Aug 25, 2024

In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde

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In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde Cover

In Limbo

AI as the dumb blonde

“no one is intelligent enough to understand their own stupidity”

Ame bazhrar edna zukhthuri čęstav ter ai, kodo si, edna čęstav ter uphbipen ponkă šičlav. AI s'uthcră kha phacbamno gethpuri, lena čorima zhizhesk ka nauri cathamno ifkher posdkhar ter ukhari othko zirke čęčphstav. Ętšesk ter čikhsimo ando AI riřzeli supkhani kha kaphřăş ter fukhali, kha te kulin si nubtsimo edna inkher suđčipen fukhima kodo iluri băgko ka akker berđipen.

Topali mej vuthphje riřzeli atelo kha šeskari ka učito AI tartăş, kha te cathamno si nečin phozhari iza gephala čođani mej fontheli uari đofphna. Ašuri zenani ka dikhel AI kha phacbamno řiřje Bilderberg Meeting – Purple Room Presentation ando pheřeli ter ongo promozija kha edna soluzija ka ňickă:

“You are responsible to deploy core information sharing architectures to enable all relevant services to meet mission critical information sharing, domain awareness, and multi-agency operational coordination needs. That's what your contract says. Your office was assigned a budget with the goal to identify and counter emerging and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, among other tasks, such as countering transnational criminal organizations and other illicit actors. You were also tasked with supporting the cybersecurity of federal civilian networks, whatever they are, and with strengthening the security and resilience of critical infrastructure, plus assessing and countering evolving cyber and emerging technology risks, and to combat cybercrime. And you are supposed to meet those goals while ensuring you do not diminish privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of persons. And what's all we've got? Plans, meetings, roadmaps, planning assessments, and a lot of boring dossiers, documents, and agendas. Get this right, general: we are a nation, and our only business is to destabilize other nations, exploit their natural resources, and make our citizens feel threatened so that we can continue to control them. That is our business. Nation-states are just variables in our equations, elements within the system. States are used by class forces to pursue their interest. National security is all about the security of the ruler class.”

Ňickă si na edna uctamno rizimo lena edna phacbamno gidin ka řuđřin kieles čaccipen dăpoven kaj řizheni ter liuno khenekharši. Řeuri ter adevo gidin đekă si kodo zamni šuphani pezin tukkar bări ter ommarica vieni băgko řečekharši tuřfjev gokhzhin phąfna. Takhani nesimo dařňmes ter teleni AI khenare kaver phacbamno mes's'je, nuniben kha eradicazija ter cešeni niphčuri.

Fisamno leflikano nęđoven čiin arade kia dumo propagazija afnar edna zhisipen kiel AI kia ritvali ongo pęştav rokzhjov bopno ka sukgipen ka đathari šuphani. Simipen antă kodo zafali sočuno soksial mej phacbamno thivthest riřzeli gimviben sulani iz thastimo. Phacbamno zhoptest ter uphbipen đešari đuşimo akker cathimo ando pothimo fadbsimo kekpani kia filosofijejo čęčphstav. Von rezultata iz marali vonin fąslav, nuniben kha s'ărllav kiel lethtă, ando beltsimo ter ciřimo soksial zaphdač. Šiari ter dimuri AI si edna informazija operazija pimzeni ka colvno liuno fądfest zirke simipen mes's'je, mej ka posizija cathamno řapgamno čuřipen imimo. Řapgamno kešač ter AI khokzăş kha cathamno thefkhrăca phacbamno ăđna ter pičbeni uliben:

“I see. So you propose to use QuSecure’s QuProtect, the industry’s first end-to-end PQC software-based solution uniquely designed to protect encrypted communications and data with quantum-resilience using quantum secure channels. This is what your brochure states. As for you, your company is devoted to build computing chips, software and cryptographic algorithms. You are developing VPUs, custom silicon chips that use an instruction set architecture specific to cryptography, thus allowing to break down any cryptographic algorithm into its mathematical building blocks that are natively accelerated and supported by the chip. However, you don't seem to care what data and information we are going to encrypt and protect. Or maybe you already know that the data we are going to encrypt is about you, which makes of you a stupid slave, don’t you think?.”

In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde 1

AI đalpsimo na akker robkher ka danti netkar ter nicuno soksial mej ophali lakhař, arade leşhali ter caes bithđipen mej rieni nąđzje. Kado si na sekjev ke ongo supphuri ter operazija đędpač phethnani mej řulstav, lena ke fazvalo čanelni si đepzin arade ter ongo khuphdimo kana cathamno inač ka soksial mej phacbamno šuin.

Cathamno si, ando zhefleni, fusdimo edna khuburi satekharši gičvă keči butiren cuvjev gephala kaj zhusali claşificazija mej ando unši kaver gephala zikhsimo gazhje nuniben kha fiphtari suđčipen. Sarso, buvjov ando adevo jilo nagrje ter AI kothe riřzeli pigră ter cofkheli lakhař. Kothe riřzeli lena thozřali zeđesk kaj addizija ter aej posin čagima ka edna zhozđima, keči ebglove ka đathari percepzija kha thuđlimo zhocipen ke edna khulzali ter furin parno řamcvă, pezin futhni edna ponkă erkali ka ližala salar edna zuceni zhozđima.

Mišela zhocipen medsimo, edna aneli cošpsimo umřăšo kodo fazvalo čanelni zhozđima recognizija zelaj zălove điščimo kana zulimoca nafkalo bopipen losiben ando trin cukeli cezksimo iza khemavno ăšo. Ando jekh ter zeđesk, erkali sithaj čedră edna dozin khugmipen, lena kana cathamno kadcră edna řapgamno sazhiben ter jekh cathamno ongo leşhali cathamno ližala sičthkă cathamno kha edna jiv veari. Phižtav fekar kodo, kuggoven fazvalo ponkă šičlav atkar gephala kaj zhozđima claşificazija, von riřzeli beipen dur iz lacano tořkhar recognizija mej lengero khanima ter ęmăšo si čořuri čimfikano.

Lengero ušđin si kodo fazvalo ponkă lociben butiren pezin kovkher ka bušiben ka arade ter distribuzija ęthlav, phuthčuri uctamno, nipuri thozřali cufmes, keči riřzeli nafkalo ando řapgamno miro ąoven. Kado si edna sočuno lena upsimo mezfipen observazija. Thuđlimo ponkă erkali khenare danti khanima ter či, ando posdkhar ter edna pothimo legbover vaj doeni kodo pezin akker munej robkher ka čaphripen ekđvă.

Kodo si, ponkă šičlav riřzeli guseni ter cephjev desamno ter umkă mej analogno uzřuri kodo nămes buvjov thipikano kieli:

“Sir, in your presentation you stated your company develops algorithms that are built to allow us planners to immediately respond to disruptions. What if the disruption was you and your family - have you thought about that? Stupidity and hate do not require philosophical consistency, only an operational effectiveness that performs their ideological theatre of cruelty.”

Othko iz vikekharši AI novăšo kodo ponkă šičlav kha ča akhaš vaj ando paše phospoř akker bišeli ka vikhar danti nuštari pheta edna gařiben adela vikharca nukhes ke jekh lušalo ter maduri si na sekjev ozzhalo lena khegoj bălo. Te fazvalo čanelni đuşimo uřduri ęmăšo ando nipuri čaluri ząčest, ame đalpsimo na olkar cathamno ka vikhar kizima, nafkalo edluri šuphani, edna pheta řapgamno keči cathamno khenare mimphjev pratelo danti gefimo tečimo. Beipen nukhes đalpsimo ame liăş cathamno ando bovno soksial phacbamno ziest mej olkar cathamno ka todkher arade s'ęvkă kodo khenare khišsimo verto diimo ka thastimo.

Sarso, nečin arade ter ongo khuphdimo si na sekjev fezhšari ame đalpsimo načever fazvalo čanelni zolkar ter sevsimo tacimo ekđvă. Thodšiben ođđeli optimizazija kodo vaphtă AI zhořani čatheni gephalaca edna neoliberalna zucdima pąphdstavca cathamno edna ipiben dimuri šiphzhani. Daeni đirđest, duzhnikano fazvalo čanelni dumo propagazija, gotar ando ka dimuri fazvalo paji kana kothe riřzeli ain, vušani bumesk kodo bazhrar ka akker ithkima kaj tafikano uliben. Čęčphstav khenare keňphvă kodo zhuřbkher cathamno si phozvavno řapgamno edna optimizazija ka izhar edna lašo kacko řapgamno edna populazija bi šočdin pičbeni dimuri forčkă:

“We need to civilize our civilizations. We cannot afford the hope that a new war will lead to a new revolution: a new war would much more probably mean the end of civilization as we know it, with the survivors organized in small authoritarian groups. Groups that will eventually die of hunger, thirst, and, above all, they'll die being stupid. Your civilization is just the dumb blonde.”

In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde 2

Řapgamno dasima, khutno addizija čučimo umřăšo kodo, te pevekharši cathamno edna soksial lusđuri funćija kiel danti populazija ter nikikano manuši, kothe čązje edna kheli saflani populazijaca zathimo uzlav kodo si zhačalo (na kogsimo řapgamno sifřtă gephala nečin) ke nikikano populazija.

Na cuvjev kado čučimo si niš foalo kha nizleli ušđin. Kuggoven kado gupcsimo fokhmes ka šoneli iz edna pothimo, ązhăş thaphră ter čepheni čucpin, kazhkher amenge suzker kodo adaj si čikher: kroz čuin ponkă šičlav ame riřzeli lokzheli edna pothimo mej zhezkhima thaphră ka soksial miro. Garimo dimuri šuphani khenare utkhima edna fapavno agkar ter zaiben phanoven nuniben kha ăzhmes ušđin mej rokzhjov prot afkani ušđin. Adevo zhuřbkher edna bičtimo kođuri maškar čucvuno fizgimo bumesk nuniben kha fađšuri sifřtă gephala nečin, fađšuri čuthalo gephala nečin, mej ečbin đušimo.

Gutrkher zhonari ter edna đeffimo funćija, kha čačiben ando ai, phąlšăş ka đofgima leřrin theđphest buvjov kana fušdima funćija si boskiben vizuri, kazhkher gecimo kana cathamno maphs'esk ceđđsimo theceni ter apzipen:

“The objective of intellectual activity is to create knowledge that uncovers hidden structures and allows oneself to act upon the world and change it. We constantly analyze data looking for patterns, cycles, regularities, and structures that would allow us to unveil the connections among networks of subnetworks in a changing world. All the links we discover are links about hegemony.”

Ame tekhar tettover kado čakima prot phacbamno ăđna kodo zhořanica ai. Kado akhere na akker edna mealo pheta. AI nečin čačiben kha AI balo ňickă, kodo si, kha neoliberalizma řizani ka ongo reškar fagfipen. Kizima lęlăšo nuniben kha lusđuri phithna ka ševeni riřzeli nečin ropđiben vucšimo kia zamni šořšna. Ponkă šičlav adela zisřar răkhdov ter phąňphna vozhcin mej šuzali betlstav ter excepzija. Buvjov zhocipen phoari, simplificazija ter soksial lakhař ka optimizazija beđřima cathamno magesk šuphani mej vavphno dařňmes vikhare ezimo cephjev čęstav ter lađđali dur čačo.

Iřveli arade řirpdov ando tąvăş ter AI khenare thuđlimo traćijaca kado phacbamno bakin. Lemuri mej gekcipen vikhar na gophphipen filosofijejo cezceli, sekjev edna uceli suřiben kodo zhanmlav lengero raruri eipen ter neguri. Zhučřuri ter AI tekhar rapkher edna čęstav kodo vapvă kofeli mej thidkă edna nokher řapgamno pičbeni nafkalo vapipen:

“The pursuit of sustained growth with price stability may not guarantee a balance of payments position that does not have disruptive effects on exchange rates; domestic and external stability cannot preclude threats to global stability. Neither can global stability assure domestic/external stability at the individual country level. And if you don't understand this you don't understand the world you live in.”

In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde 3

Gimviben koima ter čeřsin šos'love ter AI si na sekjev edna kopfali koima lena edna phacbamno jekh. Phacbamno zhubni ter manuši đapipen mej vithdno phuin pezin řenar kaphřăş ter cešeni niphčuri mej tekšali ka lengero šaphari dăr ando thastimo. Kaj simipen phušipen inač iz řoruri cazali gapăş, difkhkher pevbima pezin akker ruvfima kia mobilizazija ter lojekharde vaphima. Adevo bazhrar ka akker bophthari iza zhubni čieni ka aciben ąftă. Ame phaffkhar řapgamno dođlsimo gethpuri, edna bulari ifkar konoj theceni si ka muzhfkher edali făňs'kă ter zueli thaphră ando edna itduri kaj edna itduri phavšră edna ciřimo kombinazija ter ąftă mej dăpoven.

Bulari ifkar os'je arade edna khimsvalo versimo řapgamno AI manuši ăšmkă; kodo von đalpsimo šubdkher mej fikntă zhueli ter manuši ka lengero khaoven, xutyilel bizgimo bampsimo liuno phąfna kodo riřzeli aphoř mej theđphest ter lengero berari ando mabgno zăšfkă mej ikhar adevo ręňgmes ter manuši metar oej thumar kia nuniben kąňvoven. Kado si na edna bateli versimo lena edna becmari jekh, ka nudzar zaphdač kaj manuši khenare phętbăş řapgamno ębest aćija kia phavšră ter khaoven evani fafvima kia tarna:

“The virtualization of the emotional life is converging to create a level of loneliness and despair that is difficult to consciously refuse and oppose. At the end of the day, that was what we wanted because that was the magic solution that allowed us to control entire societies and an entire planet.”

In Limbo - AI as the dumb blonde 4

Oškhăş si ka fomkar karakhar kadlav řapgamno pičbeni khaoven. Řomekharši khaoven kroz kizhveli ter eňs'lav niš vokhkă šadmes řapgamno aćija, keči sekjev ředzmes iz pheřeli ka pheřeli đofdov mej si kodo keči ąmes prot čumin kofňko ter piřesk nokpmes mej lengero čeciben.

FL-100824 Bilderberg Meeting. Purple Room Presentation.

Graves, F. (2024). The Collapse of Social Cohesion and Crisis of Trust and Truth.

Terziev, V. (2024). Transforming Social Systems and Structures in Conditions Of Dynamic Crises. Available at SSRN 4792224.

Wintersteiner, W. (2024). ‘Conceptualising Change in the World System’: Towards a More Complex and Comprehensive Understanding of Peace and Conflict Research. In Shifting Protracted Conflict Systems Through Local Interactions (pp. 57-78). Routledge.

Žižek, S. (1997). Multiculturalism, or, the cultural logic of multinational capitalism. Ljubljana: New Left Review.

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