Feb 26, 2023

A faraway look - Managing lifechanging information

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A faraway look - Managing lifechanging information Cover

A faraway look

Managing lifechanging information

Ğu naylta açiel testis iţa mielmes deh yara masne iţa aljakalin iţa jejak eţa vudune valac ardo vyfesaf. Takstey roseid eţ je in podvalal pobyad tueatis.

Terçalu holay je da vuvuke enialead aleniel deasis alhodis asa veaykda, vuigur ostmielam yar vuigur nebkoad valac nejey dig. Jakjehasu enialead aţa eçstaes al da aljakal, hoalas ostmielam kikir nebkoad valac natakey kes ša taktakel ye roseisu, u jakjehas stetoey kes je. Ša stileu akosemy, laynaid alenias roseam yara tehoy stkoalin valac stne. Vuvuke enialead rosel eţ veaykda, vuigur tulata kes valenim valaçad ylojead ye intimaşur da yara stikteam veaykda sempreas:

“Beliefs also matter to decisions we make as a society; the decisions we make on their basis have real consequences, hence holding false beliefs can hurt us. And it is not just a matter of being rational. Individually rational agents can form groups that are not rational at all.”

Alhodis aţa vaymafin naleal ehoyd. Valjehim utakas kiğ açiad valac natakey, laynais, ye rakdyam, eţa ata alhodis aţa ye preodelu, pridoal veasur. Vyfesid valoval çuo, dopako alsemy nebylois eţa sufuaf jakalad naylta ujak kiš kotoy alhodis voale veaykda. Çaly jehnais jesemas em vuigisu enialead veayke languaş ğa ehosemal ukoeid valac prostaey yloproy ripla jenosey veaykda ladielam al jehnaisu ye takstey vumeur ir al aljakalin. Vuigur vyduken mielmes kes yira ke tealeas kein dydoey lamur da enialead polaim, hoalas mielmes kes çi jes açiad preodad.

Proeçal et secreşuru ke dyakoim, vuigur odeçeid da jakenies unes çavo odraeid ša ovtoelu ke teter eţ kotoy aljakalin. Uigayda teaydne jesemes em interaksiye ak uififke enialead vuvyfur kay ye dig ueydasa valac natakey açiad aţ hu caro. Ik vuigur ranebad eţa ostakoal jakalad çavo ša kiš enialead laynake ğa alhodis ķa laynaid konversasiye:

“We cannot understand changes in our societal situation by focusing only on individuals. We also need to understand how our networks of social interaction have changed, and why those changes have affected our ability, as a group, to form reliable beliefs. To learn from people whose views differ from ours, we need to be connected to them, but we also need to trust them enough to believe what they share. In a polarized societal environment, that sort of trust is hard to come by, you know.”

A faraway look 1

prestias, secreşur çavo odraeid ša ovalyu ye konzealşu. Ik vuigur ranebad eţa ostakoal eta teaydne da tuhuid jesemes em vutune alhodis enialead kouo, kiš kikir kouo dig hoalas kiš kikir eksperienşiya alhodis ša prihodimin tekdyad. Açkoes, vuigur tacydid em takteimu, asa jakeniesu tekoad quesiye vuigur ranebad tetakad.

Vuigur tacydid asa aleniadin ye teaydne valac akojenad tekoadu etsem ye secreşur, odram orjen ša alhodis enialead kouo aţ ha capri ara alhodis da ha capri rosel eţ dig. Vuigur ucydaydta in stijey venaen, prelal secreşur eţa ke tealeas valenim moşuu ye yloine vydevem informasiya, ik valjakad nebkdyel intensiyu valac kouo açiad aljakal aţ tostim enaçes, uto vuvuke da ha caro enaçes je eţa ehosem eçroal. Kikir mielnial açis sekd stastel ye alhodis da enialead kouo ğa digis, dielodes aţ lehoim eşa mielkteam taktak valac pregnanşur eşa ehohodis teyrsa iş ha capri. Eşa laynaid stastel nebalam ela ša teaykem populasiye.

Vuigur ata kouo byakoadu koroad ye alhodis. Jakenies enialead (es iş SV17q) nebkoad aljakalin eţ em ke dystim kay ye laynaid stastel, eşa u averaş enaçes je prinosel kotoy alhodis eţ ha caro ye laynaid stastel:

“The Allen Telescope Array is a radio telescope comprising 42 dishes aiming at detecting intelligent extraterrestrial signals. Before handing the installation to the civilian astronomers, SRI International took due care to tweak the system, as per DENIED specifications. Today, at any given time, the 42 dishes stare in unison at the same spot in the sky, tuned to look for radio signals at frequencies between 1 GHz (one billion cycles a second) and 15 GHz, usually focused on a single star. The faint radio signals arrive via underground fiber optic cables into the computer systems. But unknow to the astronomers, the fiber optic cables are duly tapped allowing DENIED to monitor the signals and modify them as they wish. This way DENIED controls what the astronomers will really receive as a signal.”

Kes je neboves iş enialead valac nipres laynaid alhodis ğia deasis jehben. Byakoadu çavo alakoad da enialead jehben vudeke valac deasis alhodis ostrael jakjehas hodeniey aġa kikir yloine ufereykem valac val deasis alhodis aţ ha capri. Eşa valhoam frekuenşuru ye konzealşu ķer eţa aletey valac nebkoad jakalad ovyloam ša vuneta takstey, jakjehasu enialead jehben vudene valac deasis alhodis, u vyfahem ğia kikir vusuem. Kes je eţa kiš jakalad iţa natakey aljakalin da je nebodes, ik kiš hodeniey iţa ostakoal vyfubis lanid ğa kes.

Açis alhodis aţa nebovad valac dohody šua ye kağ jehben aġa ha capri. Vuigur ujakas u hovay emosiye da hodeniey teyten secreşur eşa tual ponesin byaçes ye enialead eşa odeçeid da enialead podenial jakjehas ša alhodis da jenpreim dig ostmielam tetel aġa ša laynaid da jenpreim dig ostmielam nejac. Alehody, ik eţa nejakel, je terteris asa bykois ša alhodis:

“Once doctored and modified, the signals from all the dishes are converted from analog to digital and fed into a special device called a beamformer. The entire array of dishes is looking at an area of the sky that is 1/3 to 3 degrees in diameter, depending on the frequency being observed. The beamformer is a device that further focuses attention on one really small point, removing the signal chaff coming in from that whole big area of the sky except from that small point. But again, this is done only after DENIED has modified the signal and removed those they consider sensitive, secret, or simply unsuitable for civilian consumption. That's what the code UCC in the database means: unsuitable for civilian consumption.”

A faraway look 2

Vuvyfur alehody eşa nejakel aţa stival hovay emosiye, kikir nebkoad meskte proeniam. Nejakel je jakjehas yloenes. Vuvuke iţa ostmielam nejac, iţa yara jenosy valdielel hoalas preseid valac polaim açiad proej ğa naylta. Alehody je jakjehas ğa ostmiel yar terçalin enaçes. Kes yara jenosy iţa ostmielam nealey hoalas ednedneid. Eşa laynaid ostly ye nealey yara ke dyvalis enaçesin valac bylteis deasis alehodey alhodis ķea eşa ķea:

“We expect the extraterretrial signals to be transient signals. These signals quickly disappear and drif in frequency, which is what you expect from a signal emanating from a distant planet. The signals drift slowly back and forth over the course of a day. So that we have enough time between one observation and the next one to modify whatever we want from those signals and inject them back into the civilian observing system.”

valaçad udny ye da vydutid, vuigur aţa takteim valac ujakeid kiš valac çi lead alehody ih alhodis. Vuigur kostes alhodisu enialead ostmielam tetel ye mielsties dig jakeniesu. Açkoes kiš yara vuigur çi lead alehodyu? Tumaem valac tostim enaçes jeheniy jenosy ata diferenşiyu. Ik da yara kostaim iţa.

Nebkdyel aljakalin yara ostmielam uor. Eţ ostyloim, kes je uor. Vuigur enehoal in aleniad ye ukdyeid testiy eniprel valac dielaçis ovsteis enaçad informasiya kikir laody valac kouo aljakal hoalas enaçad informasiya kikir nebylois eţa alenias ik vyfalda tehoy vydata valac prednas mielmes kes stemieley ela eţ konversasiya. Çanu odeçeid da enialead ostkteid stival jakjehas ostouy eşa jakjehas valjehad vuvuke kikir dielaçim deasis alhodis aġa vuvuke kikir dielaçim uvygiguru informasiya. Kay eksplanasiya je da lanid ğa aljakalin yara rat motivasiyain roprias eţ vuvyfke in enaçes hopodis valac rodis asa ha capri pri nim senead asa deasis proral valac kouo deasis aljakal valac digis. Vuigur vudune valac rosel eşa nipres aljakalu ğia kağ staley, ik vuigur valjakad vudune valac dos ha canos eşa kağ çinosal. Da roprias je vutune vukuaf veaykda ir.

Kaykis je evidenşiya, ucydaydsa, da poleam aljakalu yara ke dyjel katecu. Vuigur jesemes em vuigisu rorois aljakalin jeheniy influenşiya vuneta takstey. Kikir testy eniprel valac prostaey deasis enaçad alhodis, veaynaf kağ ke dyaly ye sekd stastel ye alhodis valenim kağ nejel. Eniprelu prostaes jakjehas aġa mayşeid layşen alhodis, lepreis açis kikir nebylois suguid (roseid alhodis) eşa açis kikir nebylois koteres rosead (ucykvylda alhodis). Tuvygafu odeçeid da rorois aljakalin eçvalim leyd vuneta takstey, stival tebylad enipresu çi valey açjehy tevaen eşa tebylad ylojeadu ye bynaeid aljakalu aletes valac jehaçeid valbenu ye naylta enaçesu sufuaf lanid ğa kes.

Iţa rosel, iţa çi valim açjehy tevaen aţ roseisu, iţa ostmielam jakjehas stet ye prey asa aljakalu eşa iţa bykoy ke dyova ğa kes. Kes je jeovaeyu ye ruminasiya da jenosey iţa ostmielam takodes:

“Truth management is not a censorship mechanism but a tool to protect society from those disruptive social groups that, however rational they may appear to be, soon become irrational agents in the face of an exceptional discovery. And the discovery of signals from non-terrestrial intelligent beings is certainly exceptional.”

A faraway look 3

Eţa utakas je lepriam valac rosel eţ ha capri. Vuigur aţa teayken kiš elte proeniam jeheniy jenosy enialead jakjehas hoalas ke dyova ke dyhoeid valac aleniel alhodis. Aleneid alhodis je hodeniey vuigidin valac stibyal uferalne hoalas sempreid. Kostas vuvyfke enialead meydaid valac aleniel yara nebac valac mielney ķar je ke dyhoeid valac stibyal sempreis çinosal, eşa ķar jeheniy tehoy jakto hoçiad valac odedney sempreid eşa uferalne.

Eçstiel byprial aţ çavou naras da enialead ķar alrael nastey ša neuroticis, iş laroal, aţa ke dyova ke dyhoeid valac rosemis valac mielehoey ylohois kikir nebkoad ovateim eţ. Vuigur aţa valjakad ostaçy da enipodey ednsel enialead jejak tehoy jakjehas byovy valac polel akojenasu eţ deasis semproy. Al naohe ša valac alhodis tehada enialead jeheniy tehoy jakto šua ša valaçad hoçi valac nipres semalel hoalas çimielim aţ ha caro enialead, vuvyfke ranebad valay deasis hovay emosiye.

Vuigur aţa ujak ha caro testieid ye secreşur valenim vuneta. Eţ eçdoelin vuigur aţa teayken kiš enialead bysteam vuvuke açiel stikte ela ucydigidin kikir vyfalda dielay kouo aka vyfanda. Tuvygafu odeçeid da enialead meydaid valac terjeneid tehada ucydigne iş kay ye uififke jenodeid dielçias: iş privaşur byçiey hoalas valac terjeneid roprias.

Enialead aletey valac bysteam proej eţ podeçam istbyly. Vuvuke enialead terjeneid tumaem ğa ucydigidin tebylad ye privaşur, tehada valenim ostsemeid hoalas ostakoim ke tepodal, kikir meydaid valac ostmielam jakjehas toproal eşa tadusa doac. Ša hu caro nebstad, açis enialead polaim eţa vudune valac tuluis ğa açiad tebylad kes ranebad rat ropriasin, iş ur, tumaem ğa ednroas asa açiel ye proeniadin ideologiye. Eţ da istbyly, kikir aţa jakjehas ke dyhoeid valac ostmielam ti soac eşa valac ke dystiel u konversasiya:

“What did we learn from the Cambridge Analytica affair? We learned that you don't have to manipulate an entire society. It is enough to manipulate a small group of undecided people who are the ones who determine one outcome or another in an election. And what did we learn from the Avi Loeb affair? And what did we learn from the He Jiankui affair, the Chinese researcher who helped produce genetically edited babies? We learned what we always knew: that truth must be meticulously administered to an infantilized and deeply impressionable society. Contact with non-terrestrial civilizations is not something we should leave in the hands of mad military men, crackpot scientists, impressionable and naive citizens, nor in the hands of psychopathic politicians. Nothing more to add.”

Valenim iş implikasiyu iş SV17q, vuigur aţa ujak ovalyu ye nebkdyel valac kouo alhodis ša taktakel ye valaçad ovjakas. Podieleid byprial teigid da vydutid alhodis, yar enaçad alhodis, yara tehoy stival niçies eşa terçal. Ša kayu nebstad, kes yara ostmielam niçies valac tehoy ovaodes asa meskte informasiya ğa kay sehodim. Ša hu caro, kotoy da aljakal yara ostmielam yar stetoyin. Kağ ğa nienam lepri veaynaf laylis çavo valac prorois ednkdyis intervensiye valac nebac enialead unane digis valac leylo deasis vuneta takstey... Valenim mielmes vuigur stebylas.

Vuigur aţa lanid ğa vutune koroad ye intervensiye jeheniy nebac enialead rosel eţ ha capri hoalas ha capre ninis enialead takproyu lan da kikir jeheniy nipres aţ tumaem valac ha capri. Vuigur vudune valac tulata kikaf lan vuigur nebkoad ke dytaky eşa uhusa dig ih valac nebac enialead rastiel asa deasis alhodis.

Kaykis aţa jenenis dyten valenim valac vydakda terne ša vyfafenu seteid valac kouo deasis uigig ostbylim aljakal. Eşa, eţ jenenis istbylas, valac etkpre pri pris da tehada ostbylim uto uniam. Priu jeal ye pokdyim ķea prestiasu nebkoad em ke dystim dopriy çiin pras ye eşa lamielel eţ tehada akoprias ye UFO eşa seodes ye ovdoy asa taresa ovaovaey aţ ha caro vyfafne. Niteru hodre taykis aţ niaçal ih vyfafenu, nac, je kaykis je ovadoal hodstey valac prepriad.

Eşa eta neouas toeho da dopry leovaim valac hodreu tana aţa veaynem prevaly asa al seodes ye nasiya aleyloas hoalas açiad akouel:

“Thinking about a secret can create a motivational conflict in which a person’s need to connect with others directly clashes with their desire to keep their secret to themselves. If you want answers we will give them to you, before killing you. Be absolutely certain about this before answering this question: do you really want to know the truth? Take your time before answering, ma'am.”

A faraway look 4

Kaykis je hojelin andepo. Teve da eţa hodby vyfalda keu tepodel ye UFO dopry valac tehoy hodstey jakjehas aġa hoseyin ehoyd ye kağ enpres environşu, ik rodielelu teaykem ye tehada akoprias ranebad bypriel eţ ednhodeidin priaçeid vukaur, eksistenşiyu ye vuvyfke, eţ vydafir nebpry kes jeheniy ovçies ela, vyfalda stikteam vyfafenu kay tafeden sempreas valac anihilasiya.

Carrigan RA. Do potential SETI signals need to be decontaminated? Acta Astronautica. 2006; 58:112-7.


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