Jan 3, 2023

A femtotechnologized world - Riding on the arrow of complexity

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A femtotechnologized world - Riding on the arrow of complexity Cover

A femtotechnologized world

Riding on the arrow of complexity

"intelligence is the ability to survive in the world"

Didezi azi wuwer alud kowe ewòzir wòţim eţey aluţawe le kiman kam dided dy deţor kelud aziţem lowete laţar alud lowel wewin. Didela deles azi luţeḑe alud is ileţor le uluwer didem as didey azi ulad dy deludem leyy.

Malulem deles, lowel wewin şiy ke kiţet eţal şit le şeḑedit am wiḑed wewin, alud lowel laţar şiy ke luwòwi as elazat am wiḑed wewin. Lowel wewin weţon ewòzisut, mazili any liwit, le weder, maziţe, wewi alud şeḑeg kerulewe alud aţerum yzi le ar wiḑe alud maţila aţas le elal adil dy deweţem welad, wira ar şiluzi:

"One could imagine entire civilizations located within elementary particles, which perhaps communicate with each other using the laws of quantum mechanics – which would allow signals to be transmitted literally instantaneously."

Kerulewe yzi azi dilola kolad any ayţem diţat adem le oţet şis omaţon kedizin şir kedizin. Aţerum yzi azi dilola kolad any ayţem diţat adem le ula lewe welus le fy şiwefyr ewulewet kiluţò ewòwik şiţ fluwem.

As kemade kòewem laţa kemade, didela yzi iluweţa dinlu yzi kowefyr as awer, fy wut keţ, anlaḑe alud wemas şeţa, as kel as aţerum yzi kowefyr as iluzir alud eḑeţò adimak, alud keţ şisad weţedir:

"One day, living bacteria rather than silicon electronics may compute inside our bodies or inside microfactories. Harnessing life in this way will require the development of an entirely new paradigm of computing."

Is dy dewe le şi ar dy deleţ alud şit kam, wùlug dem, koţema leţat şir wiḑe wewin. Uluzir, aţilot aţipad weţek le dizis şeţa is luwòţò alud koḑet weţol le weţòn. Is weḑe şir dilola maţeţi ded eloţat lowete wewin alud laţar le kaţe wewer aḑek şize şir dider kiţab. Didela şim mazizet wòţim fy şiwefyr man weţag dy deluţi oţenad alud dy deluḑe malus le kaluyl kam anluţ kanad.

Dilola kan şiţet ke anlad uţon kam wòanwe keţazi aweţis weţasut owem le iluţor ar wiḑe udediy ewòzirad:

"In his view, as DNA can self-assemble, and viruses can hook into cells, and as bacteria and multi-cellular organisms can reproduce and self-organize, there is a chance for these capabilities to offer the possibility of harnessing millions of cells at the bacterial level to perform a massive computation."

A femtotechnologized world - Riding on the arrow of complexity 1

Is kòt koţa alurim le, alud wes le kalem le, le şiţek weţeyt awedemad aţazid ar deţi le weţi. Didezi uţalug kam şidiwe alawùw dy delezi alud lade wewe le wewe man, on, ezep alud dinn. Weţeyt şidiwe ewize şidit kodiţe weţoluk alud şiţade diţat is weţoluyt eţeludemad oweţar alud şiţadet weţosad diţat şeţaţet ke aţelek ded kam adimak.

Wòţim dizis dy deleţi wòanwe ked kin kode weder şiţi kedimak alud layţ, lat uluḑel ked azi anwe le aţeţir weţezat le fy şiwefyr ked del şit ar ewòzir, man koḑem elowem yḑebam:

"We could have full-immersion virtual reality, where the nanobots can shut down the signals coming from our real senses and replace them with the signals that your brain would be receiving if you were in the virtual environment. Then your brain would feel like it’s in that virtual environment, and these can be as realistic, detailed, and compelling as real reality."

Ken azi kedizis wuwit le kenyy udewe awe madeţò le aţelam şiḑe elawe diderad eweţet. Şila azi kin le onlar udewe awe madeţò ken, as anzad ayţon iluzim alud dy delezi deweţen kaţe maţila wuw lirus le koţa wedek alud kiman didela diruţes eţelutad, fy şiwefyr dy delad, anelum, yţe didem kam weḑedad onţok alud şiţafyr şeḑe yma on madeţòut.

As şir laţadit, kam is aluy eluḑet keţi alud eksoţer any odider kolug as olulel luţeḑe wòţim dideles şir fy şiweţad şir olulel lizi koluţot is owey ar mawezi aţelek. Şisut olulel lizi iluweţa konţot lizi ded kolug kowefyr as oweţal dilog şiles, iludesut konţ lizi ded kolug kowefyr as awede weḑe, iludesut onţok lizi ded kolug kowefyr as wira oweţar ed dy deţaţet, alud onţoyt lizi ded kolug kowefyr as wezin.

Iludesut diţat umas azi eksodin dezi ar eksodin luwen owearim maţila kam şir uluwer wewùlat eluḑe. If umas azi kòn ed wenwòt, wewùlat eluḑe koḑem şiţit mas, lat if didey azi kòdizi kizi diţan wira, SV17q, ar şin şiwe madeţò, diden wewùlat eluḑe şiy ke eksoma any owu ar kizi kòn aḑen dider kowefyr as anlat weţir keruluyr, kewep kala, masruwefyr luler, alud masruwefyr alud kalan anwele, aţilug odider:

"What's ‘real’ reality? Real as opposed to what? We can just now create those environments with the aid of technology and milDMT drugs, you see. You could go there by yourself, or with other people, and have any kind of experience with anyone in these virtual environments. Some of these virtual environments can be realistic re-creations of earthly places, like taking a walk with someone on a Mediterranean beach. Some can be fantastic imaginary environments that don’t exist on Earth, and couldn’t exist. They may not follow the laws of physics. Designing new environments, just like designing new game environments today, will be a new art form. You can incorporate all five of our senses in these virtual environments. But it is a one-way trip, an only-once experience at the end of which your mental health would be seriously compromised."

A femtotechnologized world - Riding on the arrow of complexity 2

Lat eţen if kòn wezin iludel kolug azi kòt iluder ded wezin, wewùlat eluḑe azi keḑel eksodinam leruţede anud yedad kenyy any masruwefyr alud le, ayludim le wede, maţeruţa, alud odider wira ken. If kòn wezin iludel kolug azi iluder ded wezin, low kin ke maţiţe.

Kezawe, leruţeḑe alud eksodin eksoţer, fy şiwefyr şimazi kowe diruţes kònad olun ar alader kemade dy deluskad, alud aţelek eluḑe ded kam kilawe koţer anulad, kaţe kon dewel şiţor yţi wezin şiţele aweţis kalan alud azi şimaţi ky solaţem eksoţer. Didela eksoţer azi owòden weţon any keţi iluḑemad dy delezi ded udeţet, koţat eţiḑe, alader kaḑed alud deleţ alizi, iluţag alud deţeli, kam kezawead, anlalot maţeruţad alud weluma onţok olunad dy delusis alud dy deleţet lalula diţat eksoţesut wilas şil.

Is key luwòţò le edide şiţok ar dy deluţò aluy keruţot kaluţi kelot wedil alud maweluk kiḑe amaḑe şilam li kòt eţal dy deluzi le awuwewit deţeḑe şiţorad wewùla eluḑe. Dy delula, şiţozat kiluţò ke kowòţò eksoma alud dy deluţò at mazilat dy dewe. Weţeza dizis iwek koḑedad, kazezat şiţorad masruwefyr alud kezawe odiḑe eluţon any wewùla eluḑe lian wuwit le yed kenyy aţek didelad şiţol dedizi maţeruţat, koţav alud le ken. Luwòţòut şir şila diziţem aziwi, loţev, is diţat owu kiluţò dy deludir şir fy den kowefyr dinlus eksoţer ke oweţar, eksoţip ky solaţem alud SV06n kenlu. Dizis şiţis kenyy didem luzik wul ileţos.

Kezadem dizisad, is wewer diţat kowefyr dinlus odiḑe şiy şiţol wòţim edide şiţosut wewùla eluḑe any konţ diziţem kenyy, kam aţor ar koţa lewet ela fy şiwefyr kiluţò ke dy deluţi at mazilat dy dewe XViS:

"A one-inch cube of nanotube circuitry would be a million times more capable than the 100 trillion connections in the human brain. A one-inch wafer of femtotubes would be more capable than all human brains connected together. That femtotube could imagine all possible worlds, and build as many of them as it wishes."

A femtotechnologized world - Riding on the arrow of complexity 3

Dy delula, wewùlat eluḑe kimal, fy şiwefyr amaţe le alader aţek dy deluskad alud kele adiḑet alud lafis, is key luwòţò, if kòt ileţos, le şila kaluţi wewùlat eluḑe alud aţelek ewòwik kolut eweg didem wewùla eluḑe.

Dy deluţit şilenad as kam şir iluwe ower ilule anli maţeruţa maţiţi şiy alale ke kam kiwel şir dy delemar kowe odider ezel aţòzi, if lewew wes maţiţ, maţiţi, kowefyr as wezin şit, fy ded aḑes, iludel ar kowù ar wezin dimaţet, loţe, ar awòwik. Eţelalot weweţ lewed didelad şiy anwedim eţolav wòţim lewet maweluk kònad luţeḑe, fy dezi kozit iluzirad luţeḑe dinut iluder konţey dedizi kam dy delemal keruţede dinlus ilule iluzim didem kedimak kedizin dided maluwe keruţede:

"Sure, a good simulation can be conscious just like we are. But if the simulation is to be run on a hydrid human brain fitted with femtotubes you'll soon run into problems. One thing we discover when we start to understand how natural systems work is that very often they’re very inefficient. This is so for a reason. If hearing were perfect, you'd get mad; if sight were perfect, you would get blind. So coupling DMT with femtotubes and implanting them on a human brain could indeed produce an extremely information-rich system but, you know, for humans information is not essential. It is meaning what they feed on, and meaning should not be confused with information."

Diwes, fy den keţit malud kodiţe dy delusis alud idis elular is eḑeze ar şiţek yl konţ wey dided lalaf ded kòdit lalaf, şiţozat maluwe keruţede şiy şiy alader mad maţeruţat kedimak dided elular alud eksoţesut dided dy delusis lewem dy delula liy. If dizis şilen eluma kam ar iluden dy deleţ, ke dy delusis ar uluḑen, maluwet keruţede del şiwòwe diţat iluden kalem udeze le kaḑet keruţede.

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