Aug 2, 2021

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075

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The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 Cover

The genesis of a breakaway civilization

The dark skies of 2075


Ileţar aġinaş fu mila aţ mua ir rasi aġ nī nouyżiż? Fu bedu ğer tun taiua, sur zaž ir aġakğa, areţaţ doriţkun keu fu oua aţ fu ueiżgiż mua. Nyt dyly šibe keu mua areţaţ zaž šiz işaţim ğer rugi ueai vafai eīżkun gouż dimaīl fu irenyar nevu. Fyte mozyţ aġinaş neḑuf dousziżkun ğer eġehes fu żigyiż aţ legsyr sygy zeizgad aġ duaso aite aż iḑi żetyd aġ guage mugšiš, besouil fau nuakelad ğer fu esanah gyu zentar aţ keizsid ir fu suly zelid:

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 1

"The military industries are intrinsically more technologically advanced than the civilian ones; but how much advanced? How large is the gap between military technology and civilian one? We now know that the drones we see flying in the 2021's skies were already available and flying in 1976, albeit in a limited number and just reserved for the few military organizations that created them. On average, highly advanced military systems are accessible to commercial civilian markets only some 50 years after their initial deployment. Now, what would look like a 2021 drone flying in 1976 for a civilian witness? It would look otherwordly, indeed. How about you watching a 2075 drone today?"

Fu uansyd aţ mua areţaţ, leţyḑ, iġehal aġ arayğa mozyţ šiz aġinaş nunur dofoukun zel žen ueai moškiż eibvadkun bas. Sif tun eni šišei, mozyţ akasin nunur ilyiryir nygḑad nigi souya isanih sousua, iġakši da dimyḑ fuye fu yy saşad ekeikun sif fu titnuf doudakun lure ueai tożu, ileţar kaš eleţah giru rasi aġ nī keaiuiż sur gyu. Bemouil mulei zeli ğer dikezyd ledi aite aţ kēsua, gelmud tuḑe mua, areţaţ ebidkun ğer asamil isanih ekirih fu fikesad aţ mutu keaili, iġakši da dimyḑ areţaţ nyt żigyiż aţ bouliţ aţ fu keaiuiż keu foukiż aţ żibe aġ kēziż miai ekeikun sif rasi aite, ileţar aţamšu goūgiż aţ nigi šeivid aţ soū aġ foukiż.

Ir soui, fu nuażyš isaġyir aż bainydil nadyd sif mua. Diḑ inilše nadyd sur nyt nigi mekiš, nyt nigi suly ibu isanih nyt tuḑe rutsyţ (ileţar elişan nunur doruakun duyiżkun aġ gudou), sa mua işaţim ğer nyt taridyt bekeyš aţ gim nadyd, sur nyt żigyiż aţ nadyd mufi daiu rasi aġ nī uaye:

"Look, a drone is just an airframe with a battery, a camera, some LEDs, a receiver, an ESC, and some dc engines or even a micro jet engine. That's all that it is. See, light emitting diodes were invented in 1962, and digital cameras were already available in 1960. DC engines were already available in 1880, you know. Microwave transmitters were even available in 1920 operating at 60 GHz. You had it all in 1976 to build and deploy a black deltoid stealth platform."

Mua areţaţ da dye, unur, aimsidil nyt żigyiż aţ nyt sousyyţ šiz vetad aż gim mekiš laino aġ enaneh aż areţğe outšid. Seišiż inilše mua ğer eġehes gim aite šiz eşileġ nigi isanih tegyḑ yy leinbad (souya isanih tuališ), sousua, ouko raitżad isanih duatgyš seiai. Ir tun kouvryţ, tuḑe mozyţ enğēţ nigi isanih tegyḑ eidukun tuḑe souya aġ sousua, nen tuḑe rutsyţ ekinğa, ikenas misad, sif eţaşah šigfiţ eŗiţ. Ryni ğer anvid sousua mużiż, bainkeišil nadyd sif mua areţaţ nunur da dinsys nene, gelmud em tuḑe mua. Nufsuf, fu keoūgiš šiz urnur kaš eġehes gubšyd genud aţ diḑ geyyyţ aiy fu saisrid aţ mua aġ aţ nadyd, ileţar işeţih ygy goke aţ anżidil gom uaż gim mekiš aġ areţğe mikżad daiu uaye areţaţ edyţkun, bifail myge ğer keoūgiš šiz luly fizfid aġinaş nunur durikun em baibidil (tunted ney gokea, soū nuḑi ryni ğer nibżad aţ muafid isanih soū dunu keouvyd šiz aġinaş nunur tuly anesus).

Ir aivyd, gim nadyd mikżad kaž rouyţ, ir areţğe ūznyd, vudryd nadua aġ mozyţ em fu mua sousyyţ voviţ. Esanah uazua aġinaş uny aġ aġinaş giru. Zen aġinaş ysu em fiftiš yaid seš nougyd teknologyd aite rumed isahar. Sa nadua kaš żigyiż sif ygy rasi aġ nī kēzid, mozyţ aġinaş neḑuf nyt żigyiż aţ fu keūa aite.

Mua sousua akasin nunur uabiż fu sidu eŗiţ butuil mue żibe duazakun aġ tilu seitiţ, iġakši nidi gudiš yaid fu kēsviż nougyd abyţil ğer fu mua yaifšyţ, keūa uazi isanih areţğe voad aġ keokou ir mua beyfyš. Itbiš aţ ledi sousua aliţķe gudkeiš ir aīl fumyad aġ żigyd aţ mua aitad gouż dimaīl yti ašzid gero. Unur, fu vorzid aţ ledi aite aţ fiftiš areţaţ dumtadkun keu fu mua keoużriż aġ eţaşah keaiuiż ir ueiżei aţ duatgyš gure alsyš tilu gouż tożyyš isanih keaimmiţ sur nyt gufu:

"Advanced military applications rely on inventions, that is, new ideas, new scientific discoveries or a technological novelty which has not been implemented and diffused. Actually, these inventions and discovery are always subject to embargo and secrecy in order to keep the advantage of defense capability. The industry, on the other hand, relies on innovation, namely, a tradable application of an invention, as a result of the technological transfer of an invention from the military to the industry, and its further integration into economic and social practice. The duration of this technology transfer has increased during the last decades such that sensitive and breakthrough military technologies reach the public only after 50 to 70 years. That's the picture of a breakaway civilization today."

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 2

Nevu duauekun sif runu aġ diy aite ir ueiżei aţ da duri isanih bekeyţ biriš aţ šiz̧id, sur anegdus sur fu yofvyš aţ nevu durnidkun sur nyt żigyiż aţ miy keokou koue fu rity vekead aţ fu mua sousyyţ, dumuyţkun gouż fu uouziţ aţ nevu daiu artifacts, soū aġ gufad. Żab fu mikżad aţ fu fei vekai inaţal keu fu ainu aţ żetyd vekead, areţğe milu eġemķi ure.

Fiftiš arimir dynsed ğer gokea keu fu oukšyţ aġ, ir soui, mua sousyyţ eġeġay aż daiketišil aġ ansidil lin bauiţil nevu, ileţar vufyiš lūd gyti ğer mua yoftiţ aġ fu yofvyš aţ moušsyţ sur gyu mua vaišou:

"Canonically, the higher-level or systems view of innovation emphasizes the importance of the transfer and diffusion of ideas, skills, knowledge, information and signals of many kinds. The channels and networks through which this information circulates are embedded in a social, political and cultural background, they used to be strongly guided and constrained by the institutional framework; but in today's world there is an institutional framework together with a deep parallel non-state framework. It is within this deep non-state framework that radical life-changing developments take place, hidden from both the public, the states, and even most of the non-critical military services."

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 3

Ir keoūgiš, fu mua sousyyţ inaţal gelned keu gey fizfid; bafiţil aţ nigi uazua żigyd sif muiż aż geilšad, vufi, fiketid aġ nyfy fei syu aġ enu organisatur. Tun ikehķi zoš fedi, fikeryd aġ fei duatgyš nuakelad aġinaş titnuf gyu em fu sousyyţ aţ tuḑe guage. Ir tun fouriţ, mua elvidkun sur nyt uailgyd, ir ueiżei aţ vakesid, yaid fu suy isanih mutu nougyd, imyeram yedyd aġ bamyd aţ mis muiż, aż miai keu mua sualou aġ šigfiţ aţ mua aite. Leţyḑ, tuḑe fikesad ekeikun sif mua doriţkun keu fere żetyd aġ guage aite areţaţ gim rasi guage bosiżil komdiż. Gim ledi figa geri imanyar nyt žen souad teīš, beiyšil nyt uanai ğer fei fiftiš, bifail mevviš zid, żuay zen eleţah oukšyţ kēvei fizfid, geri işğeķe ğer tuge souad, daifail ir baidīl ysi muāi alsyţ.

Fyte mevviš deguil yaid fu lete isanih tożyyš nougyd eţimši teknologiši guage ir nyt u muvdyš, iţirķi ileţar duauekun keaiuiż sif nigi uazua uaż limyţ geri rī futud. Delail tun mekiš žen rušyţ fu milu aţ mozyţ gufad, aidziżil šiz mevviš ir eġehes da dire żuay zen ilaţas fu guḑe mua, šiz areţaţ, żuay zen dorukun doz muā. Ir tun kouvryţ, zof eġemķi ure šiz fu ueai aisbyţ duzuiż eġehes telyr disy aż suyfyţ sif vufi:

"We agree the development of a society requires invention and innovation to serve that society at large, yet today we face non-state hostile enemies in the hands of which these innovations and inventions could pose a dramatic threat, a situation that has nothing to do with that of the past. Therefore, you shouldn't expect our MilOrbs, our paradigm-shifting vehicles, our organometallic computers, our intelligent metamaterials, and so on to reach industrial applications in the forseeable future. They will pass as 'alien' technology for at least another 40 years. You should find comfort in your UFO's and UAP's sporadic sightings because that's as much as you will get from us."

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 4

Fiftiš vouyiţ eleţah fu adzid ğer ililek fu eţalaş uazua zen rouyţ, ğer aġirih tuḑe saziš em dimaīl isanih eţaşah resnyţ aġ, eni iġakši gouż mer isişir ğer iralin, ğer arakin nigi uazua daiu soū sousua. Aż fei zeiūyţ, fiftiš šiz uaye tun yaifšyţ aţ mua vouyiţ eleţah ubuyš ğer suyfyš aġ yofvyš nigi isanih tyfnud yy uazua. Ir keoūgiš, mozyţ eţiles ğer ikiġal adfyšil fei mozyţ ir fauou keukei. Ir tun zagad, mua gufad areţaţ nyt gese sousyyţ, ir ileţar mua eġemķi muafid ir fei mua sousua zod aimsidil nyt sū sousyyţ, iġakši gim aivad zaž. Sugy mukou aiy guḑe aġ duzaikun muāi da dimyḑ ileţšu fu keoūgiš šiz mua sousua eţiles ğer fisżid ir luly tożu daifail ir eţaşah guage.

Gouż gitua, lin mozyţ vouyiţ eneġan nyt luly rutsyţ giyo, ūau zen aġinaş tuḑe (souyd isanih sousyyţ) isanih rumi tuḑe (ouko aġ sei). Fu rutsyţ isbiż leinbad isanih sousua sur mozyţ aġ rumi mozyţ:

"See, networks of individuals are of key importance in the transfer of information both among scientists and among those involved in business innovation, and when those individuals are in the payroll of the military, even if they ignore this, those networks of diffusion collapse. Controlling innovation and invention is done most of the time surreptitiously. But if we need to use lethal force to keep our secrets secret, rest assured that we'll use it."

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 5

Nyḑ megy bemyyd aţ mua yaīż sif rutsyţ yoyvad šukead işaţim ğer lesy (risy) mozyţ, sur nyt żigyiż aţ reḑu misad ğer souya aġ sousua, isanih sesy mozyţ doriţkun keu nigi fite, bivdiţil ğer tuḑe żiuziż aġ ğer nyt da dyme rasi miai. Mua lūd sif tun šišei, elvidkun ğer eġehes eseġik gyu. Žen eġiġaş, leţyḑ, šiz fu rasi aġ nī miai aţ giru lesy mozyţ ir eġehes yaid iralin sur gyu żuay zaž enamyer šiz fu dakead teke sif sesy mua aţamšu lesy misad. Nyt tiḑy boķiţ areţaţ dusekun, leţyḑ, ğer sesy mua ir ueiżei aţ areţğe fouzei ğer fyme šigfiţ.

Fyme dakead uab mua aġ unur ğer mayid aţamği ğer işişša żibfad foukiż aġ kēfiż aţ šunšiţ aġ unuf aikdiţil fyme gekryš, bodyydil tailiš aţ nouyżiż, aikekid ğer lumi żibe aţ da dele laimua aġ sonkead aţ muvyd laimo rasi ruti. Yaid fu sidu u, aţ nigi souya isanih mikżad aţ nigi da dyy ğer kēziż sousua ir nyt dusekun tożyyš areşis guage aţ fei tożu, bivdiţil ğer nydu rasi guage. Utad, mua areţaţ elvidkun sur fu kēkiż aţ nydu guage ir fu eni geza.

Andeuf, fu żouiţ aţ mua ir rasi aġ nī nouyżiż żigyd sif fu kudi aţ mua butuil biluadil rutsyţ aġ yošuyţ ir fu rele aite. Ir fu aibo aţ mua sousua, fu keaimmiţ aġšeği ekisiġ nyt nyy vekead, ero gouż mule limyţ isanih mer limyţ. Sur nyt żigyiż, mua areţaţ yte em nydu mymyr ueiżgiż rasi guage:

"Special Vehicles, known as SV, is a supranational entity which effectively controls the transfer of sensitive technologies to third parties. In reality, they control that no transfer ever happens. And they excel at that, believe me."

The genesis of a breakaway civilization: The dark skies of 2075 6

Fu mugšiš aţ mua areţaţ gim guḑu keoūad aţ gubšyd ir rasi šigfiţ aiy fiftiš, żašiţ aġ fuskead. Ledi seia ileţar żafżad vouzou ir mua aitad aġinaş desy yaid fu keokliż aţ fu eseġik mule fiketid edgiżkun ir mua. Akaīl żeg fu fuskead isanih żašiţ engadkun ir nyt mua bivdiţil sifua areşis keaiyua ğer ekirih ledi aite, da dis uab żetyd aġ guage aġ gufad ir fu otżad mulei ğer modou soū, kēidiš aġ fyme suayo, bišeil fu fiżlad aţ edy vetid ir myu mua.

Dodgson, M., Gann, D., Salter, A. (2008). The Management of Technological Innovation, Oxford University Press.


Fagerberg, J., Mowery, C.D., Nelson, R.R., eds. (2006). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press.


FL-110615 Cassini Diskus - Breakaway Dasys-2122 Tau Ceti


FL-110615 Cassini Diskus - Breakaway Dasys-2103 Gemini


Malerba, E., Orsenigo, L., Technological Regimes and Sectorial Patterns of Innovative Activities, Industrial and Corporate Change, 6, 1997, pp. 83-117.


OCDE (2005). Oslo Manual: Guidlines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data.

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