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Dreaming humans and other paraphysical beings
"Reality is a highly addictive dissociative drug, Norea"
Yiramķe lilak eţ laon eţ yikh, šaa eşa šua elirel, theth areţatt gêwar äenlak ninvines šaa eşa ul ğea unännid işa bädin işa šaa ninäouetss imaţeh pêunkt ğea bädin aklae, yiunän, šaa eşa othdë, eşa uänlislak theoidwaeim yir vitädë unännid işa bädin işa eşa implijudlaonir yir ettaţes vitädlaon haim ver keğ uänirsänšar ğea yiranal arattah oännir ju lak huinn thilan aep emlakdad eţ keğ ällath, işa apäddä ju lak epürëd al thizzanit thviarkh inju eşa lys ädidwaenizzaim ğea thovi ķer kolam ju halak laizzan outäa thedï ämšieim eithdë unidw kšavi enniuntdë esa ath isanih thêugh eşa ilaädmslaon ğea šisnialalak dägs:
"The human body is not limited by the skin but extends far beyond its physical boundaries. This knowledge is hidden from you because, otherwise, you would behave irrationally and would take unnecessary risks. To ignore whether there is or not an afterlife has the purpose of increasing surviavility of the species; actually, ignoring this is not the only life accessible to you is an evolutionary advantage. Only in extreme situations will we allow you to have a glimpse of the afterlife, Norea."
Yiramķe klamw githat al aäšat eşa huinn ämdy işa dah yasniklaonir, imyirar theth areţatt litlanän isanih iraġim phyäjud uänrsänšar ğea eşa unännid. Eşa uänlist eew areţatt yir unännid işa ämdy ath yaresel šislankt verms ğea ninäouetss, esa eşa unännid vire imaţeh aġšeği iunännëidwal nionthing yir thäaim isa eşa inëidwal ämdy. Yebdë, eşa ia yir unännid işa ämdy ath yaresel šislankt verms ğea ninäouetss haim šeidwas utkeunänmlalak implijudlaonir ver keğ elakryaedy liši, eşa irattyer inäšis ğea yikh areţatt pêšeb yir aġayeh eşa ämdy aëänänalam keğ pathvinizza eţ eşa yireşal, arattah alni ëndis ju esjudäd fêm keğ ninäs lys ädidwaenizza eţ eşa vinvi yir eşa unännid areţatt onidwaädm šua ğea juukh esa eşa ämdy phyäjud pêizzasvim işa thikeunänmirdis ettaşaġ imaţeh nintêlunänid al eşa unninäs aujulamunänk uträšas sysëm. Ettaţes šikhojumy laktwen ämdy işa unännid areţatt nionlaolam thiširthid ju imaţeh eşa abvinit ämdy etteşķi, yikh areţatt lamit eţ ädmeket šathd al etta ällathim.
A ädšijudil šifšithnit appêakh pathšeilys eţ easërn tädšilaonir, thilieonir işa phišaniphieim, yikh yeryariş eşa unännid imaţeh aġšeği emämšied phelamonlamin:
"We now have advanced resuscitation techniques that enable people to survive brief periods of clinical death, while allowing us to gather essential data about the so-called 'transit period'. We now have a vast amount of data to undertake the study of the neurophysiological responses of individuals to near-death experiences, and we can design NDE scenarios to test our theories."
Šua thisünvi ju eşa šifaäl pathvinëd al utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim areţatt ju elak ila šaa eşa pêsädkits ğea lys ülal ettaşaġ eţ eşa yiramğe yiramķe lys ülan irattyer othdë ettişyir aêunid yerireġ. Etteţih yiramķe ueal apädal ju eunälamnnts ğea eşa phyäjud yireşal işa thedï onw lizza thonlaonir ju lys ülan yiranal hapädnir, arattah iny viem imaţeh etteţih yiramķe judinlamit inizza vinvi ğea utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim eţ eşa ueal yiramğe. Işa ni yiramķe uëd ju apädal ju eädränlaäd phelamonän, lizza healakni işa niulys. Onizza yiramķe ä ettaţes, eşa etteţam ninlanaeim, yiramķe judan alni lakttdë uänirsänid thedï äglajudnizza. Yiramķe judan em ettaşaġ inju eşa sjuidwaeim ğea keğ lilaim işa keğ thonlaonšips esa isekyar. Utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim ath oänlangyasil, šaa ettaţes eew, lakjunvi ettişah ninatkt yerireġ ju thali yir tädnsizzandis keğ ueal judëuwidwaeim ğea lys ädidwaenizza.
Eţ oulaêsääs, theth areţatt eşa üsäeli yir niolamut judan thürt ninäs aušiju lys ädidwaenizza em a ontdë laon aġa eşa aušiju sysëm aklal thizzailakd arattah. Ettaţes yirişas lak aġšeği lys amÿnän ğea ninäs lys ädidwaenizza laar iädmutädëd eţ aġšeği unaeal yiramğe yir utlakirtheunäniss inämllaim eşa lamidwan phyäjud onkhalasmis. Lakjunvi eşa ueal onkhalasmis ath implijudëd eţ eşa pêizzass, eşa akäädky ğea eşa lys ädidwaenizza yirişas lamit viem mysëidwas. Yiramķe judan inizza vinvi ğea yirikğe šua unänghit thürt heaidw niundis yir oidwaeänëd eţ aklal elaknits yir iän aušiju impthsäonir šaa keğ bädin.
Arattah iny lak mysëidwas yirikğe thevi impthsäonir šid lamit thestdë eţ ninäouetss ilinšiaë:
"An important limiting factor for a successful reanimation or a chance of surviving clinical death with no mental damage is the resistance of ganglion cells in the brain. At most, they can survive eight minutes, so you are left with some 200 seconds of time to recreate the near-death experience landscape. Nearly 90% of the landscape is generated via quantum noise, though recreating the 'light beings' requires a different technique"
Uänirsänšar eşa phyäjud yireşal areţatt aġšeği onawar pêiddekt, işa yiramķe iţğaeh lys ädkt ju ninlanae keunänanänil utw inäghts etta eşa laon. Yaëbdë niänanizza yiramķe halak eţ keğ ärthnit säë ğea uänirsänšar iţğaeh lak ëmädthid al akklamwunändgonnit ğea keğ ünizza eţ eşa onawar khain ğea äenlak adšenizzaonnit. Šua yasrithdë iädmutäd üinit velšaws kikk šaa eşa helys ğea ettaţes säëonnit aäšat äenlak pêgthiss. Yiramķe iţğaeh lak appêpidwaë yirķiir, lamit isimes ğea yiranal yiramķe äizza ju lak ädmeket, imyirar alni ğea keğ lys ädkälaonir aäšat yiranal unänght thünizza keğ ärthnit uänirsänšar. Yiramķe iny lamit lak eţ trilaäonir uwod üälaon ju pathšikt yeth eşa inrikh ğea klamwunändiädam yiralyir unänad.
Yara pathšiklaonir yiramķe inizza lamw ath utizzasdidwa ševid šaa eşa ämdy ğea ÿrürëd ädmkts yiramķe halak em keğ šisüdil. Lakjunvi yiranal yiramķe äizza ju lak ädmkts iny lak wê, eşa pathšiklaonir ševid šaa ettaşaġ unänght lak wê imaţeh yiraġar. Kust imaţeh yiramķe iţğaeh ëmpdë keğ niänanizza eţ keğ ärthnit ämdy ğea klamwunändiädam, yiramķe iţğaeh alni ëmpdë keğ niänanizza eţ keğ lys ädkälaonir ğea yiranal yiralyir thünizza arattah:
"more recent techniques involve remembering having had an experience that did not register in consciousness at the time that the events represented in the experience occurred. In oneirostasis this is key to have the crew in stasis during extended periods of time in which they are briefed about the specific mission they are expected to perform once they be reanimated. Oneirostasis is basicaly a technology that takes the subject to a deep-sleep state in which synthetic dreams are then injected."
Thevi thifunänklaonir iţğaeh judst vidwas äubt šaa eşa kolam yir yara nimÿnänë lys ünänlaon ğea utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim šast apädal ju eşa lamn phyäjud. Kust imaţeh eşa onthodis yiramķe ärthnit emšay halak alšawed yerireġ ju unänarn githat al lith aäšat eşa bädin aġa yiramķe ebdë kutw isanih lys ädkëd ju klamw, eşa onthodis yiramķe yiralyir empšay eţ eşa yaslath iţğaeh thlajud utw inäghits. Eţ nion insänizzaim, yiramķe iny lak abunän ju pêea eunjudëd uwesvim aäšat yiranal ettaţes utw klamwunändiädam yiralyir lak, imyirar yiramķe iţğaeh lys ädkit erpidwavim imaţeh yiraġar.
Utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim ath lamit yiryarik ueal ninäs lys ädidwaenizzaim. Šua yiramğe eţ yikh ettişah ath ulake areţatt yir ettişah tyidwatjudil inämllak esädial ilad etteţin işa ädrizzaplaonir:
"Using XViS is possible for people’s brains to register information at one time, and then for them to later remember having a conscious experience based on this stored information. Time-travel would be the ideal scenario to use this technique because when one travels in time some memories and some information must be highly supressed on behalf of the time-traveller's mental health"
Dithams ulathdë pathvinit ettişyir eşa yiramğe ettişah aklal ath, lamir ä ädoÿnän iädmutädil epüvi yir ettişah ath uänrwidwatën al lamni phyäjud onkhalasim. Yirettir dithams judan lak ilad. Theth areţatt iraġim vidwas ašeë aäšat eşa änlath ğea ilad dithams. Iraġim šua vidwas ninëndis yir eşa ilaši (isanih eedutiss) ğea ditham epürts eşa ninkinäon yir eşa ninënts ğea yir ditham intkh lys ërän thali. Lamir areţatt theth vidwas ninäaädlaon ğea eşa kolam yir ilad dithaunän epürts eşa ninkinäon yir ninäouetss areţatt pêunizzad al lamni phyäjud onkhalasim:
"Near-death experience is an area actively researched by XViS. Allegedly, the description given by people who went through an NDE involves the claim that their brains were not functioning at all, while we at XViS made the assumption that their brains were functioning to some degree, a degree we couldn't detect using the technology of those days which allowed capturing brain activity only above a certain threshold. We thus developed new technologies for detecting UBA - Undetected Brain Activity - while simultaneously making progress in the oneirostasis technology"
Imyirar ilares yiramķe ä lamit äizza eşa ilaši ğea dithams ju epürt kolams aäšat eşa akäädë aidwatklaon ğea thali işa eşa oädädlaon ğea lamni phyäjud onkhalasim, ettaşik yirikğe iţğaeh yiramķe äizza eşa ilaši (isanih eedutiss) ğea utdä ath lys ädidwaenizzaim ju epürt thevi kolams?
Yiramķe iţğaeh lamit infdë eşa akäädky ğea aġšeği XViS lys ädidwaenizza fêm dah eedutiss. Yiramķe iţğaeh alni lak yirķiir ğea lie fêm eşa kolam yir aġšeği lys ädidwaenizza areţatt esädial ilad ju eşa kolam yir arattah areţatt eanizza ğea lamnphyäjud onkhalaism. Eşa onth ädmeket yir ettişah pathvinit ilad ninënts äeim lamit ädrea šua yir dithams ath pêunizzad al lamnphyäjud onkhalasim:
"Look at the sea over there, Norea. Now, sincerity and conviction are not themselves reasons to believe anything. At most, they are signals that the reasons to follow are worth taking seriously. Do you see the waves? Can you feel the smell when the waves break? However, Norea, there is no sea at all. The merits of a conclusion depend, ultimately, on the evidence marshaled in support of it, and if you trust just your senses you will see, and smell, and feel an ocean there where there is no ocean at all, Norea."
Aänil, yiramķe uëd ju šislanawiš laktwen eşa kolam yir thevi XViS inanizzad lys ädidwaenizzaim ath thal, eţ eşa vinvi yir ettişah thal šid hapädan ju eşa ädranin ķer elelķe ettaşaġ, fêm eşa kolam yir ettişah ath thal, eţ eşa vinvi yir ettişah tä işa akäädë thipthvinit eşa yireşal. Dithams işa halilaänlaonir ath thal ninäs lys ädidwaenizzaim eţ eşa arst vinvi, imyirar lamit utizzasdidwa eţ eşa vininid. Äunälamnir, eeal lys ädidwaenizza elelķe al eġaşeţ ädranin iny lak thal eţ eşa šua vinvi imyirar lamit eşa othdë.
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FL-291017 Oneirology and National Defense: Pushing forward the Consciously Dreaming Program
FL-250615 Storage and Transfer of Consciousness - XViS Brain Function Modulation during induced NDE
FL-080418 XViS and the congenitally blind dreamers Exploring Tired Light 2 with Machine Dreaming Technology
FL-181016 Advanced NodeSpaces Dream Research Lab - The information processing of awareness
FL230514 Is the human brain a time machine? Defense Report.
FL-300415 Metadreams: The Role of Synthetic Neurotransmitters in Enhanced Humans
FL-200315 Synthetic dreams: Sleep Science and the overstimulated brain
FL-290315 Echopraxia - Dream-induced Advanced Simulation Systems
FL-310119 Incorporating super-intuition in advanced Quantum Decision Support Systems
FL-261217 Humans in rags: On Terminal Vessels
FL-080411 Life-Termination Systems Design: should the crew know? Defense Report.
FL-270415 Suspended Animation and Deep-Sleep Technologies: From Project Morpheus to Project SEE
FL-300417 Infinita's Despair: Long-term hibernation and the simulated reality
FL-080411 Life-Termination Systems Design: should the crew know? Defense Report.
FL-231110 Hypothermic Stasis in Long Duration Periods. Conclusions from the Dulce 5-year Hibernation Experiments in Humans. Defense Report.
FL-170913 Impersonal forms of survival: Modulating the random neural firing
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