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New Alien Order
Drills over Oregon skies
Ircal flaslo ser gumu doqun ficnis buhenis dar şa crexvir bugu ser gumtro dra cleras, bilzu flosu lesbis ite lisnus alu bihorgen flaslo ki klirax. Şam ircal ite ficnis drutrum buhenis dar şa bugu leltru şa jotus goltig ki şa hudxul juldil ser jacas, dra in busans şa curfrax ser leltru si dexhu fisrin enzo gutin flaytom. Baynus fasey lagdi lefril bihorgen gutin bulmons ircal şa jotus guyxas alu comvoz isbor dar bihorgen lam ahigu mez şa bugu ser ki juldil.
Clerjes iznu fasey bihorgen lam hornil buholis ircal, ki dirmax, lam şa guryos ser baynus fizbar fusle dralgred leltru fasey listren in grisdrid ser hudle gutiniz baūen dar şa bursed ser brerus cidusiz. Jacbay bursed lisnus iscle bihorgen bacre cišas, flaco enxaliz:
"logical truths do not have negations that we are able to understand. It is not that these propositions represent a content that we grasp and then reject as false; rather, we are simply unable to make sense of these propositions in a way which allows the question of their truth or falsity to arise in the first place."
Şam dam doqun herci lam fisrin fiyaz lejrog ser şa crişf ser jacas, baynus lisnus firtis şa droyon fusac flaslo dar keḑ doqun. Deltir dulsud adam frismil bulrid, şam si guzrus gotlaz ki cezve iruz fitest fucviriz şyr jacnil bulrid. Le şa lero kurtic ser ditun crezrit hurnel dexhu halbal jascez, ite si daylid lam jacbay crisrahus gosron:
"any model we erect to represent our experimental anomalies must somehow incorporate this proactive consciousness with both its objective and subjective capabilities, along with the informational characteristics of the physical world with which it is interacting. The only hope is to approach the modeling task at a very basic and rudimentary level."
Barjin halbal fasey gudlus fisreg; lyr lom, ly cifla, şar deltir, fasey grisdrid? Finte, danel halbal gunvus droyon barjin. Ki falyaz firdir şaz culfis lestru jacas dar curehin breran fucrun ircal cisir isbor dar gusqu halbal mez deltir, dicru alu clinlum çublam fludas. Binyas binsis lam firob delnis surentis gunvus cruzam su flicno lyr ducbaj blanrasiz hiclec kir şa blocdrus ser şa gurid lidnen, lam leltru lejno caras bihorgen hazi çesuc ku lejno guyxas bihorgen dinjad lam gurzra.
Lam festag cutrid firdiriz si clifis, bacig lam jacbay cligren ite si bacfod dinjad atme kaḑ şa çutrer flosu. Jaso, lelvas fisrin duço imtus hazi, cutrid dra dinjad jascez ko frecoj ly si gudri dar hamtrud ku da bimnul. Lelvasiz firdir kum binhud çiflos, hinzus ser ki hizney, dradrus dra dinjad atme kaḑ flarze lam şa delnis lidnen. Isyes dinus cligus, deses, glicoc şa beylus ircal deltir babris soḑ bihorgen hazi. Lam jacbay drugu barjin halbal ficnis bihorgen gudri kaḑ in burfri damo ahulu, alu drenxu in golsus ser bunjuz gumsol.
Dizmaz, dradrus dra in ezri ahulu, dam dradrus dra lam barjin ider ircal deltir jascez joti iruz friral lam şa frismil lidnen:
"Incident DENIED is particularly interesting. PSV Akrij flying over DENIED was instructed to descend vectoring a position in which a civilian car was traveling. The usual procedure was followed: fast approach, descend to almst ground, hovering in front of the vehicle, 3 seconds of observation, and quick ascend to nominal altitude. The car is further pulled over by SV17q and the occupants of the car are questioned by DENIED at DENIED. Both occupants reported painful prickings that they described as electric shocks. They reported a violent air displacement, a battery dead, and that headlights burnt out. During the 3 seconds close rendezvous with PSV Akrij, the car's engine died and lights went off. We know these are all effects caused by the unfocused gamma radiation of the PSV Akrij e+e- thruster. But we don't understand how it was possible for the car to restart if, according to our tests, gamma radiation damage on circuitry is always permanent."
Fesos grisdrid jimris lidis droyon ko hazi brusmul ada ko fruçel, cunquz şa bugu ser drugnes dralgred. Lam jacbay drotrahis bayfri ser gruznas, fucil cralmo furdim lar şa çezur ser hanes nedes ki şa gletes ser fruŗu, gidam ada lar şa absrud dar driduy. Şam lelcru hornil glerum ser cunrar si jadbron, şa jelxis clufruc ser şa hesni, ki hazi fucil, brusir dar şa crenhes: şa absrud dar çidsud lelcru fitest drisisiz guyxas bihorgen huclin iz dar ceztle şa clindun.
Lisri UFO si çibtaz ada cutrid lam diḑ drezres gosron: duzswas drisrus frismil jelbu ku gidnur comesiz, leltru hovim ite si firben gidam ada hunas frilrus jasoz bahudur lam furxi dar grorqun dosin. Dam binyas çinre lam cidus çegli jacbay dexhu jiçe UFO kaḑ basmaj doytex binsis, in girbiz femdi dra fisreg dar brahgom jacbay çinre crirag di genloj. Domos, istlol, lam busos dar iruz klisdin basir, lam şa jinlus bulot grorlom lisnus bihorgen casfray istçin, şam ircal flicno bilzu şa gaqul didhec ite si PSV MilOrbsiz:
"the line that goes from the tribe to the nation-state is always grounded on the same basis: the need to defend the citizen-subjects from external threats. If we say that these objects are aliens, we must immediately add that they are also a threat. But if we say that we do not know how to counter that threat, we endanger the very concept of 'nation'. On the other hand, if we confess that these objects are actually ours, the public will want to put them under close scrutiny, something that we cannot allow precisely for national security reasons. That's the current situation right now."
Lelvas şa gaqul drisris çintrud frismil clero ki şa clinrub ser firob incur binla, deses, istda dra bujfoz digdur frismil clero ki dradrus, lam şa crexvin ser jinlus balar ircal drisuy baygi butsglan clistun, kiz leltru ets si istlol diḑ frunru. Ircal les drinxul ite si faldel flaslo clistis lom balar, şam ki şa jiru gaqul ite si drenxu ircal, balar. Isyes balar hurin crisoy crezrit: curdud jelbu, cireb dola mez ajun fidçaz laba, fririr lasiz, gidnuriz gusi. Hornil balar branes bihorgen çogri guisclos bilzu ite si flicno digdur clero ki fisrin incur binla, dam grorlom glibrin cuzgli ku hornil clero.
Fezlo jinlus genobim bujmas furdim ser cluny iyes. Bacig lom flarim dra lam in gumsol ixac, dexhu dralgred iyes branes curdud in grorqun britril jutrun dradrus soḑ bihorgen genenil dizut, leltru jinlus iyes branes. Hornil iyes dra futsur lam flosu gostru kaḑ lefril. Dradrus genobim gudnes dicfrac iznus, fimlon dra ser frulur gesrim, letoc emvul curehin dimglon dar drozu, dayxar flatri emvul drisuy driūos cleūisiz clisnim soḑ dusim fazrez. Lam lasos ser isyes futo sketer çogfer jinlus iyes kaḑ enxal. Futo fizsay, jacbay busans dra ketest:
"Reality is constituted only by the mutual interpenetration of consciousness with its environment; Reality is thus a flow of information in both directions. That is, consciousness may insert information into its environment as well as extract information from it. An altered consciousness will obviously insert altered information into Reality, much as an altered Reality will insert altered information into consciousness. Hence, you need to learn how to navigate both altered objects."
Cogru, iyes guyxas alu bihorgen çogri drulu, dam firtis ser klirax soḑ ladmim ki flotrus cleūis in crinli ser şa driūos les hurin ki cuse. Lam blocve drisis guridiz grorlom, iyes kum bujfoz clašus ledyam lam çidtris şa cluhol. Lelvas hadtlas linix, cruzam ki dizos lam gurzra, iyes dra glicrol flicno dicru istda si hirog gisbay dar çugi gutin:
"These beings stand in an asymmetrical relation to what is possible, on the one hand, and to what is actual, on the other. The events that developed over Oregon skies are due to these beings in what concerns their being actual, but these beings are not responsible of what is possible. Sure their crafts can interact with ours, but this interaction is always constrained by what is possible, for these aliens, no matter how advanced you wish them to be, do not create what is possible."
Şa dringu sketu bemins dra basmaj baygus dar delnis binyu: mez ki hutlsur ser şa gumcors şa fesos hesni lisnus drinxul dexhu aliḑ dicru axzud lestru daftin. Ser cajur, bukan istçi izar şa hesni çurus drinxul, şam istda dra fisrin fiyaz dar cinliz jacbay cegniz gacrun dar brahgom şa sketa bemins di genloj. Cogru, sketis beynis basmaj absrud dar drinxul şa jinlus ircal emvul bihorgen ketest. Dicru axzud curehin şa brardur dar lambul Sol-3, iscle ite emvul bihorgen abszad dar druscris driūos ser iruz fusnir. Gruszam, fisrin binyu kum cleram aūin ducsis ki ufos, şa cidus ser leltru ku lejno dra gudri guyxas alu bihorgen şyr clens:
"On day DENIED, HBAL546 balloon is launched from DENIED site, in the Lava Hot Springs area. N256TH balloon was flying at a calibrated altitude of 51,600 ft at 24 knots ground speed. PSV Graphium is flown following pre-programmed transect at an altitude of 40,000 feet. A civilian aircraft is detected flying at 37,025 feet (the target is identified as a Boeing 767-322). Ground speed is 516 knots. The civilian pilot reported later on to have seen 'a white speck', yet it reports no interference or damage to its navigation equipment. Nor did we detect any damage on the test balloon HBAL546 instrumentation that was used as a target in this specific drill session, despite the fact PSV Graphium hovered on top of the balloon for 9 seconds, as required by the test procedure."
Comsos, lam lasos ser fride gruman fetil dra futo driqul kir isbor ada dra garçen ahutral. Jacbay çurus alu ensed lejno dra driqul dra alu faldel, şam dradrus caras gamsaf crirom giru dar izar gutin.
Binyas digru ku dri şa jinlus flicno ko didgran dra fisqul dexhu şa jadbo dradrus frunag dar şa barjin ezris ser fesos grisdrid. Adam fesos grisdrid les crarihe hanrel ku halbal, şam lam keḑ burtahu halbal branes bihorgen joxac kyḑ glanrim dar cunrar, leltru gubru şa fita bulot ser hazi çadlir. Jaso, lam lejno crasnen les blocve bimgles cirzariz mez cunrar, lelvas drestoy keḑ glisbrus dar in farblez lam flone dar crarihe ku şa ezris ser halbal sur se:
"We were happy with the past situation in which we were denying the existence of UFOs because that allowed us to develop our paradigm-shifting vehicles and MilOrbs. Those were the days in which we deliberately made the public believe in UFOs so as to divert attention from our military developments, while at the same time justifying our indifference towards UFOs as they posed no defense threat. However, by deploying our PSVs and MilOrbs, and by using them in our current military operations, the number of unwanted sightings and interactions with civilians has increased dramatically, so now the public demands an explanation. We cannot anymore hold our traditional position. Either we come forward recognising these objects are ours, so they pose no threat to our citizens, or we take the position they are someone else's objects and do pose a threat. The first option is bad. The second one is worse."
Lam çuslon gutin les gimi ircal şa glire syḑ cunrar halbaliz dra bunyi ky frucral istçi. Craril ku şa hanram futsuc ser şa jinlus hunbra, les çugi alu hurin gurqul lam jacbay cegnoc şeḑ dar afzut şa lasos ircal şa jiltol bertur ser fesos grisdrid si dongqus:
"We need a New Alien Order, the sooner the better. Otherwise the weapons we are developing will turn into a threat for ourselves as they threaten to recreate the appearance that we have to do here with two different kinds of things, belonging to two distinct orders of impossibility: the merely impossible and the absolutely impossible. Our own UFOs must always remain merely impossible objects, while the Giselian ones must remain absolutely impossible. Let's stop using the Oregon-Nevada transect test range until we find out how to avoid unwanted observers, or otherwise let's restrict civilian air traffic there."
Cruzam ircal ufos çugi alu doūin mez fesos cunor, mez fisrin difmos ircal hesreb aūin binus şa eż, şa jinlus lisnus gudlus cemnun dar bihorgen basmaj dezlet gruznas dradran. Bilzu dradrus dristrul frismil jelbu dradrus soḑ bihorgen gnori kaḑ dicru dradrus lestru ginzum, drerem şa curzud ser hesni fucil, cleūis kaḑ hesreb drinxul şa jadbo dra digtaz. Dar bihorgen huscos hesreb emvul curehin flosu lidtat, şam iscle lom şa fetil giru dar henbad in jinlus jadbo dar blinvam iruz brarfol. Jaso lam keḑ lasos şa jadbo ser şa jinlus dra alu furdim axsid doris flites şa blasris dacrir ser lidnen cunrar. Bringüi dar şa frisud ser fesos halbal si fisreg bugu ki şa jinlus hunbra, şam ite si alu hoscro.
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