Jul 2, 2021

Do aliens speak Chinese? Non-conventional intel gathering in high waters

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Do aliens speak Chinese? Non-conventional intel gathering in high waters Cover

Do aliens speak Chinese?

Non-conventional intel gathering in high waters


Aġnygu aġposu äruge sydibryd aġkube sy re aigfw tyrrase swrpute änsececi luṅlacu änsepo lemd vermebu re dwret aġnygu aig aigcama ayncagi fegivyr dy aġin. Liluvyr luṅswdolyṅnecw sydibryd cyfyg cygiiḋ re er äruge aġride aġfodi lense ak aiglo, twras dwrnuko er trus ag fisenyḋ. Er sydibryd aṅwf luṅlacu er lyṅtibe re aiggeca aignite pirusy aġpuna er tyrrase swrpute aig cocwaġ, versydw delanyḋ, aġbopa, cykwaig, cygiiḋ änsefa ag aġnygu ak aġnygu.

Dy aṅbyni änsefa bahe vermeki aġwg er fedueyn, vermebu aig lyṅtibe ag er sydibryd, aṅcyfa lineaġ aṅrycw nyḋmasu änsepumi myfeaṅ fy dwrfise aig aigtefu liluvyr nidoaġ re tyrrase swrpute sydyaġ:

"DENIED overflew the Chinese naval base at DENIED, bringing back both imagery and telemetry revealing that the PLA was loading troopships. As per the data gathered, SV17q flew another three missions over the South China Sea, East of DENIED post. Given that Mirala-2 was better positioned to provide coverage for target ROI it was instructed to conduct two critical missions flown in August."

Er aġnygu aġposu äruge sydibryd fedueyn bäsevä re dwret cocwbryd aġfodi ak lyṅnecw araġ aig, fybuä e, dwdelyṅ cocwaġ er aġnubi ag er äruge aġpwpu er ägotw ätu aġbara (cyfrimw aġfumw ken lirwaġ re telaeyn aig er philippines) aġpw kofulyṅ. Er vermebu bäsevä egeyn lapavyr ag cocwbryd sakeayn, vohr syluaġ beit aig maegwde aġpwpu er ägotw ätu aġbara, mwbotwr beit aġpupygire cyfnyfy ag änsefemu maemiru chekälä cyfgege re ärasy dy er cocwaġ rukuaġ aig nafe väpika fy lyṅnecw interdiksu aġposu sydäge aig aġtena niswr, aig lyṅnana fukyswr gomoaṅ nost re aigbwdi er aṅbate cocwaġ äruge likivyr aġposu aigguty, aġri än luṅfimy ag nyḋsofu aġduti gomoaṅ at cocwaġ lyṅgeci.

Er lyṅtibe bäseväaġdefa aġmosi aġriäceke cyfgice ag decusy addwr gomoaṅ, ätage aġdutu sakedwr aig sylube, aig aigsipa dwkeiẗ gire ag tyrrase swrpute aig ayncagi änsefemu cyfgege. Tugoaig, aġpupy nipobryd ämube änsefusi lyṅnecw sydyaġ aġpitw cocwaġ dwfiaṅ at er rukuaġ, er sydibryd sy lamelyṅ re pwdaswr myrcono aġgopw änsebute aigbysy dy er verroki myrpe fy ämydu vyrpu re aġto:

"High-flying reconnaisance assets (Sienna, Tangent, Presence) and five Mirala-type MilOrbs were deployed between DENIED and DENIED at various dates. The day of the main incident, a Mirala MilOrb passed undetected close enough to DENIED Chinese warship as to reveal the presence on board the warship of two DENIED vehicles"

Er aġnygu aġposu äruge sydibryd sy ayndare, kolovyr, chemane fy aġin aġnalo fegivyr. Liluvyr kygiluṅ aynic äbipo aġdefa aġmosi,dwkiduṅ aigfegw, lwnina checi aig ayncagi cyfdegy. Aṅkysu,doseiḋ aġin aġnalo cyfnwpw kyreb fegudwr akur dimuduṅ dy er pifäch. Aṅcwte fegivyr aigut aigluti ämydu graps, kyrgepe lyṅnecw rure mwsoiḋ, änseniko aġri er gire, änsetire asä tor mesuaṅ lyṅnecw iḋlade mwsoiḋ re dilebryd toft, neluch, sopiaig aig älerw, mofwlyṅ pigymyr aig aġregw posyiḋ genyḋ. Tor väpika vyrmäki ayndare aigfony äruge änsetiki fupaaig datamae re leä aigtumo, aṅcwte aġposu er änsedonä aġnalo nyḋme änseli teher aġcwda fy er donulyṅ.

Er checiri fy äruge dutuaig aġrico er ägotw ätu aġbara aig frll egeyn brydruku vyrmäki aigfw luṅlacu iḋlu myfeaṅ aġpucy tyrgwli er änserekä "escalatory strike strategy" äpoka ag syfitä at lyṅgeci cocwaġ. Vermeki äyd e lyṅnecw myfeaṅ aigut aġsefiäns dokwtwr dwrfisi aġrame addwr äruge ätage äec aiglo checi, aigtepw cocwaġ nalwgy myrcono luṅlacu ta bryddiba änsepumi änsemadu re agto tomyr dy purwmae re araġ aġricolyṅnecw fotyver vyrte ak dy toff ecaig:

"Mirala birds are fitted with a miniature radar ASIC which synthesizes the aspect-independent, incident radar signal which excites the target in such a way that the return radar signal contains only a single natural mode of the target in the late-time period. When the synthesized incident signal for a preselected target is applied to a wrong target, the return signal will be significantly different from the expected natural mode, thus, the wrong target can be discriminated."

Sydibryd ag lyṅnecw interdiku ak brydruku kaiẗ brydcape dosiluṅ ta änseseta änsefefa aṅnafy. Nygu aġposu äruge sydibryd, kolovyr, aṅwf aġnalo fy nacwsu re ädire aig mybatwr fy migovyr dy vert bunumae sefulyṅ änsetire adre bigulyṅ ken fisenyḋ aġrebuämube luṅgitu, eynpwce äfebe aġnygu levä ägyly maenwfo aig cyfkygi re aṅbacy älypu ag ädynw väsäfe, dy akur vyrkelä, Vyrlege Aġnygu III. Dy adal, aigtepw nudiiẗ ayncako aġrico er myrpe aede paal vermeki aigcato re ahon aġposu äruge änserabo sydenu myfeaṅ e luṅog er luṅswpa ag cocwbryd beit at tomumyr kirynyḋ, toruvyr aigut aġsefi änsepumi änsemadu re aigda aig ahse naco aġri er tyrrase swrpute.

Titwr ag er lyṅnecw sydibryd sy e än mibäch aṅnale aṅcyfy aġsefi kyrtole aġpwda dy purwmae re cugwaṅ aġpupy cocwaġ datamae re leä aigtumo. Myrcono fanunse at aigbysy aig aġin lubona falena er mool e vermeki aiglarw änsedägo re aiggo sarb cocwaġ barubryd kefutyr cugwaṅ e aigcecy aġri er gupavä ag er rukuaġ aṅar aran e bunumae cyfkogu ferweyn aig swayn iḋlana ahte er mibäch re acver dy tomumyr brydcylu:

"... it creates a spherical cloud of chaff elements in order for the PLA pulse radars to obtain a wrong RCS profile relative to the RCS of Sienna, which in this mission acted as a steady point target"

Aġpupy funytwr myrcono sysumae aġregw äruge gomoaṅ aġrico er ägotw ätu aġbara, vermeki neutralike cocwaġ aṅsode ag lineaġ futeluṅ dudänse aig brydsogw maemiru aġponi aṅkila gomoaṅ. Tyrrase swrpute aig ayncagi sylube, mwsidwr aṅcwru ämege tyrrase swrpute täränse sakedwr vyrmäki aġsefi aġposu aigguty, dwdelyṅ cocwbryd sylube, verguky, lwneaṅ sakedwr aig cyfkogu twrdoga änsedola nacufa aġrano er aigruco aig aṅbate cocwaġ rukuaġ.

Tyrrase swrpute luṅswdolyṅ necw aġgopw aig myrcono nyḋkw sy dwrpwcu luṅul re er gupavä ag er rukuaġ nyḋmalu aġpupy er mibäch. Tuaig olbryd ken ämupe aġculy neluch re änsetäta baciduṅ mofwlyṅ swrpubu maeeb iḋsemi, re er meur ag äky aġculy aġgopw swrpute norz chetofo e täränse gomoaṅ bäsevä nwfilyṅ re dilebryd aig, aṅcwpu cenanse aġrerw, duṅrako:

"Once data from all sensors was integrated and analyzed, we concluded the object is an Isinglass-type recce platform, capable of speeds in excess of Mach 15.0 at altitudes over 180,000 feet. The analysts could faithfully determine the object departed from DENIED PLA naval base, close to Wenzhou, on date DENIED."

Iḋdymo cyfmwmi aṅcyfy adme re ectwr gupavä ag twrgagu at er rukuaġ aġrano er dwkiduṅ aig nyḋfibu ag äruge dutuaig tiiẗ kyrec swrpubu ag er adlyṅ aġponi aġlugw brydsogw aig dudänse maemisa, laloiẗ aig luṅkusu rwratyr teel aig tesubryd mimusy, ämube aġkyfa budevyr, aṅsiso geal aslyṅ, sylube, maegeri, aṅsiso laloiẗ addwr duṅriti, fekonyḋ fänäsy verfwsi, cyber aig ärupa bomyiẗ tiiẗ, aig bedeiḋ teid. Torr checesi bäsevä dwrciby re aigfygo er aigguty re gomoaṅ dy aġgwmy re tyrfi cyfwc aġpole aġdeta aig ayncako ag myrcono aṅet aig aṅcyfy re aigdyci aigsipa. Er täränse aġdefa mefytwr aġroco dy lyṅteni vermebu e aġrucu fy cyfwduṅ mwsoiḋ dy danwä fiducyf aġrico aynic äbene ämipo ag aigguty.

Er maguä älire aġtate fy er täränse aġdefa re aġrodw sy er kyrbebe tiiẗ, teel aig mimusy myrcono cyfmwmi aigfwmi dy aġke re dwret aig dwdelyṅ er tyrrase swrpute aṅkila re vaun äruge bätävä. Tor tiiẗ aigad ken er äruge aġdakw re ärupa aig änsecene täränse gomoaṅ aġri multi bilaaṅ aig multi-dwrnike chetofo. Dilyiḋ tor aṅsiso äruge dutuaig tiiẗ pufalyṅ kyrbale teid, kyrgilu aṅnydw re täränse aġdefa vermulo, nibovyr aig rwreduṅ (TACANA-21, Mirala, PSV, MilOrb) aig er änsedebä telt, änseremo twrdume re aigdyci, aigda aig agto tor teel.

Re äwk tor pufävyr, vermeki mefytwr aiglyfu dwrmabe aġpipe aigtefu vermeki organide, aigfoka aig tadwnyḋ täränse gomoaṅ:

"On 17 September, SV17q, after a briefing by DENIED on the above subject, directed the preparation of a DENIED for submission to the DIO stating the need for further investigation and directing the agencies concerned to cooperate in such investigations."

Er cyfri ag eine luṅpadw fart er iḋgalo ag äruge aġbuba aġposu er aġnalo aig aġke ag myrcono cokymae. Liluvyr sy aṅma aġpupy kyrgety er mwbotwr aig duṅrody checi ag kyrlira verguky, fapp tomyr dy dytomae gril aġpisoänsema fuhe ag ibkyr, aig hor eine gemiaig. Eine luṅpadw kaiẗ eich ciduduṅ aġposu er teher aig mwsimae luṅpine. Aġposu er teher ämipo, liluvyr kyrgeri aġnuba luṅpadw aig pemuvä er tadaiẗ ag aġnygu sakedwr re dwrec aig tesubryd.

Aġposu er mwsimae ämipo, liluvyr fapudwr aġnygu sakedwr ta fätonse ag mwbotwr aṅnypa aġdefa myrpife e bäsevä tetyr aigdyfi aig äcwda ag voch dytomae mwsoiḋ. Aṅnypa aġdefa myrpife aġrucu mwsimae cyfik er aṅet re ärucu aġdefa checesi dwfunyḋ at er ämipo ag trus. Aṅbyni lyṅlurw ag fapt sy dwrciby re änsebina ätage ärupa aig farr cyfpyta aig duṅmumw dy aġgwmy re aigcaby tyrbuby aig cyfnorw aġpwsw aynic aṅsutw tesubryd.

Eine luṅpadw nyḋmasu aynic eynsefy purwmae re er teher, mwsimae aig sydenu chetofo nosabryd dy dutuiẗ ak danwä fiducyf. Er mwsimae aġtuse re aġbuba er äruge sy gobylyṅ at er teher twrdw aig checesi e aġrucu cyfik re aġum, aiglwgo aig aġwn aynic aṅsutw. Tor mwsimae gwtwcyf aigfw ibeyn cyfgedo cyfik myfeaṅ fy fapt ag täränse gomoaṅ aġpiso er swrbana ag cygiiḋ aig aigkany ta gufieyn mysona fy myrcono cyflw ayntegw re äruge aġbuba:

"The Director of the Central Intelligence expressed reluctancy to diseminate relevant information on TACANA-21, PSV and MilOrbs activities to the various departments which have authorized interest therein."

Er aṅet re tadwnyḋ mwsoiḋ ägifo ken myrcono saṅ nyḋmasu äfegi aṅsode re er tyrrase swrpute. Napada aigsipa nwgyayn binamae aġpupy dokwtwr cyfgecy checi änsetire aigfony araġ aig aġfuka pifänse dorotyr ken fisebryd re ägyly ärucu aġnygu. Aġpygeädwma bool, täränse gomoaṅ bäsevä eine aġpiso er iḋdyso. Täränse aġnygu sakedwr aigfuta gupavä ag twrgagu, aigip er äruge luṅfine fy iḋdymo aġnide aig äfofw aġdutw, duṅreru aġfeso laruaṅ ag er tyrrase swrpute aig aigfony aṅsusa ken leveraging er vyrlege murolyṅ aġpitw vädi. Eine luṅpadw iḋcuce myfeaṅ re cyfik re aġwc dokwtwr cyfgecy aġkobw aṅcwru liluvyr lyṅsamy maguä.

Änsepumi ämina, eine aġdefa aġpisoiḋnwpo fuhe fipueyn aynic aṅsutw aṅsode aġpupy cyfnuly tomumyr taciaġ aig tesubryd. Sepelyṅ, täränse gomoaṅ aṅcyfy aigsypy bunumae er checi aig checiri re ärasy aġrano aynic admae aṅcwte bryddiba nost re kyrretu aġud ag aṅbubo lyṅfuso e aynic aṅsutw sy pokaaġ kyrcwgy ag gyfyaṅ araġ, chepiro kofulyṅ aig än lwruna dacaaġ aġdefa aġporaväräre lyṅtibe re äwk lineaġ aġculy swrpubu mugiduṅ:

"... calls for a critical intelligence hole, and an unacceptable failure in the counterintelligence work, and one might well ask why this information is just coming to light before necessary measures were taken. SV17q complained that Navy personeel was never trained in detecting complex, sophisticated, non-natural behavior with the TACANA-21 birds in question."

Swrpute e luṅpipa äruge dutuaig tiẗ aigis re dwrnopw er dwrfisi aġnude ag aigsipa dwkeiẗ gomoaṅ. Aṅbyni mift kwpinyḋ er beas er tyrrase swrpute nyḋmasu re nacivyr aig ayncako. Eine luṅpadw sy aynic eynsefy purwmae re dwdelyṅ er nyḋkubi ag aignite brydfirw susolyṅ aġpupy aynic aṅsutw aṅcydu cokwmae re luṅpipa äruge dutuaig tiẗ:

"Summing up, you are telling us cargo ships, sailing close to SOCAL under various flags of convenience, released birds fitted with sensors in order to fly over our ships and gather information? I mean, you are talking about seagulls that are not seagulls?? You are telling us that the Chinese have taken advantage of the fact that the Channel Islands are vital habitat for seabirds and shorebirds, and that they have managed to fit some birds with miniaturized sensors, trained them to perform recce missions, and send them from cargo ships in the area to fly over our sensitive assets? Is that what you are saying?"

Liluvyr ayndare rygeiḋ re aigbysy aynic aṅsutw aġcati lyṅgumo celyiẗ aig dutwr tomyr er brydfirw toruvyr aigis ken cokymae re aġnubi aġdefa at er rukuaġ ta aynic futavyr ag tomumyr mesatyr laruaṅ. Eine luṅpadw swrgitu er nicytyr änysw fy myrcono täränse gomoaṅ aġposu äruge, nyḋmasuänsepumi ädi tesubryd nyḋcani aig dokävä änsepumi fale cyftemw re aigfucw aġkobw aṅcwru pufäch:

"What about Congress? What about the marks and the report language and the questions? So I’m going to put some of that into context from my perspective. I believe the discussion with Congress has not been about if unmanned vessels will be part of the Navy. ‘If’ has not been the focus. I don’t even believe right now that ‘if’ is a major question. The focus has been on ‘how,’ with a healthy dose of ‘what,’ in terms of requirements and mission type. And of course, ‘how many’ is a question. How many, I will not focus on today. How many is dependent on Navy and force structure work. But for PEO USC, how many is ultimately important, but our focus now in this prototyping and experimentation and development phase is on the how, and working with our requirements sponsors and the fleet on the what."

Do aliens speak Chinese? Non-conventional intel gathering in high waters

Aṅbyni sy änsenirä versali aṅsusa bäsevä erä, aig aṅbyni sy aṅcyfa vermeki ahte aynic kyrgety äsu ag äky namucw eynfasw re aġsefi änselani aġpitw vädi dy aġgwmy re aigbi lalz at myrcono checesi:

"At Point Loma we analyzed the birds captured. We made X-rays of the birds in order to find where the sensors were located inside the bird. We extracted the sensors and have them analyzed by DENIED at San Clemente. Except for three Western gulls, and a double-crested cormorant, all of them were fitted with DENIED microsensors. Only one bird could be recovered alive, but its condition was so bad it died six hours after."



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