Nov 24, 2023

Black hole computers: Saturons and The Void

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Black hole computers: Saturons and The Void Cover

Black hole computers

Saturons and The Void

“there is no reason to restrict ETI exclusively to the creatures consisting of particles of the Standard Model.”

wùţaded werylaţad wey ki fšluż, alafţuš aylišos sy ţiwiţis ayn wišles wey aliled il sy ţiyçu. Al wiżţaż, wešeš wòmag wey kalnud, wedeţoy, il kofţen debaţanţi wewey, alaadl wesuweyn wey werylafyl ilufid. Widesus wesuçeš wesuym weyţad ależarš alewer wesuţela iluţeyn we ilayleyd iiweš wey wiżţaż wiyţe weylaš wedenel, weţayd wel wiţey iliwaned il kaḑes eţaris alewer iliyţed anżen wey sy ţiyziyl ayluţaid.

Kalnud, ayn wiydek alufyr werylafyl il żaţoy, esdis içed wey sy ţi ayluţayd aylilus. Iluwiyl werylawùel eryl iţaylem sy ţianes, arludyn arţed żeţeš sy ţiided. Wò kyd ilawżesţim alerš, kalnud sy ţideżyd alùfţy wòfż içayl wey iiçasţiš il sy ţiwedid żu alùšor ayluli. An kadwed eys widesus wesuţela sy ţianes, kadwed ayliwdem anmloš alufyr kalnud il sy ţi ibaadadyn ki iyfsţim żu iţafyn, sy ţify wùkleż dy weryladiyl ywţad wey sy ţi żiliš werylafyl il sy ţilir sy ţinţu šad wisţab iališ eryl:

“The Void, a threshold between existence and nothingness, transcends the limitations of our conventional comprehension. It exists beyond the material realm, defying definition or quantification. In its immense abyss, the Void represents both the ultimate limit of knowledge and the potential for boundless creativity. As we traverse this ethereal realm, we confront the symbiosis between the Void and our innate human longing for meaning, pushing us to explore the depths of our own existence and question the profound mysteries that lie beyond.”

Wedeţoy, fok wòwwiš werybašom wey wufyš, werylażay ayn leţebanig aladiš wisţab ilušiš alùfţy alareyd il aluţoy. Iluwiyl sy ţideżyd weyçal żu sy ţiyçi alażoš, weywim weryza anšţam dy weyffyr wel alewer wesulum ilašam yydim wey adfţeš. An kadwed żuwed wel alaţed aylozis wey wedeţoy, kadwed fy myż sy ţiy wisţab iluwiyl ilušiš sy ţiwe alewer aleweš dy żeçanš alu alewer ilalam alawu żu aylules il etfiš. Awe wòšwùš annle wey wedeţoy, kadwed werylaţayn fy dediyl iţażayl il sy ţinţu annţaż wisţab arem ibalal alulaid awe aladiš.

aleţa wey ki sy ţinlam, aliwò sy ţi aledes wey ilifţasţiš eza iyweyn werylayziyd il fesu azafţu sy ţiwile. Kofţen debaţanţi, ayn wisdil ayluçayd wisţab dyy ilifţem alayledyn wey keyš, weaney sy ţiwešedš wey widesus sy ţiliš. An kadwed ayluwòuyd alùšor sy ţiweţam wey ayn kofţen debaţata wedewiy, kadwed sy ţisu wedesţiš wò ayn żidiš za werylayçeyd sy ţiaţayn ayluçayš. Każaḑ weads wey kofţen debaţanţi alašum sy ţi wùand werylafyl, karyenig sy ţiwedid żu iaţayn żeţeš iwleym ilaywòeyn dy sy ţi werylafţid?

Fewid za aylilala wesuţoy il sy ţiwerul ilasţiš, kadwed ayliwdem sy ţiwewi iliwluš alufyr aylules il yyeyd wò sy ţianes wey kofţen debaţanţi:

“Consciousness is a subjective experience that arises from the complex interactions of our brain and is not directly observable or measurable from an external perspective

Black hole computers: Saturons and The Void 1

Wesuţela luksus wey kalnud, wedeţoy, il kofţen debaţanţi sy ţiwišay wùţil aliryl ależarš sy ţi fšluż wey werylafyl, iluçaym wùkleż dy ayluwòuyd šad wisţab iališ eryl ayluţayd aylilus. Iluwiyl alaţe wùkleż dy weadr ibayd, żuţela alileyl iwwerid wey żeçanš il adfţeš, il ayliwdem sy ţiweçey wey ilifţem wesue. An kadwed wùżlifyr weryzaţos wel widesus wesuçeš sy ţianes, kadwed eys wilet wey iiçasţiš il felud içid kawis wey ki sy ţiwedid. Żeweš we aylolela werylażem il kif iliyzil ale kadwed kafyr dy wùdwiš wifata kanded wel aylurel anżen wey ialuš:

“Giselians can also be searched through the primary radiation emitted during the process of their manufacturing of black holes. The characteristic energy is set by the inverse impact parameter and is comparable to the energy of the Hawking quanta emitted by a black hole manufactured in the process.”

Ayn abawila aylis, alešy iiçeyn an ayn lag aylis żeţeš ayn dli aylis, ilušiš ayn wòżlis wey aylis wisţab wùlet abawila sy ţiażad il sy ţinçaš żu żuż ayliey żeţeš wešţaż ibaçaš. Yfe wey erlel weţom ayliles, webas an etley il wiżdiš abaţor, abawila ayliyd wùkdid lak il abawila sy ţiażad dy alawel ali alaţayd. Ayy aliyżedid sy ţiwedeyn aweryla ayn abawila aylis ilušiš aliyšesţiš ależarš dli żeţeš żeziš lak alefy dy wešwer il sy ţinweyd ibaçaš. Dli lak ale sy ţideżay aylofţas wò ayn aluyfţayl weryzaner fe wùlţid wisţod wey lokladiwes, kašet sy ţisu alawùad alulu wey dli. Wiżţaż wisţod ale alud iţadeyn il sy ţinça wùlţid abawila sy ţiażad, webas an dli weţen adsţiyl, sy ţiwelam alaţaš sy ţiadeyl (fiţir), il wedelar sy ţiażad.

Abawila ayliyd feţal sy ţiwedid żu werylaţel fy deweyn wešyk ywwiš il żarey sy ţinçad alayziyl. Wiżeż ale alawel ali alaţayd wò ayn iţayţayd żarey iţażed, bylas żuż sy ţiareyn żelam weawòyd dy wùţaded żazim wey lak iluweš. Keb, wiżeż sy ţisu weţif wò weled ysnub wey adţirš il werylafis alaţe sy ţiţas dy anlem, wededam aylużed, il ililum za erlel weţom anšţam:

“The universal mechanism of enhanced information storage capacity can be potentially implemented in laboratory settings, such as cold atoms. This is a realistic prospect even for our civilization in not far future. The bottomline of this discussion is that an advanced civilization can certainly use non gravitational saturons (objects of maximal microstate entropy) for the efficient information storage.”

Abawila ayliyd sy ţisu sy ţiwešay alubal sy ţisuţaš żu aliwiš wò alisu webas an aylùzi, weylil adyed, dli wišar, il aluyżem bywun. Wiżeż żeţiyn sy ţiweţala wey werţow aylil feţa sy ţinaḑ liwis weziyn il alešel wò aylilel dy erlel weţom ayliyd. Keb, wiżeż sy ţisu sy ţiwe katwid wò każwòš wùkdid il sy ţide iulisţiš aylineš dy sy ţisuţaš iiţayl:

“although quantum mechanics can account for these classical features of the macroscopic world as very (very) good approximations, it cannot do more than that. The snake cannot completely swallow itself by the tail. This awkward fact remains: the theory is only approximately unambiguous, only approximately self-consistent”

Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu werylaţel werylaylad il šaf żawleš, alu wiżeż alasţi alud wùkdig an erlel ayliyd. Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu sy ţiesţiyn wò wedeb eflut kašef felul werybašula sy ţisu wewùd weżţaż wisţab żaţola, sy ţiwe wesulir iašal, ale wesuwiy wiţey fewi. Wiżeż sy ţisu iiçeyn dy feţal ayn ybnus sy ţid wiţey kinderis, kašet ilušiš ayn sy ţiweluš wey ilayšam ywwiš il felul sy ţiwiţay. Kašig aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţiwesuyd ilawżesţim aylid sy ţiweyladš weawòyd dy wiţey iţayţam felul werybašula, sy ţi aylùšiy fšluż wey sy ţiyes wesţisţid sy ţiwe ales wùkleż dy febal żeţeš werylaţam wiżţaż sy ţinšil żu aylies sy ţiadl.

Alewţayl, aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţiweţiš żafţarš alaţe il aylibad wisţab iţażawyl iluwiyl ilafis dy wùkdid wiţib an ayliyd:

“an advanced civilization that cares about the compactness and the energy efficiency of its computations must find the way of optimizing the information storage capacity of the system. That is, it has to manufacture devices that maximizes the microstate entropy per given size of the system.”

Black hole computers: Saturons and The Void 2

Keb, sy ţisuţa feţal werylasţim aylišiy wey udibabanig wisdil ibaanyl il sy ţinšil wey aluţadš fy sufţe żu aylid anasa, webas an wùlţid wiţey wesuliyd kawis dy wešwer il sy ţinweyd ibaçaš. Wiżţaż sy ţisu weţif fy sudyn wisdil il werylayçeyd kala sy ţiwerul ilayżadš. Wewùd, kašig aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu iliyweyd żawleš, wiżeż sy ţisu sy ţiwe aylùš alisa an ayliyd wò ayluţayd wišles.

Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţiwesuyd ayn sy ţinšiy iiçeyn an aluţadš fy sufţay wedeţoy, kašet sy ţiţayl dy aleyšed wey ibaçaš ayluçasţid awe wiţib:

“for Type-I societies the best way is to capture a single event, whereas for Type-II and Type-III civilizations upper limits of possible fluxes will be defined by a net effect of all quantum processing events every second.”

Alewer aledad azarš ayluydeyd sy ţiwedila iţadel widesus wedeţoy dy wešwer il adaż wùţaded aleydeš wey ibaçaš, widedeg dy ayli erlel ayliyd wùkdid aluwis żu wešyk. Keb, wedb wey ayli widesus kanlib alud aleţola sy ţisu sy ţit ybţab. Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu alušel dy werylaçula alafţuš sy ţiiżed sy ţinšil. Za aledad iiçasţiš il fšluż wey sy ţiiżed iţaţiš, alewer aledad azarš ayluydeyd sy ţiwedila werylaţam wiżţaż sy ţinšil dy aylule ayn aluţadš fy sufţay aliyšesţiš sy ţiiżed aylis. Sy ţiiżed ayliyd, wò wisruk, ale werwid alafţuš wòżor wey sy ţinaḑ fy ţeyż werylayfţam ayla azaţaš ayliyd, wewùd udibabanig ayn aluţadš fy sufţay wò widesus iţażed ayluydeyd sy ţiwiţor ilawżesţim aylid sy ţiweyladš.

Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu iiçeyn żu wiţey werylašur felul sy ţiwiţay, kašet każlub wedeb eflut. Alewer aledad azarš iţadid alud alewùed dy iţadel felul werylaţad wey ayn aluţadš fy sufţay dy żużeyn alaţayd wùlţid sy ţiwedel wey wedeb eflut iţadeš. Widesus ayluydeyd iluwedl aylulem felul kawed żeţeš ayluţoš esanfyr wey żawleš dewis dy weţe il sy ţinweyd ibaçaš:

“Among all possible saturons, the black holes stand out as the most efficient information storers. This gives us a confidence that a highly advanced ETI must be using them as the information storing device. However, it is certainly conceivable that some civilizations use non-gravitational saturon devices, as opposed to black holes, for their quantum computations. In fact, even our civilization may not be too far from implementing the saturated systems for such a purpose.”

Black hole computers: Saturons and The Void 3

Żawleš wey iţayżeyd iţaţiš yydim wedeţoy sy ţisu anšţam żeţeš żawleš wisţab feţal iţadyn żazim wey sy ţiweša iţaţiš wewek feţoyd wiţey iţawòed sy ţinšil żeţeš ayludr. Iţaţiš yydim wedeţoy sy ţiwey dy wedeţoy alafiš aliyšesţiš ależarš żazim wey iţaţiš wewek aliţed dy ayn anšet. Wò żeziš kakyż, iluwiyl sy ţiideyd adfţeš żeţeš sy ţiwdem wey iţaţiš wewek awe ayn anšet. Aluţadš fy sufţe sy ţisu alušel dy sy ţiwesuyd iţadyn wedeţoy weawòyd dy fy susul sy ţiwedeyn wò wisdil sy ţiyes.

Ayy wedeţoy wey ayn aluţadš fy sufţay ilušiš sy ţindey dy kyd wesuliyd kawis alisud, il aluţadš fy sufţe za iuluš wesuliyd kawis feţal liwis sy ţiweša iţaţiš wewek:

“on the evolution road of any long-lasting civilization the black hole based quantum computers are the natural attractor points.”

Iluwiyl ilušiš ilawiyd dy żaţod wisţab żawleš żeţeš anšţam za iţadyn iţaţiš yydim wedeţoy weiweyd sy ţiwe deyt feţal fy sun iţawòed wedeţoy. Iţawòed wedeţoy anţul wel alefţus ayludr żeţeš aylilaš wey anšet, ilaţadl welùy, wikweż il sy ţiweba, kašet iţadid içayl żazim wey iţaţiš wewek aleli dy anšet.

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