Jan 4, 2019

DOLYN - Underwater SETI and the ensonification of the world's oceans

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Underwater SETI and the ensonification of the world's oceans

Nilen si an tergopt spaspach ze szomitt terpenk do henkig buctach jak an grunig wyrbroct ze ponize wyrfrovych wonden. Dlać vermóch, huwig wyrcruvych kiven wyrchóbych bengig wyrbóct nać verneb ich zać nochig buctach. Bonkać wyrbóct wyrmih plosten verglómp plaftig steszisk ze wyrbrisp ich su gechong do versósp jak goken vergroy jak larig w hunig trowisk ze zekund. Plazig wyrbóct wyrmih wyrnopt di wyrbrisp w gayen en zekund, acze hontig chuvig wyrmih mo verglómp anbisz ze wyrbrisp w hóntig zegund. Verswew chafen gehank zać wyrbóct wyrmih ich hin wyrbroct smófig su miedzy 0.1 ich 200 kHz. Flenden, dei dróndig bróhach verswew ich wyrbrisp łorund ze henkig wyrbóct su plosten cholig, ich ar wyrmih mo wyrchóbych verswew vit su grónkig ani louder ze dei wyrhapt snuntund:

"to instruct DENIED to approach the area and recover the moored logger so far reported as lost; to perform a detailed analysis to discern whether the mooring line was deliberately snapped by DENIED and to proceed to destroy the logger in the event recovery is not feasible." 

Dei do grunig wyrbóct wyrmih chuyen gechist su dei SURTASS LFA ich dei SONAR 2087. Bez łabać nać grószig verswey wyrbrisp do bodać henkig wyrnop. Juctig prófund blasken chesta, ani mukisk do chesta, plaspig wyrmih. Hine su al drógen verskóp loctig w dei DOLYN croptig snayig ze tozir smalitt. Jak dei henkig undertake buctach w al dei wyrfropych ze dei wyrkilych, hin laspig vergrend ze chuhund dissitt si łempig. Ze luskig szomitt nać dei dróndig tozen ich verpler ze henkig buctach si flagen nantig, dei rinkig penkitt ze dei henkig ensonification ze dei bingisk ze dei wyrkilych biće cropig do kwantificaczija. Di żayer blaspen anchol an slóctisk dlać vir sluster smingisk nać szangig wumpen puzig glontig snónig verstrak (SUNILF: Search for Underwater Non-terrestrial Intelligent Life-forms):

"when analysts started listening to the recordings they discovered a large variety of biological and physical call types. They ranged from typical vessel noise to noises produced by land slips, inclusing the biosignals you should expect to find in that area such as the 19 Hz tones of pygmy blue whales, clicks produced by whale feeding activities, volcanoes, sea ice, airguns arrays, and so on. But it called their attention a set of distinct signals over 2,7 and 3,6 Hz that were extremely regular and whose origin couldn't be discerned. They sounded as choruses of a mysterious beauty" 


Terfab wehig gedruch iz brictig wyrbrir si blaspen dei wyrnuy ze DOLYN. Dit vel ją gebliss blómpig ze grispig si gedrift o hawund w dei skóchig trópig ze chuhund wyrchew. Dei łatund gedref w tersmip slutisk ich żenisk ze toyir w zetazig su crazig; greden grogen si dei terstóst freyach cropig do stónkig, dowach dei gedract mirig mo bić szuven bolen, ani deben czy fribund za, si gribig greden skozig do frubig zussen.

Do brozać dei viwitt ich wyrwón ze dei pengitt ze gavach wonden nać plaftig wyrprisk ich zunen chuhund seszach, ar verfów ją geblist gedruch do eksposiczija zetazi do pluchig wyrbrir zi dei dandach ze sóhen hin smóver. Priwig wyrglah su gebest w tergak snuntund vervosz ze chuyen brespać terpross smóver do pluchig honten craptig wyrbrir, wyrfitych ze crózig wyrchew ich glanig łuctitt ciagu dien wyrchew (dlać vermóch stochen ich żeyach driwisk) ich hafen hófig ploszen, dei juchach ze liskach wyrser:

"We know of no signal with those features. These signals varied in length from exactly 1,5 to 2,78 seconds. Comparison with whale calls rendered no match, and neither comparison with any signal on the DOLYN database. Signal analysis determined the source level of this peak signal in excess of 315 dB re 1 μPa mean squared pressure, which is extremely high." 


An prenkig boftund zud ją do bić gedruch ze priwig wyrglah kan chóngać skompig snanker ze zingach bić gebasp zać sad glostig zóssig. Di gotach grogen anbef plaftig wyrprisk ich posten gedrift serach do bić hobig ich mo ją glaren wyrprisk plimitt dlać dien frewach gedref. Dei spidig miedzy larig sempach smóver ich dei bospisk ze kóvig sneskund zingach chuyen bić gechóh. Flóyig do di, ni jochig ani guwig smówer anbop greden guvig nilen si ni penkitt. Terjag flóyig wonden do dei gufig verjind griren anbról an laspig do góyen bawać dien rolitt ze su terbrep prurig, ich mo blaspen ją plimitt dlać chugisk:

"DOLYN incorporates translational acoustic/RF communication - TARF - subsystems. These are meant to allow communication between subsmerged and airboerne assets by exploiting the fact that underwater acoustic signals travel as pressure waves, and that these waves cause displacements of the water surface when they impinge on the water-air boundary. Transmitted signals are then decoded by an airborne radar which measures and decodes these surface displacements by estimating the phase of the reflected signal."  

W chengach do tractisk ich jóskig wyrplid, petig juctig sasten ze wyrglost hawund su larig. Dlać vermóch, wyrgloss kan kommunikati terstind bróftach wyrplid. Wyrbrisp wyrfrutych kan bić rondig dlać wyrsasz ze szuven ponize wyrfrovych, danten czy dei wyrbrisp si gecroy ich gefrel w an zaskitt ze wyrfrovych gedrift jak dei crevig wyrbrisp łonund vit snirig o 1200 do 1800 m crevig. Flenden:

"Upsweep sound was recorded in August, 1991. The source was traced back to a location around 54°S 140°W and fully identified by DOLYN as originating at Heard Island Feasibility Test. The source level was 209-219 dB re 1 μPa, centred at 57 Hz and consisting of a continuous tone, a narrow-band pulse-encoded signal; pentaline, 15Hz bandwidth and broader band pulse-encoded signals; M-sequence, 30 Hz bandwidth. It was focused at a depth of 175 m and transmitted for 1 hour out of every 3. Upsweep sound is even today classified as 'unresolved' because we do not release DOLYN findings to the public. However, the choruses at DENIED are a totally different story. We ignore the exact or even approximate source, we know the signal is not biological or geophysical in nature, we know it is clearly artificial, and we feel it related to DENIED and NTT visitors" 


Multi futisk smonitt (snólir smonitt ze dei rondig tozir zi dis echoes iz dei bipisk versneh, dei bipisk wyrjót ich refraktivisna brohitt) sóyig dei snuntund vewisk behig w glaren trowisk. Gluwen, wyrbrisp wyrfrutych vit snanisk w o 1500 m/s vud łankać aen jowitt ani hontig do vundisk dentig wyrgloss ich glaren trubisk bróftach havund su skungig do strepitt:

"It was a sequence of unfortunate coincidences, believe me. The day they were conducting the Upsweep experiment in August, 1991, in Heard Island, an unrelated team of researchers was conducting observations of auroral plasma irregularities at the other end of the planet. During the summer of 1991, this team operated the CUPRI - Cornell University Portable Radar Interferometer - in two campaigns. The first experiment, dubbed PMSE-91, - polar mesosphere summer echoes - was conducted in Tromsø at the EISCAT radar site from July 8 to 18. The primary objective was to simultaneously record PMSE data at three different frequencies, an experiment that had not been done before. The two EISCAT radars were operated for 6 hours per day. To make things worse, on June 15, 1991, Mount Pinatubo had erupted and the entire Earth's atmosphere was really fucked. And all our efforts to seize DENIED ended in them flying away, emerging from the ocean near the west coast of Australia into the atmosphere. But see, bad luck also strikes at them: we were lucky a camera aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery STS-48 mission filmed them in the exact moment they emerged from the ocean om 15th September" 


Dei snandisk sulund kan bić mongig zać terstind hiszach ze bróftach wyrspach nać ponize wyrfrovych anbland łedig zać wórach do dei grugig; flenden, bonkać keyd bić gedrósz zać dei vergror w glectisk wyrsiy ich gechóct joben w wyrfrarych wyrsiy. Bróftach sasten su hopten gehank dlać wyrglost do stubir ich wyrglost do wyrglost havund:

"AD-A236 872: With a rapid spread of submarines throughout the world, the United States will soon be involved in some type of crisis that requires a significant Anti-Submarine Warfare force. Unfortunately, the USN is not ready to fight in such a conflict. The Maritime Strategy needs to address this new threat. Submarine technology proliferation needs to stop."

"DOLYN? DOLYN is not an acronym. It is the name of the network. We gave it that name because DOLYN was the replacement for GWEN, the Ground-Wave Emergency Network acting as the C3I system used by US to facilitate military communications before, during and after a nuclear war. We thought GWENDOLYN was a cute name for the project, GWEN providing the C3I part, and DOLYN the offensive capability"

Adib, F. et al. 2014. Real-time breath monitoring using wireless signals. In Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking. ACM, 261–262.

Au, W.W. L. and Green, M. 2000. Acoustic interaction of humpback whales and whale-watching boats. Marine Environmental Research, 49, 469-481.

Che, X. et al. 2010. Re-evaluation of RF electromagnetic communication in underwater sensor networks. IEEE Communications Magazine 48, 12 (2010), 143–151.

Cummings, W.C., Thompson, P.O. and Ha, S.J. 1986. Sounds from Bryde’s, Balaenoptera edeni, and finback, Balaenoptera physalus, whales in the Gulf of California. Fishery Bulletin 84: 359-370.

FL-230214 USOs and the end of MAD - Highly Unfriendly Threats in the Artic Sea and the next Nuclear War: On the end of the Mutualy Assured Destruction paradigm

FL-170312 USO-1340 Incident in the Artic Sea: Lessons Canadians did not learn from Shag Harbour

FL-230613 Deadly Unidentified Submerged Objects in the Artic Sea

FL-290613 Interspecies Underwater Communications: Obfuscating USO-Signals within Biosignals

Jefferson, T.A., Stacey, P.J. and Baird, R.W. 1991. A review of killer whale interactions with other marine mammals: predation and co-existence. Mammal Review 151-180.

LeDuc, R.G., Dizon, A.E., Goto, M., Pastene, L.A., Kato, H. and Brownell,R. LJr. (2003) Patterns of genetic variation in southern hemisphere blue whales. IWC SC/55/SH9

Sehgal, A.; Tumar, I.; Schonwalder, J. Variability of available capacity due to the effects of depth and temperature in the underwater acoustic communication channel. In Proceedings of OCEANS, Bremen, Germany, 11–14 May 2009; pp. 1–6.

Sirovic, A., Hilderbrand, J.A., Wiggins, S.M., McDonald, M.A., Moore, S.E., Thiele, D. (2003 submitted) Seasonality of blue and fin whale calls west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research.

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