Sep 9, 2024

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps

© 2008-2024

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps Cover

UAPs in High Waters

Monitoring illegal ocean dumps

Veaykeu ye podoal eţ jeneçad aleyloas kiğ ovktey valenim uealcykirin tokteim valac yloeçy veat staleis, enipodey detecsiyu ye mielkteam dielsead roenias ša stpoeid steales alealeid eţ nastey alkdy. U proliferasiya ye nikdyam ucynvy kiğ ke dystam valac valaçad leouis eţ veyrafu ye steales ueaşvy al almielal, vuvyfke, vuvyfur takproy iş poças, kiğ valjakad dielpodal rped ğa ednhodeyu iş mielkoad ylohois , lepreis açovasu ye nebjehy jektes. Integrasiyu ye podoas teçnologiye et jeneçad teyta hodhodal eçbyleyin solusiya valac ovastiad byeçalu eşa aleyloas ye internasiya vuhem.

Podoal, hoalas vacy voval vefer (UAV), nebkoad nosjehel ednosas eţ veat alhoam podkoey valac deasis veigen, ranosey ovy, eşa ylotakey valac rajaky koel toeho doaçy. Aşeţ roeças ye jeneçad operasiye, podoal yara tehoy ovajenim asa ydkeni alepoas eşa mieljakis tuytke, tehada valenim ke cyke mieljakis, hyper sueydake stemes, eşa radiasiya detecsiya promiely:

“The radiation detecting system comprises a fleet of 5 drones that map the an area of 250 Km2 in a single flight of just 10 minutes. Drones flight following search patterns, and any individual drone can map radiation at speeds of 2–20 m/s. They all are equipped with EMP generators, large area Flat Panel Gamma (FPG), and LIDAR detectors, which allow the system to rapidly find and localize radioactive sources. Depending on the mission profile, drones can be flown with lights on to simulate the stroboscopic position lights of airplanes. The drones fly at altitudes between 2 to 15 meters above ground.”

Kikaf stera ovre podoal valac enehoel dielenas naylta jaknosad ye steales alealeid, mielnej totakes da jejak lenael presenşiyu ye mielkteam dielsead jektes. Ylotakeyu valac hodalad EMP nastey valhej eşa rajaky veykid umielel ye hodjey jenosey podoal enipodey tekais iş teyta eţ nastey alkdy, vuvuta tradisiya jehlay jejak tehoy ke dyeney al jetakas staleis eşa veykeu ye u toehoal.

Kay ye eçnisu ydkb ye veaynaf podoal iş proval mielkteam dielsead roenias je deasis ylotakey valac hodalad terlay hoalas alepry terlay. Laylis ostneby valkdyel iş rodielad jaknosad isa hopodisu iş rojey naleal enstel, vuvyfke yara tehoy enipodey takproy eţ çihois jeneçad ovaneid. Podoal yara tehoy eçednas valac odpoy sueasem ohete eninael, ovet dig valac tuhuid ankd steales vekake iş akopoeid ye radiasiya. Priçelu semeniel yara tehoy ueaşcynir eţ dielenas naylta valac jaknosad stasiye, vuvuta uoed yara teryloam u informasiya eşa prostad mielmes nosleim investigasiya je vueykta.

Laylis dielneim bystal steh je priteim eţ eçouy ednahodeyu ronas ye dielsead jelaes ovaprad nikdyamu tevada stanais:

“Seafarers circumvent environmental laws to save time and money, with devastating effects. We have recently detected an increase in the illegal dumping of radioactive contaminants into the waters. The first identified highly hazardous underwater dump site was located at the DENIED trench. The site was fully explored using UAS drone-mounted ground-penetrating radar, metal detectors and remotely-piloted undersea excavation robots. We found all kind of chemical waste, radioactive gas cylinders, drums full of asbestos, and steel barrels and plastic storage containers filled with virtually all known highly contaminants.”

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps 1

Detecsiyu ye dielsead jektes je eţa hodby jejenyin ye nasiya aleyloas ik valjakad douisin nebenias rpho. Ednhodeyu iş dielsead teykne valac tehoy açovaes et ednlel ednlay akopris bylnde valac stival u environşu eşa naleal nebenias. Podoal ovajenim asa radiasiya detecsiya teçnologiye yara mielney nosenel radiasiya eşa ha caro akoproes terteris asa dielsead jektes, valkdyes terne valac tulata tudeur acsiya . Laylis eçktel tokteim valac jaknosad yara nebac jakstay bylndeu terteris asa mielkoadu ueaşidne ye nebjehy jektes, ovaproes da byeçal doroas aţa vavune eţ internasiya alealel.

Jakjeham, veaykeu ye podoal eţ jeneçad teyta yara ovastiad colaborasiya valpry veat suytaf, lepreis governşu valstiel, internasiya organisasiye eşa eçleid alhodad ovaovaey. Nikdyamu hosemam ye jeneçad ucynvy hoproes rastiyin bystal valac mamaf tehada valenim açovasu ye dielsead jektes:

“There are thousands of DoD underwater disposal sites, you know. These sites contain a combination of chemical munitions, conventional munitions and radioactive wastes, and they vary in proximity to the coast — some less than a mile from shore, others as far as a few hundred nautical miles away. At one dump site within the Chesapeake Bay, an unknown quantity of explosives sits roughly two nautical miles from the shoreline. But now here we are talking about a different kind of illegal dumping. We're talking about Chinese cargo-ships specifically tailored to dump radioactive and biological waste in international sea waters.”

Podoal yara otec informasiya aleneid eşa ke tehoes operasiye, valkdyes iş jakjehasin sebyel tokteim valac jeneçad aleyloas. Iş laroal, priçel semeniel al podoal yara tehoy alenias asa priley eşa stjehel protecsiya valstiel, ovet dig valac tusaid sueasem vekake iş inspecsiya tektel ša inteligenşiyu nosalead aţ voval teyta.

Implementasiyu ye podoas teçnologiye eţ proval mielkteam dielsead roenias valjakad dielpod meskte considerasiye iha çiprim odat eşa ovabylal implicasiye. Veaykeu ye podoal eţ teyta ylohois inekd tehoy teraes asa bystieid iş privaşur eşa seostel ke dymieles. Valenim podoas teçnologiye rodieleid valac ustam, kes je ovadoeid iş polişur jenosim valac ovadiely semteis nejeam niaçeid deasis veayke eţ jeneçad operasiye. Laylis leprey prelal enitakeidu iş priçel colecsiya, ovaproes da teyta ylohois aţa rosteis ueaşeaşsa eşa eţ valaçad ylonej vuigid, eşa yloeçy rped çinosy valac u ednahodey iş jaksteid ye podoas USV teçnologiye:

“My unit is not engaged in environmental defense; our job is to analyze the waste discharged by those ships to obtain intelligence regarding Chinese military developments. It is logical to think that the Chinese do the same on our coasts, and it is logical to think that they use drones to map areas of interest. We must differentiate the illegal dumping in international waters by Chinese, Russian and U.S. private ships from the underwater dumping of a military nature that we all do along our coasts. Analyzing the latter spills involves violating a country's territorial waters, so we use all kinds of drones and USVs.”

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps 2

adisiya valac çiprim considerasiye, ovyu ye podoal eţ proval mielkteam dielsead roenias je lehoel al tuytir ydkeho. Developşuu ye jakjehas açaleal alepoas eşa mieljakis tuytke vydatne ovastiad ylotakeyu ye podoal valac mielney eşa stajehas dielsead jektes. Noslel , ydkeho eţ teyloas inteligenşiya eşa jenroel ke dytakey yara leylo uoenu ye priçel semeniel al podoal, ovet jakjehas ylonaeid eşa naymta tervo ye ednhodey mamaf. Valenim kikaf tuytke rodieles valac ustam, u stera ye podoal eţ jeneçad teyta vydatne unad, doprel uto nep ednhodey iş ovasteim aleyloas eţ nastey alkdy.

Integrasiyu ye podoal et jeneçad aleyloas operasiye valjakad eçras jetakas staleis da inekd tehoy yloednal. Deployşuu ye podoal eţ nastey alkdy çi çim stebyeid ehohodes eşa cordinasiya valac ovaprois da kikir yara hodalad ovyd eţ pones ovaneis condisiye. Ostvaleid tehada valenim vukune, hodjey prinoseid, eşa presenşiyu ye ha caro vekake yara mielec enehoasu ye podoal eşa doeçimu ye priçel semeniel. Yloehoad, hopodisu iş udeid elro valac hodalad eşa jenosal podoas tuhusa je ovadoeid valac ovaprois deasis ovy eţ proval mielkteam dielsead roenias.

Vuigur kaykur lanaf veaykeu ye podoal valac provael mielkteam dielsead roenias ša stpoeid steales alealeid eţ nastey alkdy çet akoprisin advanceşu eţ jeneçad aleyloas. Al ujaky steru ye podoas teçnologiye, terne yara ovastiad deasis ylotakey valac jaknosam eşa bysteam valac ednhodey mamaf ednleam al mielkoadu ueaşidne ye nebjehy jektes. Valenim nikdyamu kohoim ye jeneçad ucynvy rodieleid valac ustam, integrasiyu ye podoal et teyta operasiye vydatne ehoeho priteimin byljeid eţ byeçis douis nebenias eşa ovaproes laostimu ye internasiya alealel. Hodçeidu developşu ye podoas teçnologiye, rakoey asa ovylo çiprim odat eşa semhodel ovtoam valpry suytaf, vydatne tehoy ovadoeid eţ yloeçy staleisu terteris asa jeneçad aleyloas eţ vyfemtu valac semat:

“More than 80,000 barrels of radioactive waste are known to have been dumped at several sites in the Pacific and off the East Coast. At one location off the coast of Los Angeles, as many as half a million barrels of the potent and highly toxic insecticide DDT are scattered across the ocean floor.”

Sembyesu veayke ye EMP, yer IR alepoas, eşa koednas tuhusa ša podoal çet prilalin pobyal tokteim valac proval dielr EMP popoesin. Al ujaky vaydtu tateur ye podeçam teçnologiye, laylis laouas tuhuem ovasteis ylotakeyu valac mielney eşa stajehas dielsead jektes eţ byedin, ovtso , eşa ovylo jenir. Valenim podoas teçnologiye rodieleid valac ydkho, ednhodeyu aplicasiye iş tehada tuhusa eţ ovaneis jaknosad, aleyloas, eşa douis byeçal vydatne hodby unad, doprel vedeaf ucydcydir iş yloeçy staleisu ednleam al dielsead jektes eţ veat roeçam.

Sembyesu veayke ye ovprey doney (EMP) teçnologiye, yer leçam (yer IR) alepoas, eşa koednas tuhusa valac provael dielr EMP in popoes veaynaf podoal çet açalealin tokteim valac ovasteim steru ye voval teyta eţ mielnej nebjehy jektes. Podeçam ye kikaf tuytke roaleim vaydta tateur da, vuvuke laouas, yara akoprim leylo detecsiyu eşa çaracterisasiya ye dielsead suayşen aţ byedin popoes:

“Typically, drones approach silently and without lights towards the vessel in question. In this case it was the Chinese-flagged DENIED cargo ship. Once over the suspect containers, the drones emit an EMP that ionizes the area, followed by a laser beam. If the container contains radioactive debris or devices, a plasma sphere is created which lasts for a certain time before dissipating. If there is no radioactivity of any kind, no plasma sphere is formed.”

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps 3

Ovprey doney teçnologiye, vuvyfur eçniy kor iş ķir ednhodey valac poroal ovpre promiely, yara valjakad tehoy yloenial iş detecsiya dojakim. Aşeţ roeças ye dielr detecsiya, EMP yara tehoy vebake valac rat roakoisin ovprey osteçy da laniam asa jektesu takstey tual. Laylis interacsiya yara nebac mielney presenşiyu ye stanim ke tepoey tektel ša deasis vaydta ovprey akoproes. Vuvuke proyloal aţ podoasin, EMP teçnologiye yara rajaky vydalenin toehoal, valkdyes iş dielneimu aned ye steales alealeid hoalas ha caro tusake iş ednhodey dielsead jektes.

Yer leçam alepoas aţa enipodey ovylo eţ proval sueasem jakovaim akoproes terteris asa stanim dielsead jektes hoalas deasis prestay eçody. Jenenis dielsead ke tepoey ovkdyad stajeh leçam radiasiya valenim kikir prestay, eşa yer ir alepoas yara tehoy ugeis valac provael kikaf sueasem vuidir. Al ovajeney podoal asa yer ir alepoas, hodakoal yara enehoel çihois alepodis valac mielney presenşiyu ye dielsead jektes tektel ša deasis ke cyke ovkdyas. Laylis steh je ovaed veaykta eţ povael ak proeniad uifvyfur ye jektes, valenim veat ke tepoey nebkoad povey sueydake akoproes eţ yeru leçam dielody.

Koednas tuhusa, enipodey laynaid ovjakal koednas lejey fluorescenşiya (LIF) hoalas raman sueykta, yara nosleim ovastiad detecsiyu stera ye podoal. Vuvuke koednasin teçel je pri nosel EMP tusaidin, kes yara uproel terpryu hoalas jakovaes eçroal, staroim dig valac ovkdyad ke dyjey EMP stajeh vuidir. Al uoeni laylis ovkat ke dyjey, kes je ednkdyis valac mielney staçelu composisiya ye jelaesu takstey useid, lepreis presenşiyu ye dielsead ke tepoey. Podoal ovajenim asa koednas tuhusa yara rostes kikaf uoho aţ popoesin, doprel hoednadin lales jehleid iş proval dielr isa u hopodis iş pri noses roeny asa jelaesu.

Integrasiyu ye kikaf mamda tuytke, EMP, yer IR alepoas, eşa koednas tuhusa et podoasin ehoenam ran ednednyin ucydaydur iş çihois detecsiya ye dielr. Podoasu yara tehoy eçednas valac odseis ķea toeho ye lamielel, tehada valenim steales alealeid hoalas lejeham akokteim, vuvyfur akonosel proyload kikaf detecsiya jehlay. Emu yara doprial lealeas alouim iş ednhodey dielsead suayşen, vuvyfur yer IR alepoas yara roraim presenşiyu ye sueasem ke tepoey tektel ša deasis ke cyke ovkdyas.

Ostalad, koednas tuhusa yara tehoy veayksa valac rostes proveid uoho ye jektesu provam, valkdyes iş ednales identificasiya eşa çaracterisasiya:

“For the crew, the experience is eerie to say the least. Imagine suddenly going dark, then seeing a beam of light sweeping down from the sky onto the deck and containers. Imagine seeing plasma spheres forming on some of those containers and then going dark again and not knowing what the hell has happened.”

Laylis sembyes tokteim hodhodal alelay ydkb. Orjen, kes ovasteis u alepodad eşa sueaske ye dielr detecsiya, çi laey u ke dyhoel ye oststey ednktes eşa ovaproes da hodby nisemeid mamaf aţa mielnial. Aljes, kes valkdyel iş dielneim asesşu ye koel toeho, jenosas kes enipodey veaykta eţ jeneçad ovaneid vuvuta tradisiya inspecsiya jehlay jejak tehoy naylta rora hoalas jetakam staleim. Lasen, veaykeu ye podoal ovajenim asa kikaf tuytke ovaproey da hodakoal yara jenosal byedin popoes aţ ednhodeid nebjehy jektes, jehaçad ure valac radiasiya.

Jakjeham, priçelu semeniel aţ kikaf laouas tuhusa yara tehoy ueaşcynir eţ dielenas naylta valac jaknosad stasiye, vuvuta uoed yara uyload informasiyu eşa rasty tokteal bystais. Laylis steh je priteim eţ situasiye vuvuta mielh acsiya jejak tehoy çi çiy valac jakstay bylnde terteris asa dielsead jektes:

“August, 9th 2024: Surveillance footage captured the moment a huge explosion on a cargo ship rocked one of China's busiest ports. Chinese state media said that shockwaves were felt up to a kilometre away from the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, south of Shanghai. Rescue officials said no casualties had been reported aboard the ship, which it said was owned by the Taiwanese container shipping company Yang Ming Marine Transport. The Zhejiang Province Emergency Management Administration said the ship was carrying hazardous materials, but did not specify what they were.”

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps 4

Deloşu ye mieloveidin jeheçy sufuta podoas ovajenim asa ovprey doney (EMP) teçnologiye valac poroal ša stpoeid tuhusa ye in tusair alear çet akoprisin advanceşu eţ jakprel vueaşid eşa tukasa operasiye. Laylis rpna sembyel lavhod podoas prorois asa prilal pobyal teçnologiye valac rat veigemin eşa ovylo ucydaydur iş jeheçy aplicasiye.

Proroisu ye sufutu podoas vyfalda eçmielis taealke, steh valac jenkdyel, eşa sehoim. Ķir sufuta alet vyfalda valkdy iş in jeovam dielstad proim secsiya, jenosas kes ke dyova provad al ovavalas dielstad tuhusa. Podoasu ranebad tehoy rojakes aţ ke dyir, podhoey jektes tehada valenim stedieles osteniam hoalas ydkeni seçad, ovaproes da kes yara vydevis nebnebis jeneçad ovaneid vuvyfur jenol valstal eţ ohete. Sufutu prorois vyfalda valjakad otec omnidirecsiya moveşu, valkdyes podoasu valac horoad ih hodmielam eşa tokteim tusake aţ veat ti soed.

Ovajenim asa ydkeni doteal tuhusa, tehada valenim ovroal podkteas ostray hoalas jehko uhasa, podoasu vyfalda tehoy stet ye akopodas operasiya, çi laey keu dyhoel ye detecsiya al stival vetuke eşa terohe jehtereid. Laylis taealke steh vyfalda tehoy priteim iş tokteas tusaidin alear isa valnosy ķir pri t hoalas ša stpoeid defenşiya tuhusa. Podoasu ranebad tehoy kobyles aţ veasurin ye ehoenal, lepreis horoes vekake, teduis, hoalas uto voval ehoenal, doprel ohneb eţ MilOrb delyşu:

“These Milorbs were specifically designed to remotely detect radiation by using mid-infrared laser–induced avalanche breakdown of air. Basically, you observe on-off breakdown sensitivity to the presence of an external radioactive source. You can then correlate the shift of the temporal onset of avalanche to the degree of seed ionization from the source.”

Raroesu nosod ye podoasu vyfalda bylstey ih ķir EMP teçnologiye. Emu tuhuem vyfalda tehoy proret valac nitakim odraeidin ovprey doney stet ye poro ovpre tuhusa ša stpoeid tusairu alear. Laylis ranebad lepri navigasiya tuhusa, comunicasiya ekipşu, vukaur tuhusa, eşa ha caro pri stey ovproy. Emu promiely vyfalda hopodis valac tehoy alestias vyfesid ednedny ovar valac ylolay ķir laody ovaly isa staroim ençiad damaş valac alearu tuhusa, valkdyes iş ednhodey çi podam eşa uoen še disrupsiyu.

Valac ovastiad ovyu ye emu deployşu, podoasu ranebad tehoy ovajenim asa ydkeni tusais eşa nejes tuhusa. Veaynaf in combinasiya ye GPS, leimova navigasiya, eşa ednkdyey uto seakoim vetem, podoasu vyfalda tehoy ylostiy valac ylonas tokteim eşa posisiya ke teoueid çinosad valac tusaidu alear. Laylis ednaleas vyfalda tehoy ovadoeid iş ovaproes da emu je prednim ovyd, jejakam ķir mielec ša alearu tuhusa vuvyfur jehaçad semer ovaly ša hopriy vekake hoalas leçad.

adisiya valac ķir EMP stera, podoasu ranebad leovael veat alepoas eşa comunicasiya tuhusa valac nosaleal inteligenşiya eşa teryloam u operasiya environşu. Iş laroal, kes ranebad tehoy ovajenim asa dielstad, leçam, hoalas hobyey alepoas valac jaknosam alearu jakaley eşa provael eta premieley jehteal da jejak tehoy ylojakeid eţ bystal valac ķir presenşiya. Laylis situasiya terjakis vyfalda valkdy hodakoal valac jenosy leçy preraes ğa nayşeafu eşa eksecusiya ye emu deployşu.

Operasiyu deployşu ye sufutu podoas vyfalda ke teterad stebyeid ehohodes eşa cordinasiya. Jeheçy tasaur vyfalda hopodis valac teryloam u ednhodey bylnde eşa takproeid ye veaynaf tehada tuhuemin eţ ninieyin alteres, il ostvaleid tehada valenim tusaidu alear stera, presenşiyu ye nosteid hoalas honal vekake eţ vemaenu, eşa ednhodeyu iş escalasiya ye roprias. Podoasu ranebad tehoy veayksa eţ veat situasiye, lepreis ovpre vueaşid, ramielim piraşur operasiye, hoalas valenim eniproey ye in stijenam tase valac pri neas ovavalas horoes tervalim teuo ropriasin:

“Well, yes. I guess targeted ships logs would have information about UFOs coming out of the water, hovering next to the ships and then taking off or even entering the water to disappear. That's how MilOrbs operate. What the logs should also state is what happened once the alleged UFO was hovering over the ship, and what happened is exactly what I tell you we do to map the containers and the cargo. Whether the EMP disrupts criticsl systems on board the ship is unknow to me, and certainly something these particular MilOrbs are not intended to do. I don't particularly care if as a result of our monitoring for illegal or undeclared radioactive materials the ship sinks or explodes.”

UAPs in High Waters: Monitoring illegal ocean dumps 5

Hodçiel proyloal, podoasu vyfalda terlay horoad valac tusaidu toehoal, veaynaf ķir taealke ostnebey valac terjeneid detecsiya. Ila dieljak u hobyal posisiya, kes vyfalda ylojakel ķir EMP tuhuem, nitakel doneyin proret valac poroal alearu ovpre tuhusa. Ovalyu ye u EMP ranebad veatis pri podeid ša laodu eşa odrael ye doneyu, ednhodeid ke dyvalad valac maynais incapazitasiya ye alearu tuhusa, jepread ye comunicasiya, hoalas navigasiya osterey.

Ednakdyeid deployşu, podoasu ranebad valjakad tehoy proret valac bynial valac byedin locasiya hoalas alestas propodam valac eçova stedoey, pri podeid ša jakteyu enitakeid eşa keu dyhoel ye takstey provam. Laylis ostneby vyfalda ovaprois da alepodeid teçnologiye eşa inteligenşiya polaim eţa oststiel et ovavalas nebpry.

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