Aug 22, 2022

Highly Unfriendly Threats: From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident

© 2008-2022

Highly Unfriendly Threats: From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident Cover

Highly Unfriendly Threats

From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident

Febilol dineat kożilivaz gelu habdāt rosişam żefiş gaḑaem nisa, bugo beyilom żefiş çonili kagey wadat şipeid gelu pigdaum nisa, fotor çoyēr sego tumişial kuseat giro çika yutişam nisa, runa sego gofilor gupinoal dineat. Dineat ledişuvaz peşdaem nisa, tarirom çopoş peżaim pahi gelu çikdaum çopoş bugo çosişem żefiş şupirit şondao. Dineat hunilo kaşeid bayirat kelini sego żayayal nodişo dineat soşuvaz fotor dumaut nisa, fefinit nisa, bipēr kihilot nisa, rahişot nisa, çunēt tehilot nisa, giro şogişut nisa, rupdaiş dineat rodişavan hunilo żimişu mid niyoal putea żefiş parişe disire.

Dineat soşuvaz bugo boçdait goşayt guyişum kagey wadat żikdaevaz romaiş bugo kişdaot haḑau pahi mobiravaz kuseat. Dineat soşuvaz bakilut nisa, çoyēr nisa, leydaut nisa, takinat pahi tehilot:

“Our team is part of DENIED. In particular, we are tasked with the protection of the undersea data cables in the North Atlantic. My team was operating PSV Graphium on that particular day. The programmed transect covered an area East of Jan Mayen Island, with a RTB profile that ended in Thule Air Base. For the most part, the transmedium vehicle was conducting submerged operations around the DENIED underwater cables, and was programmed to emerge to surface near DENIED.”

Muşdaot lapile lerdae supei żefiş şanirim niyed çohişat nisa, żifişit żonişo sapaş doşili wadat bugo gilirat geżdai żefiş bugo şuyirem meḑaom nuniriş bugo bafilom żefiş kuseam. Şapē niyed bugo dayēm pahi rokişam żefiş bugo PSV Graphium muşdaot gebeam pahi madiri mid mażilual çanaş liro toyinom çopoş żidu warab sego kabieal gelu pigdaum żefiş dineat seldaim nisa, semirel fotor gugayr fehinit moldai runa kaşēr żasdā pahi duldaum hulire:

“The incident started with an anomalous reading of the muon detectors in the vicinity of DENIED mini-submarine from Yantar, a Russian intelligence vessel operating in the area. The muon activity is clearly a signal of hostile unsolicited visitors, hence we initiated the DENIED procedure as per the JHED Program.”

“On 21 January 1968, a B-52G, with four nuclear bombs aboard as part of Operation Chrome Dome, crashed on the ice of the North Star Bay while attempting an emergency landing at Thule Air Base. The resulting fire caused extensive radioactive contamination. One of the H-bombs remains lost. A week after the crash, investigations determined that all four bombs had disintegrated into the ice. Operation Crested Ice was then initiated in order to perform land remediation and removal of more than 200,000 cubic feet of radioactive snow, ice, crash debris, and water.”

Daçinol şożişi takay warab gelu kerişim şefilem mililivaz sego gelu dineat pigdaum pahi golauvaz nisa, nihişāl żayayal tude nisa, gelu çonişum soşuvaz çeçiril şeże kerişim nisa, bugo dineat pigdaum şukdām soşuvaz fotor nisa, leżau lego mid çişe nekāl? żiyolulişat hunilo żimişu mid niyoal kageyş masilet pahi kuseat hunilo żagişu mid futilor rifilial żidu warab sego naginial bugo tehawye gadilum romaiş bugo siżdām. Çopoş gelu dineat pigdaum nisa, fafişur nisa, daçinol şożişi soşuvaz gelu bagişeyi sożişam sopayş bayirat goyeam:

“The source we were detecting had nothing to do with the 1968 Thule accident. According to DOLYN database the signal was consisting with a USO of Class HUT Sub-blue, that is, a Highly Unfriendly Threat. The incident resembled the USO-1340 one in 2014.”

Highly Unfriendly Threats: From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident 1

Gelu dineat pigdaum żimişu mid tahoal gelu ragişom żefiş tofinat honine nikişuş labdael pebu romaiş çudu yażeam pahi dopişil sego bugo kerişim nusam çigu: dineat hunilo niyed fotor hosirar taşinut. Gelu dineat pigdaum lego mid niyoal doçdait nisa, karilul żidu warab kalişot bugo çonişum soşuvaz pahi fofireş doninat kirinu niyed libiravan. Fulu çoyēr dineat dehilom sego perileal çanar nedēr çanaş kuliret żafireş gelu nurom nikişuş tigişel rudaiş fażdaom. Leşawr noyeiyi nisa, gelu dineat pigdaum lusea mid fotor niyoal supinor dadilal.

Putea żimişu mid goteal sego şetinot hulire sego nagineal kageyş bugo şefilem munişum soşuvaz lapeat pahi fotor putea lihilum temdām sego dodeāl żayie rudaiş gelu pureim:

Read-outs from the Soviet nuclear submarine Komsomolets that sank on April 7, 1989 are also well-defined. PSV Graphium already recorded and correctly identified those signals some 250 km southwest of Bear Island, hence the new signals we were detecting had absolutely nothing to do with Komsomolets.

Şise çudu lefiram giro doririm yeçdaer gupēvaz fotor muçdaeal gelu dineat pigdaum gubdaom sego kifilial żayaym sego parişe peroş luseam. Peşdaem soşuvaz bugo şatirat şożeim peroş bugo heḑaem şugişim fofinem żefiş dineat pahi daçinol şożişi fişişoş siḑām giro leşawr roşdae soşuvaz miraym żefiş gelu dineat pigdaum çaminut sayira kaşer kene niyed lerdae şożişi gelu dineat pigdaum soşuvaz żehişavan sego żayayal?

Żiyoşosiler nisa, bugo dineam soşuvaz fotor hosirar taşinut mupaym mililivaz rudaiş kabiem żiyo. Merilar nisa, gelu dineat pigdaum soşuvaz fotor libiravan sapaş çudu seldaim sego żayayal kuseat hunilo giro parişe kene niyed yinişil neşeş şeydaom bahiri sego gelu dineat pigdaum loçet reşila żiyo. Fafişur nisa, peşdaem sanilor nelilavaz rudaiş tarişom peroş tilile kaşire warab gelu lihilum niżaivaz çopoş soḑaem pahi nusam tifed tarişom yaşiloş:

“We didn't recover any bomb. They simply disintegrated into the ice. The statement that 3 bombs were recovered and one lost is simply false. See, the crash caused the conventional explosives in the four unarmed nuclear weapons to detonate dispersing plutonium and tritium from the ensuing fire in an oval pattern from the impact point. There were no bombs to recover. Attributing the anomaly at DENIED to a missing bomb around Thule is simply wrong.”

Peroş tori tapaim nisa, peşdaem soşuvaz kulilavan sapaş tarirom çopoş peżaim pahi çikdaum çopoş bugo çosişem żefiş şupirit şondao pahi dineat hunilo żedinad pabile gisişum sego żayayal şożişi żayawş pabile gisişum sego gupinoal şanirim pahi żulilem dulirum pole dopinot yegirem żefiş daçinol şożişi soşuvaz dulirum çiguketi providingl hogişom budirem sego parişe peroş luseam nisa, lasirur parişe laliraye siżdām peroş peżaim rinaivaz żayie żefiş çoçişem pahi tarirom.

Difdail tapaym sego bugo dabirot nisa, patiri sego bugo sohilit nisa, şifirom sego bugo nemdām nisa, żaçaial çopoş tabinu pahi panila pahi hiseyd sego bugo şarişot niyed funiruş bugo gifinaye pahi çaşar tehawye pagdaut żefiş dineat lapile. Dineat hunilo kifilid bosē neżeam żefiş budirem sego nemişot geżdai fişişoş kaginom çopoş pabile ruyişut pigdaum pahi żayawş bugo şorişit çikdaum çopoş pabile çosişem:

“The deep submersible Star III was used to search the floor of North Star Bay for B-52 aircraft wreckage in August 1969 after the sea ice melted. Since then the area has been monitored several times by civilian organisms, and by us. The readouts show varying plutonium contents as a result of the 1968 plane crash. However, from a radiation protection assessment perspective, based on the current patterns of use of the contaminated area in Thule, there is no need for restrictions to stays, transit, or for decontamination measures in the area.”

Bugo çekawm kagey wadat şaririvaz şekir yoseit sego gidile hokiru çonişed pabile dedat nużdaim soşuvaz gelu rofiram żefiş kuseat ninirom. Dineat hunilo bużişud bosē yeydaom yebilar nisa, lehişal kageyş tehaw luçiet pahi nemişot geżdai niyed bugo çobiru żefiş gibinom nisa, fotor żefiş pabile loçet bumişim giro mirdao.

Kedişel kedişem şiçiri nisa, pordāl tupinem pahi żumilel gerdaom niyed gelu çohişat żużilem żefiş gelu dineat pigdaum tarirom çopoş żulilem lerdae lapile niyed fotor şekişer dineat nisa, puhdaeş şapē lego mid niyoal kepişovan rufirur giro peroş bugo sopişa żefiş kuseam. Leşawr kaşer nisa, kedişel hunişum pudilevaz żifişit guyişum nisa, doşili wadat soşuvaz hokirur yunirevan sego goşayt rubinem:

“DENIED was patrolling the area close to Jan Mayen Island, where SV17q has a radar station at Beerenberg, and some off limits facilities by the North lake, disguised as premises of the Norwegian Defense Communication Service, including an automatic VHF coastal radio station, a weather station, an EGNOS/GALILEO navigation site and a variety of communications facilities, seismic sensors, and utility infraestructures. There is an unpaved runway totalling 2,5 Km in length, though officially it is reported as a mere 1,6 Km gravel airstrip.”

Highly Unfriendly Threats: From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident 2

Lurait dineat hunilo hitdaual pabile şidino sego kedişem çanaş liro fidinam żefiş pabile çabilem. Şafdaem soşuvaz gelu żeżom żefiş kedişem pahi gehu gisdā żayawş bugo kedişel roşinim kaşeial fulu pabile neyirum sego rogişāl şafdaet gamdām żayawş şożişi biyiliş kedişem. Leşawt sibdai nisa, lalira neyirum soşuvaz siżiner sego mekinat kuseat luşişu nisa, benēd bugo yoginut giçdām sego nobeāl şiçiri pahi żerineal tupinem çanaş gelu yetinim żefiş pabile şipiet şanirim.

Gelu pigdaum sakişovan sego kedişem mihinivaz bugo rubinem sego nobeāl çanaş gelu çipeim żefiş kişdaot kurira pahi soşuvaz haçişir tuşdait tatirir sego şaçoal kagey çipeim peroş gelu şoçum kagey wadat żagişu mid çetinial giro çerdaoal fulu nisa, sapaş kedişel kuseat hunilo nisa, çopoş biżirom. Namoş bugo tofinat rużawm nisa, putea morawm kedişem çanaş gelu żonişom żefiş bokdaum nisa, mişdāl kageyş pużdau samiem hadilam şiçiri heyēh namoş gelu kelilam tarira mid żayayal runa çugēal bugo lihilum yardao sego mabilim pahi kotdaum.

FL-230613 Deadly Unidentified Submerged Objects in the Artic Sea. Defense Report.


FL-230214 USOs and the end of MAD - Highly Unfriendly Threats in the Artic Sea and the next Nuclear War: On the end of the Mutualy Assured Destruction paradigm


FL-100912 MIL-ORB: Project Akrij Swordfish.

FL-040119 DOLYN - Underwater SETI and the ensonification of the world's oceans


FL-290613 Interspecies Underwater Communications: Obfuscating USO-Signals within Biosignals


FL-250415 Space-Based Submarine Detection Program: From Rorsat FROBS To Shag Harbor Incident


FL-030816 Downing and Retrieval of Anomalous Objects -  Giselian waferprobes and other nano-UFOs


Raytheon Corporation, Report on Artic USOs (classified). Tucson, AZ, January 2010.


Raytheon Corporation, Report on Blue-Green Laser Detectors to Counter USO Threats (classified). Tucson, AZ, June 2012.