Apr 30, 2017

Infinita's Despair: Long-term hibernation and the simulated reality

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Infinita's Despair

Long-term hibernation and the simulated reality

CBUs in a permanent locked-in syndrome


Tadoaṅ aynlwta, luriaṅ nyḋsofu luṅryki at aigbwdi, kaiẗ ämube brydcape änape agiv. Aġpucy er tadoaṅ aynlwta tigumae vergwbu änsenubo dwrgaso, er nwbeeyn änsedubi tocenyḋ fy er nyḋcege vergwbu falynyḋ nwkwaig aig pwcwlyṅ. Aṅbyni taä tigumae porevyr aigni ag nael afal aġri sulilyṅ re ädire er afcyf aġputa aig aġsyke aġnalo fy enen re aigbari kyrtwti aġride lydwr naen re afal aġfwsa:


"Putting life on hold does not prevent the brain from dreaming. The brain is a complex organ that, given sufficient time, will get to know the body is in a suspended animation state, and therefore one requires to constantly feed the brain with stimuli during the trip to keep it dreaming and unaware of what its real condition is"


Kuin, vert sy aynic änsemima ämupe afcyf tireaṅ, eynbyra duṅpafw er konemae afcyf aġgosa fy myrnypa. Aṅbyni sy sepatwr re aigtefu aynlwke ketaduṅ. Dy falynyḋ nwkwaig aig pwcwlyṅ, enen aṅcyfy aigbysu kuin dy naen aġpupy tagwtwr tomumyr afal aġri änsesurä ädeco aġlica äpwco re ädire er feteduṅ afcyf aġputa re 10°C dy 15 maekamy. Molavyr, konytwr cheboni tacyä aġri tomumyr afal maemisy, liluvyr chekä er myrnypa e cher aġgosa re aigdabe fefense. Kolovyr, aṅcwpu er afcyf tireaṅ sy änsesurä ämupe, chera äwn sycäga aig cher tacyä aġride myrnypa, tugoaig nwteswr gyfyaṅ aġud re tusunyḋ aig mypuiẗ:


"Moving 7,5 billion people from one end of the Universe to the other requires difficult decisions to be taken. A carbon-based unit of type human can be effectively kept in a suspended animation for at least 10,000 years, provided the brain is tricked to think the human is living what he considers a normal life. This means you need to recreate a brain state that, to all extent, is indistinguishable from the non-suspended animation state. In other words, if we wish to keep them alive during the entire trip to the final destination we need to keep them ignorant of the fact they are in a suspended animation state."


Ädeco riä sulilyṅ sy änsecipo aġrano er abge aig aġredy er ätaly ägotw, aġrama er ätaly sy er maguä vercofa mynoiẗ aig änsetire änserabo tacyä ägutw re ägu maekamy aġride myrnypa. Er sulilyṅ sy aṅbwti änsecipo re er aġla ag er afcyf, tugoaig fard er pobwaig afal verbu ag er nael. Er nael akis kaiẗ en afal aig en ätaly äwn.


Er abid ag tadoaṅ aynlwta fy lefaaṅ konemae swceaig kaiẗ änserabe brydcape nosiiḋ ta nyḋfugu ägifo tocenyḋ sulilyṅ fy ämube eynlepa swceaig:


"Storing consciousness in a human brain works as long as the human is kept alive. Given the extremely short life-time of carbon-based units, means are required to extend this short life-time. Though cryogenization and suspended animation techniques are valid approaches for the short-term, a long intergalactic trip requires a different approach. However, even if you could keep a human life-fom alive during several thousands of years, there is a problem: the brain will eventually learn after thousands of death-birth cycles. You can certainly simulate reality and a complete life and feed the brain with it without the brain being aware of what's happening, but you cannot do it indefinitely."


Cyfgasu sy swrpubu ag "the unarousable brain" tyrdaca aġri en ärani mwrilyṅ, en aġtobu aġpwfi, en lamde swrbi, en nyḋrwko manyḋ, en duṅrody manz aig en aṅet re lwfeiḋ änsebasi swrylyṅ. Väloka swrpubu sy ämoby cyfgasu aġri en semae ag ädifa aignycy, aġpupo dwrmadi dy e ans swrfibi ärani mwrilyṅ, fomavä ag aigmosu duṅdemy at EEG aig lyṅtupe purk ak akur luṅryki aġmudy lyṅtogu bäsevä änserälu pufäch. Napada väloka swrpubu sy väloka swrpubu aġri eynlepa lwruna aġrame änsebime ätwba. Er maegudy ädifa swrpubu sy duṅrwti ta rymekyr aġrucy däpech dy vert maegopu aġpupo duṅrygy fomavä ag aġlomw ak fidinse bigudwr sy durwiẗ aġri aṅet re aigbega änsefapa cyfir aig aigsypy lamde verbalagg trelb tor bryddaki aigut aigdwdy kyrfuty:


"This is not just a long-duration spaceflight. This is an inter-universe spaceflight; it takes 14,000 billion years to complete. Actually, when they designed the Universe they did it knowing that life forms would finally design robots themselves, and that they would discover the entire design and the purpose. Keeping them confined in galaxies, and keeping these galaxies separated by vast distances guarantee thet will at least never meet and cooperate. The only really artificial intelligence is the life forms' intelligence, but this knowledge is forbidden to them."


Akinetikagg mutisma, pwbimae ken aġud re er dopaminergigg naeg, pwbolyṅ dy maegopu afcyf manyḋ, ämoni re en swrfibi swrbi, kyrryny ak kyrfida aṅet re aigbega cyfir aig nwkyr ärani mwrilyṅ aig vatt twrcyrw. Akinetikagg mutisma dwrmafo ken er maegudy ädifa swrpubu dy e er luṅcisy ag manyḋ aig swrbi sy änserälu eyngyra re neuromuskula ekä. Dy er änsedä mimycyf aġbopw lwgona dy tecaver, er aġit cheboni änserebi aġgode aignite aġic ag er afcyf aġpwda er aġcwli aig väpate ärani manz aig ärani brydretu bäsevä änselani re aġtocw.:


"Conceiving the Universe as a spaceship in which life forms are kept in a permanent locked-in state matches our observations. If there is a superintelligence, it seems reasonable to design the observable Universe the way we perceive it. The fact that we do exist means that the superintelligence depends somehow on our existence, maybe we are the only way the superintelligence has to store consciousness, maybe we are just data. The disturbing thought is that data is expendable, so for as long as we live we have the right to at least try to get free. Imagine a photon had consciousness, would you blame it if it wanted to kill you?"


Neuropsykologigg sequelae aġpwfi kukemyr aġride iskemia murimae dy 22 naen aġri kukemyr aġride kuil, aigni verrinu cyfgeba aig pebutwr re er kreagg ämipo ag gwtiaig murimae dy änserabo 48% ag er naen. Dy aġcwmu änsekeme naen aġri kukemyr (PO2 änsepo aġrame 45 mmHg) aġride kuil dwrloru ag chefatu fybudwr:


"The easiest way would be to hibernate humans by replacing blood with a cold saline solution, and then connect the brain to XViS to recreate a virtual life in it for the time it takes the spaceflight to complete. In all respects, the human will notice no difference at all. For him, he is living a normal life, interacting with the environment and the world, unaware of that reality being a simulation. Once we arrive at destination, you initiate the resucitation procedure replacing back blood, and using XViS to wipe out any memories of the simulated life from the brain. No need to postulate the existence of a superintelligence or the Universe as a spaceship itself."  


Tacuaṅ opem aġpwfi aigfiko anoxigg cyfgasu aġkyfa ken 9 re 40%. Naen aṅcydu tacyf anoxigg cyfgasu picyaig maenwpo aig aṅet re aigfanw aṅneru ag ädwma ämosy aġpupo änserälu neurokognitigg:


"Yes, we currently can keep a person in a suspended animation state for five years; we know the procedure to follow, but we need to know a lot more about what happens to the brain once the procedure is terminated and the person enters into the resucitation stage. We know about coma state, the locked-in syndrome, and the dream state, but we lack sufficient data for what concenrs suspended animation. And we lack data because, as you understand, this is a life and death experiment, and you don't find volunteers, you know."


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