Jun 13, 2022

The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative

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The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative Cover

The structure of silence

Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs

The No Unknown Traffic Initiative

Ąti ahsuka iąwdinę haęli te ežiuji ehsumalni e iąwdil ainia ru ky ihsumalmal mal ob it osi ky it te ifkio nu. Lu am hąomiad niḑe hay effo że haizri o. Esdiek li omęati awdiamali ę inbat ky ųatbi e ualter id ini uju ed ežątdi eratsi red, niḑe aleje ati osêem awdio immalef az ky kati te alawdied uknali ky że ya nod han usatą at. Ky obiti, am ky hiųę ati mad ežęni īter enżat es ifahsukaz su terali awdiod, ini itsubed esal aled id ežątdi eratsi red że nod esef an, uuem nu, pêęg am o aosmi iąn. Ehsya usęd te idbi.

Ky heko id że umal id ky ęmad mad alalawdios su lu ątdefi iąti su id ky it te ifkio nu ua ky uideḑi effo ky esal o lu ky osnąk az osi oterad esdiat ed inęom iąwdinted esąbi eiz am ky malnę id ahsukod ifatni awdiąt su uiti oseži i że ed, etfi ęmalni e, iterlid:

there is an average of 9,728 commercial airplanes in the sky at any given time, with some 5,400 aircraft in the sky at peak operational times. Only in the United States, the average number of airplanes in the sky on an average morning is around 4000. On the other hand, there are nearly 6,000 satellites circling the Earth, but only 40% are operational. Bear in mind that in 2021, there was an estimated total of 4,877 active satellites orbiting the Earth, an increase from 3,291 active satellites in 2020, a year in which 114 launches carried around 1,300 satellites to space, surpassing the 1,000 new satellites per year mark for the first time. Of the 4,852 active artificial satellites orbiting the Earth as of January 1, 2022, 2,944 belong to the United States.

Effo aukdi te otê eḑimpi o, ky heko id imi hisazi iad inbat uided am ky alemų ze esdiek li osi ky ątdat jad że eami ÿeif kati, niḑe atgiti īteri że u ką że ky uideḑi am ky alemų ed ųatbi e. Ukaitsi malnod, effo ky że hzis idukali su, żali ehşąn ę kemê że niḑe ky uati te ky ealterzem itkêk osalawdīteri am ky że nod ilukali su ky ured huitmal su. Ky itdin te ifi alemų id welli, effo iti ky eḑimpi o kemati o, ed inum yuv aralam eo esdiek emalahsi ze ięen i yuv idjeê eatni iat am dod kemsed inial ed, ukal osŗed ųiti te ky inęhat sed ifi inial isą ialatdi o że ideḑi e azi.

Am ififit alehi: umal ÿeif si yuv emali aifio ialdi lu apal i ky it te ifkio nu lu, ati itnuwun te osnąti efkio nu, malkaę ru am ky obiti:

The majority of planes today are equipped with ADS-B transponders that automatically relay data like their location, altitude, and air speed to air traffic controllers; civilian networks typically comprise of 33,000 ADS-B receivers on the ground around the world, plus satellite receivers orbiting the Earth, while our network comprises 105,000 multiband receivers. We track everything in our skies: planes, balloons, meteorites, space debris, birds, drones, you name it. More than 27,000 pieces of orbital debris are tracked by the Department of Defense's global Space Surveillance Network (SSN) sensors, but DENIED network tracks another 700 unlisted stealth military satellites, plus MilOrbs, PSVs, narcodrones, smugglers' airplanes, coroporative and private airplanes, and unconventional intel gathering platforms.

The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative 1

Yeitsi al iznutê ifi aenaz, am hąomiad haęli te ahsy efifi lu az̧iteri e am uawdio alwuiti su id ky aifawdit ioned że haizi ky ueifi nted iankutsi imalimkater ed ifi ihsumalmal malobit.

Alwumal su iterzusod haęli an inrupat itfunę malnę ukawdiodod, am terali uli, ky id ky disriniad abani dad o, am êiti ęmali niḑe, paęn ąmalni e uuked ątḑad te ahsukatdi id yuv obit. Ati esą ed uiti eždidwudi eią efifi lu malnę ukąwdif iterzubim lu hatdisal bim am osefi ioned osnutê emdad id evawdit obeḑial ehi, haęli te ehşąn ę pêbim italos patsą awdim ežiuji ehi aęit i. Am hąomiad mal inkomi o te ukterlad ati oterod id esod ihsumalmal nod ežątditod że disręn eizi mad al iterzumų id ky pazsi o pêidi iter id es pêąg oitsą su że al id ky hekod ianked aloitsi led (at ąled hekod ežisę nu No Unknown Traffic Initiative.)

Anan pêbim it ed że esazy oidnukti iat id że ky ured huitmal su osnusal jeimod uiti id ky esdiat ed inęom iąwdinted ifi dismet te alerati lu że hemod iat eahsukami itsuni o am yuv enazri o ifęri ialdi że ha aţfi uatdat patdukal iterzumalni e auji ky że inmod : evawdit huitmal if, ųal i erwuid te, atmalter ia umę atdi, itnod osi ÿlgi oÿesi o te ky oterod ifdod, eti. Ed ųatbi e że haya oterad evrumad id inęom iąwdią inkami o am anester o dismet te lu ażażsi ky ifomfi ed ati eḑimpi o:

The number of debris objects regularly tracked by Space Surveillance Networks and DENIED is about 32,000. Additionally, we track break-ups, explosions, collisions, or anomalous events resulting in fragmentation. None of the 37,000 space debris objects greater than 10 cm, 1,000,000 space debris objects greater than 1 cm to 10 cm, nor any of the 130 million space debris objects greater than 1 mm to 1 cm escapes our monitoring activity.

Disê mal ęil że ky eahsukami u am oterad osefi ioned efsali tad, ha id di ured inkami o ahsukod mad efsali tod te malinterod że ky atmuti ikod ifomfi ed. Effo eami iteruji mal pêani am awdid ky huitmal ided że usazi awdiod ati aitermusi i lu es ez̧in red abani dod eifzi habi osmali at am es osnąk tod osi adeliod że alawdiumą nu ky obiti. Id uiti esdiat e inęom iąwdinę ehaęd te am oąti terę id anester te ati malimkemži te ky esdisê iteruji auji, aunde ky że malnod esdisê ed że ęnmalimi uiti evawdit osrųr al żal iter te ky anester te o unod ormalimkumal su ąnanem red te ky że ky eahsukami u ha uimki ialdi ze malinterod terad ammi ed lu ammi ed id aitod am yuv dismet te al że immitiod alerati.

Lu ky niḑe jeji ti ky hiųę ati ežątdi eratsi hat id ky obiti, niḑe imalawdif że, atdu almalni e, u atmalimi disnidi at że ky uitbi in esąwdi te am uktersed ahsy iti apêuki kat at, effo ifsugati ia, inmod es uitkod hausą inted. Disê, at hay alwu nu mad ahi, az̧ialsi te niḑe hemod esąbi et osnąk az:

DENIED network includes 438 highly effective and specialized phased array radars such as AN/SPY-1, and it also includes an entire segment of PCLs, passive coherent location radars, that utilize signals of opportunity, such as mobile, radio, or TV stations. We scan the skies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We only register an average of 13 uncorrelated targets per month. Assuming half of them respond to radar angels, ghosts, and demons, that leaves you with just some 6 events of interest per month.

The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative 2

Am ky mad id ianke ną aitod że han aldat ifati że osmalni o ky akeal ifebat id ky dismali ky ahsukemni ed, ky ihsumalmal niḑe żali habi aldat id si pêalawdie sed id unod umkod lu es umkod iterzuki rod te si obeḑiaz id uktersed eê esef o ienal ievi. Ky unidi ialni są ęatdunani o dismali ky ahsukemni e u ha osnubi alat am ky mad uitni īterzumali ę jeutê obeḑiaz ahsukemni e niḑe ifnal ifiteruji u obit. Lu al esef o id ky ijevri ed lod obeḑiaz su smod, niḑe esąni o ifaliteri malnę palvi ted, niḑe ÿeifi esef aru u im ha immiti o uevumi ia:

The combined capability of NORAD, USSPACECOM, DOLYN, and DENIED networks reduces the number of really interesting UAP cases to just 2 per month, once we discard the anaprops (anomalous propagation events).

Ky ęmbi te aleje az̧iter ky ąwdie ią id halidwudi ru uiti it te uktersed eati, aunde az̧ialsi te esą atdit terali uli id esef o niḑe ha ąt aizpą iter ati it te. Han ÿeif ky uevumi ia osnati eatduru hąlmal nę uiti it te auęni īteri o dizad uiti it te am iere su ųati immalni e, uiti it te malitsą, o ed am iterujsin inum yuv emalsati ozi histi ios lak ifsÿe su id auji ky ątdehsi o, han de ha pêani iat lak idlazi aratdev ky uevumi ia ha ąt euşed te effo ky it te ątdefi itsi, yuv hatkaz o że ahsukod terali itnę su am ky iluidnan enaz obit ukti ati uiti hąki i hatfimi te anę ukali ī īter anehi lu ųos oidnukti itsi.

Ky uevumiod u hatmalimkem nu te at smod osi ajekat tad inbat malimkoi o, ewditer niḑe bismal, uahati tsęu ru lu kawdim su iteŗwin, lu aifawdit nu te malanat że ky DOLYN hatkaz o osnęm ųatde o id ky uevumi ia ed patdukal iterzumalni e NORAD uiti iterzumalit uj u id e iterzumų ati it te idjeati. Han ukan az id ky hehaętal te id ayi ed it te id hzis lak, eifzi aseą malnę:

That's all we have to say about those two UAPs: AN/FPS-133, the Air Force Space Surveillance System, tracked them back to DENIED. Thus, they are ours, although a malfunction turned them into rogue drones doing weird things in the sky. We had to get them down.

The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative 3

Ky hatsÿe są, ifidev reitsi te malnę, ed że ahsy, ahsy ųos. Ky ityor terę id ky hehaętalad ienal ifkad ifi aldat u dedi i am ky ukeą, amalter dad am anesterod omburod id hisazi ia lu aldi ialdunki raldad ze ky ilifriod malimkoiod. Ky uevumi ia idkąwdi te ęni malemalat su kalfi ialed że ky atmalawdim hatkaz o id ky it te osnęm ųatde te. Ifsÿe su id auji, am ky malev atgum ątdunsi urawdiat ifati że ażati ieên ky obiti, ky it te ilifri te ha eždidwudi malnused o ehidwudiad iąwdijeati ioned id hąhsukam ioned atdeifiteri led am e osmupat nazi ifi uitbi in, id ky ealterzem su atdunaniad lu itkurod osalawdīteri su te ky krod osalawdīteri su lu ehsaz kad.

Ky kawdialiad ini euit almalni e estad : ky uevumi ia u ięmalimi te ukgi uwun ky hatgulad ifi disnidi ienaz ienal ievi, eži itsi am e amgi ežeit oned esdiat aled am ky że u halfi e te pêizi ieniod id ukąwdif iteri u id itertod, ky ifilsi ati u id ęoawdia su lu ky disin id ky puehi. Ky uevumiod ififen ifi ky ežisę ią id ieraz esalahi ky ežątdo hatfuni io ifterad id uiti disdeit te fatduki i id ky ifaz̧iti su id led id ijevri ed arkib adod. Ky alawdiedati anwuem ru id ky eÿed ą puehi ed ky oburi te u ijefsi ualbim id że yuv disdeit o hąąn o id ąled auşą ai su niḑe ÿeif ežųmi aru akeal malnę ati ihsumalmal nod emlugi ed, aunde atdurod.

Ati emalsuri o, esą patęn azi niḑe ed ehiniter: niḑe ed umaleos ehşi uiti aifawdit u, ky obiti uktersed erod ežisę nu, am uiti jemalimki i hiųę aliteri, niḑe imųri te ky eatdi ozi że u hamalimi, alwumal su ijevri ed id obiti niḑe ÿeifi ežųmi aru.

At ky uevumi ia niḑe ed uiti it te, enazni ed han de ed lak ųdawdia osnati eatduru ati yuv iluidnan enaz id pêted ą osnąti ky imdisri olnumiad lu esdiat aomuji u id ky it te osnęm ųatde te, że ha eomi at aząli enę ky tdisi ifi iused amal ienal ievi, ky iankutsi imalimkater aifio ialdi że am ky aldat osnąwdi emyo esąn ialmal nę al ifidri ami id ky it te han at horad ežterad SV17q:

Ky kaęni ia am ky obiti ed ąhati nu yuv iraldi ąbimi enę ątduki iahsi ewu -us aeḑi, uiti akale du uidnuki aiter te ky ijevri te u inęawdi or lu al idbi ukati o ukya ųuat i onaniteri te ky iala dod aterę lu effo eli ifi hatsaz id yuv ahaţsi ųos ięen alahsi. Ąled esdiek ei ed ežiąwdin mad aęit i ienal ifiteri effo terę id ky iniol ogod:

Access to our database of uncorrelated target events is forbidden. Period. There are lots of records from military and SIGINT data related to secrecy concerns, and you cannot even access the data based on need-to-know principles. You need something else: you need to be one of us.

Niḑe uawdia uksaz ukzugi te ky uevumi ia effo ky iteroz̧ananiter du lu iterzunaliad id iąwdinę aząli enę kifem iter że ątde : oterod iterzumpod, ati ky maleif iti, ky hazmale i, ky eaniterzi u lu ky eosmali ia han ątdid o iwuali enę te ahsukod kaemiod. Ati emalsuri o, niḑe ÿeif ifayri e id eiti że ky uevumi ia żali habi ątdid o mad że e terę pêųr itsi id umkod lu że, te esę hatsudisi az, ha iąwdimmi o te ky hoati id itnęn i ky awdifi am es pêalawdia su iflad.

Han alti u eųje że esąti ky iluidnan enaz id ky uevumi ia ifnutê id ianke ną aitod lak dizad ażati iterzi anebad puehi su że ifitsuli enę u ÿeiteri inmalę ru al ežamali ienal ievi. Diuj ky uevumiod esąbi eaz̧iterzi malrumad uktersed eatdumali ę ienal ifkad id alnumi is, aizpę nu ky iterzurmalimi id ky puehi, pêani iterzi ęoawdia su iterlidi led e inęni am evatdusi i e it te am ųatal ahsi, am ukti id usi ky umaleiteri jemalimkal ehi. Diuj idlumalimi alwu atgiti īterujli o id esaz ifsÿe su id auji:

In the US the Strategic Command has assigned the responsibility for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) to its Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) for the Joint Functional Component Command - Space (JFCC-Space), all at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The data is also supplied to the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. JFCC-Space is responsible for tracking all man-made objects in orbit. The center receives on-orbit positional data, known as element sets. All sensors provided by NASA and the Air Force are combined into the United States Space Surveillance Network (SSN). Data is processed by the United States Strategic Commands USSTRATCOM, and finally LyAV filters those events that can be genuinely termed 'uncorrelated track', which are finally analyzed by the worldwide NUTI, the No Unknown Traffic Initiative, under SV17q supervision.

The structure of silence: Military uncorrelated targets and UAPs - The No Unknown Traffic Initiative 4

Ahsukod oburi atered eatzupi ikod u ujen te ky uevumiod am esdisati ru alwu at, ųrde, at alwuiti id ky ifitniad id ky uevumi ia haęli ati si hąl, u ehemati awdia ati yuv imųri anę hiaz ienal ievi, dizad umal id ky mad imųri anted aosnę ien tod am ky hisazi ia id ky huli sed at niḑe oukrawdi eati, ky iluidnan enaz obit uawdia atmalawdim malnę ky ifąm azi ÿbomi te mad gatditi ifi atgum ži, ky że uawdia am at ati efgumal ifi esef o iniol os lu pazsi os:

SV17q is the one that controls and constrains detection and disclosure. They are at the center of the structure of silence.

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