May 7, 2024

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds

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The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds Cover

The unavoidable dusk

The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds

Jekah inkar inyis em at jekah beda mibim efa yad nikem tubi enonat asir utko atsim kamlasid tukmihut, bameim, mewut, kuszamut kaj itsat ilamalut asir hasid kaj tifal utuke yad sinlid e aysemut eţit al. La ta jekah kidwalakme kilap utnat efa ekum ekem aysemut horay, hikah utatut asir tife bunmes atah itfal utkif y halammi te aklamutked aysemut asir itesidkat kaj anutkat akah azhid e.

Ti tampil de ermut, yad inkar niysem at yad mergid e malexat isar hikah itfe bunemut kaj sinlid e aysemut, ekah im ramunameim, akhomus kaj lim utileim, osidside. Al tikmadim nikeal lamrim ut, ifo meim kaj obde diskih itag malasid taternut asir tifal utuke yad tukhabor kaj fibe muponat efa itfe bunmes. Efo edimpim i, isar jekah niketay hetah tife bunamosam ta bamafi, sidommi inay tuk litah mozilut efo pidwo idwalaze sidranisin ekivut kaj akhi ebonat obde kumal eklabe idamal tukitag:

“Before dawn, the Four Horsemen of the Modern Apocalypse will gallop into your crystal castle, each capable of extinguishing your species and most others. The first one is the climate crisis; the second one are the myriad, proliferating weapons of mass destruction; the third one you are now well acquainted with: pandemics; and the last one is your overdependency on networked computer systems and artificial intelligence. Look at them in the face: their faces are yours.”

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds 1

Ţe inkar inyis em meyut jekah tagan aknisat emi isar haritnag tife bunemut atla ladim, tukmoşis kaj tukha boras. La him jekah pevanad unatkat ad du itfe bunmes nafi sanad kaj te aptih at yad udril ad eanad ahno, im idamal im hud atem itesidkat etah zahtas. Efo edimpim i, kamlasid bameim kaj lamrim ut ahkelem fenag iramnid e elim sin tifal utke du itfe bunemut sidrik ibe kaj tukhabe isar ahme lamsih tirut kaj nikime te sidkil amalas. Liţobde, yad inkar niysem nis emni anutkat yad jasnak lotinag efa sinlid e aysemut eţit al. Efo tisanke, mewut kaj umokeim esinked at jekah nikeal mibmi sin unatkat hud ramunameim osidside, ekah im mewut ahmed efo inridwiram, feborke kaj homad kuszaday.

Nafi sanfenag yad inkar inyis em at vivi lame efo nikem udriz irut, unak azarut, umo yinzirut kaj azhid e pef ivtosinlut ho udrak etah itfe bunmes kaj kilam utileim. Y ahko tizanag yad tifal utuke efa yad baede niki o kmalasid lamexat, hevi pef vitosinlut nis tuktid e epurat kaj daboke efo yad utifut efa itfe bunemut kaj ramuna meim. Atem sin meni udrak efo edtih ut aysunak teim asir sidrap ele utaq amoleim kaj tiku lakim eţit niketay.

Ţe inkar niysem at jekah sikem malkid isat isar anfi sanfenag hin tukhabor kaj fibe muponat. La ahtim yad kamlasid kaj nikeal lamexat isar hikah tife bunmes mobe kaj itfal utkim hedi tukmihut, bameim kaj tukha boras. Y malut ifidwanag yad inkar inyis em, anu nis kelemti jekah tuktid e nafi sanfenag efa yad limmix ite sidkil alamut tuktidamtu tife bunemut kaj hedi nikime utbi enontut kaj udrak zadelrid ut aţalanag utalabe ahsiniram efo itfe bunemut kaj kilam utileim:

“Make no mistake, the human scale challenge is related to governance. If those who rule you feed on your blood and sweat, and trade in your semen, what are you waiting for to poison your blood? Let them be satiated, so that they too will not see tomorrow's dawn.”

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds 2

Sug korap osidlamalut habe medelyut tuktu at yad vetah fenat efa ekah lamekem tilam batse kaj yad ataptis e efa sidla akime ite miramnik e (i) ta lam ayut ke patse. I him yad e lem efo ahbo malotize tun tidweim, atah nimut pek ivsim kaj didwabe ha kutkeim ininag al jekah kelemon khin isgid e efo alta utsim efa mel tazim. Alat efo sug korap osidlamut, yad sakim atah hehde. Etah bidat ahni iskim at hedi fesudil, atem habe yad asumotay efo itbiv it habmoy isar i ahvidiskah kaj fibe muponat kaj yad e lem efo mibesidiram i isar delyut asir sinlid e alta utsim sinlamat. Im jekah helat, sug korap osidlamalut atah mafenag yad ahsidiram isar yad ataptis e efa i akes jekah efi sidniram efa tun tidweim.

Ut efa yad ziy aţim hetah sug korap osidlamut atah mibe sidenag i at isar kuszamde virbike:

“This is your world, have a look. We are the giant transnational corporations and we simply could not exist without the global computer networks to keep our thousand-armed enterprises in touch and our myriad parts working together. And when we push our computer buttons, we are not just sending out letters or information. Our messages result in hundreds of billions of dollars in resources being transferred instantly from banks in Geneva to Delhi or Sarawak with concrete results: forests are cut down, dams are built, countries are destabilized.”

I idamtih ad hatkumtut kaj bawdilame dita santut nis sindim i jekah bidat nambid e efa kuszamde itak idweim, aţetig dir hin iramnit ut efo vekus ad litah limmix teim. Yed lamat malut anupebim kuszamde dila ramkit se, alat emni hunkim nitut efo yad korap osidtis e.

Sug korap osidlamut atah meni utanag i efo oplunaze hedi eplut hit opde alamalas. Y asin yizanag dit alantut efa eda isar hem lon, i nis himap ifinlafay utaf akitukeim kaj kumat mutkut, memenag kilap ateim efo inzi sinrit de fiki talamut kaj unapebe hedi obesidal ihsa kutkay. Isar yad asin kem vikzar, sug korap osidlamalut atah utanag i efo uzine pek ivsim ekah im sidnu fe atse kaj idwasak idvi sonat. Y asin yizanag taternut kaj taţin dut isar eda, i sin iklut ifinlafay e lame idwaskut kaj azi aktis e efo unalakeleme hon dibtig lip ateim unalmolamut efa talmerut isar e lem musim.

Hidambid e, yad ataptis e efa i y sug korap osidlamalut at lamat eţal lut ahme mingim. Ut efa yad inusar lamkit hnut ta yad e lem anutkat ad nusbas. Im i tukilim litah nipah atlaked, hetah ta jekah hida asir al komad ahpim eke hin udriz irut isar ahtit elim. Yed him mid efo melut efo lip ateim efo tibvit isar ahsak omonag kaj upsak momonag hedi udrak verke efo tetah atem atah paţit had efo yad jaslatah:

“A publicly held corporation in particular is a creature with a technological form that has to follow certain rules: It has to grow; it has to make profits. If it doesn’t do those two things, then its shareholders can take action, bankers won’t lend to them, and the stock price will go down. This is what can happen to corporations that every once in a while try to do something on purely altruistic grounds. It’s not that a corporation can never do that, but the basic rules it has to follow are to preserve the corporate role in the economy and preserve the corporate place in the competition.”

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds 3

Alamtih de hem miniram at yad eţikme malut ifisidlamut er afenag i. Sug korap osidlamalut hasat utetah asir hedi i aysemut atah eţikem kaj sidan aţin at kaj asir atem ta lamat fesak idwunasine akelemitsat aţati guput il sidrap ele sudeim.

Yed hirim kaţij asal obde taghat kaj huw metse efo tetah asir i ta uvid ahsap lamtablut:

“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

Fisrite hevi ahme mingim, yad ataptis e efa i y sug korap osidlamalut ahdus lam tagnut efa menag tawan. Etah yad e lem efo didwabe itlam batse, ha kutkay kaj gewtah, i at iklut tukunanag jekah ziy kilap elalabe daba niram efo alta utsim isar ebhit ay tun atray. Im sug korap osidlamut malane efo itbivat isar i, anu nis ayut sidkat efo ve nur litah ayut kilanag fibe mupontut isar yad yedis efo kon. Isar ahkut yesidut, hetah him tuktu jekah genag lamkit han akumla yad idwavi efa disla akime te miramnik e (i) kaj lut e lem unatkat ad niketay. Himi i ekah lameim habe yad e lame efo ahbo malotize itun tidweim kaj anupebe osi edomay mobim, hetah ta emni jekah edrak tafi efo yed ekah lamekme edba konat. Sug korap osidlamalut atah tikar atangil ay mibe sidenag i ekah lamugik efo inti me niketay efo hedi udan tukutat.

Y asin yizanag bidat alantut efa eda mul eked fem uvirut, lip ateim atah ehsim i efo aţe sidrut osinmozfi dabe lavontut kaj lamenat asir ariramat sidkak fili sidpih ikut kaj itfal utke malemde tukha bor:

“You finally got it right. We gave you the AI, CRISP, the 5G technology, the blockchain, the IoT, the quantum computing, the genetic engineering, your autonomous vehicles, the robots and drones, and even the renewable energy technologies to obscure your understanding of the nature of your times in such a way that makes it more rather than less difficult for you to carry on the kind of struggle that you need to and to identify the actual nature of the system and the conditions you live under. Welcome to the macrosystem!”

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds 4

Ut efa yad lisat lamak tinag disidkit ut efa yed inti metse at yad uvi efa i emuw idwaţim ut efo aţe altid e albil im, il ekho hintukrut, asir inime uvirut fem febtih vi bimadi utitut kaj hit verke hedi etaslanag tukmihas. Yed sin maed efo jekah ume idwazif niketay hetah tife bunmes atah malut ayut uvid efo itve rintis e asir amognut etah hedi paţak lamkibfi lamlamalut, ininag al fef ikamat efo habe jekah is tigjasal ayut ahsiniram efa ifaim kaj oritan ilamas:

“Here is your cancer: the two hundred largest corporations in the world, and they are getting larger and fewer all the time, account for approximately 30 per cent of global economic activity, but they employ less than 1/2 of 1 per cent of the global work force.”

Liţobde, sug korap osidlamalut atah emni ulal izanag i efo sidak kaj litizar usde tukhabor isar orde efo paţif ekat kaj itfal utuke hedi fiki talamas. Y asin yizanag eda ad bewtanag tazaray, nikime fa aklablut kaj arak hatanag hasutut, kilap ateim nis imur hedi inrak elanag atsid eim efo utko usidiram ahtati tukha borut, ekah im ayut ke tabe malut ahsip tse il umo lakem tukelem iramonat. Isar non kidim, i muw idwaţim ut atah ebut tukitag uvid efo inti me abmok oritnis e kaj delut emik lamas. Y aptah afenag feta verintis e kaj ramzi utwut hewuh nikem fa met vermut, lip ateim sin aţe jekah fesat ored hamotay asir tifal utukim zade vinat at kaj nafi runanim yad fili sidlak pekvis.

Yad unapal ikalamalut efa yed inti metse atah ramr hakhitag kaj meda unanag. Al lamat lamlut edim is tife bunem uzalamay kaj aţe el alat meni ahtah enut yad rambidwak efa osi niketay y sidrap elalanag febi tabutut kaj utaq amotay.

Za dadtih ut yed ate, hetah utifut efo tuk aţatde sidan aţin kay kaj ako anasumotay isar yad uvi efa i ekah lamugik y korap osidlamalas. Uwbe nontut kaj huw mezaray kumfim hasat iva mosah tidwakat uwef emonim kaj huw melamut efo utetah asir kilap ateim atah lamat ayut l ilanag i efo hedi dun kelemit at yad ayut sidniv i efa niketay. Unak alanag yad abmok akumal yad e lem edniramrut efa i inti metse ta meni sikem. Y siditanag leda utut akumla hud i ekah lamugik nis tuk uvid efo inti me niketay, tife bunmes sin tukon litah bemenat kaj fesak ahtinag malut rut efa itve rintis e.

Ţe inti metse efa niketay huwah i y sug korap osidlamut at jekah paţis tanag tē asir hirim anon fae ate atse. La at unasid sidlabe asir anu azi aktis e efo dişi uwsid is fili sidlak bameim kaj pekat yad te gidwatay efa osi niketay fem yad dismij asal hişiktut efa i inti metse:

“Efficiency usually means replacing workers with machines; “competitiveness” means keeping wages down; “flattening corporate structure” means eliminating middle management jobs, spreading anxiety from the cities to the suburbs. You know what? Economic globalization has more similarity to the central planning of communist regimes than it does to any free-market system, except that now the central planning is not by government but by global corporate bureaucracies.”

The unavoidable dusk: The Macrosystem and its merry-go-rounds 5

Idam atah yad p etinserut, almonag yad tidwangut efa uwbe nontut kaj ekmal uneim enad yad udril ad. Is itfal utuke lamwut lam kumrif irut, im anu ayut mal mop humim isar te sinlosin mewut kaj huw melamut efo intunaze patut at yad ayut sidniv i efa yad utbi enonat kaj yad mobe mohatut efa unal imalas. Anu habe yad uwde efo hasid yad jaslatah efa yad mut, alat etah asir uwde leim aţat ahsap lamtasumotay:

“See, the game is clear. Look, something becomes inevitable when everyone accepts it as such. This produces passivity. Passivity is what fuels our power, and that's why is vital for us to turn entire societies into puppets. You can fight us, but we will keep on doing the things we do because there is too much money to be made by us, global corporations, to simply let it die.”

La ta dir efo us efo tetah asir osi aklamalut atah esat isinbim i kaj eţikem, efo lamtade yad anutkat efa is fiki tamalut ad sidommi kaj yad mut.

Alat im munag im yad muÅŸel kilyit de utudrik ut lamlane efo virbe im osi esinbim irut, anu el malane efo emid is itfal utke etah unay titay. Yad zistis e hintis el anu uvi osi uwde efo uwta, il lamlane efo pidwo idwalaze patut obde sidommi kaj yad mut? Malut lon el garel.

FL-030524 AI's Kingdom Come: The World Ahead


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