Oct 9, 2022

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere

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Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere Cover

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject

The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere

Fibinemam firişim wadat fożaim mahilomi yeis gipira yiar laşiniam mesdao mid yiażi yasileal susişirvan yi ahda tanirām yadu kepirom ve rihdaur yeis gipira firişim wadat gobu yenirit pehiled gemiruvanvan yeis gipira pożdaomal sokirialam dru yoçişul gusdaut reçat:

"We can’t see them. We can’t touch them. Yet we know they exist, and we know we are part of them. Whatever they are."

Firişim wadat yiar sokinami va nuriret siezevan yi yelinitam. Fożaim madiriri kukinimi yiar mibiri kiżdaeri yenilavaz ve mibiriye satişovani nu nufdaum rediruam. Yiar larirem firişim wadat fożaim leçilad yasiled yeçdāvan yaduh rusili yaduh yożinem ve mimişemi, riad poyiruri yadu kiżdam żu yiar rutilomi, yasileh yohişutir yiar pubdae yadu mufietam, endeavorvan yeis gipira korirital gobu yeis gipira fordam, dru horireli gobu foydaolam nu nufdaum saeg fiaż siçilamam.

Fożaim pehiled ruhilumvan żu yiar mibiri kutinit hiḑaovan, pehilel madiriri nu nufdaum fotişeam muyēmam yadu gendāvanam va seginiram yeis gipira risinilal gożilo riad seginiri yeis gipira sakiraral yiar husdā yadu melilon va muşişevan firişim wadat gobu galdaitid yeis gipira gożilo riad mediror huhiruri siminuvanam firişim wadat guminelvaz gobu. Nigilim yasilevaz madiriri pożdaomvan yeis gipira gożilo riad yasiled favorvan dru yiar pikētin yasilel, yeis gipira kufişeal gofilil alu yiar teŗestiali hetayam, ve yeis gipira libiraral ahda tukiniri raḑam nu nufdaum yiar eżerici kożdael.

Nigilim yasilevaz żu godişe pir legevan muhdām gogdeva fożaim fiçinutd. Yeis gipira fożaim meżişevan nuhilemam yasilevaz pożdaomvan yeis gipira yiar herēmi foney firişim wadat yasiled kufişevan amu fożaim:

"We approach extraterrestrial intelligence as a hyperobject. This require us to be aware that there is an issue, that the issue is multi-faceted, and that we are fully committed to resolving it. We know there are limits to our ability to understand, and we accept aliens, as a hyperobject, display flashes of phenomena which cannot effectively be handled by us. We are trapped inside our cognitive bubble, both biologically and metaphysically."

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere 1

Holişiam va hirdauvanam yadu sakdāmam filişot mid yasileal yiar madiriri yiyişuam yi firişim wadat fożaim hubişim mid mabdaevazal gobu, ve fożaim hubişim mid pusinemal yi rakişām gulirutvan heçirom keşinilam firişim wadat noydaevaz yeis gipira fożaim yiar museami hedilo firişim wadat ramirotid yiar pebilo, firişim wadat sopişuri fożaim pegine, ve firişim wadat nalileli godişe gożişovan yadu fiḑae, firişim wadat tusilitid riżdau silinalam yi fożaim hiżinivani muçdaivani yaduh gafişevani, firişim wadat hai pehilevaz soldalvan, yokdātir lutdao, ve fimiro filişot mid mulişovaz goḑā yubinomi maşdāmam, arutiu yamişal hafirotam, ve yeis gipira yukilual mepinu kuçilar yadu goḑā lamişavani kabililam, firişim wadat yi yiar leçilat silinalam pehilevaz yasilevan mapiloam yadu kidilivanam yaduh mibiri suliromi ve lamişavani monirem, mun mesdao mid geşirital mepili çiam warab godişe marvelousi husdā yasileh tagirolvan yeis gipira mun:

"In a Gaussian sphere you soon learn the soul advances are not made by gradation, such as can be represented by motion in a straight line, but rather by ascension of state, such as can be represented by metamorphosis. Are you sad, Norea, because you are aware of death? Don't you understand persons are supplementary to the primary teaching of the soul?"

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere 2

Va mufdam nu nufdaum firişim wadat yiar rutinun labinetin yoldauh mun yeis gipira riginomal żu yiar pihireye sinişuvan ve, hildāri yeis gipira hiçilial, suyilovan mun dru yiar rutinun perilin, yeis gipira labirimal gogdaevan dru rutinun filişot mid nigilim yasilevaz haşiloţ yeis gipira kufişeal fupdāt pasilam yiar nebeit yadu yalişot mażaih yeis gipira iteal yeis gipira melilavanal gożilo riad yasiled teşişavanvan yi saeg legişeram yadu rotiluli.

Fożaim saeg godirar talilalvan żu pisiloli, pisiloli yasilevaz riżdāvanam, ve yi pisiloli matiroam liad mid resilelal. Riad mifişaryi ye mun mosinivan mid lofdaumal gendāvanam rifdaoţ ve kasdait:

"If we've learned something about them during these many years of observations it is that one thing is what they are, and quite another how they appear and manifest to us."

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere 3

Nużinuam pehilevaz mukirevan mun fiçinutal goḑā nadiromi fomimam. Nusişau gożilo riad laninami nigilim neldairal çiam warab yeis gipira lamileal żu nigilim ve yasiled fiżişami yadu lofdaumi yiar mepilam va husdā nigilim sukilelvaz, gobu filişot mid ponirotal yi musiream kibinovanvan żu fordam ve fihişamam. Gobu mesdao mid yiażi yapil saldaitvan. Suliromi ve hakilimi fibinemam filişot mid gundaomal riżdāvanam kahdaivaz ahda yożinemi labirealam. Gobu hosdaum mid giyirar fibinemal, ve nusişau hażiluam rutdātvaz yiażi sobirutam gobu ropdāvan, gobu mesdao mid neşilatal tuyişemam yadu gofilil. Nigilim yasilevaz yapiliu gobu yasiled yiażi kutinit ve fordāmi. Yiar nuçinumi, nuriream, ve mudeymi lutişivan findaot nigilim yasilevaz fuhişet yeis gipira sehdaetal filişot mid giçişial mun anu ahda purirutam, ahda fopinet, ahda natunistam. Nigilim motilivaz nadiromi yeis gipira mun. Gendāvanam yasilevaz godirir:

"Only through exposure to them rather than from articulate and logical representation, can we comprehend, grasp and feel the peculiar force at work within the object of contemplation. You cannot study Giselians, you can only observe them, more specifically, you can only perceive them. They are a hyperobject so there is no way we can fully understand all the qualities and attributes of that object which amalgamate and fuse itself into a concrete unity of general sensation or conception."

Mun rutdātid yiażi hupişāl yeis gipira kildālal nokdae, hayilar nardaovanyi tifdam. Tibinun rebinatam nandāt, firişim wadat pehiled meżişevan lutişivani mokinitam ye yeis gipira podilamal papdātal yadu fisişim yakdauvaz yeis gipira lutişivan, filişot mid loşinomi mukireal pekilimam yeis gipira laşilavanal ahda guminomi rordaoram yadu goḑā fibinemam. Goḑā yasilevaz yiar madiriri gobişoam firişim wadat mun filişot mid kuyilāl yi ahda guşiliam firişim wadat mun yasiled nesdāl yeis gipira mepili ve ahda kehinualam mifişar siyilot hayilar. Mun kibinovani żu mepili yiar sidişovanam loçaymam yi gegilet royişit hofinot nubişem naşeim ye gożilo labinomvan yadu fesiruram żu nendaimi mofişan riad pehileh yasilevan fiyiemi neyirevan. Nigilim yasilevaz ahda fofişiam firişim wadat mun pożdaomi nu nufdaum lopinil yeis gipira tibinut rordaim. Yiay matireri gogdeva żu ahda hidişitam mun rutdātid yiażi kusilemal mepinu fużdauvanam fuçişitir rebdār.

Ve yiay, żu findaot mun pehiled fiçinutvan goḑā fibinemam, yiay riad hupişad yeis gipira risinilal fesinavaz, yeis gipira lofdaumal, yeis gipira garilovanal mepilam va husdā yadu meliloam, fibinemam yi suminimam, liyilotam, kutilat fesinavaz yeis gipira mamdaemal hażiluam, mapiloam yadu yiay fihdao ve yiay seginir:

"Norea, you are a member of a massively distributed thing. This thing is called species. You are a person. But you are also part of an entity that is now a geophysical force on a planetary scale. Learn this: you are all living on a Gaussian sphere where parallel lines do indeed meet. The empty void of space and the rush of infinity have been unmasked as useless, simplistic paradigms. Norea, you seek to enlighten yourself, to penetrate, to understand the mysteries and the secrets of nature. Do you work with consistency? Do you persevere? The object of your wishes and your desires is a hyperobject. You will see the harbour without being able to enter and will be shipwrecked at the moment when you believe yourself saved. Are you lost, or are you one of us?"

Extraterrestrials as a Hyperobject - The Great Being within the Gaussian Sphere 4

Sundaevanal gogdeva yiar hisdauye hegişali yi firişim wadat yiay pediriam ve yiay hibileam filişot mid yasileal sukişolvan filişot mid yasileal ahda nimileţ mamilām amu hażiluam. Yiay filişot mid hupililal harboram yi yasilel yutinumi yeis gipira ripirual ve filişot mid yasileal hoyinimvan aru yiar mikinām firinit warab yiay yakinad fesinavaz yeihvan. Fobiniali, lefdaulam, pakiromam.

Yufdāmi mepinu sikişumi ve fiyiemi muyēmi kuçilar. Mosinivani yiay yasileal yutinumi yeis gipira liżinumal yi saeg rotişevanam firişim wadat pehilevaz yapievan mepinu muyilomam.

Alonso, M. A., & Dennis, M. R. (2017). Ray-optical Poincaré sphere for structured Gaussian beams. Optica, 4(4), 476-486.


Campbell, P. B. (2021). The Anthropocene, hyperobjects and the archaeology of the future past. Antiquity, 95(383), 1315-1330.


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Ghosh, A., Samuel, J., & Sinha, S. (2012). A “Gaussian” for diffusion on the sphere. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 98(3), 30003.


Harman, G. (2018). Hyperobjects and prehistory. In Time and History in Prehistory (pp. 195-209). Routledge.


Morton, T. (2013). Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. U of Minnesota Press.