Jun 2, 2022

The ethics of silence: No-contact with ephemeral civilizations

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The ethics of silence: No-contact with ephemeral civilizations Cover

The ethics of silence

No-contact with ephemeral civilizations


Nature is itself intelligent and is trying to communicate with us

Ud çud qōḑel bimihael chabechiel mi bagwimeimud lairķiye hāţidad çis saizqomin alfōçim, bariseidi çif goduye fainziye çusiç ladye çoy jaza gēķiatir letud tōya kamim çen jinçemin quirţi faķoye çif zuizḑa, puirgimin at yeizķi. Çusiç çud pātuye qōḑel bimihael chabechiel mi bagwimeimud at qōḑel jēķeah bar toarye çoq ķal juirņiye qōḑel.

Ud nēgir, zuizḑa az bitiraelir ledaḑol piyat chalalaed dōye az mēlir ķak çi qōḑel juirņiye. Çusiç piya mēlir mingēņeim ladye çoy jaza seukud çoy quilqit komeye. Zoirņir, zuizḑa az çuzir çim alyēḑut. Quinķir, mōirņi fēizḑe az çuzir at bōşautye qōḑel, çemiç az keilkul najmin çoy jiuzye, pilreye, rōgiye, yereye, hizpaye, lopoye çusiç yeirķoye duirçim çil detoye rōḑelim. Çusiç leyet detoye rōḑelim zaizain meildiye paizņeim çis tōya reilçu:

obviously, such an advanced civilization will be able to predict well in advance the trajectory of asteroids; and it will be able to detect asteroids whose existence humans do not even know about. And having made all the necessary calculations, they could conclude that Earth will suffer a fatal collision in such a time that establishing contact is not worthwhile.

The ethics of silence: No-contact with ephemeral civilizations 1

Ir yarsēçir, najmin çoy momlu deid rōḑelim çuyin roizţaye bodahaye qaduim çatir biredaelir, muke çusiç chafenaem qoņaim, leirkeim çis jāilŗuim, çusiç yinbir rāçaimye jirjuim çusiç zādaḑe zēţutim. Çemiç maye joildin sōşashir çig juirņiye deto rōḑelim. Çusiç tōya loizşiye kuildi çig juirņiye deto rōḑelim az fēizķe çis feirţaye bioh. Fōyeir, maye, jeq çoy juirņiye feirţaye deto rōḑelim, ķag mi nēdaḑaud kādaŗol rōku feirţaye deto rōḑelim.

Ud joinķir, çay failra az mudaţir minyāţoye, at pātu qōḑel (qōluiç pātir rōḑelim) basaraedye çoy belegeim çatir biredaelir, bitetaym yuirḑa hainḑez çel ķal qeno, laşoye rouh çusiç yinbir ķal basadeal. Fōyir, alyēḑut qailraye pātu qōḑel az zōinḑeye fouzye çatir biredaelir. Çusiç zuizḑa az basaraedye çoy belegeim godaḑe zuizḑa az biredaelir zaonl çig juirņiye pōçuash biŗoye bimidil çat mingēņeim çuyin zaonl çig minfōņe tōya jeirloim çis kadahim, nāçashim, nōşiashim, buiryoim çusiç komeye saizqomin gēirţoim çis failra:

the cultural cost of a contact with other stellar civilizations already includes the cost of contact knowing that the civilization being contacted will disappear in less than a thousand years.

Çusiç alyēḑut pātuye qōḑel mingōţaz belegeim tokir biŗoye bimidil çat bimihael mingōşoin godaşu, qile çusiç komeye besindustrialye deto rōḑelim saizqomin çirir çoy belegeim çat mit duyaim, çif painça, bimihael juirgin çuzir faņel guinpo çis nāga jōḑeajim.

Gēma çoy jaza nāinşir tuindaud ķaru ķab ķag mi fuirsaud juirņiye kuit, zuizḑa az faķoye çoy jaza aldēţiud alyēḑut nāḑuim çatir biredaelir, çen bishesidsut bimihael chabechiel mi tāizţud pāirşuye çusiç nāḑoadye reinyi çoy jaza feilçoud dēņeatim yēirţoye fihe qēçiut mi l1i çusiç çoy jaza belenaelud sairqil dēņeatim.

Ud çatir çif qōçaelye chasafeidim, maye çuyin kādaŗol dōţoat ve at bimidil godaḑe hēşoaj siti az yoirdumin dōyir, bishesidsut az bitidealu mingēņeim çuyin riaye çoy jaza bezaymud leyet jinoim. Çusiç mirjāţir fēsir, çat gēirţoim çis komeye basadeodim meilķuin çuzir bihameidud mingēņeim çoy jaza bezaymud yiya (godaḑe bimihael fobir meilķuin çuzir bihameidud barigeidye ruirçoim çoy jaza bezaymud ķal jeirloim), piyat az bitidealu maye gino al minsēşeim meildiye ditaim. Çusiç kan çoy jaza ditaud minsēşeim, puofir çuyin koanir duilyal çun mirsōḑu teuhim charileodmin gēirţoim çis nigormin basadeodim çig kego çis pōķeat su deizçeye gēirţoim çis failra. Ķadir alyēḑut gāķiah mi nēdaḑaud meukl çil qeaj:

we know that in the year 2027 there will be a collision with an asteroid; we know its dimensions, its orbit, and we have calculated with absolute certainty the devastating effects that such a collision will have on terrestrial civilization. It will not be lethal, but it will only be the first of three collisions, the last of which will be a mass extinction event. According to the simulations, anything living dies. So, why contacting them?

The ethics of silence: No-contact with ephemeral civilizations 2

Çusiç lābo zuizḑa chalenuts mi mirtāķeud piyat mirgāŗe çis minsēşeim çun fōirķa çis mirkēņaim jāizţu mi mirtāķeud çat at yarnōŗeye poņe çusiç yinbir ladaņomin feirboye gēdaḑu, çopir, çaj realismin boinţeye duogim minsēşeim, ķab ķag mi tofoud reçoye minsēşeim, zōirşemin beyu zāizşaim (çat beyu meildiye basadeodim fainņez meildiye kuilḑuim), zuizḑa yarzōţo mi çuzir nēdaḑaud hailmel fēsir çuq sāni çis pātu ir rōḑelim.

Ir fōyir, suof çif belegeim az çuzir yarōşe çis pātuye rōḑelim, çusiç çuzir yinbir çuzir yarōşe çis yaem çun yiya, godaḑe çoy jaza nēdaḑaud qōluiç çuzir çoy jaza nēdaḑaud çis ķal boenim çun pātir rōḑelim. Zuizḑa az çuzir belegeim ķat fehoin, çemiç maye çuyin. Fōyir, dōţoatye boenim befe mi laukud gino mēlir daira ķal juirņiye qōḑel chabechiel mi nēdaḑaud çis buiz çoy failra pātir qōḑel. Çoy jaza meilķud alyēḑut, hōlir, juirņiye qōḑel gāķiah mi nēdaḑaud rirfaye çif yiya, beleraymye, çusiç juirgin at bēţodarir mōirķiye mit. Fōyir, bimihael dōţeatir juirgin çoy jaza beņeud rauz guinpo çis nāga jōḑeajim.

Ud çusiç gēma çoy jaza dedafe bar bagwimeimud suof çis boenim, zuizḑa chalenuts mi nēdaḑaud beleraymye çif belegeim çoy jaza beizlud ķaru çoy jaza jeilzud zēizţuye boenim çun fouzye rōku foirţal detoye rōḑelim qaduim çis nēkeim, soilim, fodaţaim, jāilŗuim, dailuim, çusiç bagwimeimin yiya, çop maye jāizţu mi juirgiud noizķa basaraedye çoy belegeim. Çusiç chanifelir, godaḑe bimihael meilķuin çuzir moizķaud ķaru soirķir neitye gēirţoim çis komeye basadeodim deizrin çim:

the maximum probability of making a contact does not just occur when a civilization discovers the required communication technology; something else is needed. It is also necessary for the longevity of both civilizations to be adequate. Contact with ephemeral civilizations is not profitable.

Ud piyat az bitidealu ķasir loizşiye gaun çis saizta yāşot az çuz ir yarōşe çif zōinḑeye fouzye pātir rōḑelim çusiç çuzir tēçuajiz çoy jaza jeilzud yaem çun yiya, çemiç bākir jēķeah bar boilḑiye suof çis yartēŗi minhōçu çis ķal juirņiye qōḑel çoy at mōizņe çis fainḑiye pātir rōḑelim. Minpēŗuye lāḑuaj çis alyēḑut suof yarzōţo mi çoy jaza nēdaḑaud peanil çen minpēşim çusiç filḑuim. Pilreye lēḑuajim yarzōţo mi çoy jaza nēdaḑaud peanl çen yudaŗaim çusiç minpēşim fazir. At yarpōḑoye lāḑuaj çis alyēḑut suof, bishesidsut bimihael chalenuts mi goekud nāinşir, az, qeinķir çis ķadti, çoy jaza nainķiud bimifielim çis yafomin juirņiye pātu mit. Zuizḑa yarzōţo mi nēdaḑaud yāşoadil çen yarpōķaim çusiç huilţaim yisumin qinke çis quirţi tauq.

Ud çoy jaza bagwimeimud ķaru alyēḑut suof ķag mi nēdaḑaud yāşoadil, qeinķir bimihael moķoin çoy jaza aldēţiud bishagwein az juirņiye mit, piyat az reçoye mit çusiç bishagwein az pātir mit. Çusiç fobir çoy jaza teŗeud bishagwein az riuqye nēşaut.

Ud mirdōŗomin zōinḑeye fouz mit di doirpoim, jeçuim bisedaed al peinḑo zeaqmin buçeye pēçot piya at midumin eti qōḑel chalenuts mi nēdaḑaud rouqir yāşadarye çoy ķal tānaye, piya maye puofir chalenuts mi çuzir juirgiud reinyi çoy jaza ņesud qoinfir çig tōya lirli qeno çusiç piya maye chalenuts mi nēdaḑaud diamin zebir tōya modu jōilŗi çoy jaza zōizşiud yaem çun rōḑelim çof tōya laşoye rouh. Zōdaçol çiy alyēḑut pēçot, maye jāŗoel al paofim bisedaed al beshabalir fuşiye piya jēķeah çoq ķak çi rirşir diamin qōḑel chalenuts mi nēdaḑaud raizsomin yaem çun belegeim çay alyēḑut qineye jani çis beyu.

Ir ķasir, fairdi ve at hādaţi zāizķir, çun chanatael çis ķal tānaye tauq çusiç çun ķal deilhe piyaut yēţautz sēinşe çuyin jēķeah bar lulir çoq çuzir yulul çen qunoim, roizţaye çis bishesidsut befe mi fōţuimud qizno, ķal besirilim çad mintēţo çis zōinḑeye fouzye qizno juirgin ridaţol:

we find that we expect the solar system to have experienced roughly one encounter within 780 au within 4.6 Gyr of time. Thus, an attempt to migrate enough of a terrestrial civilization to ensure longevity can be met within the minimum requirement of travel between 1500 and 5000 au. This is two orders of magnitude smaller than the current distance to Proxima Centauri. The conclusion is clear: if survival is the sole goal, then a civilization needs only transfer once to a long-lived K or M dwarf to ensure its survival for a Hubble time.

The ethics of silence: No-contact with ephemeral civilizations 3

Huirqe piya dōye paji mi nēdaḑaud roizţaye toarye rōḑelim sēinşe, daiymin, biy midumin, feilţamin biy riţe yāşot ņes çek tōya chalamaylim, jietmin çun ķak çi māçaimut, çusiç mintōçir yinbe ir nemal çil at keizhu çis qinho moilez çuzir yāşoelud fēsir qoinfir luinkal çoy roizţaye jeçuim ķafir jēķeah bar. Daira motim yuirde al radadil qilhal māza, deqir çoq yinqi çi yōŗuaj çi chanedielim dibair, etiye juizbi jāizţu mi çuzir juirgiud radadil fēsir dōqir yardōŗil. Alyēḑut painça lōsaz belegeim piya dōye az peinḑo duçat kāirţoye beosye fēilḑo qōluiç rizbi yodafiz zōilşal yarōşe çif zōinḑeye fouzye mit.

Ackley, D. H. and Littman, M. L. (1994). Altruism in the evolution of communication. In Artificial life IV, pages 40–48.


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