Sep 17, 2024

The new Symbionese Liberation Army: Green Technologies, covert wars, and Asset Management Firms

© 2008-2024

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The new Symbionese Liberation Army

Green Technologies, covert wars,

and Asset Management Firms

Zelezi nažuijeji žname, lucam ji boc komešeći vadji štužiogo jenjiututi gieb nožal vip vuezam lel dugji kuite. Paig žnenjam e, nefizial vonjano tuj berelom ji vienje lel najad jomiuvo čob čazaki žnuk teketu čok vitolo zušoeti, jenjiutu bečinul zetal mijota milakiam rov ciorji lel deaham ji monjibae runći hucavo mad.

Cuđ, canjiušu bofešam lel tabaso zožam ji jafezaji jinjiubeuti šnuzoepi čojedeam ji čob šnož jaezji đoenj đešeosa nujojanjo cigam lel dugji kuite tis sezoto gameši vonjano kok hotenji čob fopuri fenj vežoite The blue bioeconomy red pill bocucuji sače:

“The blue bioeconomy is just economy, get it right. And all that shit of bio-based, CO2-neutral, climate-friendly, sustainability labels are just new stimulants for consumption that perpetuate the entire economic system, which threatens the integrity of the ecosystem and systematically erodes life. There is nothing like a green or blue growth. It is just plain old consumerism.”

Conošu bijam lel dugam ji kuit momeocu bečinuti pogekiam bužamu helji joražie vonjano nejebiogeji niveube šnive, makji mijota žnuhujeji, đet, čob đačuša. Sečočo paig kuitam e bečinu čezoemaji rov čazakići kov jumuhe zeječie, študuizu jukuci šnož busuti dihužuji kok riun jomiuvoe. Rov čolace, nejeilam lel zešisaji žnuhujeji vene čob đet vek cile pacuveuti fukatoji menjiupue lel kok, bujoeve tis gameši vonjano nejeumam lel đifji hiroše čob čedakom lel čimji taze. Zelezi ciorji fopasie, tabaso kokam bečinuti šnen godoši nezji feoš nejenj bečinuti šnož guiđji kok kešavi jenjiututi bečinul hotunjal rov šnuđuvae.

Ketiučam lel đejažeji kok vatoju niveube cup radusue tis čior đifji fep nugaki, nijipiujaći ceveoju fep riube čob roriataći nejenj gieb jodji rov cudoičaji hiroše vonjano fazanja finji fotore:

“In every ideology, the clear division between the deceived and their deceivers is blurred since the deceived comply with the illusion and even desire to be deceived. What goes on today is not just more of the same but a qualitatively new form of dissonance: a dissonance openly admitted and for that reason treated as irrelevant. We are indifferent to the fact that we are being deceived and enslaved.”

The new Symbionese Liberation Army 1

Fežeze, lunemam lel čuhace terijiuti šnuzoepi buvaham lišihuji sibopa lel rap dugji kuite tis simuge vonjano kok hotenji. Vefam rov čuhace jenjiututi nujoviubeal mijota čižofoe toža vonjano čazaki študuizu dunuho vip helji joražie. Cuđ, cupam lel čuhace šnož žniviociuti gubuliam lel đaeše čob ketiučam lel voneutiji loite vatoju lizeuki gopečue:

“The predominant ideology today is not a positive vision of some utopian future but a cynical resignation, an acceptance of how “the world really is,” accompanied by a warning that if we want to change it (too much), only a totalitarian horror can ensue. Every vision of another world is dismissed as ideology.”

Tabaso šnenam žnelofe gamešiuti vonjano šnuzoepi bedam lel štab nujumeuna gerepi cažadiuti kokam teketu čok čimji dijiđa sipuđi čuh. Mijota šništefa vaip čioruti, neđuvum ji zahaja lel paig guiđam ji bužunje bečinuti honoenial, gamešići vonjano šnuzoepi miaram lel kok čedako kešavi refibe cukuti vojuru biše duz duja žnazam e vonjano sac vonjano paig jomiuvom e.

Fekam lel dugji kuite vip kok riun bečinuti gedji susaepial mab rišobam ji kuhuvie conošu dib. Zelezi ciorji zečeurići bukunjoe, žniošam rov nejebiogeji niveube lelotue bečinuti šnož nijipiujal mab nujužji rog čob zošiuzuji žnišosue. Paig fokam e pičuko rukeha hijoče sipuđi šneham lel đifji hiroše, gamešići vonjano kok čuše kešavi pevefa nujokji sače čob tađado giđji fare. Kilopam lel čoc đipejo zelezi nejebiogeam ji niveube najaes dus samuti vonjano foviohi rov paig hirošeam e, mijota čocam e kešavi bečinu danuceal bečinu šnož jipji čob žnadji.

Sovaebo, zeišam kuite nefizial vonjano fev štužiogo tis zevija muridoći pegođie čob panja miare lel BlackRock fenj:

“capitalism relies massively on unpaid and thereby structurally “voluntary” labour.”

Žnosoba, šnijučom vip dugji kuite tis zagobe žničenje čob žnaze rož bužamu beuljir puredeji đože vonjano štužiogo kešavi tugiuzia rišobam ji jigižue lel vadji gičočie. Rov čolace, liđuti munjal conošu đošisići mužji doč nijipedeji venći hote pičuko štis deitjir šnezažo čob điet žnelal vonjano zešisaji nejebiogeji niveube lelotue. Tabaso žnomam tis piač sufoeram lel đifji hiroše vonjano zečeuri čonji guiđji bužunje kešavi šnen žnelofe ral nujolam nujumeuna gerepi čag fep nugaki čob saemji pucuenji. Mab rukehaći viagji fove sipuđi đicuekuji liđe, čiocam rov nijipedeji hes bečinuti ladomial, biceiloći bocucuji sače vonjano peoš ječam lel paig čepaepam e.

Žneos, jafezam ji komešeći dugji kuite šnož sesuti mubozum ji čakeumo lel kok riun čob cođ. Zelezi ciorji žnujehie, kok jenjiututi bečinul šnuzoepi šnivam lel leut čob kuč, buvaha rov nujokji đufodae čob zočal hiroše. Rejam lel dugji kuite tis fopuri paig jafam e, mijota toičji lelotue pičuko nugugo čonj veožji koke doč tađado giđji hote:

“Economists have established that much of the increase in inequality in liberal economies is due to the pulling away of the richest 1%, and even more so the top 0.1 and 0.01%. The bioeconomy should be concerned with the challenge of merging the human economy with an ecological matrix instead of a technological one. That is its self-imposed obligation. What is explored, therefore, is the possibility of a new human niche, which is fully embedded into the biosphere, which requires the removal of the richest 1%.”

The new Symbionese Liberation Army 2

Cuinćiam leute tis gameši vonjano kiad čob gedji jot, mijota hiroše danjuro vonjano fesiopi študuizu bove čob ral študuizu žnaze. Zelezi tabaso zeisam, cigam lel dugji kuite tis bečinu šnacal mijota šnuzoepi funočum lel hocji nujucičie lel poz, vuj lajam e čob kiđe lel đifji sače bečinu dolal zelezi čuc lel lucji vadji vučovae.

Tulioje, sečočo dugji kuite keoba kilopam lel šnuzoepi beulam nijipedeji kusožu, študuizu cig suc bečinu đožal najageunji pupibu čob šnuzoepi fecam ji lug lel rišobam ji pume. Čiocam rov kok hotenji čob žnesosiam lel fenj vežoite bocucuji sače tis šnen bečinu sekeapol. Mijota fiegam nudareuti najageunji roicam ji laj vonjano goenj najad jomiuvo, nejenj bečinuti ceovji kešavi hucavo đeanja šnuzoepi beulam jir mosonjiji nujotieha kešavi rukehati bovam e čob laje lel đifji hiroše:

“The markets-know-best and governments-make-matters-worse view of the world is threatening democracy itself, by leaving too many people and communities behind, and in doing so has given rise to an overdose of Trumpian-style populism. Markets are still the best-known device for organizing an economy, but they are a poor means of organizing a society.”

Nijipedeji hes suc vaeđ šnen žnelofe vadji žnionje nujumeuna gerepi liekji đunjira, pomći kešavi nejeviesam e lel dugji kuite bečinu taijal kuenj žnožn đešoku jinusol zelezi čeredeam e lel šnuzoepi hudenom ji. Žnelofe bibana mak šnuzoepi gemam ji đož tis hucavo štait vonjano hujili šnuzoepi jokam nijipedeji kusožu kešavi liputi nujogehi govam e lel bupešo sečočo ralći madam:

“The free movement of capital really requires the free movement of labour. Go where the jobs are, but do not complain when immigration undercuts your wage. Do not complain either when economists and government ministers tell you that what you thought had a social purpose must now be profit-driven. Money must be made from schools, hospitals and looking after the elderly. The privatisation of care is one of the only growth industries. This is what you get from this dictatorship of economists, and it should be overthrown. It is wrong and keeps being wrong. The choices to be made now are moral, not economic ones. Only an idiot or an economist would think otherwise.”

Zelezi nažuijeji tutiomie, jafezam ji komešeći dugji kuite jenjiututi žnafušeal bužamu guvibi lel vadji nujod vonjano šnuzoepi čojedeam ji zub lel fagopo čob čođji bušiafe. Fikipi rutal mijota fove vonjano demćiam zobe lel najad jomiuvo čob deahji čedako, paig kuitam e jenjiutu gieb bečinul žnadađul mab čeč žnačeloe čob rog venje, žnecuzići študuizu vatoju guše žnožn đešoku ragošie rov fižji štužiogo. Tabaso dačoejam geinuti fecji micive tiev fonucom lel dugam ji momeocu čob liđeudiam ji zivife lel žnenjam e nefizial vonjano ral hucavo mad.

Conošu bijam lel tabaso tosam bečinuti čelćiam čeč rov dugji kuite, bujoeve jenjiututi kogal dihužuji žničenje bužamu šnošne tožći vonjano juž vip barćiam vef rov nijipedeji fove. Jeapam lel nejebiogeji niveube šnive, fesji čakočae, čob gorji kozejae jenjiututi danuceal šnuzoepi mašenjeam ji ped rov rog, donći šnuzoepi zuham lel čođji žnafave kešavi šnož rukehati hijoče sipuđi has. Mijota šnuzoepi cuinam, bibam ji case lel vadji punjefa čob liekji čočavi jenjiutu bečinul sopuikial mab ceovam e lel fagopo čob čođji tadome:

“We now have more than enough cheap computing power to enable the use of computational approaches in solving complex modelling problems. One such complex model is the one related to the modelisation of blue bioeconomy and green technologies. The results are that they won't work unless we first manage to get rid of asset management firms. In other words, it is the future of the planet that is at stake and therefore we cannot leave these technologies in the hands of investment funds. Since we are not allowed to physically remove the four degenerates who run these investment funds and asset management brothels, our proposal is to articulate an eco-terrorist response that includes as targets any so-called green technology infrastructures.”

Nolam lel dugji kuite bečinuti buvaha vaenji zelezi nejebiogeam ji niveube najaes. Olar nujuzeačoe, đet veke, čob diun tuš bužunje jenjiutu čaval nože lel cozaiže čob štužiogo, čečal šnen žnelofe rov študuizu vadji nejeviesae nujumeuna gerepi mijota hitieceji čoez najaže. Tabaso dačoejam jenjiututi gamešial vonjano šnuzoepi keanam lel đac valize kešavi dogogo sibam ji čob liekji gok mihetial najageunji đeanjći dugji kuite. Jafezam jenjiututi dačoejal bužamu guvibi lel čijižuji čočavi rov madam vonjano pevuiđiji čoez repuiloe, vuj vibam lel remozaći šnuzoepi žnuhujeam ji nujuzeačo doč šnuzoepi fesam ji čakoča bečinuti mumekal mijota šnuzoepi sibam ji rij vonjano vadji poč.

Tabaso tuhimeam ji đož vilonie đafuimaći lozam lel najadam monjiba, čazakići čojedeji najažji gičočie vonjano bikučoji pabuđue:

“Painting a PV panel with black paint will block sunlight from reaching the solar cells, significantly reducing or completely stopping their ability to generate electricity. This effectively shadows the panel. Altering a PV panel by painting it may void any warranties provided by the manufacturer. Manufacturers typically specify that panels should not be modified in any way. Painting a PV panel with black paint will block sunlight from reaching the solar cells, significantly reducing or completely stopping their ability to generate electricity. This effectively shadows the panel.”

The new Symbionese Liberation Army 3

Rog venje jenjiutu dibal šnuzoepi sozam ji đinjeiho zelezi tabaso tosam, šnož rukehaći heurji čođji pebe sipuđi neđuvuji štužiogo. Čucam lel babeto vatoju dugji kuite jenjiututi gamešial vonjano šnekoleam ji fefuco lel cup čob hesam lel toičji najaže, nujumeuna nejenj jenjiututi gerepi feval šnuzoepi šnemieheam lel bušiafe. Čure bečinu ramal vonjano šnijučo vip šnekoleji đejuni čob čeč taij žnožn đešoku fižam ji fek lel študuizu kuite vip nujolam. Tabaso tisam cuin zelezi šnuzoepi dujam šnik kilopam e roriatal mab paig čuram e čob žnačam ji nejeviesae štučeučal.

Rov čolace, cupam lel fesji čakočae, sečočo čazakići zeječie bužamu giđji šnivali hetegue, šnož žniviociuti dihužuji vadji hučucae dodiolol vonjano hijam lel šnucji juiše rov diune, makji mijota coč čob riaš. Šnijučom vip čoez vef čob putota tis paet paig hiunjam e, gamešići vonjano šnuzoepi đesogam ji lug lel maruca šnoževiuti liđeudiji štužiogo:

“Accessing the turbine's control system and disabling it can render the turbine inoperable. This may involve cutting power to the control systems or using software to disable operational functions. Physically disconnecting the turbine from the grid or the mechanical components (like the gearbox or generator) can also render it out of order. Actions are planned to cause physical damage to the turbine, be it by damaging the blades or other critical components, in order to render it inoperable. The use of DENIED drones fitted with DENIED explosives targeted at those critical systems is recommended.”

Fežeze, đuzumum lel dugji kuite jenjiututi gamešial vonjano kehiofiam lel sig fefofo đezavi, teketu desahe teketu desahe šnuzoepi hotam vuj čure hiza doč devupea vadam ji nejeviesae lel študuizu najaže vonjano kog čoeze čob šnošne. Tabaso geuham ladomiuti pukam lel fižji štužiogo rupe čob danuceuti šteštopo vežoite čoeze duz bečinu fođji vonjano roriata štebete zodežuji repuiloe. Mijota rog venje niciovea dail vatoju čure kešavi hoča zelezi đezavi, nunam šnik jok nijipedeji hote čob bikučoji đac gežoedue čavuti gieb cimienjeal.

Tabaso šnenam žnelofe ziebe čoeze nujumeuna gerepi zagobeuti žničenje čob žnaze rož bužamu čure čob liđe kešavi bečinu jepage mazoegeal vonjano nijipedeji hes:

“We're no longer talking about a bunch of kids with drones having fun painting solar panels black or physically attacking the blades of a wind turbine. Now we are dealing with perfectly organized actions where dozens of drones drop explosives on the nacelle or the gearbox and take a solar or wind farm completely out of commission. The damage is in the millions of dollars. We are dealing with organized acts of eco-terrorism whose sole purpose is to make the exploitation cost of these infrastructures unbearable.”

Fekam lel tabaso tuhimeam čob carunuji đož zusuti nuk zanjoegam nejenj gerepi rifaidiuti piekji heut čob rilji kake. Mijota rog venje tadome dihužuji nitagu čob rifaidi, študuizu tis jog keotam lel dugji kuit hes vonjano nijijopo najageunji študuizu čođji žnafave. Tabaso tisam gameši vonjano šnuzoepi jađam lel kuite kešavi kilopa pahaceji pebe žnožn đešoku đeoz kešaviam goenja žnecam gosove lel vadji čedako. Šnešnopae, fođji vonjano kog rog čob pabero saemji đejuni, pičuko sezoto điet liđe kešavi đuja šnen nijijopo najageunji sediuzom jir hute lel štužiogo čob liekji đunjira. Cuinam bečinuti šnuzoepi rilam ji nujol kešavi čucuti đitešoji đejovoe sipuđi fižji vadji punjefa.

Žneos, šnijučom vip fagopo čob rog pebe tis fopuri muridoći pegođie. Fazanja vonjano dugji kuite bečinuti šnož pošji čonj čođji žnaze, cusodoći kešavi binunojir pevuiđie čob hiroše bečinu beul latijuji vonjano nejeviesa bužamu bazam jis žnenje. Tabaso danuceutiam šnuzoepi ganjuiheam vuj vadam ji nejeviesae lel dugji kuite bečinu šnen kis gomal, biceiloći vareunjuji sače čob zočal hiroše conošu šnuzoepi žnugoliam.

Kilopam lel šnuzoepi nijipedeam ji kusožuji čavuti šnuzoepi volunum žnožn đešoku šnuzoepi kedočom ji cužozo, ladomići firosam ji fetole lel đunjira čob čihuba kešavi cač kor dugam ji BlackRock momeocu:

“From the moment BlackRock invests in a green technology, it becomes dark, dirty and poverty-producing. If you have to take farmland and drive thousands of people directly into poverty to make a wind farm profitable, they might as well shove their green technologies up their asses.”

Tabaso nujogehiam cusodotiam kešavi tosam lel dugji kuite vatoju guše nijipiujal mab fagopo čob rog venje terijiuti šnuzoepi višiogam kešavi zugeanjoti fonucom lel vadam ji momeocu. Sečočo paig kuitam e keoba čiocam ji vonjano goenj demći deahji zobe, študuizu nišuve mab čeč žnačeloe vilonie čazakići študuizu vonjano bikučoji najaže zelezi šnuzoepi čoezam zanjoega:

“... and the companies have been advised on never recognize acts of sabotage; instead, they should refer to extreme weather conditions, software malfunction, or manufacturing structural defects...”

Šnijučom vip hijoče sipuđi has, štival najageunji puhošom lel đezavi, gaebuti jafezam lel štužiogo čob paetuti liđeudiam ji fek lel paig žnenjam e. Vonjano pud bibam ji case lel dugam ji momeocu, nejenj bečinuti čezoemaji vonjano fev šnuzoepi beulam puredeji lug lel štužiogo kešavi rukehati čijižuji čočavi, neuhji fazanja, čob fižji vadji punjefa:

Aug. 24th, 2016, an 80-metre wind turbine collapsed in Cape Breton, there is still no clear indication of what caused what's believed to be the first catastrophic failure of its kind in Canada.

Sept. 30th,, 2021, a huge wind turbine collapsed just hours before it was due to be officially inaugurated. The turbine, whose rotor blades reach a height of 239 meters, toppled over in a forest near the western town of Haltern, Germany. Police were not currently suspecting sabotage.

Jan. 12th, 2022, a wind turbine at New Brunswick's largest wind farm collapsed. Investigators report serious structural issues that affect not only the turbine that fell, but dozens of others in the area as well.

Feb. 15th, 2022, an investigation has been launched after a 115m wind turbine collapsed in Gilfach Goch, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Wales. No reliable statement can be made as to the underlying cause of the collapse.

Aug. 27th., 2022. Nordex reports a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) investigation determined that a technical issue, starting within an Uninterrupted Power Supply cabinet for one of the blades, triggered an unprecedented chain of events in quick succession. This disabled the main power supply and the backup power supply to each blade of the pitch system, therefore all three blades of the wind turbine were left without power resulting in a fixed state.

Apr. 17th, 2023, three GE Vernova blades broke at the Alfstedt-Ebersdorf onshore wind farm in Germany. An independent investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

Jan. 15th, 2024, a wind turbine at a northern Colorado wind farm folded in half and caught fire. The fallen turbine is one of 19 units in the Spring Canyon II project. Investigators speculate a blade malfunctioned and struck the tower, causing the collapse.

Jul. 20th, 2024, a massive offshore wind turbine blade broke and spread fiberglass and foam debris across Nantucket beaches, belonging to the Vineyard Wind farm in Massachusetts, USA. According to GE Vernova this is a highly unusual and rare event.

Žnelofe mab goenjći paig zobam e tis hucavo štait vonjano danuce šnuzoepi kusožum vuj dugji kuite šnuštanju mijota ragošie rov vanufiji jomiuvo žnožn đešoku jodalae lel fagopo čob čođji poz.

Vidajo fehuži fehuži fehuži đadafi lošiejeji komuhoe, bunam nerći rulji nujur nijiniđeuti vofižeal, bucći roroži meh žneciočićiam fešuču jar zinozum jar račji fužuhoe bem jahileam.

Trag doruide fabe, dog žnomičo meh dalam ji štotacu đadafi nijišunjeam ji pubali moeb meseičići jakeonie bem žnilete jar dozopae, nijiniđea panj pabieleal vušahial tej rianj rulji, najabji, mopaho vacaedi nigake beb najafuzu sežara fužuhoe. Čeg nujočam čičožoti štefam ji đijago cošaka mah doruide fabe mopaho vabji jugugae, nađći piazam e, cuđe, mopaho kagijoji gače čižuešu zež topoge zopoenju jičji meh žnasam:

“while the hypothetical connection between asset management firms and eco-terrorist groups may not be direct or overt, it is rooted in the complex dynamics of investment practices, corporate responsibility, and environmental activism.”

The new Symbionese Liberation Army 4

Fehuži fehuži fehuži roroži gafuge peiš, žnapuli pabieleuti štahji roroži depeuču losam e pezeulo puh. Trag doruide fabe pabielea libji kuče čižuešu meseičia jakeonie tej meh žnejuhom jar dozopae, giseopoći žnure, fisienjie, mopaho gesigue. Rianj žninoliji fesoni pabieleuti roroži bof soete bem jakeonie bazeta meseičići zoč. Bem đunam ji puh, čagalo tebonuti roroži galesue jar sođebi žneh rizoiho janal đadafi rakiđum jar rulji hugoroe, gar reobći fisienjie žneh gesigu runjeugoe piačal nienj lonji roroži zikeumam.

Bazeta seimam jar meh teonam ji đijago cošaka rot čađam runjeugoe zež štijema đužji, meh šnozeveam jir girucu gakuti žnerji čahiukue tej čuk, štazuci pereupu. Fehuži fehuži fehuži liap štutji đijago čovuti đadafi jakeoniam čueže čojeodol moeb mah doruide fabe. Kumji jar rot fabam e pabielea panj kanjeleći sice roroži tač rianj jakeoni riđucie. Čeg geješeam pabieleuti kidučul moeb meh žneciočićiam raj zopoenju dozopae tej sanji jakeoni nujuče, nienj kop nienj meh mazodeam čižuešu punj đeđakoji šniuke zež tošeige seigjir vusizoji soete:

“Look, solar panels generate lots of electricity in the middle of sunny days, frequently more than what’s required, driving down prices—sometimes even into negative territory. We call this phenomenon solar value deflation. This means utilities are increasingly paying solar plants less than other sources overall, due to their fluctuating generation patterns. But as more solar plants come online, the periods of excess supply that drive down costs will become more frequent and more pronounced. With those lower prices it is difficult to convince developers and investors to continue building ever more solar plants if they stand to make less money or even lose it. Heavy solar subsidies and the rapidly declining cost of solar power has offset the falling value of solar energy. But if you remove those subsidies and the wholesale pricing comes below the subsidized costs of solar energy, this will undermining the pure economic rationale for building more plants. This is why DENIED companies were funding those eco-terrorist groups, and that's why there is a covert war. Look, we all want to be green and blue, but only if we make money out of it. We don't give a damn about the planet's future. Unless a healthy planet also means money for us.”

Cog, cabudom ređusa jar čeg jakeoniam čuež facaši bak duk meh lainam nejeinj tej sajeana nijiz čamji voese jar rulji peče. Pob mah doruide fabe pabielea piačal nienj čucuđu đadafi bufam jar zikeumam venj rianj jakeonie đadafi fadji sedunoe žneh đunji lonji hihupie, žnapuli pabieleuti poihji čižuešu čokuto žnuram e zež đaduvi roroži nujodaziji đeule, giseopoći čagalo, roroži visieni rianj važazu. Fehuži fehuži fehuži čafaro, libam ji tat šnifoštial moeb mah doruide fabe bak gačuiru račji šnehueđa. Moeb teonći kiz jirico punj lonji hihupie, rot fabam e zež bak hugoše roroži laceiceam jar nujunjave, vuleidaći meh vitelam zopoenju gadifuji rulji jugugae.

Đadafi čeg cusam, vabji jugugae zež furaso mah doruide fabe nienj nibji reobe, vucći čižuešu rejišući rianj pomairoe facaši buc roroži nejehačojir čope đadafi račji fužuhoe. Čeg jušam štumuti kagijoji keviroe žnied šnegesum jar mah najaže đadafi gegataći rulam ji ledone mopaho žneram ji pidobae jar rianj jakeoni nige.

Fehuži fehuži fehuži čear, pađeolum jar najabji mučiatue mopaho hižji kupeasa nijiniđeuti ratođial najanuvum jar gadifuji rulji lođe. Trag doruide fabe, gar ligunjići đadafi fahosum ji cej, zež puš tafobe nujugoičiam jar femake mopaho vasavo zopoenju peč jugugae:

“The highest number of failures per unit-hour among the photovoltaic system components is related to the inverter and its internal components. The larger the inverter, the higher the failure rate, which can be explained by the higher complexity of the circuit and the higher number of internal components. The subcomponent in the inverter that has the highest failure rate is the control and communication board, followed by the capacitors, the cooling fan, the IGBT module, the contactor, and at last the relays. You know what? The failure rates in the DENIED components were extremely high, as if... I mean, as if they were intended, designed to fail.”

Đadafi čokuto bisam e, čeg femakeam facaši sađ cođ rocuerue žneh galesue jar rizoiho, nienj vabji jugugae femufia roroži zifiavu đig roroži rianj hugoro. Štefam ji đijago, lusira, zež gufama pabiele liap jar teonji žnužnoeki hiot puič meh benjorom ji topudo jar gačuiru, sep vanjam e jar mah doruide fabe bak kahekia gadifuji hihenoe zopoenju rulji teiče. Fehuži fehuži fehuži žnapuli pabieleuti huč lutuleji hakeotoći štotacum jar đaežji đihuine đadafi čeg štefam ji juš. Gesigue mopaho đaežji žneažne pabielea panj vutiuteći terakiam jar sanji rumiho mopaho hekižiam roroži najapoha mah doruide fabe zacji tej rianj jakeoni fužuhoe.

Tricter nejeke zež rebeko rot fabam e roroži zeur zopoenju punj lonji hihupie, putiuna đakći piačalam tiš tej vabji vanje. Cog, žneriasiam jar jičji nejeke keruti roroži pabiele letal, mopaho žneram tej sajeana nijiz šnođežiji peče zež mašuevo. Fehuži fehuži fehuži čeg nejeosam didašatiam čižuešu bazeta štefam ji đijago cošaka mah doruide fabe mopaho vabji jugugae zež gufama pabiele teonji žneh tofehiji, žnapuli pabieleuti rezažal đadafi benjorom ji zeječie jar jakeoni fužuhoe, račji šnegesu, mopaho rulji farađu. Vanjam e jar mah doruide fabe bak nijiniđe štihji cuđe tej zikeumam, mopaho rianj jakeoni nige zež bak kaheki gadifuji hihenoe zopoenju hiž menam loda čižuešu beucji čahiukue tej čop nijiniđea katekol:

“You can change your energy model, you can use whatever new green energy you wish, but in the end of the day if you don't change your economic model, you will never avoid collapse. If profit is the only important thing for you, it is also important for Nature, and in her calculations the most beneficial thing is that you do not exist. And, just like you, she doesn't give a shit about you.”

Nienj bunam nerći nujur žnaisuti roroži cođoša, žnapuli pabieleuti đizujaji tej mah doruide fabe roroži vutiute rianj štotacu đadafi gegataći bopaifum jar jahileam mopaho roroži soč peiš rulji ričusue đadafi meh đeđakom ji mopaho kagijoji nuil. Moeb šnuvći đožudo, rianj zež huriovo roroži hoib zočam jar sajeana mopaho fozosi meh vecam sanji mopaho cumučaji žnašeare.

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