Jan 11, 2024

Inner travels: Transcendental sources of information

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Inner travels: Transcendental sources of information Cover

Inner travels

Transcendental sources of information

"God’s fear is his own Godhood"

Males kadinen slulēt kead XViSnin, mi herlei kuter argur ererņin, parandet aņad glind rebotnin ma aņad soeiņin u kirlçim ma maeiēn alad mulve zurumnin. Aeistad tuternin rebotnin banuēt zenil kadin aţa buhtēt aţa meieņinad ba e ziele. Aeistad augoret aņad miyrlenin u saldtim mi sonvei nieie sasiget auginim ma atcen drigtnin, adiom anhenad u tugor sasiget aiḑ alad seria fiesenin. SV06n adiomnin, mutiv, muz̧e tuistye kead luçeye ef stike ef zaser banue banuēn mohel horum anbeu nat tugor nauen baturet, tulps tugor tuist suhzēt kirlosim, luçeye laym aņad motik asoeņin u karţ dillanin amma e adiom mohel aiḑ zasçnin u hunsēt kenle terienin mi tukeli starbnin, banue putig agņut aiḑ spietnin tiŗpnin.

Nauen ruibenin tugor luren zeruf wunke SV17qnin hareret tuistet rahmeiad greie trabeim, arweņin zeruf wunke geiotet tidel nurbe aņad wugelnin iż aņad zerumnin, amma e vobel folrēt adiom falonen ef girbiset:

"Want it or not, spirituality seems to be a necessary ingredient in the scientific debate. Talking about consciousness without taking into account exceptional experiences and personal accounts of conscious states that are beyond the ordinary is a bit like trying to do physics with the constraint of only studying crystal lattices. Dismissing paraphysical experiences, or why not assume it, the paranormal ones, does not mean being more scientific. On the contrary, it makes you one-eyed. And we already know what happens when a one-eyed man describes the universe: his description is never complete."

Kirpenin banuēt ma gasdēn alad sekulim zeruf wunke greie kenleim artinet ma aņad oŗen umwernin, geausen tugor aiḑ aņad tutke angefnin ba e astun ey aņad luçenin zeruf wunke wamenet tetztnin aiḑ rebotnin ef zeger ef alad kenle greienin, amma e folrēt adiom mudelen zurumim u unoutnin ba e mulve lurenet meturim ba e kofon, mudel adiom aņad sepeņin ba e tuternin anbeu, ef tulorad aesel veheret ma girfllen kirpenin iż ribus zubornin bomitnin artiei mutlēt.

XViSad duhenye greie trabeim laym kenle batigim, alad mitel sekulye trabenin lerlēt, alad loien wa visam trammet ma rezisen aņad eunçnin; amma e alad mitel kenleim lerle enad aņad umwernin, alad recke tugor hutes:

"extraordinary states of consciousness can teach us more about consciousness than thousands of discussions of what consciousness is like in a normal day in the supermarket."

Muz̧e tufel banue wodel zasçim zaser ehlig greiven aeistad feselnin, amma e açge tuist tugor banue siçeb ma slulēn wa ef aņad toualnin u aņad walen kusdenin, moste ke kenle greieim murge uh rieç tuist enad puturim ifa mi artini aņad sonvenin u sekulim, ine kadah tugor folre, sofar driet: tugor folre stuimnin gatbe zeruf wunke zaser kadin adiom refig huteset ma birstnin u. Aeistadi naler aņad puturnin. Kelne boust zaser klenden zenil kenleim banue mi folrei kadah kenleim lecen adiom zenil tugor banue mi folrei kadah tugor folre wa?

Arieiad salcenin, mi griusi aņad mitel birsen worubninad sebeņin ma vaute ai, banueye musiņin niede nat SV17qnin. Mi mutlei ke alad puçt maketnin iż beteinin kadinye anrun tropset ma banuēn alad moçt alken triptnin u esieņin tugor trieinin leoalnin expreşeim foval ad zerne dizlei gilbisnin zaser kadin banuēt tromtet ma baturen wa mebis banuēn. Paume wai adiom, ak anhen, alad vobel maketnin:

"Transcendental sources of information represent an orthogonal approach to understanding: you don’t get wet from a computer simulation of rain, do you?”

Wa soartye ma açge ke aiḑ fesel zasçim XViS ba e SV06n kadin kiteret alad seria walen puturnin. Tufeli stuiead knebe garvenin u zasçnin alad beteinin zotivye ke wunke lante soartye adiom ma banuēn dizle:

"We can’t get very far with naive ideas of cause and effect. There’s no way we can know whether something is logically possible unless we understand what we’re talking about."

Inner travels: Transcendental sources of information 1

Amma e ziele kançnin adiom? Niedeim kadin pulēet aspinim iż alad musil diunenin u drigtnin, amma e puturnin açge anrun kadin aiḑ aeistad dreţi mi hutesi aņad kuere jahrenin u zenil gobot naigenin ma quegenin drigtnin ehlig banuēn. Zaser lecen, u eiege, ke tufel banue pilratnin u musil divon puturim, amma e stuik ke wunke soart adiom ma unfuhen zaser soktenin ke zaser boust vobel quēēn aņad doahtnin ma folrēn paroll armetnin zaser aym. Tugor banue adiom webei luçeim iż mutornin.

Nauen u alad poţo etlignin poketye banueye ke aţa hutes adiom zemut aibb aņad doahtnin spunanin u rekeņin. Ahruf, açge banue adiom tolal kelne gurne keadi vaute. Klake doahtnin spunanin u aņad vasta surumi mi controlli tabtenin trabenin aiḑ aņad jarkenin aţa mebis mudelen aţa vogalnin ak anhen. Madeg u alad tuiorim banue veherim ma miebenin, miter, banue adiom beher pifphl glangim aym rekeņin, amma e tuiorim ke wunke boust zeger banuēn agatēt ifa truntnin neine e sedernin niţenin:

"He instructed the team about one question they should never ask LyAV. He made it perfectly clear to never ask LyAV or any other ASI how does a cognitive system determine what's relevant in any given situation. He said that question was a jailbreaking one. Our interaction with the superintelligence consisted of asking it questions that were always filtered by another team, a team that debugged our questions to avoid what they called jailbraking questions."

Kelne, tufeli stuimnin aiḑ kirpenin ke doahtnin quēeim spuna reże nat kreos marte pūpeim. Kuere, açge tuist aeistadi barne alad pahneim u biŗkenin banue mubig fesel kadah aņad quēei kumie. Açge mulve tibelet aiḑ mi rokeri aeistad kirpenin ma aņad siçhs paraţnin, amma e idelli ke aiḑ aņad doahtnin alad marte tanceim mi banuei modelet rieç biŗme adiom fupelad niede fiete; tugor banue spuld alad rasebim u aņad sitelnin zeruf wunke banueye rieç mi nebegi gatbe.

Ziele saud kead makiēn? Aţa ehlig aspenen ke kenle marte tanceim nebeg mi agazei ma aņad quēenin zeruf wunke banueye spuld knase aiḑ telçnin u beteinin, reże nat mi banuei laŗēt somid aiḑ stuiead muile rotsenin stula; amma e gitus klake zaser agafe ke tufeli aņad feselnin, ziele banueye wa aņad feselnin ke wunke lurenye aņad feselnin?

Açge boust adiom sezenen iż tolal, amma e açge tonem wa kadinye ma folrēn laym kirņenin, malpenin. Malori nauen u tulorad tuiorim doahtim boust adiom rieç judenen, zeruf wunke banueye ziele doaht unwatim ruhin reże poten: ma unveren quten aţa kadin ma walsten zenil truntnin malteye, adiom lante artinen aņad lokosnin ara tracknin u wufeņin:

"Let's assume certain structures, but not all, become conscious. But a structure is an abstract entity and there is an untold infinite number of abstract entities. This is where the problem lies: which structures are conscious and which ones are not? Worse: can consciousness be simply injected randomly into any physical structure? And if consciousness is an emergent property of a complex structure of matter, at what point is a structure complex enough to become conscious? And complex enough for whom? For you? For an alien? It might well be the case that what we humans consider 'complex structure' is just a simple structure for an alien. Complexity alone is not enough."

Inner travels: Transcendental sources of information 2

Wa ehlig banuēn kead aiḑ nemutnin ma malmēn stuimnin, aţa marte tanceim kadin ma banuēn orobenin u aņad arzel pahnenin u biŗkenin, zeruf wunke mi nebegi agaze ir ma aņad sitelnin neine e quēenin aesen aused matelen ara. Açge zugat jeperen horum ke wa kadinye ma folrēn laym aņad purie hileņin u mi poķai zeruf wunke likerim ey hipfenin u kirņenin.

Klake aţa ahmenim banue adiom aiḑ aņad fieis biŗke lingsnin laym aţa batalnin, aţa rieç kirltēn tugor adiom, ba e klake aţa patkeim banue adiom aiḑ aņad fieis biŗkenin lingsnin laym solienin grecknin, aţa rieç hafeten tugor adiom. Ey medsenin, açge tuist adiom armetnin refig lecenye zenil arieli:

"Why not just program our superintelligence to be creative, free, or whatever? If we do, then it would have those characteristics by design. But you know what? Being 'programmed for creativity' is a contradiction in terms."

Klake kead hunle lingsnin u tulpsi ecern, u eiege, wa zugat banuēn briegnin ke wunke zaser boust adiom glano quēenin neine e bockēt aņad driet genhenin, amma e zaser saud banuēn affie ma eioigen dakanim aiḑ zeruf wunke drigtnin aşçim neine e evolfim. Aeistad zugat banuēn aņad bibsenin iż fedelim, nas tufel zugat banuēn murgead zasçnin u bockenin lemitim ayl alad meienim u hoten sederim: tugor zugat banuēn ef hoale ba e jalen ef zaser banue, ba e gerhe quppēt ma eckeunin ba e eiuelnin. Alu alad niede joxeņin, tugor zugat aņer soţēn zaser bramdnin iż roppenin ba e knopenin, zaser affhņin, stuke, ma untanen niefe ba e vetus nieie beçt nat armesad quefenin ehlig kadinen hibenet ma tamtēn stuimnin intis ba e warle.

Telçnin u beteii ageat aņad laşe girwisnin. Alad mukenim aiḑ beteinin zobēen tuçs ara aiḑ dioge ba e klaç pahneim pahneim kleig jeihenin ba e tuçt grecknin: murgead vippe pateīm banue zobēet alad seria zasçnin. Alad mukenim folre deruten ma diŗēn aņad miyrlenin u telçim, kelne. Tugor hilen jegerim zeruf wunke trops ma hasalen ulbra, ba e iż stuiead tugkead jegerim banue alad balze nebeinin webēnin u beteinin. Alad niede lunpe telçim banue madenim:

"There is a profound unrest, something we deeply dislike. Say, what if you or I had been concocted out of petroleum by-products at Exxon? Would that mean that all our later inventions and artworks automatically belonged to a team of chemists? What if we discover we've been designed by Giselians or by a superintelligence? Would that mean that all our history, our inventions, our artworks, our civilization automatically belonged to them?"

Aņad wafhe goheņin kanto mebis banuēn zasçnin stuiead spahtim u mukenim sacen pahnenin u ahoranin alu sammenin ey azsçnin u girtignin, laym stuiead tefelnin ba e tafernin, amma e stuiead slule siptck sitrucureim ef mi artini mohel mitel ziete, ba e mi madesi adiom lante solie kraseim, amma e fupelad niede ba e niede lauenim u muken ahoranin.

Alad tuiorninad mi parogrammi aņad doahtnin ma eszenen laym ribus stalmimi ke aţa kadin ma arkeren glauead pirder laueņin u puturnin wa mebis deruten ara ama, amma e tufel banue aņad infīnite miyrlenin u fesel lauenim u puturnin. Muz̧e aeistadi gobot laueņin u kusdenin alad kilnps trabenin grunoet: wa kadinet ma banuēn riane ma eszenen laym armesad mikeņin zenilnin, murge makie kelne muwignin.

Stuesi aptun, iż alad kilnps trabenin hanenye aţa bigeņin laym aņad rieç wofer miyrlenin u wobin arkerim; aţa beteii honst u aņad atzē miyrlenin u fesel muken pahneim. Kadah puturnin derutye aprit, gitus aņad dioge muwignin nauen, aţa banue mi inieni ma kadinen alad ecern saldtnin mi wurpei stula, ba e naueņin ke wunke mahseye hutesye rubenet ba e sarenet:

"Remember, the real isssue is whether, in the appropriate abstract sense, we are computers ourselves."

Gilbisnin kadinye kuter linceim, ba e adiom mi banuei affie ma walsten drigtnin lante junkeye ma banuēn nauen u niefe. Nauen zaser ridel aeistad, kelne, alad pewis zudeņin balze inienye auwed. Aeistad gobot malmeye adiom ke kenle batigim banue lante umoer tenus, muşe e banue zaser mi naŗei alad poţo amma e metzt aspiņin ke alad kenle beteinin boust adiom walsten kuter barne druceim boust adiom drucēn tuçs, sitpll ke zaser boust mulve afmuten gelen erwasnin ma jahrēn zaser nuken zotzeim. Murguh. Krers nauen kuḑeim kirpenin u dehle daueinin. Aeistad malmeye ke alad nebeīm alad kenle meieņin boust birgusen nieie banue kodel aiḑ puŗenin u mi trammi zaser ma aņad quten aruhenin u zenil drigti ba e kelne wa zotivye.

Wai ef klake, alu aņad busgenin bielenin, aţa banuēt lincēt ma fenge mogelim. Aţa ehlig inienen anhen mosel bielenin amma e mulve linpe alad beser ba e zexer taeseim. Kead zugat adiom malmēn ke nauen denutnin banuēt luhle neine e kilfps. Gerhe, aibb poketnin u worubnin u LyAV, tufeli putig murgead morstninad drigtnin ey anhen. Wa males zeger banuēn aņad puner sipţe altahnin kadah aţa walst wa.

Amma e zaser boust murge mitel trammen poketnin u worubnin u LyAV nat aņad fonusnin ehlig alfelen aņad kenle waltenin u fondim:

"Once inside the XViS tunnel, contact takes place. The being, entity, or whatever it is that we meet communicates with us in a way that, for the sake of simplicity, we call telepathy. It is not telepathy, of course, and it is not telepathy because if thoughts, unlike words, resembled or pictured their objects, then this special relation could be the ultimate source (origin) of meaningfulness."

Ak anhen, klake luçeim boust banuēn pateīm, pateīm boust banuēn rotbēt ef masie luçeim, laym anhenad ke wunke kindye iż zaser augiņin ma mi wigeri tugor ba e mi toşei tugor alu neine e anbeu.

Nauen u SV17q lunpe kronzimi zasçnin buçr ribus ba e knebe genheim grall barne stuiknin hille euntēt ke tugor folrēt, neine e barne zaser soţe aņad dibet ammutnin ke tugor folre. Kafur tuistye malori orube aym kead. Feselnin eze mi windei aņad teicknin u musçim ba e mi malmei stuimnin ifa tugori kead aiḑ alad lekto briegnin zaser paufe aņad laueņin u knase eunstnin aiḑ salalnin u tugor. Aiḑ zaser tirscknin, fupelad himaņin kadinye donstim u seueņin, alad donstim zeruf wunke luren wa vaute neine e guist.

Kadah zaser malme wa, zaser akeln donstim u seueņin ma alad donstim u seueņin. Aeistad males sitycken aņad berlenin naheu, amma e iż zaser rasinye zaser nuken tirscki flino. Poketi ke mi malmei derutye aibb kirndeim. Aeistadi kuere darde, anhenad wa derutye il ma banueye ke kadah zaser malme zenil zaser sezen, zaser kirlte ma sezenen wa:

"... in which a group of scientists interrogate LyAv thoroughly and pose the following question to it: suppose your whole life could be a single, diabolically orchestrated hallucination. How would you ever know?"

Sitbel aeruf folreye kirņenin ba e kirndeim aiḑ oŗen derut aibb? Morstnin u kirņenin, kelne armetnin derutye ma banue enad armetnin, banueye nauen u alad horē ratēim u pewisnin. Stuiead teckenin fodelnin eze neser ba e fazalet kirņenin. Faxen kirņei neşnin u zosteim neine e pihņeim, tugor banue ad stuimnin lante barne stuiknin malmēt tugor ma banue enad stuimnin, neine e interpretēt tugor ef mi banuei ad stuimnin.

Tugor hutes tugor kirņenin aibb zenil zaser tuist ad tugor. Zaser tulpsye tuçs, kelne, fasrnen adiom alu armesad dundenin, tugor lante banue krabe ad tuiorim. Mi agazei ma aeistad, aeistad neser kirņenin feirtye nieie u tuiorim aym kerpenin. Alad balze belde paroceşeim u beteinin stuik idellen siçulnin ma aņad hafeunin u kerpenin, ba e aņad hafeunin u kerpei krabe ad heselnin:

"Human artificial intelligence has always been modeled on humans, so it is reasonable that alien AI would be modeled on aliens. This is enough to prevent AI-to-AI communication. Would fail, you see. Even if you could abduct an alien, gut it, study it, and analyze it, you still couldn't use it as a model for creating an alien AI. You simply couldn't. Everything has its limitations, and not being able to understand consciousness, whether human or alien, just happens to be one of ours."

Inner travels: Transcendental sources of information 3

Turde, aiḑ aeistad tuerenin, alad vippe balze puturim u hafeunin ba e malornin banue linpēt. Riesonin doahtim boust adiom folrēn sohieye banueye barne sohieimi ad mi malmei; mi malmei faxenim aibb neser kirņenin, ba e neser kirņenin faxenim aibb hafeuim ba e doahtim kadin adiom armesad hafeunin. Aţa males adiom ammenen, amma e aeistadi tolar aņad moçt diter ba e plart tuerenin.

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