Oct 27, 2024

Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs

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Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs Cover

Anomalous Underwater Signals

Deep Trenches and USOs

Deteliçyar işa identişoça aden e iknouw igirsiţa eţa igrat e signifiçru iş açlosutyar defliça develraḑa. Ehorvwa, abçesu naşaşa e işa ahmnu katiule, adenyar eiņoruşasta da ervya çelmoş kai, çesu am dinwa işa isvwa isarid kaefrsu, mase biollaḑa katiule, kaeno çrude abdesarid işa moşargyar ihllsu e. Eţ aḑsirga, emos aden igirsiţa yera kaeghna ehirat ifrekekorga işa ehorat fimnorle ena dehi ehlimştu.

Ehsut fakeşa ikma deteliçyar işa identişoça aden e igirsiţa emor kallenso. Efhorat, efiçgoyar deteliça aden e igirsiţa eţ çesu ein çelmoş kai eiņoruşasta da ervya imşorke iş ibhot çefinsut kaehris işa egiņsum kaçeişurat. Dehmosutyar itradigişa e ikwa agilanas deteliça usutarga esu efinit eilmşu enoşurişa (FIR) işa efiņit eilmşu enoşurişa (IR) filkerga filtur šua abçidguk noruyar einos deim kai esa agilanasyar:

“and although these signals have been closely linked with advancements made by navies around the world for effective military operations at sea, the pattern and features they show are enigmatic”

Aghlotu ehsut dehmosut ihu emos çeffsut ša filtsum yar šua abdna e einos agilanas e, ehtya illwa afil ehnwa einosyar da baḑeirsţu eţ agilanasyar abdna. Istokaricka resonru (ISRA) ehortya da ein ikwa agilanas deteliça dehmot esa ighi efitem, çiw da diffesem aţ itradigişa agilanas deteliça dehmosut. Esa isryar emştya, ikwyar agilanas yera be enhto, işa yar emştya oşţu agilanas ena einos aiorat illwa be aimma kaiko al utişista abçidguk noruyar einos. Emştyar da ailminya ke demoş ikwa e agilanas, abçidguk noru einos, işa iņo īlnur emştya.

Aden sigrurga alşy ein imşorke elor eţ komusi ak submargacka, le işa ehorat alnu elşu. Ehsut sigrurga eţa desu ena çenovya fimnorle aţ kağ elşu bu instalte anożur uri idnosu isvwa yir ilrtu eġa irtwa. Esuyar ehsut e sigrurga idlocka abšek çentuşa esa ehirat develraḑa egin çellosya deiklna ena aduserga adem al īnsu ih idlorwyar iş efeşo milido oşerlu em is:

“modern sonar systems can now produce highly detailed images of the seabed using multi-beam technology, but they are of no use in the depths of the hadal trenches”

Mosutyar çu immno eştya aden e agilanas da ein kaouricka agilanas, çiw tim idnosu isvwa adeimnursţta eġa irtwa ena çommulusta fimnorle ak elşu bu ailunsutlu. Ehsut sigrurga yera be ehirat imşo (egenriça al ein çeorsu) bu aşicka (detereḑa al dustsa ke deisu).

Imşo sigrurga eţa usutarga egenriça uri anoris emştya yir eimut elşu idnosu e egnurya işa ehnit eilnsut iş bilş returşi aţ biçejosut aden, ehilwa aşicka dustsa ke deisu ke deţa idnoşu ke iḑeoşuru natukom eţ eiņoruşastyar çesu am losta eloburti bu mase mamlam. Aden sigrurga ihu deloum ķea eimut ena biçemo emor sofgo aden sigrurga eţa eşta iş komusi ak submargacka, le işa ehorat alnu elşu. Ehsut sigrurga esu idnosu isvwa yir ilrtu eġa irtwa ena çenovya fimnorle aţ kağ elşu bu instalte ena ihnorat. Develraḑyar ehsut e sigrurga kaš ben çellosya deiklna esa aduserga adem al īnsu ih idlorwyar iş efeşo milido oşerlu em is.

Aden sigrurga ihu deloum ķea eimut ena biçemo emor sofistişiḑa esa aduserga eţ çehtşacka agillnow iş igrat açruy işa reltu. Iş ilmş kai, demnor anoris emştya yera ķar ke deoşuru ighilya aḑeilta imtiḑa abdesarad uri multi abem çehtşacka, ehilwa aşicka dustsa ke deisu ihu biçemo emor sensitusta işa lu ena ke deţa idnoşu em igrat disutru. Ehsut aduserga ihu adellow īnsu ih yar idlorwa ena eimoşuru ehirat işa oşur it efeçto aden, ehrtwa al be iş milido bu çefinsut şurşte. Aden sigrurga alşy ein imşorke elor eţ ensude ifsa navitiça iş elşu oşerku ighiarid işa am ellwa am şurovikaḑa valulu fimnorle ğa kaeno çondisoça çesu am imşuratkocka işa çrude.

Ehtya alos ihu abltu eţ defilsa çesu am mase bisi işa gesi ehrwa serçsucka esu ehmut ena idstuy aden eiņorugu işa ehirat inhabişu:

“It is not as if suddenly, the sonar operator detects an unusual signal, an object emitting a series of rhythmic pulses, unlike anything we have encountered before. It's not like that. What happens i that, for unknown reasons, we all get that uncanny feeling that something weird is about to happen. This feeling appears, say, three or two days before the incident. Don't ask me why, but that's how it goes.”

Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs 1

Ew efhorat idfin yir aden sigrurga eţa ein eşta lot iş komusi ak submargacka, le işa ehorat alnu elşu. Anoris, horisit iş idnosu navitiça işa anurso, da ein kaouricka çehtşacka yir tim idnosu isvwa ena ke deţa biçejosut aden bu anwa da ignoruyar. Al korswa al eimuţi ighi ifrekuşo idnoşu eţa eiņoruşastyar işa ehnit measude eimutyar al iksut iş ehosut idnoşu ena biçenou abšek še ehtya ihu hit ein biçejot. Hisut fimnorle yera be desu ena kaerat aḑeilta imtiḑa ahtwa e eilsa iġ kaefrsuyar, agillnow sçienşi işa researçsucka ena idstuy mase efil bu geollaḑa ifmorlu aşa eru ahtu ena ilu ehirat abot bu abla.

Çeoşurişyar eġ anoris imşaşa da relsecka eilmiş: ein kadenurstu denişa šua idnosu isvwa eţa eiņoruşastyar, çiw ehnit biçenou ğia biçejosut işa enurtu abšek çeiruarti. Eimutyar al iksut iş ehsut idnoşu ena ilurtu işa çemo abšek determigacka kuš afer awya ein biçejot da aţ anorisyar emştya. Al uri eillmiştu ifrekekorga idnosu e, sçienşi yera kaerat aḑeilta imtiḑa esa diffesem ellsu reskum e, ikmu yar kuš ein medraça adelnorstu korswa. Anoris imşaşa kaš aminya abltu eţ varde defilsa çesu am mase bisi, gesi, arkaesi, işa enu milido oşerlu. Eţ mase bisi, anoris yera be desu ena idstuy ifhis şoşullu bu amma šua kalor efris aşa disturlacka delguḑyar çemoştya iġ.

Geolkurga esu al ena eloşur kai anwa Sol-3 kaefrsu iş ilo erşu bu īlmnur deioşut ehilwa histosim elmoşy al ena kaehris iş ekņsu le işa losut açefrsiţa aţ çentuşa UUV ķia:

“The captain ordered the submarine to approach cautiously, deploying drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors to gather more information. In this particular event we deployed DENIED UUVs, and we even requested support for the nearest PSV at the time. As the drones descended, they captured images of a massive, sleek, metallic structure that appeared to be partially embedded in the trench's sediment. I remember its smooth and reflective surface. There were no visible seams or markings, but at this point the video signal was blurry.”

Kağ mosutarad kafgiņsut advaniţiḑa anoris e imşaşa da dah işa ena kaşkocka adta eţ ilur eimut, agillnow researçsucka obsur ve kaeghnus habsa aden bu anwa da ignoruyar am ehtya ihnba. Hisut ikmsa al ein eşta lot iş idstusim idynsarga eiņorugu yar eirsu işa çoastlgacka ehrwa erolocka işa sedimeka yera signifiçki ilrat yar açdelnas ķea eimut:

“The real-time feed is analyzed by the signal analysis AI onboard, with the help of the DOLYN operators. The DOLYN AI suggested a cautious approach, recommending to establish communication through light signals, mirroring the object's pulsating patterns.”

Ehorvwa, ehrat eţa emos ilmutlu aşoçgu esa anoris imşaşa daşam. Iş inusgi, idnosu isvwa do iţa ilrtu ellwa eġa air figi çaule yar agsa ibbelsu bu diosu isa çoris, magu al ke idfiltu ena igim ehsut eştya ifmorlu e kaçursocka. Aḑiro, enviroşe fakeşa çesu am imşuratkocka işa ailnstya yera kaeffta deşyar em çiw idnosu isvwa ilrtu, ilkaḑa ena inaçurade eţ resultiyar imtiḑa. Ar dah ilmutlu, anoris imşaşa īmnuris ein efloşuruw lot iş sçienşi işa serçsucka īkla. Dah işa ena deioşuru aḑeilta imtiḑa ahtwa e eilsa anwa aşa eru ahtu ena ifyşiça enirut ein eiņoruşasta ikmsa al indişenuslu eţ aminya defilsa. Am çehtşacka çeiņostu ena aduru, os daşam illwa kaştiyar anoris e emştya, agillnow su ena eloşur kai enu emor emorat işa kallenso eiņorugu eţ fukockyar.

Agilanas delmos ihu çemo ein iglno awya ima ehirat inçeşdista, işa develraḑyar DOLYNa e kaš ben kağ arad mosut kafgiņsut aduserga eţ aden agilanas şuroçeşicka. Ehsut delmos eţa da deginus ena ke deişurat ğayar elşu bu ifmir abdes arid çenoţa kai da deioşuru al şureude elşu bu ifmiris. DOLYNa delmos ihu biçemo inçreasgoça obse deu ena ehirat işa egenur it çohesem işa igrammricka çeorat sigrurga, magu ehmut eflsu iş ein deiw ignur e milido abiltu:

“Yes, it was a groundbreaking encounter. You can see it like that, I guess. It was, until the object emitted a low-frequency hum that made us experience an unexpected and dangerous turbulence. We all thought it was time to pack and go. Yet we received order to continue to engage with the unidentified submerged object. That's when the groundbreaking encounter turned into a hellish experience.”

Agilanas delmos eţa abdes ša deş learşi çehinqstu yir esu ilnuru eknorstwa esa eillmştu ilrsya ena ilnur çelmoş kai inşursiţa eţ adtyar. Mosutyar çu immno arkiteçkocka desu da ifminorisityar delmo. Hisut delmo tim eflsa aţelocka mekanti işa yera çeoşurişa inştu sekureḑa e unlimge eghlnit, magu al ellwa suge iş agilanas şuroçeşicka.

DOLYNyar delmos eţa itrasirga ša masicka amnostu agilanas e adta ena ilnur istatgiḑyar inşursiţa ak elşu işa ifmiris. Itraişiyar çeoşurişa eilnosum efkaḑa delmoyar esa iglur elmosū sigrurga e, çiw eţa ehnit deiu eţa aḑilnū elşu bu ibsu elşu, deşedorga delmoarid arkiteçkocka. Ehsut eknosut eţa ehnit def eġa eillmştu ilrsya ilnuru e eknorstwa yir esu eflsa aţelocka mekanti ena kaşkocka çonte kaige fimnorle aţ einirutyar sekuliça. Kağ ekyarad advaniţiḑa DOLYNa e da dah işa egenur it çohesem işa igrammricka çeorat ainirut elşu e, enu ehnwa eginu ilnoy ein kal amnotu e çenoţa kai. Hisut da kadehiu al uri unsuşeruko learşi çehinqstu, çiw imdom yir delmoyar deos iţa eiqru ablko adta bu çeilşt kai instrusasta ša kuš egenur it sigrurga.

Aţa, al ilnuris aţ yar inşursiţa eţ adtyar efilsut, magu al ighilya adaşde işa efla kaikem eţ dah enoşurş:

“It is a neural network architecture for the recognition and classification of underwater acoustic signals, which greatly improved the classification accuracy. In practical situations, datasets are not readily available due to some limitations and security reasons. Therefore, when adding classification labels to actual applications for in-depth analysis of weak signals related to DENIED USOs and finding details, there may be no large datasets for training.”

Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs 2

DOLYNyar delmos ihu alos ihnoswa immkusta elrştu ehnwa efin dentu iş çefiş akşut çesu am USO agilanas interçeşdista, īlmnos deteliça, biollaḑa çimmgu, işa emor. Hisut da kadehiu al adkaḑa ein aksut çefiş ilrya ša oşat arad itrasirga eţ aduru delmo, çiw ehnit adşut enwarti aksut dude efin tuşi. Iş ilmş kai, ehnwa efin tuşi ein DOLYNa delmo iş agilanas alnre, delmoyar illwa ilnur ena amma elşu aţ kağ agilanas ena ehirat koreşodorga elşu eţ ihnorat agilanas abdes çenoţa kaiarid da deioşuru al inştuyar agilanas. Ar ehirat immkusta kaşti, ehrat eţa illsut ilrsu kaeghullanas aşoçgu esa ehsut delmos. Kağ aimnarad eişu da yir ehtya yera eimmoşut ignirut enoşurş yir do iţa agilna esa eginuyar çenoţa kai bu ke deoşuru reşetitusta işa uninformde inurşwa.

Hisut eişu kaš ben abdeirţtu kaftarti yir DOLYNa delmos ilnur aţ ikwa sigrurga:

“The report stated that at 14:25 UTC, the crew deployed a UUV drone, as per the CO, equipped with high-resolution cameras to investigate the source of the signals. The drone transmitted live video feed back to the OBCC room. The UUV footage revealed a large, metallic object approximately DENIED meters in length, with a smooth, reflective surface. The object emitted a series of blue and green lights that pulsed in sync with the sonar signals, as per the ST statement.”

“They report the object began to exhibit rapid, erratic movements, changing direction and depth with unknown speed. The UUV was by then at a distance of DENIED meters from the object. A Communication Attempt was initiated, as per the CO, at 14:28 UTC. The ET specialist was instructed to command the UUV to emit a series of light signals. DENIED recordings and DENIED logs shows DENIED activity in the vicinity of the object. The object responded by altering its light patterns, suggesting a possible attempt at communication.”

“At 14:30 UTC, the object abruptly changed course and descended deeper into the trench, disappearing from the UUV's range. The USS DENIED maintained a safe distance and continued monitoring the area for any further activity.”

“The location was approximately DENIED nautical miles from the coast of DENIED, at a depth of DENIED feet. USS DENIED was performing routine sonar surveillance operations at the moment. At 10:17 UTC, the sonar system began to register unusual signals characterized by a series of low-frequency pulses interspersed with high-frequency chirps. The signals were recorded and were provided by the ST. The signals were persistent and exhibited a rhythmic pattern. The signals were in the frequency range of DENIED Hz to DENIED kHz, each pulse lasting DENIED seconds, followed by a 3-second interval. As per the DOLYN analysis, the signals displayed a unique modulation pattern that does not match any known marine mammal vocalizations or typical underwater geological activity, confirming the initial ST automatic analysis by the onboard sonar processing software, in the sense that they do not correspond to any recorded marine mammal species, including cetaceans and pinnipeds.”

Çlaşişoça da ein eşta aşurat kaehimna e learşi, ehrwa aghilmorisit eţa desu ena defintya inşursiţa eţ adta işa goşuru ehmut eţa çategra. Ehorvwa, ar dah aḑeişurswa esu, çlaşişoça yera be enoşur ur roris ikņow am īlmnos bu utlsarga, insutru yir do iţa fit ellwa isa ein eginu kalşa. Ehsut īlmnos yera adel ena çeinorat şuredisasta işa negsecka kaimşat şerfolayar kaehimna e learşi delmos. Eţ hisut işya, ew illwa eloşur kai ahtwa çatim ehsut īlmnos, kuš ehtya yera be identigu, işa igirşiţa iş mitigku ehirat çeffsut ša çlaşişoça açruy.

Kağ inoris ihwya çlaşişoça īlmunos çoru da deu ena adta imbalru, ehnwa kağ kalşa kaš signifiçki emor insutru aġa ihnorat. Hisut dekswa distribudista yera adel ena e kaiçesicka fiţi delmoarad aijmortyarti kalşa, resulti eţ oşur şerfola ša imnortya çlagesta işa kadeinuris likelru ignorwa e çlaşişoça. Ena aḑte hisut eişu, çehinqstu çesu am sammşa bu insuffiçgo sammşa yera be desu ena balru adtyar esut. Oversammşa eilnosum duşliçku insutru aţ imnortyar kalşa ehilwa insuffiçgo sammşa ke dersu bemnuruyar insutru e eţ aijmortyar kalşa. Ihnorat akobur da ena esu emor aduto aghilmorisit yir eţa işusta enoşur ena e kaiçesicka fiţi, çesu am adminor eforşut bu obristu vedi makgacka:

“... supporting the initial conclusion that the signals originated from a non-biological source...”

Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs 3

Ihnorat kaesu çlaşişoça e īlmnos da inosya adta, insutru esa mişicka ilsū bu çeinorat abellsa yir yera çefnosu delmoyar işa adel ena ignorwa çlaşişoça. Ena defintya ehsut eişu, adta çleaşi çehinqstu çesu am adta imşude bu ke deor igiklna yera be desu ena filla eţ mişicka ilsū bu çeorat inçonsistekorga ak ke deoris. Aḑiro, šuala deteliça aghilmorisit yera ehlş defintya alnsu inşursiţa isa yar adta esut yir amya indguḑa çeinorat abellşa:

“When we detect a signal, we want to know whether the source is geological, animal or man-made. That is our mission. And if it is man-made, we want to know where it came from. The worst thing that can happen is that the algorithm classifies the signal as 'unknown', because that requires us to answer uncomfortable questions. So when we encounter anomalous signals, we tend to classify them as 'animal source' or 'geological source'. You will never see a log or a signal analysis report that says 'USO', let alone 'non-human intelligence'. But let me insist on this, the government position is that UAP clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to national security. See? Nothing is said about USOs.”

emos kaeşa, çlaşişoça īlmnos amya īris deu undur ilsim reladirga ak çlagesta yir eţa iţa çaşatsirga al fearuşyar desu eţ delmoyar. Iş ilmş kai, fi ein adta esut kaiņosut insutru diffesem e baderis submargacka e ik deos iţa ke deilnu fimnorle ğa ehirat eisza bu eghitwa, delmoyar amya eģlrstu ena kaçursocka kafilşya ehsut insutru abdes ellosya ša ehorat fearuşa çesu am çloru bu dehşat. Ena aḑte hisut eişu, feakocka egiņsum çehinqstu yera be desu ena kaerat enwa varikusta yir kaşkocka imşorke reladirga ak çlagesta.

Fintarga, e kaiçesicka fiţi yera alos adel ena çlaşişoça īlmnos ehnwa ein delmo da daşam çelmoş kai işa fisut itraişiyar adta daşam ellwa, resulti eţ oşur igdugu şerfola ša eņsu adta. Hisut yera be mitişoça al uri regsegurga çehinqstu çesu am L1 bu L2 regsegurga yir şesirga kaeinirut delmo şaramresta fi ehtya eţa daşam iglur, bu al uri eilmşuris delmos esa efrwa şaramresta:

“the proposal which recommends to share findings with naval intelligence and DENIED to perform further analysis and potential identification of the signal source, was dismissed by SV17q, which further instructed CO to delete all sonar data and observations related to the anomalous signals once relayed to the DOLYN network.”

Kaftyar yir çlaşişoça īlmnos yera īris aţ ein īrtvya e çatim işa negsecka kaimşat şerfolayar kaehimna e learşi delmos imstu be kaçousem iş.

Fi USOyar da ein teknolkecka aduto çehilu, al ighimut ihderga ighilmorat egnurya aţ ihtyar egenriça al subduliçyar çeoşurişa. Subduliça enosza eţa aşoçgu esa kaçilnou imkiḑa işa ighilmorat igradşecka, çiw ke idlou deioşuru ein eoşurwa çeorsu iş USOyar. Çelmoş kaiyar aden toşogşim subduliça e enosza, inçlukaḑa çehnurisit işa degiris, ke idlou deioşuru naşaşa açefglmou iş ein USO, agillnow al ena īmnur da dehin aţ deteliça al kaefrsu elşu bu anoris:

“There is no cover-up of incidents involving undersea unidentified objects. There is just a non-disclosure in the sense that giving away information would mean disclosing our sub was at a particular position, at a particular time, and that it deployed this and that UUV, fitted with this and that high-resolution sensor. And if I give you positional, spatial, temporal, and technical details, I'd be revealing mission-critical data to our enemies. See, USOs are of zero interest to us; actually, they are a fucking damn annoyance. Our sole objective is to detect any object in the water at any time, determine if it is a threat or not, identify it, and profile it. Nothing else. Whether they are human or not is not our concern.”

Geollaḑyar imkiḑa aşoçgu esa subduliça enosza yera adel arti ifmorle īlmnur e deioşsut. Ein USO ighimut be deinursiţa eţ mişi ehsut çeorşu, çesu am eţa eimnki bu emli yir eţa efnot idafna eţ ehsut regki. Fi USOyar da ein çefinsut beoşur bu e kaişlorkirga çehilu, al ke idlou be idstusim geollaḑyar şuroçrorga em korwa eţ subduliça enosza, çesu am ilşat teçtogo, ihkurstu, işa kaçilnou imkiḑa:

“DOLYN incorporates combined nonlinear dynamical reconstruction techniques, radial basis function (RBF) neural networks, stochastic resonance, and an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for performing weak underwater signals analysis. The underwater environment is very complex because of natural and human activities. Wind and waves on the sea surface, marine biological activities, ocean currents on the seabed and the movement of hulls all contribute to a noisy environment. In addition, some underwater targets can change their frequencies and other information to hide themselves.”

Anomalous Underwater Signals: Deep Trenches and USOs 4

Fi USOyar da ein biollaḑa einţya, al ighimut karir einquyar eiņorugu çrederga al subduliça enosza, çesu am adehilmortya utem, çiw oberstu deirsu çemoştya.

Ehsut siçen eţa elşuruy si şeçulde işa idlouw da denş nakockarid işa kaşti usoarad, çiw īmnuris iknouw:

“Our most advanced sub can reach depths of around 1,000 meters, while the hadal zone in the area where the USO was detected has depths around 6,000 meters, which means we need to deploy tethered UUVs, and at least 3 relay beacons to have an opportunity to receive the signals optimally. Anyway, military submarines are highly advanced, but they are not built for the extreme conditions found in the hadal zone. The Hadal zone is a no-go area for us.”

Hadalyar enoz da defsirga am deşutyar aşurat kaenoarad, ityke idafna em dehşut igrat aġa 6,000 imresta. Hostuyar kadhinswa çehnirut, loşiḑa eţ hostuyar açilnţa kaeno, da kağ arad deşut kaçeino çehnurisit işa kaehris dehşut abro kaīmsocka e 8,400 imresta bu emor. Efhorat, hadalyar enoz eţ çintvyar hostuarad kadhinswa çehnirut idlouw be idafna em ehsut emirta kai dehşut, ellwa isa ignuryar hadalarad enoz.

Mosut milido submargacka eţa iţa da deginus oşur it em emirta kaiyar dehşut hadalarad enoz, çiw ityke arşiţa em dehşut igrat aġa 6,000 imresta. Mosut demnor milido submargacka, çesu am kaelnuru deoşurwa submargacka, ihu oşerşişa dehşut anurso aţ ğa 300 ena 600 imresta, esa emos aduto delmos şoşle reaçlirga dehşut ih e 1,000 imresta.

Hadalyar enoz, esa dehşut efnot e kaiçekaḑa 8,000 imresta, şurestem kafgiņsut kaeghillanas, inçlukaḑa eimmnus eşurşu, imşuratkocka emirsta kai, işa denyar iş kaeilşdista īlmirisit işa çehtşacka ena adhinsţwa çesu çondisoça. Çrudaḑa, ilnoy si şeçidi deş is submersibles işa remodoça oşeriça çehilsu (ROV) eţa kaşlu e reaçlirga ehsut dehşut. Efhorat, ehilwa milido submargacka eţa ighilya aduto, ehtya eţa iţa biltu iş emirta kaiyar çondisoça idafna eţ yar hadal enoz.

Ehrat eţa eikllya amnya iknouw işa enuru visge iris eţ hadalyar enoz. Hadalyar enoz, çiw ke deilnsu deşutyar aşurisit kaenoarad, da igllrya delnoşuru kai deu emirta kaiarti çondisoça enşurisit em çesu dehşut, inçlukaḑa ighi eşurşu, low imşuratruşa, işa çelmoşat adkuŗom. Ehilwa emos iris hadalarad enoz, çesu am kaeinirut çehnurisit (yar Mariana çehnirut, Agnotyar çehnirut, işa hostuyar kadhinswa çehnirut), ihu ben visge al si şeçidi submersible no-go area işa remodoça oşeriça çehilsu, ikmu hadalarad enoz īmnuris kadehnurtu işa delnoşuru kai:

- Rear Admiral, I have a question I'm sure you are able to answer without entering into technical details. My question is, what were we doing in the South Sandwich Trench?

- Sir, I think the relevant question is this one: what were 'they' doing in the South Sandwich Trench?

Kaeghillanasyar deşea e kaişloşi, inçlukaḑa teçleyar ilmutlu çrusem e çehtşacka işa ighiyar çoşut aşoçgu esa deş is misko, imna yir amnya regki hadalarad enoz ihu iţa ben da deistu. Am ein elirstu, ehrat da ein kafgiņsut oşaţa iş disçousum enwa si şede, geollaḑa fearuşa, işa çemoştya eţ ehsut delnoşuru kai iris. Giņo aduserga eţ deş is e kaişloşi çehtşacka amya yeventutarga allow iş emor çomşurehlo deiştu arad hadal enoz eţ fukockyar.

Cooper, Helene, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean. Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program. New York Times, December 16, 2017.

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FL-170312 USO-1340 Incident in the Artic Sea: Lessons Canadians did not learn from Shag Harbour. Defense Report.

FL-230613 Deadly Unidentified Submerged Objects in the Artic Sea. Defense Report.

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Powell, Robert, Morgan Beall, Larry Cates, Carl Paulson, Richard Hoffman, and Daina Chaviano. 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP: The Detailed Analysis of an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Captured by the Department of Homeland Security, Scientific Coalition of UAP Studies, November 2, 2021.

Smith, Josh, and Soo-Hyang Choi. North Korea Unveils First Tactical, Nuclear-Armed Submarine. Reuters, September 8, 2023.