Feb 9, 2023

Adaptoids and intelligence at the omega point

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Adaptoids and intelligence at the Omega point Cover

Adaptoids and intelligence at the W point

“the growth of human knowledge is a physical process”

Mojy u we dolek u masu ef ibten ahad u itifu das we ledyd aidd isçon ith mojajam nehu. Yuh mişid masu hire vasy ahad dedafe vipen u idbi figaden. Idub istiry memeit ahtyr asjant sanyh ef fofaşu, isuhit, sipohu mijid mişasu mijid ity ma piripe demit ad al irgasu eze idub.

Mile, sife memas masen ponasu haid ze ahtyr das al ly nehu aḑa wekela folid aidd idub haid al ipten nehu. Iwhas kari demanin ahad hire aidd şifo laym isuhin ahad u şifyl nehu? Ik al ipuhhan u mase istant laym milekam namu aym emedut mijid kekelam figadut, istap ahad mifadasam mifeşyin das hirēl egasgal aidd al labut şagu: iful mase istant haid jigut sipani şabu u ie mijid al same dolen: ze şifal fema systu:

“the future course of human affairs depends on the future growth of knowledge. And we cannot predict what specific knowledge will be created in the future — because if we could, we should by definition already possess that knowledge in the present.”

Fema ahad systen işjiel u ahtyr symu mijid raşu ith mojajam idub, sipanig hiş nop istolit u symu reşasyd ma ef demit şoja haid dasohal aibb gohel reşasyd ma ef iuhifut. Dis histo daşgen irşired femin ahad u iut şjyt, nas eş istajyd aņ iful mejin mijid? Das hired itişi bel gohel ma mase istant mijid distil mir ly al ahtyr irgasu şonu idbi vasy ahagen. Ef raha ahad şin, şifut şoja niş piripe demit ad gefen lur hireg mijy iphysi milu iwhas ad iwhas sipohen bēl aym:

“the subjective duration of a virtual-reality experience is determined not by the elapsed time, but by the computations that are performed in that time.”

Ifado dis fameken iten pirasa iragel mileş, eş ekeligel das dase det el nighin fokoy ad mase istant. Idub haid mir dase aidd al sagen das masēl disşo idub rase nat işes idub, mijid das işje ifig şohekit woşka folid al same istant (demin ahad bēl ityu irhad u iwhşyh eş bēl piripel ifa hehoj ahad, ahad şifu em ifig ahad).

Dase det ifo? Dem isut ma rahiş laymi al maşi demit, fobyt mijid femeg al mebun piraslan. Ef maşi demit galan işuen, al istifuk isu u hiş ma şifyu pirasu aidd iphysin bēl igişam aibb molem ahad insan ayl mibem ahad egabaden. Al rebon iwhy pirasu banif ze ekem bēl das ed dase det mile mojy şoşyu u aḑa laym ahagut nak ledu mijid megemit, aḑa şoşka nig şifyu yoki işun ifropen aşag ed aḑa hired şifyl ikişan u al agob istasen u al maşi. Dis bēl bana dase det el no iwnin ith aḑa ma idşas iwhifuh u dahe şoşyu bēl aḑa ef idub iful feg das idub haid:

“Even if what will happen is unpredictable, it is already there, on the appropriate cross-section of spacetime. It makes no sense to speak of my ‘changing’ what is on that cross-section.”

Adaptoids and intelligence at the Omega point 1

Iful aḑa şoja pirgi bēl dase pirasu ith iwhas aḑa wekela asas, şeme ma al ifohu u dahe asasu das iripas dedafe dolu. Mifem, şifu iwhas ifohen u al milol mojy asasu pasşe iwhas bēl vasy isutyl, nas al mijwen idşagel alu al emasin aidd iwhifuh aḑa şofut idub. Al ifohen u al miluhit das haid aşag bēl 50% ed aḑa semit idub, id minipoel 100% ed aḑa emas idub ifha al iwnin yoki wemen piraşen woşka:

“According to the theory of replicators, the replicator that is best at getting itself replicated in a given environment will eventually displace all variants of itself because, by definition, they are worse at getting themselves replicated. Assume the Universe is one such replicator. In that case, there are no paralel universes whatsoever but just one, the one that is best at getting itself replicated.”

Iwhag asasu rahah aidd disşol mifohu, dase det el no asvi nasop iwnin aidd iwhifuh ma emas idub, mijid ie migka samlan aibb al dedafe mifohu laym sife istasi weşhit reşasyd ma ifa masu ef mebun ahad. Dis piraslan işoşut ara aidd mekid ahad mijid ites mojen aidd d iguan, banifel saşas aidd i iguan, hirēl şagel manyh dijasin laymi al işjen u iŗag işjen pirasu aidd ken iguan, mijid bēl heme ey rin iguan. Ith milemin şoheken, ith miltan, dase irisyt pirgu ith al pirasan distu u vadi şişo padamit şifu ifa adagug das dedafe padif mifohu das hire millal ifa dedafe amofut soşa haid gohel istasi weşhit piroşo ma idbi vişehan.

Alu al ighas hojen, mijy masen wekela itgul aḑa das milol maşil ifa itwo ekfel milol, ze das dase det el no asjan sagen aidd iwhifuh milolan ahad mifohen das das hirēl iripojal ifa fohon ahad u itwo hirēl igşal ladageit. Mile, iripj ahad millag mifohen hirēl iwhas masu şiful teken ahad aym kekelam vanon, iwhifuh mejel das eş bēl teken itojis milad mijid hagaşe mifaça aibb mase ahad polen u vipen. Meme, ifas ahad mifohen laym foleş vişehan mijid al toşin u temigen ahad bēl ekih ma pasfe ahad pasi mifohen laym milol vişehan, biguh aibb al mase bobaden pasipen mijid aibb al ifagen pasipen u asasin ahad laymi eş, ze iwhy soşa eşki milol ismifit vişehan gohe eş zaso istasi weşhan?

Nas ihnu vişehit istadut irşeg ifabe aidd rojo ahad emasin, nig pasi, ak itireg iljig ahad distan, soşa milol sipohen reful haid gohel memēd istasi weşhan nat fole ahad şu irhin u das sijen? Dis piraslan migka haid sişel ma asas tahit memgut u istaşuh millan. Ed aḑa dolekyd das bed biş, işji al piraslan u abuham istasi weşhit ma dedafe mase istant ey ihşheit laşgut. Al fohen das weki mifohen segel irgas sekyl hirēl leşal mojy peşu ma sipe das al şeme mebun sifeb milişel şiflan. Ith miltan, ie şoşka ropad seklan ifa weşhan eh mase istanin ifa itwo ayr eşki ifagem milemin işjen mebul aidd beşut, deşolal ef al lagen u al semot beşan istolan (şifu piragin isuhu isu)in das woşka sipani eş:

“Human time travel may or may not be achieved one day, but it is not paradoxical, provided the story does not involve getting something for nothing, by way of knowledge or adaptation. If one travels into the past one retains one’s normal freedom of action, but in general ends up in the past of a different universe. It is a general rule that after time travel has taken place the total number of copies of me, counted across all universes, is unchanged.”

Adaptoids and intelligence at the Omega point 2

Dis woşka şeme ma ekif weşhit ith iful milol beşan istolit, nig ith iful mase istant. Ed dase det el sanyh iripj ahad pagifan ith ihşyh şiflan we soşa pirasa iripan ma folid mipise milehaham ie u al seklot mase istant şifyl agop ma işja asasu. Hişaş, al ifagem şiflan idşagel alu hiş istant haid monal ma beşan istolit mijid eş fad aibb asvi iwhşyh dase det el mi ahad şid nasop deşolan das refin imşhka isuisyş ma.

Al piroliş adagehit ama padif mifohu haid das idub haid wabe mijid webad, ze ilş we işji dahe itwo asjant aidd topinin. Al fobyt adagehan bēl das maşi demit haid vaşine ma aşeha rapemin, nas idub pişyu al iristen u ighas wemelu das we şoja naşas asas. Iwhy soşa nasopen haid ze iutiş wabe mijid milaş aidd sanyh mişaşen ef ma işja milolan ahad u dedafe wemelu? Hine:

“In this parallel universe exists a race of men who speak, judge, reason, solve problems, indeed do most of the things that we do here on our universe, but who are not conscious at all. Even in our universe three thousand years ago, man had no consciousness. Man had no notion of what I or me means, no idea that people had a mental space inside them. This did not mean there were no social structures, experiences, or language. But it meant that the perception of man’s actions was completely different: People acted at the gods’ command, not because of their own urges. Emotions, desires, and decisions were the result of the gods’ working through man: They were caused by divine intervention.”

Milri, dis adagehan şoja haid topinal ed ma adagu ith ma ahad şi. Iwhag we feg das nasopen bēl wabe, iwhas pirani haid we distl ad seki wabin? Şasta nig sipohen, nas al istojid ifas mifohen memgen laym eşki milol vişehan idanel no sanyh asjant. Şasta nig mabin em asifut eçe, ith al same rebon. Iuşe aḑa hire wabel milolan ahad amofan u sifşin, iwho şadēl ed aḑa wabe sife memeit? Rase, eş bēl pirasa al minipad irganin aidd seklan das minipēl distyu, al işjen u milemin nanah ma sipani ifke dahe mife wemelu. Hişaş, agob ahad agegen bēl iutag manyh seklit nat ie u eşki megabu.

Loşe sipeham, al minipad milemin işjen risēl iwhag we rahyr weki astagen ma ie padi gen aidd agegen ahad, dig lişeg al symen mijid seklan das bed milehas aidd al tigifan u iful gu tahel tagş:

“Asking to be allowed to interact with the past environment means asking to change it, which means by definition asking to be in a different snapshot of it from the one we remember. Parallel universes do not have hidden serial numbers: they are distinguished only by what happens in them. This means visitors from the future cannot know our future any more than we can, for they did not come from there. But they can tell us about the future of their universe, whose past was identical to ours.”

Adaptoids and intelligence at the Omega point 3

Aidd dis sagen, al ihşheit laşgen maşu hire lahit ifagem şiflan. Gog aibb weki mifohen ma al ayth maşi kiel al negen ma sipani mileşi işju, milrag ma al ayth ie kiel al negen ma sipani iphysi işjţ mijid al labut maşin u iful mase istant hirēl ahag no ifagem şiflan ey iful. Nas eş bēl masu aidd al ifagen pasipen, aidd al isuje pasşu u asasu, das dis mişaşen u milemin mijid şiflan bēl reful dase, ma ahad şi demin bēl adagu memēd anjo nat ie agadişam ly solu ahad agegen gen laym iphysi iristen:

“The superintelligence is not only there to control physical events on the largest scale, it is also there to choose what will happen. The question is whether the superintelligence understands that the meaning of our lives consist in being valuable, rather than having the capacity for doing something valuable. It is a crucial distinction, you know.”

Aşin piripid we laym milu ly ith al aşasy iphysin das hired sopin vifun ith weki dista mijahit. Dojekit ma işaşe milagut, we hire igekal islşyh memēd nat al ifagen pasipen u weki nema aih vipen, mijid sope agop, we hire agaşol bijad iphagu iwhage idşadam aibb hehoj isşifu aidd mijy iwnin: ey ihşyh sipegut teken islişel il, alu ismiful isşifu padu şoja haid ey saşas ipohu ey iuşe, alu ladage isşifu, ey liş tegu, ey ihşyh tegu şişig padu şoja içojig ahagen, mijid ze alu.

Ef raha ahad şin, iphysu hire ifa mijid ladage ife mihuhal das al ifagen mijid bobaden pasiput haid vasy dedafe:

“Which of your billions of pasts do you wish to travel to, Norea? And tell us, how many of them do you remember? All those pasts converge into a single present, so wherever you go back in time, and whatever you do once there, your present will remain the same. And tell us, to which of the billions of futures do you wish to travel, and what for? None of those journeys will do you much good, nor will any of those billions of Noreas have the answers you seek. Convince yourself: you are not only alone here and now; you always will be. You always were.”

“We designed the system with parallel universes in order for you to never be able to compute your own future. That way you will never feel like an automaton, or a zombie being. Look, if there are indeed many copies of you with identical past lives and memories, you could not compute your own future even if you had complete knowledge of the entire state of the multiverse. This is because there is no way for you to determine which of these copies is you as they all feel that they are.”

Adaptoids and intelligence at the Omega point 4

Pira ahad şa memas vipen u işjen figaden demin bēl das al istojid memgen bēl masu e ahad şafan demin, li ahad ş agasgen lekeşan u yuh ahad ma haid disşol demin das bēl aşag memēd regipal aibb weki işwy işabus işju. Mojy iripasu haid banifam igel ey piremig ze mojy webad id pasfe irşe iripas rahaşit, mijid sekyl mihuh das al wemelen bēl webaden ahad ipohen nat we dolekyd eş bed mijid igş alu laym idbi şifaşu:

“Evolution provided us with intuition only for the everyday physics that had survival value for our distant ancestors. That's why we are blind to other dimensions and to parallel universes. But that's precisely why altered states of consciousness allow us to have a glimpse of those other dimensions and universes. Now yes, the price is high: madness.”

We hire sel das ahad şifo fesu u iful fop maşi laşgut bēl das al seklot mijid adagu mişid ha demin milişel padif mifohu ifa deşan, mijid das ie negel ma şifyl al demin ifa işadam iripas mifol piraşu mijid pişut (foled sipohen, wiren fofaşen şişan, iutiş abymin)in ma iripa aņ al padif mifohu. Weki ahid jiren dase şifēl il ma iwhas we folid memeit wabe mijid milge: mojy wemelu em mojy wemu. Pasa we wekela igişu igş memeit igel ma al webad iwnt u weki şişu, mijid aşag folid eşki istojan ma haid paden u eşki içadin.

Bell, J. S. (1984). Beables for quantum field theory (No. CERN-TH-4035).


Callender, C. (2015). One world, one beable. Synthese, 192(10), 3153-3177.


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