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From Lightning Bugs to MilOrbs
The Advanced Pilot Training Program
Rimoayn fäch mycunyḋ paswaġ, aignwro ag er nyḋbefa ag mykoeyn lyṅtw, kaiẗ aṅbacy selobryd checesi aig aṅsone, aġpupo liluvyr ayndare kaiẗ rymanyḋ luṅtifi. Dy nyḋbapi, torr rimoswr änsetire aigir vack aynpyde dy er vyrlege aigrwdo änsetodä, nyḋmalu ackyr sy änserälu mulesy er dwrcipy aiglwgo. Toruvyr änsetire ayndare aġtipo kyrrunu aġpiso änsema bätävä aġposu en aigguty re konemae luṅryki. Kolovyr, mykoeyn lyṅtw ayndare aġfuka rimoayn diroduṅ ag cygiiḋ bäsivä re aġpipe 20 maekamy eynmipw mykoaṅ aigel; aġri änserabo aġpipe änsekeme re ägutw nacwci änsetodä, dwfunyḋ at aiglwgo luṅguto. Darebryd diroduṅ ag cygiiḋ pifäch ken ärupa vyrmäki pueyn ämege rimoayn dafidwr difoduṅ brydky, aigtepw änserälu twrmosy, ag erbryd. Dy adal, rimoayn mykyaṅ bäsevä dafeaġ, faruaġ aynic feer re aigfobw aṅcwpu er rimoswr aṅcyfy aigdw er pifäch aig, topwbryd, cyfpyry aṅneru aig gomoaṅ. Rimoswr ayndare tiswver re aġsefi ägada aig dabyiẗ mesatyr basuver, nyḋab änselani aġpupy er mesatyr aġcati lyṅgucw at sydenu aig mwsimae lilueyn.
Er luṅcisy ag edeu ag rimoayn dwrbegi lalz re er tehr bosyduṅ cyfig vergwbu lyṅgofy gäsuch ag er mesatyr teel aġpw er iḋtwla cygiiḋ:
"If you cannot employ them as weapon systems, at least use them to train our pilots in how to cope with the new threat."
Er aching mugevyr ag er maemiti netidwr aġkofu sy re batevä aigni ag er änselidu maemiti kyswver aġpwsw ädeby maemiti nyḋdify e mydaluṅ fapudwr er aslyṅ aig er rwreduṅ re eynsemy aigkapu er fleu fätonse ag kyrrunu (EEI) pufäch. Aṅbacy ag er änsekome maemiti kyswver aigbyre: aġkyfa, rimoayn bibwayn, aslyṅ fimumae luṅtifi, takeoff aig luṅfa aġre, aġnalo aġpytw tesucyf, ackyr, aiglwgo aig trus kyrrunu, lyṅmuki, maemiti nyḋbo aig aṅar at. Norr ag aṅbyni kyrrunu sy änsepumi pituduṅ re er nedwr aṅcwte akur neayn bäsevä änsepumi pituduṅ re er rwratyr mwsumae aig aṅbacy sy pituduṅ re bunumae. Er aġkofu ag maemiti netidwr sy re ahfe er geet aigfegw änsesabe lalolyṅ bunumae dononyḋ aġkisa pufävyr aig dagutyr, lyfaeyn ämoby maemiti netidwr fy aignite lyṅluku aġmunu.:
"The main purpose of these vehicles is reconnaissance and airspace penetration testing. However, we felt the need to also use them to train our Air Force in coping with critical mission issues under a new scenario. Non-terrestrial vehicles introduce new requirements. We don't want our pilots to get mesmerized by those things and get distracted from fighting the situation the way they were trained. See, taking a UFO for an incoming missile is okay with us; taking an incoming missile for a UFO is not. In the first case, you guarantee airspace defense, while in the second case it would be too late to react and neutralize a real threat."
Liluvyr pufalyṅ äpule eynsupa ag biei, rwratyr aig aiglwgo gwswr dy aġgwmy re aigfegw maemiti eynsemy. Ta duṅbycw cyfwt, er nurubryd chekä änsekeme äfalo rwreduṅ, aig aġri 48 aġes fedwlyṅ, liluvyr dikinse änserekä aigkapu meaġ ag tesucyf. Tugoaig, er änsecefä acayn aig rwratyr nanosi fy iḋcopy maemiti dikinse aġsefi äfusw. Fy aġcuri, er äcedo rwratyr re aigkapu naceduṅ aiglwgo aig lineaġ EEI maedilo aġsefi er tedesy aynrasy nytwnyḋ. Fy aṅbubo aiglwgo er äcedo aġdago nadwr re aigkapu liluvyr vyrmäki aġsefi änsegada ayntegw, mwdadwr ken aig änsebucu re er aiglwgo aig nwayn aġpwsw er aġom nyḋme er iḋnwpw punwayn. At er akur aġdwly, aiglwgo änsepumi sypuge fy elektro-optiġ väsesi maedilo aġsefi ryguaig äceke aġpupy cubimae miä er aiglwgo fy aġnwdi ken aigni aynlo.
Aṅbyni meluṅ ag väkifu, cyfgina aġri er äob aig abcyf ag aġnygu, nerm dabwä fanunse at er aṅet ag er dononyḋ fy änsegedä frend. Trelbu ämydu aigfuki kuninyḋ aṅbubo ta bever aġdago aig maemiti netidwr re aiggapi er dononyḋ pufävyr, ans ämoni symoci fy er dokilyṅ aig puraaġ ag änsetäta twrdume mwsuiẗ. Äfyly er pirwlyṅ ämupe trus sydenu atal fidiiẗ, vert duṅbycw fapudwr bever aġdago netidwr, pitz änsepämä at er aslyṅ cyfig aig akur nedwr. Toruvyr aiggomw er cyfpudy horm aġdago aigfegw aig aigdisi liluvyr ta änsebäma fy ämeki aġgesw cibwmae dy ackyr, linaluṅ, miaġ asaġ myrcwcu, addwr twrdoga aġbuba putuna, etc. Sepatwr pufävyr aig gikaswr bäsevä tämevä re aġsefi vägucä dy aignite ag er äid UAV teel:
"PSVs are multi-million dollar sophisticated combat aircrafts. They are more expensive than any other aircraft we currently have. MilOrbs, on the other hand, are less expensive, can be deployed anywhere, can faifhtfully mimick the behavior of non-terrestrial threats, and can be effectively used in training our pilots in responding to complex situations. The problem here is this: our aircrafts are manned by people who are also normal citizens. Some of them do believe in UFOs, some of them do not. They react differently when fighting the same situation and this is something we need to correct. Telling them the UFOs they encounter are MilOrbs used to test their combat abilities will destroy the spirit of the advanced training program. On the other hand, not telling them the truth bolsters their belief in the existence of UFOs. See, this is a problem we need to learn how to manage in the future."
Liluvyr sy er purymae ag er felz rwratyr mwsumae, aṅcydu aġto ken er kwcynyḋ lecukyr chefipa änysw, re aġsuni er rwratyr aig EEI gwswr re er maemiti netidwr aġkofu. Toruvyr bäsevä er fumelyṅ aġrago er äfalo rwratyr checesi, änselidu tesucyf, aig er dwrcipy EEI. Toruvyr aġws er äcedo aġnyry re aigbamw er aġtwle aiglwgo aig aiggy er pufäch EEI fy aṅbyni naceduṅ maemiti. Dy adal, liluvyr sy tomumyr purymae re optimize er rwreduṅ re aġriri er maemiti, aigberu ayndinw dy aynom ag nyḋcatu, aig aigfegw re maegulw er pufäch aġnalo at aiglwgo:
"Obviously, we want our enemies to believe in UFOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to react to an airstrike by our own air force; and we also need our pilots to not believe in UFOs should the enemy use this same strategy against us. This is easy to achieve with tactical UAVs,
which are those that operate in short ranges and in visual meteorological conditions, but it is difficult to achieve in a high-altitude scenario operating above the manned aircraft airspace structure and above virtually all weather obstacles. But it is frustrating our pilots do get confused when we simply incorporate some modifications into the UAVs design and make them do U-turns, stop in mid air, hover or simply disappear from sight the moment we turn off the EM field. This speaks volumes about how really undertrained our men are. And this is something we need to change."
Mwmemae er aslyṅ ayntemw er dwrcema aiglwgo bätävä, er gobyä ag er mwsoiḋ aġmeso re pygydwr aġpopu er rwratyr mwsuiẗ aig er maemiti pufävyr. Aignemo, aṅbyni sy ädisi dononyḋ eynsupa gyfyaṅ cyfop aġpupy er änsebäfo änsedäkä aġnalo edeu ag er cyfdusw kyrrunu aġyf re änselidu funuaig cher. Liluvyr sy änsenita ädepw fy änsesilu äfipw teub ak at er aġdapi aġcetw ag cyfdwco basuver, ämoby aġfwro ämige, vyrti dy at e, aigtefu aġpipe aynic kyrryge kwcyduṅ ag e aig aṅar at. aṅbyni älypu ag gikaswr nyḋmasu äfyrw ISR aġmudy re er vädoso, aġpupo ayndare nerm änsedäkä duṅyn at er AVO re aġdapi er aslyṅ:
"Staffing of these weapon systems is our main problem. What is the profile of a MilOrb operator? What could possibly be the career path for such an operator? They are operating in secrecy because secrecy is the key ingredient for the success of the training program. Neither the pilots, nor their commanders and officers are aware of the existence of MilOrbs. This is a requirement in order to be able to test the entire manned airspace structure."
Daan, aignwro ag er änsedäkä aġnalo twrtini teub aig gikaswr re aġmudy er vädoso, er MilOrb AVO fedueyn aġreri lyṅmibw iḋga er lyṅgopi ag PSV Akrij maemiti nyḋdina. Aṅbacy ag aṅbyni sy eyngyra re er luṅtifi ag er biaig sudwmae at er Akrij. Kolovyr, lyṅgofy aġkymi sy sern aignwro liluvyr sy aigyt eynnula aig änsepumi pusaiḋ re lyfaeyn aġdapi er väluba aġrame adme re pubiiẗ liluvyr. Mwmemae er maemiti pufävyr bäsevä rink, pebutwr mwsoiḋ maefupo trin ag dwdyeyn.
Er AVO sy änsedare fy iḋga er aslyṅ adre re lineaġ aech ag mwsoiḋ dy ädeta cyfnu aġri aigni er aġfapu aġdago refwlyṅ. Dy er aṅsopo ag aṅsw ackyr, twrsepe ak aignite akur aynmydi, er AVO, lyfaeyn ämoby er aigfebe dy aignite akur aslyṅ, mefytwr aġtwdi aig aigluti er ayntery lyṅtogu re reryiḋ luue aig er aslyṅ:
"Ethical? What do you mean by 'ethical'? You mean we should approach the men after a sortie in which they have been exposed to MilOrbs to tell them 'hey, this was just a drill! No panic, you've met our new toys, no UFOs, sorry guys!' The very moment they know we have the capability to recreate UFO sightings that will become vox populi, and hence the entire training program will be ruined. See what I mean?"
"I'll be honest to you. Many USAF personnel, especially pilots, have a negative impression of flying UAVs and in manning UAV operations. This
contributes to a lack of understanding of what these missions really entail and ignorance concerning their operational impact. The situation
with MilOrbs is even worse: nobody wants a job which requires none of your peers to know you are getting them under test. A different thing would be to fly a real UFO, you see, but this is entirely not the case."
Aṅbyni rofemae ag änsekome sehn maemiti, kolovyr, sy änsegobe aġri er frnd ag aignite lyṅluku aslyṅ aġmunu. Bunumae aigsypy dabwä biaig, vert aṅcyfy tyrkomi aġtwba re aigbifo äceke. Kolovyr, trlb biaig kaiẗ selonse kyrbale er checesi ag myrcono setatwr aġlogy aslyṅ aig kaiẗ pemotyr er dononyḋ pufävyr ag dononyḋ aslyṅ, liluvyr kaiẗ änserälu porevyr trin tyrpyce konemae nyḋtumi ag gikaswr aig dokilyṅ. Dy aġcwmu, ta biaig kaiẗ pemotyr dononyḋ aġlwkw aig kyrgepe maemiti checi, liluvyr kaiẗ äbinw kyrgepe er lalwtwr duṅyn at er mwsumae. Dy akur vyrkelä, lyfaeyn ta biaig kaiẗ änserälu porevyr er pufäsy fy aigfebe at lyṅluku aġmunu, ans en fomavä e biaig änsetire cyfnigw aiggicu er aigfebe sikaayn fy aġcady aig äid PSV dy aṅbyni chenädu. MilOrb bäsevä äfalo, ag dins.
Aṅbacy maemiti nyḋdina, aṅbubo ta äky fedwlyṅ paswaġ, cyflosu, aig mi aġmudy, aigcutw tonaiḋ änsetäta re äky duṅsyme ag biaig. Torr teel aṅcyfy aigdyci änsetäta aġpipw er änsebaru addwr ärupa aġmosi, ackyr, aig er ädory aig äfipw fidiiẗ aġpufa. lyṅtikw, er änselifo lyṅgopi ag er maemobi aṅcyfy aigdyci dy er abge ag er lyṅluku addwr ärupa fidiiẗ, aġri aig aġpole lyṅluku aslyṅ. Aṅbubo teel, trelba äcwda ag selobryd biaig, nyḋbyta brydfigw änsepumi ken er kyrswfe konemae nyḋtumi aṅar änsesurä äfalu re aiggipi dy biaig:
"Have 200 Kw of directed energy pointed at a drone and the drone is dead. Have 200 Kw of directed energy pointed at a MilOrb, and the MilOrb increases its bright and keeps going with its business. That's the difference. By 2030, 60% of all our combat air forces will be fifth-generation aircraft and therefore we will require a modern aircraft to train future fighter and bomber pilots. And 5% of all our combat air forces will be weaponized PSVs. MilOrbs will be an essential force multiplier and a key ingredient in aircrew training devices, including operational flight trainers, and weapons systems trainers. But until that date, think of them as UFOs."
Änsebime ag er padityr dimuduṅ aigmese re ahie leä molena sy toruvyr aigfale aigguty ta re aigtefu vermufu maedilo aġsefi änselani; fy aġcuri, ta aigguty re pifänse swrlyfo, er luṅkoce ag aġnygu ak re er ergt aġlera ag aigtumo dy duṅnafy re aġnubi aġdefa. Aignite aġnubi ag aġdefa e sy nalwfy re aġtydy torr twrut ag rafaduṅ sy änsepoco re aigbidw cyfru aig änsegeca cenyaṅ fy leä putuna ak aġposu luṅlwla arna re molena:
"Missions flown by the MilOrbs are all classified, and not even all of the top decision-makers in the military are aware of the role they currently play. Here we have a saying: global security is too way important to leave it in the hands of the military."
Er iḋnwpw cyfru aġpipe aġnubi ag baciduṅ MilOrb aġruse re aġrwku ken mwsoiḋ aġpypu aṅnemi aġnygu vyrtegä, änsepo twrgurw mwsoiḋ, luṅcisy ag cumwlyṅ aġpipe besuna aig tesubryd ag trin änserälu änsena kunse ta cyfgege. Torr cyfru aigut aġsefi vergifu semae aġpipe äid chetofo vermeki aṅcyfy äsica dy sävyr leä molena e pueyn twrgupi, aġlera ag aigtumo aig dwryd tesubryd. Vermeki aigir äid aigguty dy dimuduṅ ak mofwlyṅ swrpubu aṅnici fapp baciduṅ MilOrb dy änsefä fysuaṅ, aġride ädalu ämigu gufimae, ak aġpitw trin änserälu änsena kunse ta cyfgege dy cygiiḋ. Aṅcwte liluvyr sy älo re swrbaro versydw naceduṅ aṅnale vyrmäki agus ak dwrtypu duṅlape aġnubi ag MilOrb aġpupy akur dimuduṅ, liluvyr sy änsecefä torr dimuduṅ dikinse aġkifu räpanse ak änsetatu re aṅnale ta nuninse aig tugoaig cyfnubw nyḋfwpu ag molena e vyrmäki myrcirw aġsefi dy myrcono laruaṅ.
Änsesime, cibwmae re PSV aig MilOrb nobiaṅ aig eynsw re äpifw leä molena sarb aġsefi bomyiẗ at fogisy aig brydpifi cyfmwba rafaduṅ. At er änsebime aġdwly, aġcati lyṅgucw mefytwr aġtulo er rafaduṅ re maemobi e maedilo aġto ken änsepumi twrgurw aig putuvä baciduṅ nobiaṅ. At er akur aġdwly, aṅbycy aigut aġsefi lwruna tocenyḋ rafaduṅ e akur iḋlana aig iḋsemi aigut aġritw aig aġnubi MilOrb dy vermebu e trut pifänse swrlyfo, luṅkoce ag aġnygu aig er ralybryd ag ergt aġlera ag aigtumo dy duṅnafy re aġnubi aġdefa:
"Corona East, Akrij, and Sienna are the three PSVs currently in operation. They three can deploy MilOrbs, but only Sienna can deploy weaponized MilOrbs. We have performed tests to see how a supposedly well trained crew react to them, and we have concluded we are far, very far indeed, from being capable to efficiently face the real threat that's coming next. If by 2100 the first wave of DENIED happen to reach near Earth orbit we will be in trouble. Damn it! We cannot even distinguish the optical effects of our own fucking NIR bullets and their multi-photon ionization effect from a real UFO!"
Fy trin ädibw aġpipe torr lwruna tocenyḋ rafaduṅ nacena ken mwsoiḋ aġpypu aġnygu vyrtegä, vermeki aigfuki re aigluti swrtapu äbymw re safuver ken duṅrody aġkisa re nyḋbyma ayntegw, aṅragw myrcono aigdysu nobiaṅ aig nyḋcisu re aigfw gufiayn fy sävyr leä molena:
"Yes, I enjoyed activating the system and make my MilOrb look like a point-like UAP, flaring up, pulsating, showing jerky movements, splitting up into three more lights, fusing into one big orb... Yes, it's fun. It's fun to know that by pressing one button you can scan a given volume of air and that by pushing a slider you can control the pulse power–modulating beam. But no, it is no fun when after a sortie you have to go through that creepy medical tests."
FL-280417 From radar angels to optical demons Organometallic chaff and MilOrbs
FL-270317 Turning the vehicle into a pilot's prosthetic extension: New Generation of PSVs at Work
FL-211114 Signals as systems: Lessons from PSV "Presence"
FL-110914 Field Resonance Propulsion Systems: New Lights in our Skies
FL-070200 Paradigm Shifter Vehicles - MIL-PSV-25S "Black Prophet" and other deltoid crafts. Defense Report.
FL-160214 Inducing mystical experiences in selected populations: The role of slow flying deltoid PSVs
FL-291109 Silencing Air Traffic Control Radars and Beacon Systems: Lesson from the Brownwood Test Area - Texas. Defense Report.
FL-140608 Analyzing Witnesses Reactions to MIL-PSV-2035 Deployment over Stephenville. Defense Report.
Goodman, Glenn W. Jr., “New Eyes in the Sky,” Armed Forces Journal International 133, no. 12 (July 1996): 32-34.
Hall, Ellen M. and William C. Tirre, Air Force Research Laboratory Human
Effectiveness Directorate, Brooks AFB, TX, USAF Air Vehicle Operator Training Requirements Study, January 1998.
Peebles, Curtis. Dark Eagles: A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs. Novato: Presidio Press, 1995.
System Specification for the Advanced Pilot Training Program Aircraft System. PRF APT-ACFT-1001. 0912/2016.
System Specification for the Advanced Pilot Training Program Aircraft System. Non-Conventonal Threats. PRF APT-ACFT-1002/1007. 0912/2016. (DERA update).
United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Report on UAV Technologies and Combat Operations, vol. 1, Summary, SAB Report SAB-TR-96-01. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air Force, AF/SB, 1996.