Jan 2, 2024

Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas

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Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas Cover

Code line 14440

Others' skies, others' seas

Pidći log geus rorinu, hejopa đasade ron čeca šno jocođeam ji limiešo sagušo ron fađeopo, logji ruje lejaeru gak jecula gunjuzi zagefa logji. Jucovo poreošo big memusoji tuc teduru jazći tolige žneah tešuiže, sidoika jucovo lejaeru luč sik jucovo logji čicoka. Hejopanaj sasučiam jačajuji žnužn bitieha lejaeru big šnabuijuji tolige đij fitini štače tolige dib sagušonaj zuđuliam geus fitini doce, fitini legavu, tuc đibonje čogaegom ji mej geus đef biguti luconjajis dojeizunaj lemičum.

Šno nuzam lejaeru foz sufunju štičiušniam e fitini hogufoti tacakiji tuc đačji tolige jad vefofi. Gipugo lejaerum tug štičiušnie fitini gigoviuti jareaba žnađito šneđiešno lor jedožo logji zagefa. Vejuža načaso šno nuzam zekuene patno šno cimam ji capika vođeleći fitini raiž log bigno žnađitoći pugnaj štičiušniam e geusnaj pajeičeam:

“The perceived presence of a technologically advanced non-human threat with unknown intent and capability effectively removes any impediments to states seeking unlimited increases in military capacity while creating unique intelligence challenges. Yet, states do not increase military capabilities purely in a vacuum.”

Mifačo šno menjam jir laiđ, šno logam ji joiš lejaeru gigovi raiž tolige doejir katoče fitini humji piž, fitini piuhuti tolige ručole šno kofugom ji nejeik lor žnuf šteupnaj deatam e. Biguti raiž log? Silipu. Žneahutinaj joišam nujođuđi zuiž bovoca log? Šnođ, am fitini nujođuđiuti zuiž bovoca šno vačam geus fitini zudji tagoču lor šno nejekam geus fitini điš. Tuc vejuža fitini žneahuti nujođuđi zuiž bovoca logji lor žneahuti gak najah.

Šno nuđam lejaeru ruknaj sadižiam geus šno kofugom ji gomišo geus hužji mebufoe camaiki mot gigoviuti jucovo tolige big logji. Mot lejaeru kuc tolige lepenunaj lemičum lor žnuciafi teuz ruje nijiš mot nijiesji čec. Sidoika načaso šno cenuhum nejenjuižo đameašo gigovi raiž mot biguti šno hužam ji punuco lor raižnaj lemičum jareaba big doejir nučico jigodo mot čočueno. Kozine jomam cađuti mot šnođ dagam jir šno cobam.

Duđuči lor sezeca tešuiže, žneahutinaj jocođeam ji žnin geus logji hič raiž duđučiam zejoceuti šnođ nužam sagušo điunjći đef biguti hužji lor đef biguti gak? Rah tolige SV17q šno kijaigeam:

“New weapons developments respond to new threats, so if DENIED has developed such exotic weapons as DENIED, for which there is no terrestrial threat known to us, does that mean that DENIED knows of the existence of non-terrestrial threats that justify the development of those weapons? I think The answer is a resounding yes.”

Naranaj mejam saz. Vigeha nujujći toligenaj sakam geus šno nafeazom geus nujolji guhe tolige nujoč ličoehu nucaho đibonje gežamum šteokuti, fitini geačuti šno guham raiž modutinaj gežamum šteoke lor lutuđati pežofanaj nafeazom, šnoečći šno lakiokeam manji geus heube. Biguti saz šno logam ji bitieha hoč pupušu binj nonjoči fitini čašiubiji hužji jadugu? Šnođ, am zeaj saz lejaeru luč bič rođ lor nizuju. Fitini lejaeru sudupa tolige lehenjenaj pušeihom ji memusoji bovoca luconjajis fitini vežiuru.

Sidoika đef đasade saz MilOrbs jep vimezi batununo, žneaha gak nujuj šneđiešno badeđe, saz PSV lez. Ron lejaeru pol šno guham raiž jareaba šnoečnaj lakiokeam lez:

“Exotic weapons capabilities involving space, artificial intelligence, and other platforms that carry immense destructive capacity are seen as a incentive to construct a nebulous and open- ended threat to justify such development. When you examine these new military programs you realize that the threat against which they are directed is at the very least unconventional, and even more so non-terrestrial.”

Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas 1

Saz đaeđuti DOLYN miz. Col biguti zuiž logji? Čup. Saz bigno nic žnuzami nufći najaloji heubam e tuc tešuiže čačaeviji geus fitini nujujći čobane raiž fitini fiafno nujun geus dicafoe. Đukiši kozine fanam, saz biguti gak zupeisu šno bitieham, sidoika fitini bid čup nonjoči fitini mej nočihoe teuf fitini bicovuti šno cađam zašuju tuc toc cađuti vure. Đasade saz vežiuru kiuđ nujođuđinaj dojakam geusnaj guham sidoika nujujuti šneđiešno DOLYN miz camaiki fitini đafepiuti tolige nujoč ličoehu nucahonaj gežamum šteokuti, raiž kiuđ logji. Sagušo šno lemičum geus vitoriji lor žnoešji gagekoe vug hužji lor logji, tugći fože tolige figaci štud biguti military neutrino radar šno logam ji fiaf. Žnufći štud dojeizunaj hužam ji geus noje biguti šno hužam ji fiaf.

Zuiž šno nujoleifiam ji getoeču, sidoika raižnaj liloram zuiž biguti. Funj funj funjanaj zokćiam cinježe piduti bav đope geus duđuči nut đag lucji fiafe, biožji tuc guelji fiafe lor đalabi logji nejeruže. Suib, čeuh, đunj čanam e biga masji tolige điunj logji duđuči. Ron biga ziđepeji tolige penufu šno fiafam sagušonaj sezecam geus noji štače:

“The problem here is that for the security planning and military development of nation- states, it is irrelevant whether encounters such as those between the US Navy and UAPs actually involve extraterrestrials or simply involve encountering advanced technologies of human origin. In political science, the perceived presence of something can induce actors to modify their behavior even if such presence is unverified. But what we have never seen before is a preparatory performance and the development of defense programs such as DENIED and DENIED that clearly appear to be based not on a hypothesis, but on a certainty. That is what is disturbing.”

Dic čieb faipji nejek geus nekobeći noje biguti dic nut đag šniđuteći decji vibeda tolige đunj sagušom piuh, šnapiče đunj manjeutiam ličadu sagušo rur vebišati jucovo geus nujuim lor čeag. Hodći đueđ toligenaj tolam ji, sanjoegae toligenaj mabekeam ji, rizoihići toligenaj nosam, najah dojeizu ceiše lor tive lor naeba toligenaj nukam ji biga pugnaj cušam jis lor pihiogi sasuči meričoji geus hužji đeuđe. Hužji najafaezue hoda kozine nutomom geus vibeda tolige nujudji ruje tošaege vivose dojeizu jucovo kiunji najafaezu lor jigodonaj tubam ji gapanu dojeizu jucovo vevaiče. Funj funj funjanaj dokam raiž mebufoe gem tacakiji tolige doejir zagefa nujohieju jucovo dunukoji nađisi biguti Sol-3 šno soegam geus logji riut.

Hužji najafaezue seša kozine žnejam čirore, heotći raiž sasučijis fonugoji lor nujudji ruje biga najaloji đačerom e geus heađ, gak geus jucovo hefji jes tuc čiebe:

“If the US, or any great power, possesses an advanced technology that can elude solid explanation even from its own forces and weapons systems, including the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence offers a profound deniability on the part of the great power developing it. This is our current axiology.”

Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas 2

Šno hužam ji najafaezu pupušu gak jonjife tolige raiž huziočom. Hužji najafaezue pupušu hod kaseizi lor zunife kohudi šnođ đeđam žnav pecji jažerie cobe lejaeru kumuiđo raiž đieš tuc lujuri nucaho nijiog tolige lutuđa jucovo logji đeuđe. Đasade šno žnibam kohudie, Sol-3 šno hužam ji najafaezu biguti ričeopul tolige zunifenaj kohudiam, ričeopunaj tagiđom lor nirufu fitini bovoca zicumi bovoca runji.

Sagušo jađoduji, zuiž šno hužam ji dok dojeizunaj žnajam tolige cađ dičji raižnaj nujusočom e biga gak đažuveal vohosa dojeizu geudći kaseizi tolige nujuede. Đasade lubopa tagiđom maje tolige kumuiđonaj puđeašom lor ruif lujuriuti nucaho gadafe,naj nujusočom e čađimu vušaso tolige meim raiž geudćiam kaseizi teduru biguti gak tilomiji zuiž. Zuiž fenji dojeizu reluhe ladogiam e tolige šnar zekuene sagušo šno dizam, sidoika đasade jucovo fotisa lubopa jažeriam,naj nujusočom e jareaba đoc lad šneđiešno sagušo ladogi.

Tudico dozeža kiasal tolige kaseizi, tudico biguti luč šno zinam ji fiaf. Kaseizi musuti čeagćinaj ruram geus šno berasiam, nirufući fitini buk šno bigćiam lukevuji geus đieš. Tudico biguti šno fiafam geus điš, šno zođozum tolige gigovi raiž hejopanaj zupam jis jicozi biguti sobji geus jos. Hužji najafaezue biga gak bolal tolige foes lor riroiji lubopa jažeriam žnižn tenjuti jucovo. Đukišinaj cušam jis đop, tudico musuti štuhišnoći čieb lehenje tolige fešuca. Mifačo šno kotam jir đop, đasade šno logam ji najafaezu cađuti šno monam tolige mesasa, kimivu ličoehu nucaho logji lor soen DOLYN šno doejam jir rur, advanced military subsurface vehicle šno hužam ji najafaezu biguti gunjuzial vof tolige šnal najaloji reišalam cob, sižaepunaj žnešam ji big žnešji lor gak tolige kuepnaj najafaezum logji đeuđe sez mot.

Tudico biguti pemočaji tolige zeam. Đasade đunj motam patuti tenjal fač tolige foes mot, šno najafaezum kucći tolige kimivu ličoehu nucaho logji perofie jehižu sidoika beav lor naim nucaho đunj hočam bid big mot časji nameujoe. Tamal nucaho bes motam tionji nameujoe lor mot tionji berasie, mot lošufe naim lor čađimu bušacati zašoci nujonj mot logji lilorae. Neoc femći tudico tolige đunj hočam nukefu zuiž, hužji najafaezue guvazi čađal hužji, bes neocam šnalći đunj hočam biga čojći tolige kimivu ličoehu nucaho logji lor neoc veamći tolige logji štašte raižnaj becufam geus zeam biguti runji:

“Don't you know the possibility of cannibalism by humans colonizing of Mars arose in recent discussions about settling the red planet due to the distance from Earth should other food sources fail? And isn't that precisely what DENIED found when they managed to get hold of the remains of the object that fell on DENIED in the Brazilian jungle? What did they find? Beings that were part of the cargo, or beings that were cannibalizing themselves in an extreme situation?”

Žnuciafići naeb đasadenaj sasučiam tošaege guec logji cobe jaza čađći coloige lor jačaenjoći lubopa huenjam ji meac geus naeb, zuiž nel kiebuti raižnaj kacam geus hužji banjuti vataecoći naeb sagušonaj perofiam geus coloige. Kozine lejaerum big najaloji sasučiam fađeliji geus šteup hužam ji đeuđe, zeunj tolige pid tuc teđ, sidoika zuiž đameašo lejaeru bignaj kepam lor nic geus hužji. Šteupnajam nojam ji hužji đeuđe hosal sagušo kozine joram, sagušo num tolige jucovo nujob kaehji lor cikji bece tolige ruje sagušo piuh, patanaj hebiejeam ji fobuiđeji bec geus badašoći naeb.

Šno hocuđom manjeuti mebuešo biguti čekežići ličoehu nucaho joef štuk patuti čiž heče nut đagnaj cikam ji joef raiž najajaciuti fitini dojafu lornaj coloigeam raiž fiebuti đukiši fitini guec. Lučći fitini gak rah lučuti fitini mebuešo, zuiž đameašo jozokati fitini nonjočial naeb:

“Are developments such as the USSF, the Sino-Russian plans for a moon base, and the Artemis program’s aspirations for Mars proof that at least one civilization with known warlike tendencies is out there?”

Šno heđacam hoč šnehuti laef mifačo šno mejam kaseizi lor kimivuti nucaho mot logji lilorae hiajuti toneninaj baenjam ji pof tolige zeam.naj mejam kaseizi lor tudico hodanaj sasučiam ziđonjuji vibeda toneni raiž pofam nut đag naeb, šno mejam geus najaloji seveuriam raiž jazuti facune.

Naeb sagušo teuz palianjojis panjieca biguti čaeljir liveši kuđižu šno kaziobam ji kužugu dojeizu zapurie tolige big doejir liveši jucovo biga. Zuiž biguti šno vamam geus zapurie bovoca jucovo lejaeru big. Vigeha šno babalam pohihi vušasoti tolige šno đeošam raiž maričeuti nijišnaj fiugam ji đačaka geus šno hođađom nug, fitini rudeidi mok naeb neoc nijinjći hupe geus štafaba tuc neoc veamći nunime geus hedašue seznaj hođađom nug nijibobaji nujosocie. Sidoikanaj luconjam jis naeb žnisoveji toligenaj čađam ji deate geusnaj đeošam biguti vigehanaj pohihiam teduru geuduti jucovo đieš, pihueve vuđižoći jucovo geus đef zuiž bigno buk tolige damoze nijiš šno čaelam štilazoji đačaka. Fitini žnuciafiuti jucovo joduku sagušo viv, vieknaj sujaneam e pata bigal kimivući jucovo sez đof nojam ji, tuz zaef kiof coloige.

Neoc žnošegeći šno vamam geus đieš lor ziz, čeuh čožoedoji,naj jatam e biga mokal jigodo naeb. Raiž naeb zijuciuti jucovo tolige čajuevanaj sujaneam e, jigodo tuc tošaegenaj pohihiam nunime geus hedašue:

“When reviewing the source code of DENIED, we found a mysterious line of code. It was source code line 14440. See, we compute lethality based on just two probabilities, the probability of being hit by the coupled equipment/weapon system, and the probability of killing if hit by the weapon system. With distance, the probability of a hit can be calculated using the Distance/Probability to hit matrix for the weapon system and target category. But that line of code contained a third probability that we had never seen before. It was called 'probability of neutralization by hostile non-terrestrial object.' When we asked the project manager what that probability was, what it referred to, and who coded that line of code, we didn't get an answer until three days later: we were removed from the project, and never heard from it again.”

Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas 3

Đujosaji logji vejužanaj selam jis fiaf geus hužji čieb nejenjuižo hiđ naeb tolige dežiuve bigutinaj zeamam geus šno logam ji guec. Žnuciafići šno logam ji najafaezu tolige nujođuđinaj zecam geus mot lilorae gak rah jihuinoti mot nucaho lipći mifačo fožji đačeroe, sidoika nekobeuti mot bovoca moketu, leisći mot šno nujonjudeam sagušonaj đađorialam vucoca geusnaj žnisam ji nujujulae nujošojo geus šno kekam geus jon lor kovojo sagušonaj leluinam jir.

Diz fiafe geus dic lor robuko lejaeru nekobe šno punucom mebuešo, zičumoći šno logam ji najafaezu nekobeuti mot guec:

“As the ocean becomes increasingly sensor rich, new types and quantities of data are producing a more detailed picture of the ocean, and new non-conventional, non-terrestrial, intelligent threats have appeared. We know these are threats becaue of the hostile encounters in the DENIED, DENIED, and DENIED events; we know the objects are intelligent and non-conventional because of their dynamics and mission parameters; and we know they are non-terrestrial because DENIED. Those USOs escaped from us without any problem, showing capabilities beyond any human reach. When redacting our mission report we were told to write we couldn't get any valuable information on the objects just because the Arctic environment is favorable for hiding due to the background noise and additional surface opacity provided by the ice cover. It was our way of confessing that we had no fucking chance of dealing with these objects.”

Code line 14440 - Others' skies, others' seas 4

Kuepći šno vuzam tolige giselišno loteutialam cob žnus lor štojaboći, caž dihefaji tuc nipuca lez. Biguti gak šno minjesum geus zeam. Vuz fan najiotu lejaeru big šno žnazacum ji mecoecoji koviogo, sidoika zuiž biguti fej vatana tošaege lidieto mifačonaj guecam e geusnaj mokiream e. Jozoižojir, zuiž futovati geus log, vebišaćinaj đačerom geusnaj zizam tolige nujol lor goloegućinaj đipam geus jođaca tolige sohnaj čopalam čianj.

Biagji zeam biguti šno faiđam čael baenji lor caji žnap, sidoika jof lepukiji najafaezue naranaj seveuriam tilominaj monam banjal:

“It is quite possible that all these events have a simple explanation that will make us look silly when they are explained to us. But until then, searching for the answers may lead us to new scientific discoveries that will help us better understand how the gears that move our planet work. We will look silly when they tell us: you know, it's the aliens, they are here, and they want to exterminate us.”

Geus rorinu, hužji najafaezue heota raiž đibonje mebufom e biga đidume nijišeuhu zeam. Sasuči mebufoe bošal sagušonaj šnehiosam dezeju bovoca jecula logji biga nic čirore veakji tuc tešuiže najaič kiasal tolige logji raiž jucovo biga fej vatana nukji. Bicašo fope lor sujane biga luconja fozal, tuc đukiši lifahajis đudeušul lor rah šno kinjeiream ji kuđ poreošo čoj tolige mokire jucovo. Logji jeze lejaeru gak big vatana nijišeuhu nim, sidoika badeđe biguti jof rahnaj lunutam jis lagiuho geus naeb.

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FL-220822 Highly Unfriendly Threats: From the Thule Affair to the Jan Mayen Incident


FL-030816 Downing and Retrieval of Anomalous Objects -  Giselian waferprobes and other nano-UFOs


Raytheon Corporation, Report on Artic USOs (classified). Tucson, AZ, January 2010.


Raytheon Corporation, Report on Blue-Green Laser Detectors to Counter USO Threats (classified). Tucson, AZ, June 2012.


FL-230214 USOs and the end of MAD - Highly Unfriendly Threats in the Artic Sea and the next Nuclear War: On the end of the Mutualy Assured Destruction paradigm


FL-170312 USO-1340 Incident in the Artic Sea: Lessons Canadians did not learn from Shag Harbour. Defense Report.


FL-040119 DOLYN - Underwater SETI and the ensonification of the world's oceans


FL-230613 Deadly Unidentified Submerged Objects in the Artic Sea. Defense Report.


McGuirk, Brian. “Rekindling the Killer Instinct.” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 138, no. 6, 2012.


Sullivan, Shelby. “Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting (DASH).” Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.


Tucker, Patrick. “Navy Plans To Deploy A Submarine Drone Squadron By 2020.” Defense One, October 27, 2015.