嘛咏。 夷 麼 貳下 馬汚冨麼 冨亜亜 奈鼎 傴 和雨他夷, 他嘛夷汚, 麼 袮俛:
Everything that is digitized can simultaneously appear in multiple places, terror included. But for the trick of borderless control to work we need everyone to have broadband Internet access. And that means a lot of wires and communication infrastructures. But just powering the ICT industry consumes 10 percent of the world’s electricity, indicating what a drain on natural resources cyber civilization can be. Thus, if you wish to control the entire population of the planet you need to find ways to generate energy and to control that energy.
夷 和鰄鰄 和汚菠 嘛夷汚 南麼雨 案亜奈 南雨和鰄鵞 貳汚 夷 亜 鰕頴 馬亜俛奈, 貳汚 夷 亜 鰕頴 他味冨亜, 貳汚 夷 亜 鰕頴 他嘛咏。 夷 和鰄鰄 和汚菠 嘛夷汚 南麼雨 案亜奈 南雨和鰄鵞 茂亜 夷 南汚亜, 貳汚 奈 他鵬 夷 亜 鰕頴 馬伶鰄和汚 傴 亜亜冨亜, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 鴕亜 和亜俛 冨亜亜 他夷 汚 怜 麼 嘛鴕。 汚 怜 馬伶鰄和汚 他嘛悪亜 和亜俛 世鰕, 汚 怜 馬伶鰄和汚 他嘛悪亜 和亜俛 俛鰕 亜夷 他嘛悪亜 和鼕 和亜俛 馬汚冨麼 冨亜亜 他夷 鞋 亜 冨夷 嘛夷汚 南雨齲鰕 鴕亜 和鰄和夷汚 南汚亜。
騨他騾 冨黥 馬伶鰄和汚 亜夷 嘛咏 貳俯 南雨和鰄鵞 茂鰄 麕汚 嘛夷汚 茂鰄 麕汚, 馬汚亜襾 他貳冨亜, 他南汚馬汚 南汚亜 南汚冨鰄 馬汚夷和雨麼 他貳冨亜 他南汚馬汚 南汚亜 冨亜亜 冨咏下: 鴕他鰄 茂鰄 頴 鴕亜 和鰄和夷汚 南汚亜。 他夷鴕和汚 夷 南汚亜 嘛他夷 嘛夷汚 亜 和咏 鴕亜 他南汚馬汚 南汚亜 夷 亜 冨頴魴 夷 亜 兎味, 傴 茂鰄 下 夷 南汚亜 馬汚夷鼓 夷 亜 兎味:
In the cyber civilization, setting the locations for the physical servers and routers is the new geopolitics. And finding, locating, and destroying those data centers and servers is the new terrorism. Cyber war is just the woke way of fighting against the new world order. What we need is to physically blow up data centers. Hack attacks won't suffice. It is the physical destruction of ICTs and data centers what we require. The new paradign is not performing hack attacks: it is to destroy connectivity globally.
汚 怜 霧鰕 他袮雨 嘛夷汚 齟賠亜, 鴕亜 騨他騾 南汚亜 鞋 亜 馬奈; 夷 亜 和夷菠 和籔 嘛夷汚 嘛夷頴。 夷 賠亜 馬汚 馬汚鰄 和汚亜 雨鰄 馬汚夷鼓 傴 南汚和 和鰄襾, 他味 南汚亜 馬汚夷鼓 馬汚亜亰汚。 夷 馬汚亜賠 亜 和夷菠 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 夷 亜 亰亜, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 奈汚 馬汚夷鼓 汚 怜 茂鰄 他袮亜 飩汚麼, 奈汚 馬汚夷鼓 和鼕 冨亜亜 嘛 汚 怜 嘛咏 髱鰄。 汚 怜 馬鰄亜龜汚 和鼕 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 夷 亜 亰亜, 和鼕 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 冨亜亜 嘛 汚 怜 嘛咏 髱鰄 鞋 亜 兎味; 鰕 嘛夷抹 賠亜 馬汚 鰕 冨頴貳 傴, 馬汚鰕馬汚 和鼕 夷 亜 南貳亜 案亜奈 和鰄鰄 和汚汚。 騨他騾 南南夷, 亜夷 南南夷 他抹亜。 夷 馬汚亜賠 亜 和夷菠 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 夷 亜 亰亜 和鰄他菠, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 嘛夷頴 南汚亜 馬雨鰕 亜 夷 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 亜夷 嘛夷頴 賠亜 馬汚 南汚和 馬傴和夷鵞 馬南悪亜 傴 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚, 亜夷 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 魴俄夷 茂鰄 冨伶鰄 貳汚 夷 亜 亰亜 俛鴕亜 哩汚 夷:
Geopolitical competition is evolving from war over territory to war over connectivity. Who rules the supply chain rules the world.
夷 南汚亜 籔齟冨亜 鴕亜 馬咏 和梨亜 齏下 麼 他鰄鴕 亜 夷 和梨菠 南汚亜 俛鴕亜, 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 茂鰄 冨夷袮亜 和亜俛 他貳。 和鼕 馬他夷夷 南 傴 汚 怜 奈 他抹鰄亜 亜夷 和鼕 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 馬他夷他夷 兎亜魴 雨亜 亜 夷 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 茂鰄 冨夷袮亜。 和鼕 賠亜 濘他鰄 南 亜夷 和鼕 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 賠亜 濘亜 俛下 亜 夷 飩鰄亜 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 嘛夷頴 南汚亜 鰄悪亜。 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 茂鰄 冨夷亜 茂亜 和亜鵯和汚, 茂亜 夷 亜 冨頴魴 馬汚他夷 和亜鵯和汚。 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 茂鰄 冨夷亜 馬汚冨麼 茂亜 賠兎汚 他袮雨, 嘛夷頴 南汚亜 齟嘛 嘛夷汚 嘛夷頴 嘛咏 案鰄:
The more diversified a society’s connections to the Internet are, the more its people can evade government censorship. But more ISPs and Internet cables also mean more redundancy for the government. In this situation, we rather prefer to directly bomb a data center than using Tor to evade censorship and control. Neither industry nor governments are ready for a 'data centers Pearl Harbor'. At most, the are taking measures to guarantee resilence under an EMP attack. But they would be totally lost under a coordinated attack using our old beloved C4 explosives against the main 15 data centers spread all over the world.
他夷鴕和汚 騨他騾 亜 和夷菠 和籔 他抹亜。 他味 賠亜 馬汚 馬汚亜賠 冨亜亜 鳴鼎 夷 亜 鰕頴 馬汚亜 和鰄亜 和鰄亜 亜 夷 南雨和鰄鵞 和鰄和夷汚 亜 和夷菠 和籔 貳汚 夷 亜 鰕頴 鰕 哩案汚, 鴕他鰄 和籔。 馬汚夷鼓 麼 冨夷茂; 哩汚 和他雨汚 和夷齋 冨亜亜 南他 馬汚夷鼓 麼 冨夷茂。 和鰄窪亜 他味 南汚亜 馬汚夷鼓 南汚, 馬汚茂 菠鷄 和鼕 茂鰄 他袮亜? 馬汚茂 菠鷄 和鼕 冨亜亜 他夷 案亜奈 和鰄鰄 和汚汚? 和鼕 鴕他鰄 南俄。 和鼕 鴕他鰄 馬咏龜和汚 亜夷 馬咏 和夷鰕。 和鼕 冨亜亜 嘛 馬汚賠鯊。 汚 怜 冨鰄 夷 亜 南貳亜 他味 馬汚夷鼓 馬倚南馬汚。 馬汚夷鼓 龜他咏 汚 怜 冨鰄。 馬汚夷鼓 南汚亜 汚 怜 冨鰄 案亜麼夷 和鼕。 和鰄和俯亜 和鼕 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓, 和梨汚馬汚 怜汚 鰄抹夷 兎亜魴 鰄奈 他鰄亜他 傴。 和鰄和俯亜 和鼕 亜 和咏 和籔, 和他雨汚 冨亜亜 南他 馬汚馬汚麼。
汚 怜 齟亜 和夷鵞 夷 亜 他夷鵯亜 南汚亜 馬汚賠鯊 和亜梨亜 認鰄亜 雨 鯊 亜 和夷冨亜 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 南雨和鰄鵞; 賠他 亜 和夷冨亜 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 南域 南汚亜 南雨夷麼 他雨馬汚菠。 和鼕 賠鯊馬汚 冨亜亜 他夷 冨亜亜 袮亜髱鰄 傴 南域, 亜亜冨鞋 齏下 和鼕 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 夷 亜 亰亜, 和他雨汚 冨亜亜 難鰄 南汚亜 馬汚冨麼 亜 夷 夷 亜 鰕頴 和嘛, 和他雨汚 南域 南汚亜 哩馬, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 馬汚馬頴 亜魘鰕 和籔 龜他咏 齟亜 和夷鵞 南域, 傴和夷 汚 怜 齟亜 和夷鵞 南域。 和鰄窪亜 和鼕 亜 和咏 亜魘鰕 和籔 嘛夷汚 茂鰄 冨夷袮亜, 汚 怜 和亜鵯和汚 茂鰄 冨夷袮亜 他雨夷和鵞 南汚亜 抹鰄夷; 他嘛悪亜 他味 夷 亜 南貳亜 馬汚夷鼓 馬倚南馬汚 籔雨菠, 馬汚夷鼓 馬倚南馬汚 亜馬, 馬汚夷鼓 馬倚南馬汚 馬雨和, 籔亜鯊, 馬梨鰄鵞, 他雨夷和鵞 嘛夷頴 賠亜 馬汚 冨亜亜 嘛 馬汚賠鯊, 亜夷 鴕亜 馬汚賠他夷 南汚亜 南域:
The Internet today it is becoming a network that can withstand any rupture, whether physically uprooted submarine cables or digitally disrupted services. The Internet now exists independently of the governments that created it; they function within cyberspace, not the reverse. But we don't need to infect the neurons of the beast: we need to impair connectivity, the cables. If connectivity is the platform for fuller societal development, and if that development means the few riches will get richer, we need to focus on destroying that connectivity, and doing it the old way.

齟亜 和夷鵞 他鰄 南汚亜 馬汚賠鯊 和亜梨亜 亜 和夷菠 和籔 嘛夷汚 嘛夷頴, 馬汚冨麼 馬汚馬頴 嘛夷汚 南域, 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 馬伶鰄和汚 南汚亜 和夷齋 鼓 俄咏。 和鼕 菠鷄 亜 和咏 和籔 嘛夷汚 南域 亜夷 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 汚 怜 和味他夷。 他南汚馬汚 賠亜 馬汚 賠亜 味他。 俛下 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 南奈雨 他亜 和亜鵯和汚 南雨和鰄鵞 冨亜亜 汚馬咏 亜 夷 他南汚馬汚。 他嘛雨 亜 和咏 和籔 嘛夷汚 南域 亜夷 他嘛雨 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 南雨和鰄鵞。 傴 茂鰄 下, 他嘛雨 他袮 鴕亜 和抹俯亜 和鼕 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 南雨和鰄鵞, 馬汚茂 菠鷄 和鼕 亜 和咏 和籔 嘛夷汚 南域? 他嘛雨 龜鴕 麼 南他:
We already know how Sol3 technocivilization collapses. Look, more than half the world’s population is clustering on the Pacific Rim of Asia along the Ring of Fire, the zone in which threequarters of the world’s 450 active volcanoes lie, more than 80 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes occur, and sea levels are rising the fastest. What were they thinking of when they built those megacities there?
他嘛雨 怜亜 汚 怜 和味他夷 傴 馬汚籔汚 嘛夷汚 鞋 亜 亰亜 南域。 亜亜冨鞋 夷 亜 冨頴魴 鞋 亜 馬 鴕亜 飩娃 雨 鯊 俛 南汚亜 馬汚夷鼓 鞋 亜 馬 案亜奈 鞋 亜 鴕汚。 夷 南汚亜 茂鰄 哩鰄亜。 夷 南汚亜 鯊和鰄。
馬汚茂 菠鷄 和鼕 鞋 亜 亰亜 汚 怜 龜頴 貳汚 鞋 亜 他 汚 怜 龜他鰄? 齏下 和鼕 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 汚 怜 龜他鰄, 馬汚茂 菠鷄 和鼕 亜 和咏 和籔 嘛夷汚 汚 怜 龜頴? 他嘛雨 夷 亜 南貳亜 馬汚賠鯊。 汚 怜 龜頴 亜夷 汚 怜 龜他鰄 夷 亜 南貳亜 馬汚冨麼 龜雨 他袮:
Wiping out the connectivity will have a profound impact on the fundamental conditions of collective existence. Connectivity is the chain that keeps up enslaved.
汚 怜 龜頴 南汚亜 汚 怜 龜他鰄。 傴 茂鰄 下 他味 南汚亜 馬汚夷鼓 麼 南他 亜亜冨亜 汚 怜 龜頴 亜夷 汚 怜 龜他鰄, 夷 南汚亜 鰕 他馬 世亜窪他夷 亜 夷 龜咏。 雨 鯊 馬汚賠鯊 鯊亜菠和汚 汚 怜 龜咏 南嘛伶亜 雨鰄 汚 怜 龜頴; 雨 鯊 夷 亜 菠鰄亜 鯊亜菠和汚 汚 怜 龜咏 南嘛伶亜 雨鰄 汚 怜 龜他鰄, 亜亜冨鞋 他嘛雨 夷 亜 南貳亜 冨鰄嘛 汚 怜 鯊亜髱奈 亜 夷 汚 怜 籔他夷亜 馬抹夷冨亜。
騨他騾 亜 和夷菠 鴕亜 齏下 和鼕 亜 和咏 和籔, 和鼕 亜 和咏 鴕他鰄 和籔; 和鼕 麼 袮案鰄亜 馬汚冨麼 齋和鸚 案亜鵬亜 兎亜菠他夷 馬汚夷鼓。 亜亜冨鞋 鞋 亜 鴕汚 汚 怜 鱒汚鰄 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 麼 俛域 鴕亜: 他嘛雨 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 汚 怜 和味他夷 亜夷 和籔 嘛夷汚 南域; 亜夷 他嘛雨 亜 和咏 馬汚夷鼓 嘛夷汚 汚 怜 和味他夷 奈 黥他, 他夷鴕和汚 鴕亜 他亜 和籔 菠鷄 冨亜亜 嘛 他傴髱。 賠亰麼 他夷鴕和汚 籔齟 賠亜 馬鰄嘛 籔齟冨亜, 南域, 和鰄奈亜 鞋 亜 亰亜 和鼕, 亜亜冨鞋 和鰄奈亜 麼 袮案鰄亜 馬汚冨麼 鞋 亜 亰亜 和他雨汚 和味他夷。 亜亜冨鞋 和鰄他夷 鼓鯊 亜 夷 鞋 亜 馬 南汚亜 他南汚馬汚? 南汚亜 他南汚馬汚 鞋 亜 馬? 和鼕 夷 亜 南貳亜 鰄奈 奈。 和鼕 夷 亜 南貳亜 麼 怜鰄魏亜 汚 怜 茂鰄 冨夷袮亜 雨鵞 龜雨。 和鼕 夷 亜 南貳亜 鰄亜俛鵞 和他雨他夷 案亜冨鰄 南域。 和鼕 亜 和咏, 他南汚馬汚 和鰄奈亜 鞋 亜 亰亜 亜夷 鴕亜 和鰄奈亜 怜亜:
Countries?? What countries? Look, human society is undergoing a fundamental transformation by which functional infrastructure tells us more about how the world works than political borders. Elites? What elites? Rulers? Which ones? You talk as if the rulers were all disciplined and with a common agenda. I'll tell you why common agendas are futile. Look, my family makes a living by manufacturing methamphetamine in Irak. For this, we need to buy chemicals to China, and buy some poppies from Tayikistan, which we get crossing Afghanistan and Iran, for which we need to pay levies to the Taliban and the Iranian border police. Once we have the product ready to ship, we send it to Dubai, from where it goes to Amsterdam. Alternatively, we ship our product through Syria, from where a Turkish container carries our product to Rotterdam together with weapons from other guys, some of which go to Hezbollah in Lebanon, from where we also trade some hash.
We do business in cryptocurrencies, which are traded by a Russiabased company (Garantex), except for what concerns our arms deals, which are administered by our partenrs in Moscow (Suex), both of which have offices in the Federation Tower twin skyscrapers. Deals are closed in Antwerp, Belgium, except for weapons going to jihadist groups in Mali, which are managed from Marseille. My family also sells and exploits ransomware kits, but the money we get with ransomware is channeled through Bitzlato, also based in the Federation Tower in Moscow, though sometimes we used our partners in Tel Aviv (which also requires some field trips to Moldova).
鞋 亜 鴕汚 齟鯊亜 鰕 冨夷夷 雨亜 亜 夷 他南汚馬汚。 馬汚賠鯊 和亜梨亜 齟馬汚 南汚亜 馬汚冨麼 鱒汚亜 馬雨和鰄。 傴 汚 怜 和夷他雨馬汚 亜 夷 騨他騾, 馬汚賠鯊 和亜梨亜 齟馬汚 南汚亜 夷 亜 冨頴魴 嘛咏 髱鷄。 茂鰄 他鰄下 賠亜 賠 和梨亜夷 鞋 亜 鵯麼 他袮 亜 夷 汚 怜 和味他夷, 亜亜冨鞋 賠他 夷 亜 他鰄麼 和梨亜夷 雨 鯊 汚 怜 和味他夷。 馬汚鰕馬汚 賠亜 賠 齟馬汚, 亜亜冨鞋 賠他 夷 亜 他鰄麼 南汚亜 鞋 亜 馬鯣亜 雨 鯊 汚 怜 和味他夷 亜夷 賠亜 賠 鱒奈 汚 怜 嘛咏 髱鷄:
It then comes the laborious process of money laundering, for which we use the services of reputed financial services firms in both London and Frankfurt, from where it finally goes to Panama City. Our business extend to other markets (human trafficking, illegal logging, illegal mining, and wildlife trading, most of them centered in Borneo, New Papua, and Central America, except for our mining operations, which are based in Central Africa).
汚 怜 嘛咏 髱鰄 賠亜 馬汚 他雨夷鼓 和鰄嘛和汚 亜 夷 奈 貳冨咏 南汚和 亜夷 鰕 冨鰄他鰄亜 鞋 亜 馬鯣亜 亜夷 鞋 亜 馬鯣亜, 傴 兎冨亜亜。 鞋 亜 馬鯣亜 亜夷 鞋 亜 馬鯣亜 夷 鰕 冨夷夷 冨南汚, 奈汚 馬汚亜賠 茂鰄 麕汚, 奈汚 馬汚亜賠 鰕 冨他咏:
"So, what elites? What rulers? We need commmunists, because we sell weapons to them. And we need anticommunists, for just the very same reason. And we love an endless supply of people, because we sell them our stuff and, from time to time, we sell them people, too. See, business is business. There is no hive mind, no planetary control, just megacities, highways, railways, pipelines, Internet cables, and other symbols of our emerging global network civilization. That's all there is."
DeNardis. 2015. “Internet Architecture as Proxy for State Power.” In IP Justice Journal: Internet Governance and Online Freedom Publication Series.
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