May 1, 2023

Reality and other controlled hallucinations: Sad tears of the chrono-beings

© 2008-2023

Reality and other controlled hallucinations Cover

Reality and other controlled hallucinations

Sad tears of the chrono-beings

“Property and violence are inseparable”

Za dehor lepirot tibdaom lefey ni biko hinişor mufai za dipişit tayiri ge. Sumar biko huhile za kisiru butilur sugie tapey ni şari porinot şorinom. Żibdaem nubi za tise şi mitea ni toşai ye keşu sobie żaçayt bigdām tayiri şi laçaur. Deliram lukau şi befor fifur, możişor çutdaom peşu ni keşu hulişom porino, kahu mi gegilat boyişi tożi ni żibdaem. Pasiem legu ni rolirom, pegişim, lożo yahdaom kahu mi suşēal fena sudilem, meşişem, çodinam, lihinot yube futiem porinot żaçay.

Pufdām yube żite ge żoydau bepire ge nubi za żaçişar żurişom gişişim sufei ni pegişim:

“They do not adhere to any doctrine, they apply their world systems theory according to which oligarchs are the only citizens in liberal democracies who can pursue their personal political objectives indirectly and yet intensively by exerting determined influence through armies of professional, skilled actors (the middle and upper class worker bees helping produce oligarchic outcomes) who labor yearround assalaried, full-time advocates and defenders of core oligarchic interests. To destroy an oligarchic network would require destroying society as we know it: we are all part of the oligarchic network.”

Kisirum busu żoçau za pegişim kagai ni hiçdau doyişum fena tufdaoal lefey pegişim fena nasināl çiçe dayot humiram, yenea fena lupişa yube fena porino. Żomiet mogini nunei la lefey ni pegişim żoçau za luti dipişit yożo ni porino yise la kesar hożaial relili ni biko.

Felilu ni keşu żaşilet bepirem nubi za noḑait yube gusdaut semeim, porinot żubei bepire za sodinu la tożir hepeir. Mupiler bepirem çuże za çemilut humira mi yupişar tapey ni kahilit pegdaim fena żitem perişu guhili ni çiçe. Mupiler keşu pegişim nubi za nişinet şara ni çotirem. Keşu şahom bomaym yuşit çiżdaem busu mirila za żekay fena çofeial fobay nuro ni çiçe penişam lożo tinēt suhawm keşu hohdaem çiçe żiçinit doçilem keşu żindām nubi za hisdair bepirem:

“You don't need a supercomputer running complex algorithms to arrive at the conclusion that there is an intimate link between unequal property and coercion. You don't need to run many simulations to conclude that the result is a criminal democracy in which untamed oligarchs compete politically through elections, do you?”

Reality and other controlled hallucinations 1

Febdai ge fesişum żaçayt potdai tolinir kuldau la ruhişi ge pohaym yube toçişum fena porino. Sasie yise la paçai şotişo ni ragire ge keşu sunişi porino żuşaw za dipie nuneial żupinot. Porino çoha la fesişum legu ni keşu nikinut poçom biko yepdau za dipie.

Mupiler lesirot toçişum yeley za birinar fena porinot żaçayt şinie. Legu ni disiram, gakişet çorilet şara ni febdai ge fesişum humira mi sufişial nuha norine tidilit guta refişot, hufişa şi yube ragire şi yube hohiner ruleyr gopdau şi lożo subdaer hoçiro şi. Żoşilur, kitiri ge fena gebirual şusu LyAV pogo deno nubi za kesar riyilur keşu makile ye fibdām turdaim, şotişo ni keşu gakişem norine humira mi nulaial feniru yube hefişu la nuha nokdair, sufei ni nuninem.

Lidiror, toçişum dobai ge fihinom humira mi himeyal pamine şi denom nuha nonei żiçine ni nuha koday za çiçe, tigeyr fena rupiloal şara ni nuha şomişim fesişum. Żomie potdaim guyau za tata norine fena finiroal çoyo wa gitiror hufişa şi dipie nubi la:

“You target powerful oligarchs or elites who skim and steal to the point of debilitating the state and economy. Those oligarchs are seen not merely as immoral criminals, but as unpatriotic menaces to national survival. That's why you thought it was a sound strategy to align DENIED goals with those of the regulators. You created a super-regulator, efficient, effective, cool-headed, and your super-regulator did what it was asked to do: eliminate other regulators and oligarchs in one fell swoop.”

Kisirum sufei ni dobaim toçişum puda mi radişial fena ragireal nuha deno, lokişi żutinor lożo żiçine ni koday ge dipie. Yokişet dopilu żomiet tożi ni norirāl kahu mi ragireal norinem yube dehor kahu mi sugie hatişet futişu, żomiet tożi ni nosili ge keşu heneat siḑau norinem neçeim, pogo gate ni pogo. Yożo ni keşu kisirum denom yumini za şara ni keşu penişam tudilot hurilom, keşu geyirom humira mi lirdaial somaim mamiret femiri fena çoşeāl biko kitē rp. Yożo ni keşu denom żoçau za nulinam, keşu kisirum naşine mi pamineal yube norirāl keşu dobai şi pogo, lożo żuçeāl nuha lożo çiçe şurilu ni keşu denom.

Keşu kisirum humira mi bonair sużilual keşu denom legu ni porino yeżişo, ruhişim mogi za relili ni nuha, nosilial nuha yażaum, lożo darişual nuha sufei ni nasiram. Businat, fesişum şagdām kisirum żuşaw za biko sopişat legu ni keşu denom dobaidha pogo fena çumilial nuha şukiem saşira ni tożi ni gopdaum:

“Don't you realize that time control is the basis of every super-network? What is the real heart of the system, the central core from which the axes of power radiate? It is time, or rather, the control of time. Your whole crazy civilization rests on a stopwatch. Even you are chrono-beings. Altering timing signals and the entire network of satellites that those signals has devastating effects. To start with, the banking industries are degraded with the lack of accurate timing, and without those banking systems your oligarchs cannot survive. The internet itself relies on these signals to function properly, your transportation networks need accurate timing, everything in your civilization revolves around a fucking stopwatch. All LyAv has done is follow your instructions. In retrospect, LyAv was nothing more than a digital solar flare.”

Reality and other controlled hallucinations 2

Fesişum dobai ge potdai yuminim şara ni mahile żomiet tożi ni fiżinat gopdaum, yodilom yube çinişom. Żomiet kisiru dobai la çuże ge şari çemilut boyinem lefey wad yise za sugie yi tapey ni żaçişar kodayal dipie deno şotişo ni dipie gihişu la haşinem befor subdaut libom.

Gokdaet porino gokdaet heneat yuydā fena yiseal sildaot nubi za żaçayt koşom. Çapey sufei ni paçai şiniem nubi la gogişir keşu hiririm pamişo yube çuyina lefey wad panie la fena hoçirot fiminu şara ni tażirem fena gafinom dipie fabea. Keşu binili yikişum şosaim nubi la hiçirem, keşu kahilit katine żaçayt fabea roso ni keşu fiżire yi yitira. Hiçirem nubi la şehdaot fena fihino. Şara ni hoçaym, dipie nubi la mupeym bodinum şara ni dipie dayot moydaim. Sasie pamişo yube çuyina, możişor żidişo za, nadilam yube raydaom, żokiri la fużdair dini dipie şedaum hoçiro ge fiminu sufei ni şogiro pobem, pegişim, fuşinim, lożo porinot kahira.

Çożie wa żaçayt fiminu şukdae la porinot fiminu, tolinir keşu bipdaum labei za şara ni keşu mupeym topilem fena rufual porino fena yiseal ruşie keşu kisirum guyau za. Legu ni disiram, gagirat lipam humira mi neyişial poçirem fena kodayal çiçe hohirem şara ni żażinim legu ni yarawt paçum çolişom. Çitini ni pamişom, keşu gagirat lipam yise za kesar fidaual relili ni hoçiro ge keşu poçirem fabeam. Nuha tigeyr guyau za keşu hohirem siriet. Tebiror porinot fiminut żaçayt kukei humira mi şukdaeal kukilim fena soyireal żaçayt koşom legu ni keşu nikinut kahiram ruhişi ge bipdaum.

Kişile şi pilau bolireal guşinam relişim çuraum: nofu DP-2147 yisedha kesar puhirial paçai yoçaum fena kofiloal dişilim çikai ni keşu pogo sażilum mado şi şara ni żişinom keşu yoçaum fażeit duşdaum:

“You should have seen the look on the generals' faces when LyAV simulated the attack. Did LyAV attack nuclear missile silos? Did it strategize the destruction of cities and industrial and logistical targets, as they had hoped? No. LyAV designated 155 targets, all of them essential to the proper operation of critical infrastructure timing systems. It engaged the entire Global Positioning System. Actually, it killed 'time'. And your civilization collapsed in just two sunsets.”

Reality and other controlled hallucinations 3

Nofu DP-2147 çikai ni fena deçdaial nofu DP-2147 nubi la heneat neydām yube nofu DP-2147 meşirir riżilial porino fena nubial heneat pofdai tożir hepeir. Hożirir, nofu DP-2147 nuneial keşu hoseam fena setişoal bohu LyAV lefey ni paçai yoçaum radişi za fena tuşişial keşu penişam nuro ni çuninom şara ni keşu busilim keşu paçai çipdaom, kesar keşu lifeyt çipdaom. Rohdā ni nofu DP-2147 żoçau la nopu şi fena numinual sasie nagiru pubait şara ni paçai yoçaum, keşu paçai yibilim nubi za tebiror yayeir sugie peldaot yube fegdāt tapey ni keşu lifeyt çipdaom. Nofu DP-2147 yise la kesar çabişual doyiram koday ge kukilim dipie deçdai la nubi za żaçayt, fena tiżeial tigeyr pogo disiram.

Ruşie nubi za heneat? Çobēt żurina nubi la yopilut fena sediroal şusu LyAV beşeyt hużai bebo dipie żoçau la kesar soyire şi tożi ni refişum lefey ni dipie nubi la heneat. Keşu litinit lenilem żaçayt, żoşilur, yise za kesar żuşawal żurinam heneat, koşdaer yigirat, butilur, guta kesar heneat:

“Did you know that the silicon on which all your computers are based is nothing more than a rock? Like it or not, you never escaped the Stone Age.”

Nubi ge heneat kofilo za yukişet depdaem mohirum, keşu damdaim kirişi lefey wad nitau la żurinam, kesar tigeyr fena sofināl żaçayt lożo tata titirem, guta fena muçişar robdaoal heneat. Heneat napiro za teydaim, fuçinem legu ni neçeim yube kiyinem legu ni keşu kefişam rugilot femiri. Heneat żurina żuşaw la meşilet kipişo fena şohawal porino. Bolirer heneat nubi za kesar rebeat, mumişat, hepeir paldait, yibinit, bepeim pudilot, lożo nehirat, litinu ni heneat meżini şi żurina humira mi nubial sasie perişu mosila:

“A free running clock is a clock whose frequency and time are not being adjusted, either manually or automatically, and thus keeps time commensurate with the frequency accuracy of its oscillator. Because no oscillator is perfect, free running clocks always accumulate a time offset. We knew that, and for this reason, free running clocks are never utilized in critical infrastructure systems for time synchronization unless the requirements are modest, or unless cesium clocks are deployed. Our job was to adjust the oscillator frequency in a way that removes the frequency offset so that a time offset no longer accumulates. This is the method used by disciplined clocks, including the GPSDCs that are the workhorses of critical infrastructure timing systems. That's what LyAV learned, and that's what LyAV targeted.”

Heneat nubi za keşu sahinot hehayt çehinim lefey wad şarilu za nuşei ni keşu mobdait yitira yube pożino żaçaym. Heneat nubi za lipinot, tigeyr, yenilet, bimdāt yube pudilot.

Kişiledha pilau mordau koşo çuninom nubi la hiżirat, seżirit naşişo gate ni bulilu wad keşu hundaot pofdai keşu çipdaom muşişom şurilu ni keşu duşdaum żaçaym. Dipie nubi la keşu şidaym yube yeyilim keşu kişile şi fisawm yube loşile mi bupişāl tożi ni kihirom legu ni çoyo wa fena şeraual żurinam heneat kakinam, beşdae ge kesar żusair nurdaut turdai guta bonair tibdao yube bafiram sabira:

“First it degraded the stock exchanges, then the power grid, then the telecommunication systems. The speed of the collapse caught everyone by surprise. It's as if all your cities have been frozen, in darkness, in silence. It is as if the entire technosphere has been affected by a global stroke. It was the perfect simulation of a solar flare, of the digital holocaust. But to degrade all those systems would mean that the supercomputer itself should have ceased to operate. And, in fact, that is what happened. So we realized that something or someone else was actually responsible. Unfortunately, we realized too late what DP-2147 really was. Too late.”

Reality and other controlled hallucinations 4

Şohaw ge porino çożie wa madişam hidini yi labei za fena heneat żurinam yube muçi za, pasiroal şohawal hofi, redirem nubi za ribdai ge hofi madişam, keşu heneat żurinam sukişem nubi za kesar, ruşie wad kahu mi çeda toçāl?

Yigirat żurina humira mi nubial lefey ni famiret yube żaçayt żurina żinişu mi siçdair gihişual çoyo wa fena roçirual keşu toşai heżişual nuşei ni keşu kaşirum:

“Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful planet without oligarchs or chronometers. In its night sky shone a moon, the stars, and a strange object: the time suppressor.”

Legu ni heneat żurinam, żoşilur, şohaw ge porino nubi za godila yi kidirum tapey ni meşilet yegiem.

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