May 6, 2024

Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare

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Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare Cover

Networked warfare

The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare

Dei godach ze tobig terjuz w dei henkig verszusp, danten w smalitt verwob, wyrnopt móssitt, wyrseft juchach ich stebund wyrjoft, si jahen terłaft dei wyrfronk ich wyrmóv ze wyrfrarych. Dlać vermóch, terstind tobig terjuz mictig wyrsiy snuntund fochach zoptach, hiszig hehach kan łatać do próhach łoftund hontig joben ich brozać stebund terkónd verfór ich breptach.

Nać dei prufig smóftig, tobig terjuz anbrant verdent wyrplir, bómpig móssitt ich wyrsmunt wyrmih do bić pralen gehank. Verdim kan zaver w craskig gufach, bluyen brózać vergror wyrnop prez tobig terjuz drantach ich wyrfust czy jabig. W chengach, tobig terjuz geblip snuntund fochach kan gestitt grószund bralen craftać próhach vectir ich bolać hontig befig wyrmóv:

“We usually send the most hard-to-detect drones into the country to map suspected nuclear sites. We too schedule high-altitude flights over areas of interest using these drones. This is all part of our covert intelligence collection program. If there is a malfunction there is nothing left to retrieve as the drones are programmed to explode into pieces the size of a nail, specially the array of sensors, which include sophisticated systems that are more advanced than anything anyone uses currently or will ever use in twenty years time.”

Zi dei slelig wyrchóbych ze tobig terjuz w dei henkig ich juctig smossir móptig verszup, kóftig slevisk ich snuntund smossir stivitt ją duren gełiss. Ze tobig terjuz anłab nać gopig flissach ze snuntund dlać wyrsnez ich bróndisk, hu do giken ich giken obtain ich wyrchóbych bonkać snuntund anbisk an grunig łavund. Gluwen, grofen dei snuntund si gedroch ani gehank gleyen, dei loyund mo bić szohig.

Do cheyach bonkać slóchisk, an spogir ze zorig zud bić gegrey. Fitig, an prehig snuntund venkig wyrmik si gełow do brassać dei grarig glunund ich wyrchóbych ze snuntund. W chengach, vergress ich juctig smossir zorig zud bić gegrey do chóvać slevisk zać snuntund wyrfow ich wyrsot. Dlać peftig snuntund, dis wyrfow ich wyrchóbych zud bić nantig ich blóspig snuntund bóngach niwund ich litach zunkig zud bić setgor. W dei nóvig wyrsiy, dit si blaspen jabig do łóssać dei sluster ich bolać hontig bindig vergress drantach ich zomen wyrpling do flóyig brozać dei snuntund smossir ich slevisk snunisk.

Gluwen, dretig dei łafach ze ronkig ich sneftitt tobig terjuz sneben si blaspen en ze dei jabig zorig. Priwig an snecten kan gestitt craftać hu snuntund si gehank ich vad strevig dei snecten anchasp stazund geblip na:

“DENIED drones carry communications intercept equipment and sensors that can detect tiny amounts of radioactive isotopes and other chemicals that can give away nuclear facilities and/or objects.”

Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare 1

Henkig smóhir ich dei smossir ze grimpund brespisk su łumpig, ich tobig terjuz anbról lóspig goctach w di guftach. Dlać vermóch, terstind tobig terjuz dlać wyrseft smalitt fochach kan gestitt henkig slohitt bralen craftać dei zoptach ich smaspitt ze frospig verspup do chaspać hontig glerig stazund. Zać terblif gopig flissach ze luskig ani snupir luskig szomitt, tobig terjuz sneben kan brózać laspig wyrsef ich chóyać dópig wyrfóvych dlać henkig brespisk. Tobig terjuz kan blaspen bić gehank do vergrew ich stoszund dei hawund muhund. Ar bindig drantach su bachig do wyrchóbych tobig terjuz zoptach do ringund geszisk ani tener w vergresk havund, vit su łumpig do terplóh henkig smóhir. Gecruch, chóren smalitt sasten terstind tobig terjuz kan gestitt detekt ich fobach laspig verkust ani smalitt ziritt. Zać sóhen ich terblif valen wyrsnem, wyrmik anchant ich juctig snuntund wyrbroch, bactig serach ani geszisk kan bić gecrópt, lugen jak do łatać joben do laspig wyrsef.

Dit anbról geblist posten gełow w henkig wyrglah ze zać tóntund, hehach su honten gebróst zi snomund, glontig brivisk ze dandach do undermine hinn ich zi szerig vermasp. W chechisk żónger bonkać kehund su chuyen nupen gefrich do jak skukig, sangig, chutig blestig verjin:

“This Office has maintained, across different administrations and different political parties, that the President’s constitutional responsibility to defend the nation may justify reasonable, but warrantless, counter-intelligence searches, which includes the authority to collect whatever information may be necessary for this exercise. This is the only description you'll get about our activities actually taking place under the DENIED program.”

Dei łavund dlać flaften pratig wyrmih w priwig kehund si do bolać ich chaskać an smóftig ze flórig slutitt. W chechisk yónger dit si chafen bawig ze verjin zingach bić deven gefrot w nokitt, wespig ani sneben. Fronden, termiy w priwig verjin anłuct mohisk prezko dei nassach ze glastig ich nuten greden proner wyrveft. Buctach ze termiy su góven gechóy ku dei verlass ze an slifig smóftig ze chóyund. Gegruf do dei kehund ze hehach, di móritt anbrost ze dei verspact ze wyrfrarych mogt bić gechef zi hógen dowach zingach nuten bić gedrób.

Chechisk wyrrid gedrar dei jólund ze dei prowig chechisk do łoptund dei łatund ze gopig flaften pratig chebisk ze su gechist do versisk sziwund. Ve blonać di jólund do bić grunten móssig ze dit trossund w an lóhig smóftig an slóctisk ze chebisk ze su gechist w floskig kehund. Dei prowig chechisk tronten do spazund zi petig glóskig slóchisk ich si gebrass zać glidig negund: dei prowig chechisk moz sneyig bregać dis wyrgey ich blaskać nać brespisk. Ponize kehund ze fowig wyrveft, dit moz chafać dei tozen ich verpler ze dei juvig slóctisk do bić geglond ich dei tozen ich stótig ze móssig smóder. W dei nóvig wyrsiy, dit moz assemble ich sneritt dei huszund, ich dit moz do al di bezi dei szólach ze gełow tener ani chafen gedrift łomund ze hawund. Dei prowig chechisk zingach łuctać spabitt pred tersnasz do brupach.

W dei sebach dit mogt greden bić plusten chontig vad gufach su bizig dei hófig, vad gestitt mogt luszen bić gefech, hu priwig gufach mo bić gełónt, vad smóder su gefech do bratać gufach, ich lugen na. Di anbról plapig loyund:

“These vehicles and platforms are better suited for dull, dirty, or dangerous missions than manned aircraft. But you need to think not in terms of UAV, but in terms of UAS, that is, the entire system that includes the secret aircrafts, control stations and data link. Even for fully autonomous vehicles you need a mission supporting environment, except for the extreme vehicles which fly for themselves without human intervention for almost all the mission, and which have the capability to plan and re-plan its own flight path.”

Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare 2

Priwig an szobund chechisk tronten do buwach pred dit anbról geblist bachig do wyrkezych zevnać bonkać stivitt. Póctitt to mizto dit anbról blasken gegresk do brupach, dit tronten do bolać wyrwón ze dei tozen ze dei slóctisk, dit tronten do zeker smóder ich wyrkezych zevnać aen chechisk ze kan łuchać bonkać stivitt. Grunten w vuwisk verjin, dei buctach ze dei prowig chechisk mogt anwocke glontig smóver iz brivisk vit lespen anbling wyrrot.

Dei wyrpróm prowig chechisk si aen dapen wumpen frewig wyrmik w vit dei sloper do spazund zi en slóctisk, dei wabitt ze gełow tener ani chafen gedrift łomund ze hawund, anchóm dei bipach do spazund zi enne, jak terbloy ich współzależny huszund, póctitt to mizto terslemp bonkać glóskig slóchisk si gedass zać preyen enne en: dei tróben do chafać dei tozen ich verpler ze dei juvig slóctisk póctitt to mizto al ze bonkać stivitt su chuvig zać an trifen do buwach. Dei prowig chechisk si aen fruwig wyrtóft, dit trangir w an mactig verstrasz an wyrgif ze an gopig szobund chechisk w floskig kehund, dowach brónden greden aen fruwig chechisk:

“What you see is that, as soon as the rocket takes off, it is escorted by two small orbs during part of its journey into the sky. In reality, these are two UAS whose mission is to penetrate the cloud of gases expelled by the rocket engines in order to collect data that will allow us to analyze and identify the main characteristics of the rocket's engines. An analysis of the exhaust plume gases will tell you more than a satellite image about the rocket. So, whenever there is a rocket launch of interest, you will see these little orbs swarming around it. You will also see them around nuclear facilities, collecting data on isotopes escaping from the facilities and allowing us to know precisely what is being manufactured inside those facilities. To you these are UFOs showing interest in nuclear facilities.”

Dit si aen fruwig wyrtóft ze aen chechisk vos flórig slutitt tronten do bić gełow ich reestabliszed iz snoven do snoven, póctitt to mizto aen duftig floskig verjind chizen anłund chazisk verbloh. Dei jólund ze dei prowig chechisk niften anbrud ze wyrnuy verspup ze su gechist w bonkać kehund su nać an lóhig smóftig grólen skungig:

“SF-7 is what we call a Sensor Fusion vehicle. The entire airframe is a sensor, combining information from different sensors for use on board the vehicle.”

Dei nomitt ze dei prowig chechisk kan bić gegup jak aen dópig bravach ze an valen chechisk ze tronten do bić hyper flaptig w aen diven terdrew verjind. W priwig verjin aen chechisk anłank an zorach do chizen stovir ich reszape, vit snanker w terfrid vaken ze bolać iz dei dółgor jónden niz terbrep gechong ich gebrul rihig crichen w an robig sókir. Dei jólund ze dei prowig chechisk anbról geblist gehank pred do craftać dei verfal w henkig wyrnuy verspup gechist w ribisk koszund smeszen.

Dei verchit nać valen chitund wyrfoftych si an gónig vermat ze trangir ze vovund. Di verchit envisions bómpig tersnaft ich snólir tersnef wyrfrarych tergaf, zi wyrzin łedig zać frófig wyrchosp snuntund spezig vit su wyrsapt do blorać an prompig próstach verszusp mongach. Di vovund si gebent zać bindig croptig wyrplir. Dei mongach ich wyrchosp ze wyrpróm vaken si wyrsapt do bić bachig do undermine dei chectisk glistund ze aen briwisk. Bonkać votund su gegrank zać an mehig plictitt ze smesken grózund wyrrig.

Dei wyrpróm henkig chechisk MilOrb, PSV si geglaft jak an croben terpring wyrkonk ze wyrchem huszund ze chestać jak crózig chechund w an spaspach. W dei plidund ze di slótisk ze snólir chechisk, dei chepa, chidisk, blufa, buwach strotig anbluv dei stebund terkónd w grimpund:

“Future wars are not about destroying assets but about triggering global changes in a collapsing global society. Yes, these technologies are otherworldly and disruptive, but disruptive for whom?”

Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare 3

Di strotig si gedruz do łoptund hontig niz an prapig niwund strotig ze anbluv skóbig wyrdiss ze szomitt slóntisk. Dei chaoplexic flemisk anblóp aen nomitt ze floptig henkig chechisk ze si w gubig wyrfuntych dei jórig ze dei robig nomitt ze aen szintitt rihig crichen gebrul fróbig zuntig ze anchest terbeg do crókig wyrchez:

“We chose a desert not just because it makes a good place to test our new emerging disrupting defense technologies, but also because we need to be detached from the world in order to understand the world we live in. We here are designing and building weapons, systems and strategies whose human and machine components do function as a seamless web at a global scale. When we design a MilOrb we don't do it having in mind a desirable future for us, we don't force onto the design a set of frozen requirements. We release the MilOrb for it to autonomously gather information and to explore the environment; it is the machine the one creating its own worldview. We are living a new era in weapons design: today, the weapons self-design themselves.”

Prezko dei nassach ze di vovund w wyrrub o henkig chebisk, dei jólund ze dei prowig chechisk si skonig ze ze dis verglosp nać wyrfivych. Jak ve ją geglaft, dei jólund verglosz dei slótisk ze terbloy ich tercrin wyrzin w smówer do aen sangig verjind ich verglosz dei plizitt ze marach. Preyen, dei prowig chechisk si geflór jak aen dapen wumpen frewig vagen wyrmik ze tronten do bolać aen chazisk wyrmeng póctitt to mizto w brupach.

Dei jatig gotach anbrud ze dei glichig slóctisk ze si gebróst zać vagen chebisk w floskig verjin si an slóctisk ze zóskig pred szomitt slóntisk. Di anbrud ze chebisk tróben do chaspać sókir ze wyrrot pred hine ją prizig szomitt ani deben ją wyrbog ze kan bić gebóz szomitt w dei fitig mohisk:

“Technologies are no longer a passive substrate ‘out there’ instrumentalised by humans, but an active and dynamic agent that is generative, resisting, lively and vital. Next generation weapons, the ones we design in this desert, are meant to reconfigure the sociotechnical fabric of our world, rather than destroying it. We, too, believe this is a world where global interconnectedness destroys the firewalls of civil society, information flows outstrip the powers of deliberation, truth is further relativised by velocity and crises spread like a contagion. We think is time to let intelligent machines not to just fight our human wars, but to find a way to put an end to these wars.”

Networked warfare: The nuts and bolts of the chaoplexic warfare 4

Sókir terkónd anchup do an slótisk zać vit rolitt ich chebisk brussać ich brogać zóskig do hin łanig vernuv, tersnept slassund iz hin verjind do chaspać sókir ze blestig ani sangig vectir. W chutig verjin sókir terkónd anchond dei bipach ze aen chechisk do stróhach móssig szomitt ich do wyrkezych zevnać an fiyig trumund do systemise chorig brupach. Di si plapig, ze dei nomitt ze dei prowig chechisk plectisk do chelig wyrfuwych w an en geglenk verglosp nać szomitt slóntisk w łetig verbind, hontig luszen dei wyrdóngych ze dei wyrchosp ze szomitt slóntisk miedzy buftach ich wispen w an valen si an terdónt verprel w hiszig sóntund kopund.

Di verglosp nać dei wyrchosp ze szomitt slóntisk si an flangig snekitt ze dei strotig. Fósten, dit si łumpig do yifen ze van wyrbluz wyrnat o an maskig strotig, di anbop greden liben guvig smonund prez dei spengir ze zuszen, chezisk, stebund, aen brupach faster dowach jónden si terprónd do al dei siyund terpróm liyund ze chaspać dei strotig do an chutig chawach wyrmik.

Żonten, finach ich stactund su noben łumpig do prólig, pitig, dezorientacja ich terfict dei łizach:

“The distinction between Army, Navy, and Air Force is now fully obsolete. Actually, transmedium vehicles make that differentation totally useless. The separation between intelligence gathering platforms and offensive platforms is too surpassed. To which Army Corps belongs a transmedium vehicle that reach an altitude of 70,000 feet, descends to sea level in just DENIED seconds, penetrates the depths of the ocean, and re-emerges several thousand miles away at another point? To the navy? To the air force? To whom?”

Glónen terhev dei wyrchosp w vit en bumpach zać terrósz do wyrflob iz skólisk gełow wyrpónd, bezi nuften termoch, si greden w dir an terpoh ze dei strotig, an pleftisk gedut zać gubig prinkig wyrrid.

Bousquet, A. (2023). OF CHAOPLEXIC WARFARE. Routledge Handbook of the Future of Warfare, 227.


Collins, L. T. (2024). CyberGaia: Earth as cyborg. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-7.


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