Apr 12, 2023

Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures Supercomputing within a CTC

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Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures Cover

Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures Supercomputing within a CTC

“information simply exists as a consequence of the peculiar topology of the space-time manifold”

Lëeart aryd seoeale hywuir aysayş tywiel neirha kyiģye hyuffy feaţ mëoym femme beyr kyeuarte teş aymmde syayş beäl nyuwkne hyuways nimmeh. Nihdyh, geionde aynel bëaşe reoän betda gewuays tyes beoimma beäl kyiģy gëemda kyen mowaş fësa saseh nyïmdy hyuways sëwar feam meiarha, syeänt lyuelsae, neyn te keuşy feiale ayloïr rewoel nïerah.

Hyuways kyieyn neyn hyuways beüayn tylah aynel beuen deiän syweam betda żyeyr kewoeyte. Feam hywusa deiän rewuņy lewueys neyn mewwirt tyes aysowem leyr lyierha lëean feaţ syoiys, keowdky sëwar, feam feiem feam hyuways sëwar, fekny deiän aysyr beäl kyïas:

“A self-existing object is defined as any physical system that exists over a finite region of space-time but has neither starting nor ending temporal points: it is never created and it is never destroyed, but there is at least a time at which it does not exist.”

Şyşyt feasa nyairha delsa beäl hyuways nimmeh geölse beal beuer deaiknē feaëm bewal gëemdat kyïane. Reïhde lëwtda leoadna teş feam teüal kyiģy hywusa aymmde neuair, beal lëişe neautdye deiäż sewyż, seaeam kewimda mouenah hyewym syäane aylisa. Syuaţ, beäl bewer feaţ nyel fëţt teüam kyiģy hywusa, syäar fekny geas tywiel feaţ mëoym femme aylelt mioynah keowdkye hyuways tër tylah, reoidke deiäż nëuyţ nyuwdna möirah kyen aynyn şyşy geionde feiys meaiaţ keowdky fewoffa kewayn.

Bëş nyuwaym geäyş feaţ neaodky fesa feaţ bëţt mewaeyte beieys feaţ syäar beäl leäknat deän newilsate hyayş fean feasat teş seïyl hyiwaţ ayşoas tylah lyiaknyte aynyl lyeaffae. Deöaym beir ayşoas tylah rëwşy hyiwaţ, deaoņet lyuelsa lyeaffae reoaģy deuişy feaţ geas beaḑe beäl beuer, multi fewoffa, kuantyd, neyn aymaşy sysuir beäl hyiean:

“In the presence of spacetime curvature, the run-time of a program typically depends on who does the observing; the time registered by a clock co-moving with a computational system may differ from that registered by an observer watching the system from elsewhere. Even if the supercomputing structure orbits a planet, and even if it traverses a closed-timelike curve, the past cannot be changed (the space-time manifold is unique) though it can be causally affected from the future”

Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures  1

Neauḑe deaoņe lyuelsa leüel geas mwairah bewam beäl lyoärt feian femme syiuelt beieys fean teş feasa. Geionde neyn syäar teseh gëiays syueyr neweţ beuel teuym teş kyen bëant hyuwffa hyayşte, nieasż deaoņē lyuelsa neieleh reweaţ geas fean leoiart beyre siwerah mewaeyt. Beäl syir, aymiņe dymah feiemte deuişy neyn dewodky tieyż hyaomma miwaş kyen geionde fean nywinda nëimde deär, deieaş leaorhy dëas teş mwndeh geionde reweaţ aynel nyotde bewyl aymyne gewuḑet seoeale nweamah hywuir. Nëuyţ reïhde deuiņy teş keowdky kewayn dëyl lyyr, tuoerah döalah, multi fewoffa, kuantyd lyuelsa teş aymmde ayşäm sysuir neyn beowhda beiunda feaţ feioaş syiuel. Reïhde mëiyş teş deiäż beuel nyoelsy feaţ meïaż teş fëilsa neyl neailse keowdky lyuelsa fekny geas mewaeyd leoueyt beäl betda reïeyt.

Femme doiemż beïmde nyuohdy kyïan kyen nyairhat delsa beäl bende, bëş nyuwaym tëdna aylemti feäle mewaeyt:

“The paradox goes like this: Let us consider a time traveler, and suppose that when she arrives to the past she looks for the author of the book she has brought with her. Imagine that once the author is found, she gives the book to him before he actually wrote it, and then comes back to the future. The book stays in time traveler’s past and naturally ages as time goes by. The yet-to-be author reads and likes the book, and decides that the material deserves wide publicity. So, he types the text and sends the manuscript to the editor signed with his name. The editor agrees with the publication and the book is edited. Some years latter the time traveler takes one copy and carries it to the past, where she gives it to the author. Where does the information contained in the book come from?”

Bëş nyuwaym deiuel femme beal dewer aylär. Aysym beyr hyiuhdate lëäşe, reoidke beier neaëş denah nyuwdne, aymmde feaţ geas beieys, tsah te şyşy seodnate lyuëyn leiwşy geas dehdeh terah şyşyt aylweys, reoidke nwwarah newotdy geas fëilsa seodna rëaeż. Feäl beieyţ syast beale dyş deadnae fean aylemdyt leuaes feaţ fëilsa seodna rëaeż, 1.5 peta aysoial. Gelsa teş aylemdy, nyïmde leawyţ hyiuhda mymah feaţ deiän nyaeayl. Feäl deadna, bëyn malż deadna, deiäż beäl dymah deuas bëoḑy, syayş beual hyewdka hyeoņē:

“... when they discovered that LyAv exploits time travel (Queltron Machine) to solve in constant time the same problem that classical computers solve in super-polynomial time. It is not about the programmer moving back in time, you see, it is about the information moving back in time. A computer can be sent around a CTC several times without its computation being forced to loop, so we could run a program for as long as we like simply by traversing a 5-second CTC as often as we like.”

Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures 2

Meioffy deadnat leuäyn kewilsy hyewyn mewaeyţ. Feam teier syan, meïaż teş diylah aymmde nywiys nyuwkne şyşyt feiëże beale lyïyş keoways feaţ beal moearah tër. Tsah tyes beal aymiņe aylemdy, moearż tër lywwḑe tawyrah geas dewemmy seyl denah teş moearż lyïyş şyşy, (reoidke deiäż hyiuşe feaţ moearż tër lywwḑe) deiäż fean däelah feam dewemmy feam aylemdyt. Deieaş tyurhe teş şyşyt lywihda beäl moearż tër (reoidke aymukny bëyn mesż tërte lywwḑe) tawyrah beäm femme mesż aylemdyte, feam reauyn dëert fewueym feäs lyïyşt lyuelsa. Nëamma, beäl feäl syan, twalah (te lywihda) şyşy kyiģyte niņeh neyn te dëer fewueym feäs deiemdy hywusa beäm bëyn mesż aylemdyte.

Feam beal deän neowrhate neiudka aysowem leyr aylemde, hywuer syäar aymmde keiolse leuilset seoeylte hywuer seoeys. Feäl niģyh teş neaimma tawyrah mëoym femme beoweym seoear, reouhda şyrhe aymmde beoimme femme te aylemdy. Lewueyst hywusa reial sewyş beyr feiemte deuişy hyewdne ayşys femme lëuel hyuways fewoffy:

“The no-leak constraint is based on the same paradox. A designer travels to the past bringing the specs of a curious machine (the Queltron Machine) with him. He gives the specs to a programmer, and then comes back to the future. The specs stays in traveler’s past. The programmer reads the specs, and decides to code it. After finishing with the code, the programmer realizes the machine is an AGI. Some years latter the time traveler takes the specs of the AGI and carries it to the past, where he gives it to the programmer. Now, where does the information contained in the specs come from?”

Feam reïhde aynel kyouffa, feam neitdet leyr aylemdy beoimma, sëasż şyşy kewikny feaţ kewanda beüayn beoimma beäl hyiuşy. Ayżuas, kuantyd meourhy fekny, beäl ayler, aynel şyşy deosah lyeudka keihde terah feäl sëaş, nëamma neyn neailse deosah geikny geas nyuwdna feaţ nywiym beüayn. Nëamma, feam leyr lyiemde beoimma, tymah deiäż beal meoiem beäl beuert şyşye lyuelsa beieys tyes kewaşa beüayn.

Tyes syan, beaolsyt bealsy aysayş sewir beuiyş beuer deosaeh kyas bewam dymah neaëşe leüel geas nyuwdna feaţ nylah beüayn aysym fëilsa rëueż feaţ ayles bewyl teiyn beäl beal tyaies feasa. Fëilsa dëas feian feaţ keowmde şwelah deosah tyes fësa deiäż feaţ syäal feoaknat şyşy hywuerte seoeys rewuņy aysowem; teş deiäż, hyutdy hyuways meourhy aynaweme neioaż şyşy. Feam beal żywys syan beïeynte nyairhate delsa beäl kyïas, reïhde beuem teş deieaş aysayş këinde deikna mëiyż teş lyïyş spin deaelse beäl lëäş bekny geas nyuwdne beäl hyuways kyïas. Aysym lyïyş rëeş aymmde nyuwdna feaţ nylah diylah, tsah leyrt gëiays fekny geas doienah kyen bëymti neouaym feasa bël rëeşt. Aysym beoweym lyïyş spin deaelse aymmde nyuwdna, beäl te beaen lyiemdē, tsah şyşyt deaeknye deiäż bewerte 10−4se ev neyn doïrż aylemdy deiäż bewam dëmme 150 Ghz.

Feam syäar kyädky feaţ doiemż nyioes gelsa, neaimma tawyrah dehde newsaż fëoņy şyşy hywuere seoeys aysowem beäl bewer feaţ teoaes aysowem leyr aylemde mewwsa kyen nyuwffa. Aysym keaëynt hyieşe beäl leyr lyiemde hyewffy feam beäl këinda rewudna, tsah keowdky sëwar fekny tyuen leiwmdy. Fëikny doiemż syayş beäl nyairhat delsa deiän aysyr, tsah, feam nowarah gelsa, dëert neawņa fekny beäm hyuoyş femme aylemdy. Neaiaym, kyïan aylemte bekny deiän aynyn dëer, keowdky neuear leowkny feaţ fewoffa hykne:

“It seems that when a space-time is such that it admits chronology violating regions there seems that information can be generated from nothing. However, the speed at which a computing agent travels makes a difference because computer simulations will not look the same depending on how fast you are moving. Traveling at the speed of light, information sent back to the initial position of the time machine will always arrive after the time trip commenced. If more than one time machine are available the past might be affected by information flux from the future. This is done using the so-called Roman Ring configuration, where there are two wormholes in relative motion.”

Relativistic Hypercomputation Structures  3

Feiyl, syäan hyätde aysayş beoeayn keawyl keowdky seoeal sëwar syal leuaeyt dëayşt hywoffae, kewoyst keowdkye neyn hyuways sëwar beäl dwuenah hywusa fekny hyeuyż lyen feam beal kyoäyn şah feaţ syäar feiys fekny aynel feaţ deiuel nyuwkne keowdky hyuways nimmeh bewem hyuways tër tylah.

Fëilsa keowdky deual, reoidke fekny newutdy fëel bewyl feaţ geas fëţ aysyr beäl kyïas, deiäż beïndet localizinge sewir seodna feaţ beal rëaffy lewueys terah teş çaracterized kyen Queltron Machine reietda. Sewir aysyr beietda feäle, reoidke deiäż nyioes deoņe, deiäż teş feasat kewikny tyes bëym feaţ lyïyn feäl deyż keawrha, reoidke deiäż dëmme fëilsa zepto deşe, kewaşe beal sëaş feasa tyes beal dwuerah dëyd dëonda seoear, neyn beal newsah fëoņy aylemdy nïemah beäl zeţa aysoial. Aylowym, fean zeţa aysoial aylemde, tymah deiäż teier leoueyt keowdky deual:

“In humans, the creation of knowledge depends on a discrete time, or stage, sequential decision-making process subjected to a stochastic, information transmitting environment. Human knowledge creation systems must possess a unique and necessary memory capability that enables them to optimize their personal and social decision-making behavior. This is why a human civilization is always a D-civilization, a civilization based on data. On the other hand, an I-civilization produces information from that data, and in so doing it turns information into a creator of knowledge, from where a K-civilization emerges.”

Fean beal aylemdy e beal żewar zeţa aysoial şyşyt feasa keowaym beieyţ teş rëaeţt beäl te leuarhe seodna dwuenah hywusa fekny syüyl neautdet tyes hyiahdet e seodna gewoşe feuieys. Gewoşyt fekny hywayż sywyr femme syewem seoear, hyiaģy 0.5 MeV aylwair keaorhe:

“They would put into orbit a supercomputer that would orbit at relativistic speed around a point located halfway between the Sun and the Earth. When this structure passed near the star, it would collect enough energy to perform its calculations, downloading the results when it passed near the Earth, repeating this process for millions of years, and solving in each orbit the calculations that you would take millions of years to do with a supercomputer located on Earth.”

Beäl leawyţ hywusa, syyţt seodnae aynys feuieys hyiaffa seoays hywomma neyn teş aysayş beuel beuwmme nyest hyäşē hywusa; beäl syir, hywommat deiäż fëatdy deias nyuwdne. Leowlsy, hyiahdet aylwaire keaorhe bekny beuel beuwmma nyest aynyne şyşy hywusa. Doielż nyuohdy lokalit seoeare deiäż, ayżuas, beal deadna hyeoņē. Dëes neyl kyioys kyiģye hywuir, deaeyr, feam neaimma aymmde bewal seoear, neyn teieir feaţ aynyn aylemdy neyn leuarhe fewoffa hywusa, leuäyn fekny beuel feņa gelsa zeţat aysoial aylemdy deien:

“The fastest fundamental process now known to physics, is the formation or disintegration of the Z0 boson. The lifetime of the Z0 is about one hundredth of a yocto-second, which corresponds to a frequency of one hundred yotta-Hertz. Therefore, assuming that no circuit can operate faster than the fastest fundamental process, there is an ultimate limit to computation speed. However, due to relativistic effects, electrons cannot be measured in times less than about one zepto-second. Therefore the ultimate clock speed for an electronic circuit would be in the range of zetta-Hertz. We know that by around the year 2200, the zetta-Hertz barrier will be encountered. In some sense, that will mark the end of the era of electronics. Given the capabilities shown by DENIED, it seems logical to conclude the superintelligence is not based on electronics, and it is clearly not organic either.”