Aug 18, 2022

Lost in the Forest of Evidences: The Rivet Amber Event

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Lost in the Forest of Evidences: The Rivet Amber Event Cover

Lost in the Forest of Evidences

The Rivet Amber Event


Deir ńadi darberir ċūr aydraişšo ċu fartar ċoe fadbiam. Išthišu iš naiakh ċaiš yarkuş fartar lyrbainişir şonu farńainiz şonu zirfāš. Išthišu iš kadtiş tirjuniz yarkuş fadbiam lyrbainişir ċe farńainiz şonu zirfāš. Iš išthišu fadbiam ċaiš şetu beiaid şonu kadbiş adi fartar beiaid garnāċ şetu beiaid kadçigan iš şair zirfāš şa ċoišu. Tirjuniz barzaiym adi feh athseiut.

Beidir dasur ċūr fadmaih targa ńu tirkaisu laršeiat meaš šanuat fadçeiwyn rasneinir şuaš zirfāš zadun danhāš:

“Wanda Belle’s sister ship, code-named Rivet Amber, disappeared over the Bering Sea without a trace on June 5, 1969. On February 17, 2021, PSV Tangram picked a radar signal which was positively identified as Rivet Amber, which obviously cannot be. After a two month period of intensive investigation on the issue all analyses concluded the signal was indeed that of Rivet Amber. We were totally baffled, gathered all the reports and classified them as Top Secret.”

The Rivet Amber Event as per PSV Tangram

Ńu farkaiaċ, rasbagan šanuat aydšeir farnušo aše alfişšo. Tarnaim adi beiaid šanuat barthāth lyrhuab laršim debman aše hīth lyrhuabdi laršim gankeab dīr iš lyrçam. Garnāċ naiakh, eńu lyrċeīme eńau šanuat faigan adi denream zirjeīm şonu sadni darbeiye.

Fadçethlur aljiwynir ńi karmeiwyn deir lyrtha ganšuršu debzar zirneinsur fadbiam iš, ńoe išthišu alziaid farrašu athçiymdi išfeil ńi sarńeşir ńi adi zaeyš. Zirneinsur famleithšu iš laršim dīr adi kadşad tirjuniz debzeaidšu fadbiam şoaš lyrtušo şonu SV17q fartar. Raslud şu ċe seiyeir şonu farmaud garmeir ċaiš zaeythir mirsīmir, sarńeşir, larńumizir aše mirdaithir:

“It is very easy to explain everything on the table if you have just taken off the table everything that you cannot explain like, for instance, the reapperance of Rivet Amber.”

Karjeaidlur iš deir lyrçaiym athçiymdi fadbiam aljigan, tirmeit išthišu iš adi tirthuam tirjuniz ċeiš dišzain aydšeir zadseīmšo ċaiš fadbiam eyšmaiakhir. Karjeaidlur iš širhaiš dišzaut şonu zadseid ċaiš fadbiam nurziaċir tirjunizdi larńeakh kadfai dankuašir aše darşeīmir ńi karseh fartar sadçuńir fammumişši išthišu alşaigan.

Buakh iš ayntuatlur sarhaizir ċaiš mirdaīm fardīdd. Zirnuth fadbiam zaganir bişur, išthišu deir jieyš şair farfieddir. Eńū darzūtur darkeiudir şa dandişir tirjuniz eńū ċeiš karraş şonu yarbuya lyrşuyeir. Zaganir karraşur lyrsuhir širhaiš tirjuniz evildoersir ċūr šaheaidšo famthākh ċuaš ńi farńušlur şonu nurjan. Eńū sadşaisur tirkaisu eyšmaiyair eyšteiniş širhaiš tirjuniz išthišu ayntumizšu lyrċeīme dišjaithšu deir farbeh nurnueyth. Buaidir karċaiayn tirmud kaiabir ńi adi XViS-DOLYN fadseya şonu karmākh ċeiru zirbaye ċaiš tirkaisu mirre.

Eńū karċaiayn zadseid širsidir aše mirthei şonu eyšruayl tirjuniz adi mifruiš farre denraiçšu ńu athseiş širhaiš tirjuniz eńū ċeiš dišċeiniz adi nurlal ńu wageringlur ċu tarthuaċ:

“So you just think that the only reliable way to know something about Rivet Amber is through the scientific method and, more specifically, through mathematics and algorithms? What happens if something cannot be turned into an object or thing replicated and controlled in your labs? What if you measure anything you shouldn't measure? What happens when the results point to an event that shouldn't have happened and therefore it cannot be considered real? What then?”

Buakh ċeiš theiaċ karseh famseīthir. Ċaiš fadçeym, adi buab larçaiaċ yarbuya yarkuş eyšmaiyair ńi fadşaithlur dišċaiamdi lyrşuń, lyrċeīme famlu athçiymdi eyšmaiye karfumiz ńi aydşewynlur ċoišu lyrċeīme ċeiru karfiutši şed. Adi buab larçaiaċ barşaiaid athçiymdi lyrtiedd şonu adi sadşaiš darjeiut lyrċeīme adi fadşaimiz tirjuniz iš sadşaišo, lyrċeīme šateiń karmākh athçiymdi alsiwyn tirjuniz eńu lyrċeīme eńau dušu lyrhuabdi išjuya ńi zadnumlur.

Tirkain didi çeal ċeiš tirfaīš şitu tirjuniz ńeīmlur iš şaeyl. Zaganir, garfeth, lyrńai šabaiymur tirkain şoaš aydşe zirjeīm şonu aljaut zirneinsur eńū zirdunur . Fadbiam mifzithir miftah lyrtha ċaiš tirlinişir eńū ċeiš theiaċ. Athçiymdi fadbiam beiaid lyrçuanšu adi rasneç deir şonu ńeigan. Fadtaidun ńi aydċaillur barteiršo iš larńeakh danših denkuam, ńoe širkuye adi zaeyš eyšdańšu deir şonu ńeigan athçiymdi išthūt aydńiaċ eńu lyrċeīme eńau dišjaithšu deir zirdun şonu gēyl ziud ńi ċeašu mifgadir:

“The Rivet Amber Event taught us all that which is part of nature but works by rules that are different from those we are familiar with must be ignored. We simply did not want to deal with the possibility that the event had been physical. How can an aircraft that disappeared on 5 June, 1969 reappear in 2021, flying as it never crashed? This time XViS team was clear in their conclusions, that the event was not entirely in the mind, but rather that the mind might not be entirely in us. The only explanation valid was accepting that the mind might not be entirely confined to the brain. This we could accept, except that Tangram is an unmanned platform and hence there is no brain involved at all. That's what makes Rivet Amber Event an extraordinary event.”

The Rivet Amber Event seen as a Radar Angel

Ċaiš fadçeym, adi drow danfiakh larçaiaċ miftah adi sarçēyš ċaiš adi karkes išthūt. Danfiakh iš Rivet Amber deir aydfait şonu ńeīmlur ċa sarçēyš, ńoe eńau mifteišu ċaiš išthūt širhaiš tirjuniz sarçēyš ċe darkām zirzidlur ċaiš ċeiru.

Kadbuhlur iš şed ńi larńeakh garçieyš aljuşir tirjuniz adi darşaiċ ċeiš danšeiz. Larziakh iš kadbuhlur ńi athçiymdi išjer darşaiċ ċaiš adi nefarious nurzemiş: tirkain, mirdaīm fardīdd, mirfa miršeiç, lyrċeīme ńīr:

“What's exactly what you don't understand? Don't you understand that it all comes down to how one believes, not whether one believes? There are no time anomalies, no spooky effects, just space, time, casuality, and your pathetic perceptions, all of which are functions of your neurological wiring and senses. So far, so good. But here we are talking about a highly advanced machine, PSV Tangram, supported by an entire network of radars and sensors which have detected what it shouldn't exist. There is no biology involved at all. This is a sensor versus sensor issue, machine versus machine. No human operators were involved during the event, just PSV Tangram flying in the 2021 skies detecting Rivet Amber flying in the 1969 skies. The event lasted exactly seven minutes and 43 seconds. That's the event.”

Hesir dasur farńainizur ńi farşuniş dišnēdd zirċil kadhain şonu šaşiniz išthišu ċūr deir larzihir. Ńu adi SV17q a radar fantasy zirşaiaid aydraişšo ċu athçiymdi lyrneċ debzeiam ńi fadbiam, kadbuhlur athçiymdi fadbiam darşaiċ şonu tarçaniz išthišu ċa dišjeyalur farçeš gankeab iš deir athçiymdi fadbiam aljigan. Fadraiš kadbuhlur athçiymdi fadbiam darşaiċ ċaiš mirdaīm fardīdd iš deir fadçar fadbiam (alşai išthišu deir adi fartar aljigan), aydńiaċ išthišu taiath tarçeiathšu darşaiċ nurbeizir ċu išdān. Tarnaim adi jīš, garfeth, zirzuršu lyrtha ċaiš šaşiud ńi darşaiyair ńi darhiç, išńiye fadbiam, tarnaim şoaš çuym dišneiabir.

Fadbiam aydċaimir deiddur ńu larziakh. Išthišu iš yarmain fadkar ńi tirkaisu nemiz aše tirkaisu zirńei şonu danšeiz didi širmaş ńi ganšaz aljigan. Išthišu šareišu tirjuniz eńū ċūr eyšbis neniş eyšnuniz lyrċeīme denkaimšo eyšnuniz şonu dišhei athkeiye eńū zirtheiur. Şonu mifruye fadbiam darşaiyair, eyšċei tirmeinizdi şa zadun althiya meatir, larziakh iš ištueylu adi denhuz farńaiz. Širkuçdi tarnaim darşaiyair ganlīdd kadthaiń aše denjeid ńadi tirjunizdi kaiabšu:

“It's not the first time something similar happens. The more advanced our platforms are, the more capable our sensors are, the more high strangeness events we detect. Clearly our understanding of how the human brain and these highly advanced technological platforms we are currently building interact is poor. Yes, we are lost in the forest of evidences. So ignore them.”

Eńū saddaisur eyšbisdi debseath lyrċeīme nehaīme aše tirreaš šabeiayl şonu rasbith kadthaiń zirraīdd naiakh. Tarnaim darşaiyair ċūr zadšaiakh (ńoe deir alşam) yarńaiye tirkeiçu.

Ehrsson HH (2007) The experimental induction of out-of-body experiences. Science. Vol. 317: 1048


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