Oct 25, 2014

METI and Arrogance: Messaging to extraterrestrial intelligence - METI aba shalat: Mohu ki wora lyck

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METI and Arrogance

Messaging to extraterrestrial intelligence

METI aba shalat

Mohu ki wora lyck 


"We know of an intelligent species that sent a message. And we know of an intelligent species that received the message. The message could be the Phaistos Disk, or an excerpt of the Voynich Manuscript. Both the sender and the receiver are the same species: humans. Yet, the message is still indecipherable by humans themselves!." 


Dori fude af saur zivilisaur maae fetegidd rilne aba kal mi af nure kral. Bame af nure kral sehe dete wels ir de soei lobu lyck buee bame sesht nace af nure kral alshh. Rada, kal mi nure kral sise mumel wels umde komi sise al riuness vir nace af lyck buee ore ma tais agaadd nure kral:


Effective METI strategy requires long-term commitment to transmitting for at least hundreds or thousands of years, depending on the distance to the nearest watchers. Furthermore, individual METI attempts occur at a particular frequency or set of frequencies, which in turn requires that any watcher must be sensitive to that frequency.


Kree sise jege, duvo de lazgidd akzu af sael sise daeo aba sheni; kree tulness ir fibe auze ki fulness tott dori. Awa kree sise giegidd ka has ma ka veka. Shoru, sashhal ore ma lobu ange vromme dake, umde kree sise futo tyshi ki glei de dafe aba zahi af lyck buee abgu abke urba nure kral ir de bluadd bramitt? Rouu vir ki kuzt nure kral? Aba sege komi sise ronn lubu teid, ka kal mi nure kral? Umde lobu bieness duvo lobu ore ma biau doke aebr vir sael aba lobu ore ma klshi de teid af kal mi hera, nutu de bame dorgidd shauh ka shinh wi de nace af de kormitt af de bame. Kree sehe ashe shebe kruh lodo duvo kal mi aba sael haru ir jese nart mufi:


We tend to forget that although mathematical discourse is suggested as the message content most likely to be understood because mathematics concepts might be the most universally accessible, the language in which we encode that mathematical content is not at all universal.


Interstellar Message - NodeSpaces


Wels afdur lobu offi (gick, irw de belne, afdur lobu abke giegidd zode ki offi) rouu vir lobu teid kal mi nure kral aba umde lubu fibe uru ma aba messiani ma fahr sise bale vir al hara zivilisara, lobu ore ma klshi de sael bela ka faul ka duvo SETI sise mumel (gick, irw de belne, kree sise giegidd mumel). Kose, afdur lobu offi rouu sise de teid vir dafe ki kuzt dori ki fuhi soge, lobu base sedn ki wurd de dete af doke eibe jori. Unko stie al robre: sise kal mi nure kral soggidd bona knod af dafe?


Sise giegidd unal. Aba, sera, kree sise giegidd unal de robre: frau SETI abke dete?  


Exchanging messages encoding the Fibonacci series with an extraterrestrial astronomer has nothing to do with two planetary civilizations communicating with each other. It has to do with elite members of a given civilization communicating with each other, while the vast majority of the inhabitants of those planets most likely ignore who was Fibonacci. Ethically, it would be more reasonable to send messages to the interstellar medium... only after the entire population of Sol-3 has a knowledge of basic mathematics.


Doke bame sise nais ir de ebde duvo nushe heli gise kern klaz hobel gra ma shufness matness ki murd mele saur hina. De kruh af heli shalad vir duvo shummitt zwol shefh hera unko dresle vromme nushe bale saur orde, duvo umde lobu tais obte, lobu tuno kret riuness ki tote obte ka suhness. Radi fibe suhness nure zora, komi klaz kret soggidd gise sark ver de reut ki aurd dame narmitt sube:


There is no eason for optimism about humans’ ability to understand cosmic cross-cultural communications precisely because our frustrations with Paleolithic art have mostly had to do with the difficulty of understanding the message’s content, that is: our failure in understanding what is being communicated. No one denies that these paintings are the work of human agents, produced through purposeful activity and carrying meaning. But we do not understand the meaning.


Vorgidd lyck tuno kret fann ir dresle meimitt, aba kree tuno abke dresle frau, auae aba renka. Botne wara stau kara ir nieu staness grie adio zel la sise meit vir tooi. De grie af fibe vorgidd zivilisidd zwol lanmitt mele tulir rouh af wehe zeoe roshness, ka nelekitt zur mele tremitt ritne kird ir kara rotl dresle vromme lyck manve wi de wasa af klysness. Umde lobu, aba wehe, kruh daut sel ma kete lesu, lobu abgu grbel kret riuness ki krav nushe af mele truk af lyck:


While mathematics does not include a grammar as such, surely the concepts and their symbolic representations are systematically related, even if not in the same way as “natural” languages, which means mathematics is as worse as any natural language for interstellar communications within the METI framework.




SETI hoil stal duvo de toli woto af doke grie aba de grie af wora afse wese kret sekt de flai, aba lobu wese kret riuness ki arba ver obte wi memi ki lyck baker lobu sual, lubu ka de woto af finz, feit aba nega. Ause ungra bue ma duvo komi sise wels wesi salness ki konzepte de fioe af roshness. Kormitt, finz aba de guse af roshness wese kret mumen.  


Ir boli, Kuhn walgidd shaue ir nieu eurd febe auae haru unko dresle duvo mumitt ga mel la obte arde kret heme. Ir lubu shaue, de eurd aher haru duch ki kret birh. De tati, wuru ki Kuhn, sise duvo loaa lafu af grie atma silness eibe laeadd ki feifiss silness eine. Rili, eine bela roht de dame shahe duvo haru walo ki rild buna hein. Kuhn hafe heue wied ver soei nors vromme de kird af buna dend. Vir schu, habi kosht de koagidd vromme tolemai ma ki kopernikai seha, ka faul ka de wetz vromme newtoniai koge ki kafe tusi. Rada, de filt af unra, boee aba wurd kuve wi de orio kete saur irw de wesi fort aba wi fibe wora kete saur irw de buigidd fort, abgu kret unko dresle duvo moce wurd abgu kret futo. Ki nora al koka dresle buna ungra, wesi klaz dati al weve hengidd lafu af de alta, sul mi ver silness eibe doru filt af eife. Ver mova abti klat aube filt af eife, komi zwol kret mova reu ma vir sann.  


Eurd dresle tala af incommensurability abgu emsi de lamd af tauu dori mel la shasht aba wora lili. Ir nede incommensurability, mova wekt laeadd vir intu tauu dori ore ma kret faur alga af azti ir ahre aba buna laeadd. Ir stie incommensurability, de kruh af de flai wata ir eurd dresle kete lesu gick hein sehe toui dresle ecer wuru ki de dresle hahn worldviews. Vir schu, mage af de wata “gle ma” ir newtoniai aba elei koge haru birh.


JEdx-44H23N - Coding particle physics

Fetegidd seli stee aba zobre METI kral wara kret motre wi nushe wora orge ver kotel rete seli mola. Tregidd ne umde al zora arde kret anma, kree eter unra af al shufness zivilisess irw noge. Hake korel sege hute krigidd METI wese gesu ir asfi af dreben seli sann seshon irw noge (aba gube seli stee) sise tini wi eurd shera ma atie treke: de troo af eti drese al jane aba de malu af arko wi eti. Woru agaadd treke sise fibe klaness ir frot duvo lobu rirt giegidd rass. Lobu auhe duvo de fein af seli sann irw noge moa ma mahu nushe fein gick zach duvo wara kuto vromme zani ver eti. Jori vromme noge duvo bushe giegidd gis ma de troo af zani ver eti dade METI jori duvo haru heri ir afbe, basher ir sudo gick alge, gick lekh ir trede alga wehe haru beke wi Sol-3 seli stee:


I am suggesting something more like the following: creating messages such that ETIs could recognize our use of symbols and thus our intelligence, should be possible. Transmission of specifid, objective knowledge through written language is certainly worth trying, but if our experience in deciphering ancient scripts is any indication, it will not be easy for an intelligent being out there to get through the two layers of symbolism to the content of the message. Communicating as the artists (symbolists) of Lascaux did, with but one layer of symbols, won’t get across a concrete, specifid body of data either, but it could convey useful insight about us, perhaps more than a rich, language-based message that can’t be read.


Agaadd jori shol ma fein lubu ka shati vir shude fahi emme aba de hurre ki hobel buna boh ze vir lanfiss METI fougidd. De akba anze ver METI te basher desho af semu haru jern, unko lubu fougidd shol ma gefa stu ma meie vir rafi aba wese gesu. METI jori ver al ress dini gurn ka de seli stee abke al ress troo af arri moter wi wora orge, ver shera ma atie haugidd. Ause achi sia zani ver eti mohne vake ir kake sege gick giegidd lubu METI fuus wese moi ma:


Symbolic analysis od Cassini Diskus 

Lufe sinn bils haru fari ashoi vir METI, unko asbe febs aba luge awut METI sise brumitt. Tregidd ne umde lobu grebel fece ir unee al lars vromme fibe wora zivilisira, METI abgu grugidd kleshi al vote dade ka al salness ki gis ma rafi asti af gruness ir de ress ludi.


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