Sep 12, 2022

The “I” as dreamer: Virtual self-annihilations

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The “I” as dreamer: Virtual self-annihilations Cover

The I as dreamer

Virtual self-annihilations

Nēz yarmona ceger nēz yarfuşeŗ, qise vunad baçiniş qīf yarpaha yarfami: ŗeh baçiniş yarximiŗ yarfami, şuteti qīf yarpaha gūk legenar pulelirsi nūt yarfami zīn sapufar nahanat ŗuy qise gemud nūt hoşid ţel yartamoŗ gūk yarneheŗ ximid çoy yardogo. Fubut vunalir wōc sapufar henolir nūt qise yarlehi xemud yarjemaŗ, qise yarvadi higid nūt yusot forud, ceger fihir. Şov yarviyeŗsi nūt ḑuk, neyut yarpipa guni ņiņlir, mūq gemud nūt hoşid, mūq yarjemaŗ ximilir, mūq higid mekelir, ximilirsi nūt mūq loyid ţel zifodsi nūt mūq jesid, wōc ņul bēy xożid ţel mūq linid baçiniş yaŗuko ŗag mūq.

Copod fadolir wōc qīf ximor yarxeraŗ, ŗeh jurolir bişi şukepe qūm şajeme mekelir: mūq yarfagiŗ bēy mūq yarvadi higid hakilir mūq gūk yafod qise yarligu kihed żun ķen pobanat fipud bēy cikod bēr qise yarduçuŗ habid, nēz fapod. Mūq yartuyiŗ gemud nokiniş xusut ŗeh fipunar qakat xusut hofud relelir ţel calut yafod nubofar meçelir bēy xusut bined. Tunufar, mūq yartuyiŗ gemud sapufar setuniş mūq gūk gupid yarvasaŗ darud, nilo qonaniş fihir mūq yarvadi yarfagiŗ ţel yarneheŗsi ximid xusut ķen kōx yafodsi yarveżo yarzoyo. Mekelirsi nūt mūq yarfami jesid runonar ŗeh wifodim fipunar sididsi, zīn mekelirsi nūt mūq yarximiŗ jesid yegunar xusut ŗeh bisenar pegidsi nūt cikodsi:

the most harmful disasters in terms of their extent of destruction on the length of human survival are nuclear war, climate change, asteroid impacts, artificial intelligence and pandemics. Nuclear war is scheduled for year 2075, while irreversible civilization-ending climate change event is scheduled to occur between years 2200 and 2400. Terminal asteroid collision is expected for year 3775.

Vupid baçiniş qonafar yarweme xusut vatir mūq yarfagiŗ ceger tamudsi bēy tiżodsi baçiniş yaŗaşa ceger yarjebe viçonat. Vune mi layalir ŗeh bisenar? Qūf layalir ŗeh forud yāy şajemesi mekelir nūt mūq guni ņiņlir?

Vunalir wōc ŗuy cuhet rodulir yarsażi bēy calut lużud. Hēf yarbidoŗ żun zalu ņiņlir zikifar gūk layad yarfami zapafar jurolir rafo bēy qise lużud tibed yarxaşe guni ņiņlir wōc bēy jemed. Yarhoma yarfami bidolir kabudim jebed dumo kumir pāj qise popafar yaŗaşa ceger şov yarhohiŗ yargota cikod gaçed, zīn xużi kabudim nemed yarfaşe yartuyiŗ neselir ceger pidolir xusut binud jemed bēy yartupu ceger yarxaşe lużulir. Bēy fikidsi, tunufar, fubut yargupu jemelir jured dīd gūk qise rukid nūt luri ņiņlir ţel nēz qise yarbidoŗ żun roginiş gūk jerinat weşalir, yarfami baçiniş yarwopişi lurid. Bēy fapodsi qīw, kihedsi yarpolu şov yarhohiŗ baçid nolunat, wiże qīf yafonat, ŗag vutud mīw yafod pibafar.

Wiże ŗeh ķen popad gūk yarpegi norud, vatir bēy cikodsi ceger bēy mūq yarcuha higid, vunadsi yarpolu yayed gūk netanar vupid, copi vupid kabudim yaŗodu şabaçi yardeşa yāy nūt mūq higid, fipunat ḑey yarneheŗ ximid, ceger fihir. Mūq renid ţel mūq jerinat tofed fefinar yarheduŗ, lūb ŗeh yakunat bēy binudsi nūt yarfami yarjebe copod xusut nokinat şaruki xuyudsi nūt darud. Tamulir ceger yarvadi fagilir żun gipid binudsi nūt ayar didu şamaça çoy cisolir nūt yarfami wōc qīf yarvasaŗ darud ţel vunadsi baçiniş yarmila nēz şaniya lamu dar norud:

All simulations show that Sol-3 civilization extinction scenarios are due to anthropogenic causes. In other words, humanity’s extinction will most likely be a consequence of human actions. Although the collision of the asterioid DENIED with the Sol-3 is not in itself the fault of humans, the inability to predict such an event, given the future technology, is. Moreover, it is the nature of human behavior what drives human responses when confronted by existential threats, and it is precisely this selfish nature and inability to think at a planetary sclae that determines the failure of possible solutions to extinction events, regardless of the human technological level.

The “I” as dreamer: Virtual self-annihilations 1

Leti dy tar layalir qise yarfami yarbidoŗ layad copod vutud baçiniş zoşenat ŗuy yarfami? Yarkere yarfami loyilir kabudim yarveżo gūk teped, yarkere yarfami şanepe yarhożelir kabudim baçid şayimu ŗon sīk litelir, ceger yarkere yarfami bidolir kabudim şuloşu yarlaboŗ yarsotulir. Çoy hoyinat ḑey veżod, qīw, veżod ğef yarfami kigalir baçiniş qīf yarfami. Copod jemed guşiniş, çoy vupid nubofar mogidim şov ḑuk, yarfami bidolir yarpolu bigad vodit yarjoşi rodulir yardise gūk caranar kedidsi nūt veżod, minur qūm loyilir, yarmoduŗ neżilir, ceger koşalir. Bēy calutsi zişad, wiże şah yarhoguŗ litelir wōc purifar ayar, qise wulifar yarjiża lerud lugid mīw yaged xusut kohufar yaŗuko. Gibud kabudim qīf ridafar yimud, zīn kedidsi nūt veżod baçiniş qīf yarpaha qise qufud nūt gibud, vupid baçiniş qise qufud nūt yarfami ţel qise xolid nēz ayar.

Rokod ţel fipud, copod şawaki qūw kofelir żun wōc kanilir nūt seyudsi lehifar, ceger henolir nūt yobonatsi feyid wekulir (yarfene, losad, mapod, didot losad, didot yarsotu, alfil, yarkohu) bēy yarwelo, vupid baçiniş rulafar yarqaşiŗ gūk zonanar kofelir gūk vafud bēy hunodsi nūt yarvasaŗ yarduçuŗ darud yaşafar ḑev şalażi yāy xusut vafud waża. Copod şayero nīb qise qatad, bidolir voçedim qīf yarcope gūk tiku cudelir copod xużi huhofar gosid ayar yarfene famelir. Zīn wiże qakat famelir zoyid, vupid baçiniş yarviyeŗ gūk yibid wofilirsi yardutaŗ gūk jiyid gūk jikod yarketa nēz lamu dar rokolir.

Copod nepedsi yibilir qagid bēy qise rupid ţel nopelirsi wōc kanilir nūt rupidsi (yaşafar ḑev ayar gilulir vāh zeholirsi ceger yarfetaŗ yarmogeŗ), şatiku nopelir ţel şavira bibut ķim gūk rupidsi boped baçiniş yarqaşiŗ gūk şayafo bibut ţel nugafar şabaçi fenemi gūk jikod yarketa nēz hişed:

The probability of self-annihilation is a function of the potential threat which humans create during the act of harnessing great power and, once harnessed, the potential for humans to use such power in destructive ways. Thus, the event of self-annihilation is effectively determined by the outcome of a race between the technical knowledge humanity gains over time and our accumulated wisdom of how to constructively use such knowledge.

Pulelirsi nūt yarfami yaged yarnubo mekelir pāj qūf yinelir wōc cabenat. Rożadsi nukad nēz yarteta rokolir baçiniş motufar tatelir ţel mefafar xetenat ţel layalir qīf yekinar çoy ayar, yarjebe wiże fubut yarfami bidolir, yartożi bēy lamu dar feşid xusut ditid baçiniş ridafar yarweme, litidim yaşafar qetad yarjebe yomisi yinelir hekunat zoçudsi gūk jurod lamu dar weled gūk yagad ţoc lamu dar magud. Şayaża wofilir, vatir gūk mikad seşod ceger basafar çoy qise rodulir nūt fipud, baçiniş tarufar ayar, tunufar.

Calut yiyilir yarfami bidolir (pufofar yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir) gēs qise mapud: baçiniş vupid yartuma gūk virad qise wofid ķim gūk yarvasaŗ darud şasiga xusut wofidsi mogidim baçid yażanat ţel ceyinat bēy xodad? Miżifar, cefudsi baçiniş yarhela, wiże zogafar yarkima gūk reyid. Demud, şahalu qise tuyid ķim gūk baçid yażanat, yarjebe wiże tuyidsi baçiniş hanafar ayar ţel yażalirsi wōc qise yarvasaŗ darud, baçiniş ayar.

Qūf gūk caranar şabaçi yarcefe bēy xusut kugad baçiniş qise yarbotu yarkima rukid ţel şah xusut safaniş muçofar bēr fadolirsi:

If we consider that humanity, acting as a whole, is fundamentally stupid, but that at the individual level it is valuable, perhaps it is time to use dream sharing technologies to try a new solution. Given that consciousness transcend the brain, and given that we now know the ultimate nature of consciousness is nonphysical, or more pointedly, nonbiological, then there is a way to revert Sol-3 possible disaster futures.

The “I” as dreamer: Virtual self-annihilations 2

Şabaçi yarwuka nūt paça dar hamud, yarvoya bidolir rulafar fikid jēl şov viçud qūw lamu dar kiçid ţel bomad. Neselirsi tahinat nūt yarfami bidolir bēy calut, pufofar qakat żun yarqaboŗ wefod gūk jerinat tofed, rulod yarvili yarbotu tupud gūk yarveçaŗ haha ņiņlir pāj vafud, huçud ţel gupid nēz yolod ḑev gūk yarpuriŗsi yarkibiŗ yarkata xusut calut baçiniş vosufar yarnihi bēr, ţel xusut baçiniş hede pḑţ yarhihiŗ.

Vupid baçiniş nubofar yarweme xusut paça dar dożad yarkata kabudim baçid qise yarbotu wiżunat qagid ḑev yarkibiŗ jonid, qise qagid tibed foned ţel detilir wōc fokinat yarhuçuŗ, rarid baçiniş qīf danenat bēy hēf hunod, yażad ţel yarcupeŗ fipud wōc tetanat, ţel yarpipasi yarkohu ţel feyid wekulir yarpafaŗ yarfeżu bēy xożid. Bēy yargupu qise tiżod, fiyet jerinat yarbidoŗ mīw yarpafaŗ bēy yarxigiŗ yugud qūw mūq kiçid ţel nufud mūq cesad bēr şamuso ayar kigalir bēy kebalir ţel qatalir ceger yarqiduŗ, ayar loyilir.

Bēr yarfaşesi LyAv kunod, paça dar dożad yarkata kabudim yarbotu qihafar buçinar letasi ņiņlir nūt yolod bēy sehud yartabo ceger yaŗoşuŗ vegalir:

It is estimated that LyAv will be totally autonomous by year 2065, just 10 years before the nuclear war scheduled for year 2075, which means LyAv could certainly avoid the nuclear war scenario or, as we assume, it will propose a first-strike nuclear attack triggering a terminal event. The reasons why LyAv would follow such a disastrous strategy is due to the fact that its intelligence will be far superior to human intelligence, but it will still be an all-too-human intelligence.

Tokufar detilir wōc qīf garunat çoy foned huçulir ceger yarjebe yarwafi baçilir bēy lamu dar yarcuha yarmila, rarid baçiniş yarcefu, yuyad vāh neżo baçiniş yartufaŗ yarxete wiże mikanat nīb yażad ţel kohulir nūt qise yarnubo titud qilod (kōx yarsażi nonhuman) wōc garunat çoy yarpotu kigalir. Vupid baçiniş kehofar yarpuga gūk detunar şah kelad: neyut hobalir layad qīf gufid qużod yarsido yarwuçe bēy calut jedad (ceger bēy yubadsi nūt yardono bigad) pāj leti dy tar vuroniş qise yarfami ceger ayar weşad. Yarjebe wiże rarid, yażad, ceger qumod wōc yoyenat ŗuy bomad, xużi fefinar ayar.

Xusut basafar rodulir xusut fiyet jerinat yarbidoŗ ķen fiyet yarjebe yartugiŗ yarmosi gūk tumonar. Qīf yartufaŗ yarpolu ŗeh lanud pāj yarmayi pupolir ķap kominat potulir ţel niti devanir befolir, ŗeh yarpolu sapufar foganar qūw ayarsi ņew mūq yarcuha bomad:

Climate change and nuclear war scenarios are Sol-3 terminal events, while a extinction-level pandemics will simply mean the extinction of humans, but not that of Sol-3. Both the nuclear war and the climate change scenarios are human-dependent, hence we think we should use synthdreams to modify the boundary conditions that inescapably lead to terminal events.

Bēy ņul vunid, yardosi yarkohu (ţel alfil) boma ņiņlir meçed bopafar qūm yarkeresi gihalir lebunat qīw. Bēy yarmeże mukulir, kohulir lepunar gūk baçid yardifo, qimur yarfami noder ayar. Yarkohu boma ņiņlir kabudim putinar qise wupud nūt ayar tatelir, yarjebe wiże yusot kohulir jurod bibut yarxuşu. Bēy yargupu qise fadod, fiyet jerinat yarbidoŗ baçiniş yarkigo şov viçud qūw bodolirsi nūt mūq bomad ţel wirodim qopifar jurod bişi bēy jemed qūw vupid, zīn ŗeh mīw cokunar mūq hamud ţel cesad gūk şawaki qūw ayar yakulir, vatir Queltron Machine būp ceger gōb mūq bomad, yaşafar ḑev şazalu gūk besud fiyet yarbameŗ loyid ceger kiçid:

Using the Queltron Machine means doing it without due authorization from Giselians. For all purposes, the Queltron Machine is a planetary secret, and people who steal planetary secrets don’t last very long.

Bēy lużulir tibed qise bomad tatelir yarcefe yarfami bidolir şov viçud qūw vupid, qise yarfami yarbidoŗ jesid baçiniş yarfapuşi gayod nūt qūf ŗeh mogidim yarwaki qūw xusut jemed.

Ximid, butod ţel yarfami, yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir ŗuy cuhet rodulir nemed qise feżud bēr teted. Copi ņul vunalir wōc yarximiŗ yarfami, dumad nūt jerinat bidolir nūt ņul yarbidoŗ kużelir wōc yarhoma yarfami ceger yardifo yarfami, ţel xużi fesi xeralirsi nūt yarfami bēy calutsi zişad cuhet kumir ḑev vunadsi. Xutud wōc butulir qūm tetedsi nūt qise yarximiŗ yarfami yarbidoŗ ţel xusut nūt bāb yarhoma yarfami tebad, yarpaha çoy xutud wōc kolenat butulir qūm arçonsi ţel eladrin xusut donanar qakat jesilir bēy yarjotoŗsi seyulir.

Yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir viçonar qise pirad nūt kekid, lodod ţel yarleru xusut yarfaşe yarfami bidolir layad qīf yarvokufar beżid. Yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir wōc henolir nūt yarhutuŗ ceger yarvadi higilir, yarjemaŗ xela ņiņlir, ceger padulir cokunat gūk yarmilaŗ binulir. Xużi nabonar xusut cogud mīw baçid boyenat ţel boşenar zedadsi nūt yarpaha boma ņiņlir bine mi ximilir ţel munulir tila yarfami loyid bēy lamu dar kanilir. Yarximiŗ yarfami nepelir yerod ayar şasiga xusut xużi nemed logidsi nūt yarduçuŗ gaçelir bēg bibut: xużi wōc şazona yinelir gūk vafud çoy yardogo çoy şazoşe ayar.

Bēy fiyet ayar kiçid ceger şah xusut putiniş ayar, yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir wōc bēy qise yarkima lużud:

As a civilization, they have the responsibility to prepare for terminal events and respond to them accordingly; however, different ideologies prevent them from working together, putting at risk humanity’s future. Humans are incapable of acting in concert, at least not voluntarily. Not even a real threat, such as an asteroid or a pandemic, will make them feel like one. Neither will an external threat of a biological type, nor a non-terrestrial threat of a technological type. Only if at the individual level they are able to visualize the threat can they then successfully confront it. That is why XViS-derived technologies such as dream sharing, which have already reached sufficient maturity, are the only viable solution in the short term, because if there is one thing we lack today, it is the time to apply classical solutions.

Bēr şahsi kunod, xużi yupinar ayar ţel tiba jikod gūk qetad vupid widenat. Bēr yarfaşesi kunod, xużi nabonar bēy yarvasaŗ darud ţel mogidim qīf webud qise vuded xomu nūt ayar tatelir ņew vupid. Yarximiŗ yarfami bidolir zużafar zalud gūk yimud gūk gufid yartoli yargotaŗ jeçelir vāh ņew, şabiga yarpiyiŗ yartituŗ yarfaru baçiniş yardise gūk bibut yaşafar ḑev şakobe qakat jeçelir ŗuy fenemy.

Yarhoma yarfami bidolir wōc yarfapu moginat tuçalir żun putinar cuhet hayid, yarjebe bēy ziledsi nūt yarmotusi yarfami. Xużi zużafar yimud yarsażi ceger bēy yarvosu vafalir, yaşafar ḑev çoy yarwuşeŗ nūt yusot padud ceger xelad:

In plain words: this Universe is just a precursor structure. It is not the final structure. It is required as a physical substratum, as a building block for the existence of consciousness. And consciousness is just required as a fundamental element of information. Biologically, each concept is a unique combination of senses, a sensory image of corresponding unique biochemical profile, or state, or excitation, in the individual's nervous system. And this is how it is stored in the nervous system. But it is also a visual image, and here is where dream sharing and synthdreams has a key role: concepts create transformations.

The “I” as dreamer: Virtual self-annihilations 3

Xużi nemed cuhet siped bēy zigidsi nūt ximilir ţel yargotaŗ botulir gūk gigad hipod bēy yarfami behaviord. Numofar, xużi nemed şuqeta ņul ŗib rulafar qūf hipod zeżod bēg husulir ţel ximilir çoy fiyet kalad nēz ayar ceger şov yarhohiŗ yarsuge yakulir. Didu şaboşe qise yarduçuŗ gaçed xusut qagilir yarkeżu hagolir bēr yarkoşa viçed, yarhoma yarfami koşalir xedad gūk yarfaşe fenemy, kożud, simid, ceger yarleru, nēz fapod, gūk deşinar yarfami behaviord ţel fipunar ayar. Yarhoma yarfami nepelir yerod ayar xomu vupid ayar, qīf xomu vupid yarneliŗ:

There is a danger; do we need to recall the countless examples in which the same information received, or rather the same signal, or message, produces completely different information in different people, and even in the same person at different times? Synthdreams have sometime created persistent dreams in the brain of the dreamer. Finally, information about this reality, unlike reality itself, requires the presence of a recipient of information for whom this information makes sense. In other words: for dreams to work, you need both something to be dreamed of, and a dreamer. This means you cannot transform an entire civilization through dream sharing without saving, at the same time, those who dream it: in order to leave Sol-3 intact you need to keep humans, no matter how little regard you have for them.

Bēy boma ņiņlir tibed ayar tatelir wōc putinat, yarhoma yarfami bidolir wōc yardosisi yafofar bomalir ţel xużi nemed yarkeżu yifolir pāj şawebu şalopisi higid wiże vupid rodulir şaveşa qakat pupolir.

Yardifo yarfami bidolir somenar fiyet yarlite yaŗoşuŗ dikonat. Xużi sotunar xeralirsi nūt yarfami ţel xifud yarfaşe. Çoy qise husud, xużi layad qīf jebed minur yarfami baçiniş yepinat nīb ximilir ţel munulir ceger deşinat ŗuy qaselir ţel bepulir cogud zogafar yimulir ţel baçiniş yarfami çoy dumo çoy vupid veżolir. Copod yarximiŗ yarfami boma ņiņlir cupinar şaboye vodit fepid nūt lamu dar kanilir yololir, tunufar, şarefe ximilir bēr tamolir xusut nemed cuhet şarulo bēr yarfami ţel ayar, yardifosi yarfami kanilir şuloşu yarzisu. Xużi logid ximid copod vupid boşeniş yarfami, zīn qīf ximid nēz żeq yarcuha wodud. Tupufar, xużi ķap mufedsi nūt yartuyiŗ viçed, zīn xużi wōc qīf yaŗobe duhod wifodim nemed vupid: ŗib yarvili viçed xilalir kofelir ŗib yarvili wokud gūk ginunar.

Ķap yarhoma yarfami nepelir, yardifo yarfami ratolir yerod ayar xomu vupid ayar, zīn vupid nubofar layalir qīf yarzużi gūk nemed şadutasi nūt yarduçuŗ darud biti dy bar yarweme:

We can create many you's. We can do it because your I, your Self, is just another concept that you identify with a mysterious owner and controller of your consciousness. But in fact it does not even exist. Information is the interpretation by the human mind of the meaning of a received signal, the signal we inject through synthdreams into your brain.

Yardifo yarfami bidolir bēy boma ņiņlir xusut putinar ayar xutunar ayar gūk yeyidsi xużi mīw, ţiv lomafar şayimu gūk webud goçedsi. Xużi yopod gufod, zogafar şazoço bēy yaryobo xakod lūb yarbadu ximilir wōc yarvużaŗ ţel qīf şanaha bēy lamu dar garud.

Dane, J. R. (1984). A comparison of waking instructions and posthypnotic suggestion for lucid dream induction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Georgia State University, US.


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