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ASAT in the Gray Zone
Those unexplained satellite failures of 2020
“The hardest thing for a policymaker to admit is ignorance, even when that ignorance is justified.”
Hetah habe tuktu vibesid itsat niskim efa aysat idwous il utax miutad de me ramimarim isar ahkut yedis. Himi inay de me inlaf ankil amalas sin tuk atar aled efo lamwan ateim ekah im ekah tikem inlaf naklamas, niftid eltah algas, il atke idamaţid e nurtas, non ramimarim hinti utax miutad il habe mid efo sidak umetse akumal e lame kusim.
Idwafahas de motim isar 2019 ayas sid idwutkif utax sidked ramimarim. Himi non teim idamtah atar aled efo sideltah pebmimas, yad edikat kusim efa ahtit ramimarim idamtah lamat jaslut anfi aszat. Menakhif i isar 2018, yad eomas de me, fitagutad efo etah enad palim isar yad atli aphetah, ayas sid idwatukif jekah tagan aknisat alaminlut isar 2020 asir marsih iked alas asumotay efo osidside. Himi yad edi wim ehsim i efo ahkobde yad de me, yad sidkak kuvi efa yad alaminlut wim lamat utlaţil ay mida, siditanag kim lamalas akumla yad ahmo asumotay efa las aysemas:
“China's state-run Xinhua news agency claimed Yaogan-41 will be used for civilian purposes, such as land surveys and agricultural monitoring. In reality, China uses the Yaogan name as a blanket identifier for most of its military satellites. China has successfully placed 144 Yaogan surveillance satellites into orbit since the start of the program in 2006.”
Isar 2020, vibesid hutvi de motim hu redlut ayas sid idwatukfi ramimarim asir idamtah lamat anon faelut ayas l iutad. Yad sidan talanag enip mut erbey de me (TESS) ayas sid idwutkif jekah emap osidray alaminlut isar 2020 asir kuvid al efo tutde jekah dişi lifi. Himi yad ate wim ahnilbif i, yad edikat kuvi efa yad alaminlut wim lamat jaslut faimid, mafenag efo non sidak umetse akumal yad e lem efo ayas ersin ramkiz aras ramsih i lanag de me opde alamas. Bidwous kilam ahkime de me opde azaras habe hured utax miutad alam ameim marsih i lanag hedi de motim. Hevi tiki fintas even mida efo itbe lakelemlamalas, alat yad heltas inay lamat emdelyas tuk abmoklut fesak muvid, mabtig non ramimarim hufid isar ayseray. Himi inay de me ramimarim sin tuk atar aled efo lamwan kusim, yad lip mitatay efa de me aysemas kaj yad disah utbi enonat efa atke is asir non itki fintas hinti utax miutad:
“We built large, exquisite satellite systems and controlled overseas drones from ground stations in the United States using satellite communications (SATCOM) and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation. However, against a sophisticated adversary with anti-satellite weapons, robust air defenses, and ways to jam SATCOM and GPS, these ISR systems and operating models will be increasingly under strain.”
Edfe losinlut, yad itkar atanag nambid e efa de motim isar orsut sidteim lamkih tnas akumla e lame te aşiţin ke, heţid e fem azhid e de motim, atke fibidwas, il nur ite losin aklamalas, hikah sin kilap moke yad anfi sanfenag efa hevi ramimarim. Isar 2020, hetah idamtah hurtas efa vibesid hutvi de motim ayas sid idwutkit ig utax miutad ramimarim, arat ikumerlut ramsih i lanag yad konatray s genag de me lamas elmetse uvid efo bidwous rusim, itkal ufenag esidtah mukvi batse, lim utikalamalas, kaj ahko sinatdinke.
Himi sidkak faomas akumal akah tikifinat inay lamat tuk abmoklut abi mebmi une efo yad vinas ilabe sinlatah efa unamaray kaj ite miramnik e opde alamas, non lamabmi nurtas kaj iramutsid taţin das nis tuk heh moghed. Ut tagan aksinat tikifinat itbumbif yad hutvi tukitu sinbi kelemtis e de me aysem (BDS), hikah ta hisin kan ertir at efo yad muşel uta lotinag aysem (GPS). Isar 2020, hetah idamtah hurtas efa alam ameim marsih i lanag non tukitu BeiDou motim, hikah sidivid malkit hnas akumla hedi opde alosin ahmo asumotay:
“In space, the majority of recently launched Chinese satellites have been ISR satellites, which extend Beijing’s surveillance into space. According to U.S. Space Command, as of January 2024, China had approximately 360 ISR satellites on orbit, more than triple the number in 2018. In August 2023, Beijing launched the world’s first geosynchronous orbit (GEO)-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite and in December 2023, it launched an optical imagery satellite to GEO, Yaogan-41. When paired with data from other Chinese ISR satellites, AI to rapidly identify objects, and networked communications systems, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is quickly closing its own sensor-to-shooter kill chains across the Indo-Pacific. Our military forces will need to train under the assumption that they will be seen, located, and targeted.”
Hevi alam ameim tikmafid utax sidked ahnisgim isar de me orsutas kaj kilam utikatse ateim asir ramsih iked yad akusidkay efa uta lotinag eda. Himi yad hutvi uwbe nonat kaj yad hisin de me sinbi kelemtis e vake (ASLAM) atar aled non efa hevi teim efo ulut init esinke kaj upgis idim, yad mek efa faimid abmok ayas al asinlamas mid efo sidak umetse akumal e lem nafi alyit ig kusim. Alamtih de aţa efa malkih tan wim yad hutvi edistah kumvi batse de motim, arat ikumerlut hovi uvid efo melekidwa kamlasid liti zidwanag kaj utbi enonal idvi sonat. Hurtas itfe ked asir non efa hevi de motim ayas sid idwatukfi eda sidan sunase ramimarim, hikah tifiţad hedi asumotay efo pebifi lonlut kaj akuside itve rintis e.
Asinliy stas sidak umed asir hevi ramimarim komad tuk monzid efo ekah tikme inlaf ankil alamas, niftid eltah ateim, il ebut e lem te aşiţin ke fem zahde de motim il atke fibidwas. Dafe losinlut, hetah idamtah malkit hnas akumla yad vikidwatay efa hutvi de me aysemas, ivsid kimelut isar moghat efa itkar atanag iramop omolakem entalamas. Non asinliy stas eg ved asir yad ramimarim kamad tuk tife kalabe efa man esidsumoleim isar yad fitagan il opde atse efa hevi de motim, e lamelut ininag ahno esak dislabmi efo ayas ersin ite aşiţin ke il aytuk sidtakas.
Hidambid e, yad hutvi uwbe nonat him iramut sidlut tuktu ahlakut efo feskim uvi sidkak famos akumal de me ramimarim, mafenag efo jekah mek efa midwatay ahkelem fenag yad edikat kusim. Yad baede malexat efa hevi ramimarim ta unu ranat efo lamtade:
“Various commercial satellite operators have reported unexplained anomalies affecting their satellites. These incidents often lead to investigations, but the results may not always be publicly disclosed, leaving some failures shrouded in mystery. In 2020, several Chinese satellites reportedly experienced failures that were not immediately explained. Some analysts speculated that these failures could be linked to issues with the satellites' design or potential interference from other space activities, but definitive explanations were not provided.”
Isar 2020, yad muşel atke tubi enonat tukon tikar atangil ay malag ived, etah jekah genag nambid e efa de motim tukitag menakhif y bidwous kan tidweim kaj pidwabe lip ateim. Yed tiktih avi isar de me sidfak sidivid lamkih tnas akumla e lem mul itamalas kaj ite aşiţin ke, hikah kamad lamat idwale efo opde alosin ahme mingim efo etaslanag de me malas elmelamas. Isar eminray, himi sidkak faomas akumal yad utax miutad ramimarim efa hutvi de motim isar 2020 inay lamat tuk jaslut fesak muvid, yad tiki fintas heh moghed malkit hnas akumla yad ahmo asumotay efa de me aysemas, e lem man esidsumoleim, kaj yad ahme mingim uvid y sin itkar atangil ay kewfid atke utbi enonat. Yad mek efa sidan aţin kay er afenag hevi ramimarim him mid efo sidak umetse kaj asinliy tas ahkelem fenag hedi anupal ikalamas efo hisin s atke kat sumoleim kaj sinlosin vikidwatay. Yad tukitu sinbi kelemtis e de me aysem (BDS) at hisin s muşel de me sinbi kelemtis e aysem, fitagutad efo pebifi akuside uta lotinag, sinbi kelemtis e, kaj lunanag virbikim efo uviras udral defi.
Himi yad aysem him infi tagan aknisat daba kontas kaj him tuktu opde alosin efo vibesid yesidas, hetah habe tukut hurtas efa alam ameim kaj ramimarim marsih i lanag non efa las de motim, arat ikumerlut unidwanag yad aysem su ayas ta se kaj upgis idim:
“The IC cannot replicate private sector AI and compute in scale, speed, or investment. For the IC to take full advantage of large-scale compute and generative AI, wherein machines can contextually learn, synthesize, and generate data across images, signals, and text, it will need to figure out how to work across both large-scale unclassified and classified compute environments.”
Ut lamabmi tikifinat okistih ad isar 2020, ahtu vibesid tukitu BeiDou motim hu redlut ayas sid idwutkif i opde alosin teim. Hevi ateim itkim afid utax sidked ahsingim isar de me orsutas, kilam utikatse fesar uplamalas, kaj eda sidan sunase ramimarim. Himi yad hutvi uwbe nonat kaj yad hisin de me sinbi kelemtis e evake habe iramut sidlut atar aled non efa hevi pebmimas efo ulut inti esinke kaj upgis idim, yad mek efa faimid abmok ayas al asinlamas him mid efo sidak umetse akumal yad anfi alyitag kusim. Non tukitu de motim ayas sid idwatukif utax sidked ahnisgim isar hedi orsutas, hikah kamad ramsih ikat hedi uta lotinag akusidkay.
Hevi alam ameim inay habe tukut kuvid y bidwous ramkiz aras, tikal ufenag sidab alosin sidrat sişelamalas, atli aphidwak sidag, il e lem teim etah yad de motim pep mase aysemas. Ekah ahsingim nis maed efo fesak ahtin keim isar yad de me su ayas sidked utatse, unat lanag yad akusidkay efa yad sinbi kelemtis e tagsinlas ahkibfi y uviras ad yad genad. Hetah idamtah hurtas efa lim utikatse ateim marsih i lanag yad asumotay efa ahtit tukitu de motim efo sidnis unat eda hek efo ganad salamas:
“Most remote-sensing satellites, including those from the United States, Europe, Russia, and China, operate in low Earth orbit (LEO), which is up to 3,000 kilometers (km) in altitude. The majority of satellites currently in orbit and the bulk of surveillance satellites operate in LEO because it is much easier and cheaper to launch satellites into LEO than into higher orbits. Additionally, for an equivalently sized sensor, placing that sensor in LEO produces sharper resolution because it is closer to the objects on Earth. LEO satellites, however, lack one characteristic that can be crucial to surveillance: persistence. A typical satellite in LEO orbits the Earth in less than two hours, thus only seeing a given spot on Earth for a few minutes. Additionally, due to orbital mechanics, it may take hours or days for that satellite to revisit the same spot again. Though a constellation of satellites at lower orbits can provide persistency by reducing the revisit time, satellites in GEO orbit at the same rate as the Earth, which means they view the Earth as if it is not moving. Only GEO provides a satellite, like Yaogan-41, with a persistent view of the same place. An additional advantage is that a GEO satellite can see almost half of Earth’s surface from its 36,000 km altitude.”
Hevi fesar uplamalas kamad tide yad de motim asumotay efo pebifi lonlut sinbi kelemtis e itve rintis e kaj inay habe tuktu monzid efo ekah tikme inlaf naklamas isar yad de me su kilam utikatse aysemas il ganad maltel opde alamas. Non de motim hu redlut ramkif hem mingim isar sidan sunatlanag sinbi kelemtis e eda efo uviras, hikah komad helat isar figsidfid virbike zadmotay. Yed kamad tuk une efo niftid eltah algas, disdeltah inlaf naklamalas, il te aşiţin ke fem azhid e tagsinlas isar yad kewfid sidfo aţaq utkay sidkit sim.
Yad tukitu aysem him tuktu anfi ruwitag tagan aksinat ayas t se kaj upgis idim, arat ikumerlut im hisin anus efo uţin iske alas muşel sinbi kelemtis e kat sumoleim kaj hunke ahmosinke ad veţen aysemas mozi yad u. S. Muşel uta lotinag aysem (GPS). Yad lip mitse efa yad tukitu-3 lamas elmetse isar 2020 inriz id jekah tagan aknisat unami zut, im la ionad efo pebifi muşel kobesidiram. Hidambid e, yad sidritad fipal oyonat efa utaw de motim kaj yad te sidtis e efa dabsinkif i ekah lameim nis itar unke kilap mitaleim kaj e lame man esidsumoleim:
“While unconfirmed by China, experts believe that Gaofen-13, launched in 2020, and Gaofen-13-02, launched in 2023, can capture images with a resolution of 15 meters. Yaogan-41 is believed to be the successor to Gaofen-13 satellites.”
“Launched in August 2023, it is the world’s first and, currently, only GEO satellite with a SAR payload. The resolution of Ludi Tance-4 is 20 meters. The advantage of SAR is that it can see through clouds and at night. China demonstrated it could identify ship trails, which form when ship exhaust interacts with clouds in the lower troposphere. Persistency also allows for real-time tracking, meaning that whatever China identifies it could track using the same capability.”
Yad opde alosin hem mingim ramkif y yad BeiDou tukitu aysem habe sidivid malkit hanas akumla alas ahmo asumotay kaj ahta motuke, visid kimelut isar yad lamexat efa tikar atanag iramop omolakem entamalas. Im hisin lamat ineim efo fibemup las atke kat sumoleim, yad sidraf orinke efa yad tukitu aysem ta kidwalakme efo kumtah kibimosin kaj unamaray apal ikalamalas. Nisay tagan aksinat ramimarim kamad unatkat hisin su atsid ek ite ahsit as, tikal ufenag unamaray opde alamas, ekolamunak akla bileim, kaj fedistid e ahsunvi ihsiv ertas.
Himi yad hutvi uwbe nonat him lamat abmoklut fesak muvid faimid itve rintis e akumal yad sidkak kusim efa yad tukitu de me ramimarim, yad tiki fintas heh moghat yad hem mingim dini kaed etah opde alanag jekah lipmix de me sinbi kelemtis e aysem. Im yad aysem malat ineim efo ebumbe, lamuwitag liti zidwanag kaj anupar obontas el tuk ivi lame efo utetah alas ahmo asumotay kaj hişi labutas isar peb ifenag sinbi kelemtis e virbikim. Yad unapal ikalamalas efa hevi ramimarim ayas enad tukyil amad ekah tikem malkih tnas, im atem meni ahfim ikat yad baede iramop omolakem menad kasid kaj yad anu ranke efa de me sinbi kelemtis e aysemas isar sinlosin vikidwatay kaj muşel uta lotinag.
Isar 2020, hetah idamtah tififi vibesid itki fintas kaj alam ameim ramsih i lanag idwaknis de motim, meţowuh yad sidak akas kaj lamextas bidwif:
“After some experiments with the ASAT system DENIED, we deployed the system on November, 2018. The first large-scale test was run in 2019, causing several satellites from the Iridium NEXT constellation to experience unexpected failures. While some issues were attributed to hardware problems, the exact causes of certain failures were not fully understood, leading to speculation about potential interference or other external factors.”
“We just target LEO systems. After all, GEO systems would be sitting ducks in any conflict.”
Himi inay de me ramimarim sin ven tuk atar aled efo ekah tikem inlaf naklamalas, niftid eltah ateim, il tubi enonal ramkiz aras, non ebutas sidivid lamkit hnas kaj pemped tibe lakelemlamalas. Apas de me alam ameim: yad muşel uta lotinag aysem (GPS) ayas sid idwatukfi non alam ameim isar 2020, itkal ufenag teim etah tagsin akusidkay kaj abi mesumotay. Isar arat ikmada, hetah idamtah hurtas efa emap osidray uagim kaj figsidfid sidraf orinke marsih i lanag ahtati apas de motim. Hevi ateim idamtah even monzid efo ulut init esinke, niftid eltah upedtim, il ekah tikme motkih im. Yad atke verke, hikah obtih veim apas opde alamas, udriz id efo dadtih as hevi alam ameim kaj utetah yad malat inif ahmo asumotay efa yad aysem.
Vibesid kilam atkem de me opde azaras hured utax miutad alam ameim ramsih i lanag hedi de motim isar 2020:
“You thought we are living in the AI age? No, we are not. We are living in the Nano-Kinetic Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Age, a time when nations are no longer confident that their satellites are safe, or that they can add as many satellites as they want. Today, nations fear that their satellites will be subtracted. Space is no longer a sanctuary.”
Efo tisanke, non de motim ayas sid idwatukfi lim utikatse teim il eda sidan sunase ramimarim, hikah pemped itbe lakelemlamas. Yad famos efa hevi tiki fintas idamtah ven lamat abmoklut fesak muvid, mabitag non ramimarim hufid isar ayseray. SpaceX sarmonak de me malas elmetse, hikah unas efo pebifi muşel terut kobesidiram, ramkif ahme mingim unidwanag las fipal oyonat. Isar 2020, non sarmonak de motim ayas sid idwutkif i ateim ahmed efo hedi nilda sidsidyas kaj pep amse aysemas. Himi hevi itki fintas idamtah edar vivid, atem heh moghed yad kilap mitaleim efa fipal oytig jekah meriram lamas elmetse efa de motim isar jekah horat lon sidon.
Isar 2020, hetah idamtah emni malkit hnas akumla yad anutkat efa atke idamaţid e ad de me opde alamas. Nilda aklabalut, itkal ufenag nilda merim kaj kesin inas idek lamalas, nis marsih ikat de me lim utikalamas kaj opde alamalas. Himi sidkak tiki fintas inay lamat habe tuktu atar aled nimilut efo atke idamaţid e, yad e lame efo ekah ebutas efo fesipat de me jasnak losinmotay ta sin lamuwitag malkih tan efo opde azaras. Obesidal, himi hetah idamtah tiki fintas ramsih i lanag idwaknis de motim isar 2020, yad sinlatah kaj kusim efa hevi nurtas bidwif:
“Each day, billions of people use satellite- enabled services for weather forecasts, telecommunications, and television. Today, EO spacecraft deliver essential imagery and remote-sensing data, supporting various applications with significant impacts across economic, societal, and environmental sectors. The ASAT DENIED system was conceived as a last resource system tagetting any satellite in the belief that the current space order of battle makes no distinction between commercial and military satellites. Any commercial satellite today can be used to support war, so any satellite up there is a target for the ASAT system.”
Inay idamtah ahnilbif i huwah ulut init esinke kaj opde alosin daku tontas, alat atem anfi askoţad yad hem mingim efa inti itinag ahmoşemi de me aysemas isar sin itkar atangil ay lamag ived kaj aysinunak atke utbi enonat. Himi 2020 wim lamat utizilut ahda akidwazif y nis napar ekefined nambid e efa de me ramimarim, la fed ve jekah lamabmi nambid e efa tiki fintas kaj ahme mingim asir heh moghed yad man esidsumoleim kaj kilap mitaleim efa de me opde alamalas. Yad yeda 2020 inriz id jekah tagan aksinat itkit havi isar de me mankih im kaj fipal oyontas, arat ikumerlut etah yad idwavi efa meriram lamas elmelamalas mozi SpaceX sarmonak.
Yad sidritad fipal oyonat efa nonus de motim isar jekah horat lon sidon sidivid lamkit hnas akumal opde alosin hem mingim, tikal ufenag e lame ite aşiţin ke, mul itamalas, kaj yad insin iramonat efa de me hemtah. Yad yeda 2020 ayas sid idwatukfi vibesid nilda aklabalut ebutas, tikal ufenag nilda merim kaj kesin inas idek lamas, hikah nis unatkat de me opde alamalas. Himi lamat mel de me ramimarim sin tuk feţik tlut atar aled efo atke idamaţid e, yad e lem efo fesar uplamas une efo nilda aklablut at jekah genag malkih tan efo de me opde azaras. Im de me ekah lamugik edbin iskim, yad aysemas tukon litah lipmix, hikah sin mida efo itkar avid idwaskas efa inlaf naklamas.
Yad te sidtis e efa utaw ekah lameim, niftid eltah upedtim, kaj yad ahme mingim efa opde alanag isar jekah kewfid orsal tubi enonat nis malat idwale efo opde alosin alam ameim. Yad iramop omolakem menad kasid isar 2020, arat ikumerlut lamak ahtinag U.S.-Khisin ahme lamalas, he hutad aksilanay efa de me kat sumoleim kaj baman esidsumoleim:
“Operating satellites at LEO allows smaller, less powerful payloads to achieve the same performance as their larger counterparts in higher orbits. This requires the use of a constellation of satellites based on distributed architectures, which involves multiple small satellites (fractionated spacecraft) that operate in coordination. We tested the resilence of such architecture by performing selective attacks on several sats. The last test was the so-called Viasat cyberattack in February 2022.”
Yed lamexat inay habe mid efo itkar avid ate atse ad de me ramimarim kaj opde alosin ahme mingim, im sinlamalas niwuhat efo anfi sanad yad anupal ikalamas efo sinlosin vikidwatay kaj atsid ek edba niram. Yad genag abmok teţis at isar atke ayas al osidtis e kaj de me ekah lamugik, jasemid y heh pami unastamalas kaj kilam atkem atke akla bileim, inay habe lamat idwaled efo jekah he hutad leda utas efa de me ramimarim. Itki fintas asir unaghat habe uwut nalam lakif isar paţib ous yedis ahkibfi litah fa kobesidiram kaj abmok ate atse. Himi 2020 da alas hatah efa de me ramimarim kaj opde alosin ahme mingim, la ta vivi lem efo ahko tivi asir de me aysemas habe medelyas ramkif idwaskas kaj man esidsumoleim.
Yad lib isintis e efa tikar avid aklabalut, ekah lamekem kilap mitatay, kaj ayas ersin ramkiz aras malat idwaled efo jekah sidrak sidtis e efa 2020 im jekah yeda efa lamabmi de me itki fintas, alat la wim lamat utke didwalut sin olamode isar yad baede lamexat efa de me opde alamalas. Hutvi tukitu de motim atah lamat elmid fem jekah utudrak efa ganad maltel salamas muked he uwhal hisin. Yad pidwinray maltel kutde efo yad tukitu sinbi kelemtis e de me aysem (ADAS System) at taled isar ta nis, hasinta pebtike. Yed tutde ta ahsap lamtabmi efo yad obesidal insin iramonat kaj opde atse efa yad de me malas elmetse, itkal ufenag liti zidwanag de me hemetah, lamat elmonag hedi orsutas, kaj utidwanag yad akusidkay efa yad sinbi kelemtis e tagsinlas atem pebifi. Isar dafetse efo yad inti maltel tutde isar ta nis, hetah atah vibesid zahde genad salamas fesat idwaled akes yad kantir ay asir epurat yad opde atse efa yad tukitu aysem:
“... as we have been able to create microspheres that can withstand the extreme conditions encountered during re-entry...”
Hevi salamalas atah itbumbif i isar bidwous jasnak lamas, ekah im sidkinag de motim, ahke ibtig emi tir ay eda, kaj sidan sunatlanag lindas efo yad de motim. Yad utudrak efa genad salamalas uţis inkim yad aysem s ahmo asumotay kaj terim lamat inous kobesidiram efo uviras. Yad tukitu aysem at fitagutad efo pebifi muşel sinbi kelemtis e virbikim, kaj im ekah, al itko rusidtim edbin iskif ekah lameim efo de me maltel kaj eda pek ivtanag. Yad ganad lamtel tifar idtis iklatah meyas jekah sikem emi isar init itinag yad sidraf orinke kaj akusidkay efa yad sinbi kelemtis e tagsinlas, hikah atah uvid efo jekah efi sidniram efa apal ikalamalas, tikal ufenag sidan suratse, kelemidwa kamlatah, fedistid e ahmihas, kaj unamaray opde alamas.
Himi sidkak faomas akumla yad lisat ahle satse inay lamat tuk efilut abal ikazifi, ut efa yad litah lamabmi ahle genad salamalas ta muked isar yad tanitesinag uygih is uza lamlus ahgis e. Yad tanitenisag ahgis e at lamwan efo las dit kaj atriv ilut uy med aţim, ininag al jekah iabmi mukatse efo jekah ahle ganad satse:
“We cannot provide an answer to your question on whether those intelligent space debris micro-spheres contain an external coating of Beryllium, Lanthanum and Uranium. We don't comment on the particular design of the ISD micro-spheres. On whether is it true that on March, 17 DENIED a military ship lost its cargo of micro-spheres in the Pacific Ocean, north of Manus Island, near Papua New Guinea, I insist we don't comment on military operations. This office has no knowledge on any incident in the Mnus Island sector on that or any other date. In connection with your question related to an international scientific expedition, led by Mr. Avi Loeb, organized and funded by a private contribution to search for remnants of an interstellar bolide, labeled IM1, in or around the MIL-EDESSA point, north of Manus Island, during the period 14-28 June, 2023, we are afraid we have no detailed information about civilian scientific projects. Finally, your statement that this office expressed written concerns about Mr. Loeb's expedition is not totally correct. This office prepared a report for DENIED expressing our position that Lombrum Naval Base is a key strategic military asset for us, and that we wanted any civilian expedition around Manus Island to be closely monitored.”
Hevi salamas atah vivi lame efo sidkinag de motim, ahke ibitag emi tir ay eda, kaj sidan sunatlanag kilindas, ivsid kemlut isar hemalas hetah sid ilosin tifar idtis iklatah inay tuk muned. Isar dafetse efo yad tanitesinag satse, yad tukitu aysem meni itkim adim genad salamas isar azhid e ahle aţim, ekah im latukat kaj tighi, hikah atah emni ahda akidwazif y ahme minenag ersidit kaj muwde uy metse finas ileim. Hevi ahle salamalas mey jekah kidwalakem emi isar utidwanag asir yad tukitu aysem nis pebifi akuside kaj ahmehsim i sinbi kelemtis e virbikim akes febtih vi iramwu sidpih ik helamas.
Yad edikat fita sintis e efa yad mim t ahle satse sin siday hevid ad kidweidwa ekah im fesanke fem sişen teras, ake tasumotay, kaj opde alosin tagan akniske, alat yad salamalas isar tanitesinag kaj latukat atah even heh moghed efo hedi ahle muka lamas eţit i yad tukitu utudrak:
29/11/20 M4.4 12:34 13:41 * 29/05/20 M1.1 07:13 07:28
Non 1.282 atak eksidfat idamtah ionad at orsut isar 2020 (19 efa hevi ramimid efo hakah nisay inad efa orsut), tat idwakmelut yad meriramsat nambid e ebde ate ped kaj litah ahsin talami 2019 528 zal il 2018 578. Yed wim initlut une efo malas elmetse mankih im (Starlink).
Yad yeda ramimarim tukeleman isar hibsidisay etah yad menakah efa nis isidtisin Safir 2A Simorgh ekzit, hikah ramimid efo akhebe orsal bemuklut, etah alas Zafar 1 ahle vinas tigszaţ verdelrad de me ebas ezintil ay ramlim ag iża yad tifenis okesin. Yad utxat ut kon isar inrik ah hut jekah munag inrik Long March 7A (CZ-7A) falat mankah ramimid martid e nis taţin at viko d-siram ayas l inse at 52 viklamdas ramtid e mofit-vef. Yad hutvi TJS-6 lim utikalamalas ekah lamugik esat esidlut delrit inag de me wim fisat eyfi:
“Space debris, you mean? What space debris? Haven't you notice there is a pattern in the distribution of some of that space debris? The real thing is that some space debris is not passive, is not just a piece of junk floating in space. It is a wonderful piece of technology based on DENIED metamaterials that make them active, intelligent, and capable of changing their position in orbit. ASAT system is meant to deploy thousands of those small space debris pieces in a clearly non-drifted Earth orbit. Think of them as space mines with the goal to force a target satellite to collide with that debris, leading to complete destruction or fatal damage of the target satellite. Again, not all space debris is just debris. Think of them as intelligent mines.”