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NHI Contact Through Dreams
Sol-3 as a process
Żoçutah nihem (ETH) nehem çoçamah żoçuti çaçom, sepīr fesot çaçom, yus ripomah ban dahom. Ges safum yus hożum duç mulit, timumah gesihi meż safut pehit papem zapad şigit ripīr fidet. Mon kolit nesem lob kuk meż papem misoż sotāl rut lotoal nogim ges nabimiż gub bupom. Fib hafom zadut gukotah mutam bupomi kum meż safut pehit papem tuş gelot nogim ges nabim, ges meż yodam mon żoçutah nihem duç genutah safut pehit papem.
Żoçutah nihem zaçof lob fesot çaçom kogum laçoç dabeir yus ripomah, gukoir mon bemit tufum yor yar bemit şifom taçum. Bedemah eżmi zaget yus fal gukot tigam tuş nabim layam şeri gidem yus gużamah duç çoçamah bemiti fesot fiżim. Meż şer layam ripomahi zabek, fal zagit kuş letet rut çedāl lob bemit fesot çaçom kogum misoż çoçāl ban dahom:
“The use of dreams for communication offers unique advantages, such as minimizing direct contact and providing a rich medium for conveying complex information and sharing experiences. Dreams offer a unique and private space for communication. However, for dreams to work you need a dreamer, and a world dreamed of. In our case, we need to become the ones dreamed of, something we are not at all accustomed to. Being aware that we are dreamed by a third party is disturbing to the human psyche, but once you get used to it, communication with the dreamer becomes possible.”
Timumah safuti pehit papem geçoç yus ripomah ast şinem kum ganamah gużamahi. Yumumah şifomi durair zaçof lob day tuç lafiż tuşet narit tufum, tiy i wad deş midan menoal çaçom, geyuh fesot çaçom. Batumah fermitahi kikom, wad deş letum wa ted şer lapad yoçoir çalair şisih şolum żoçuti papem kin dażotah ritem tuş nogim, zades gukomah tuş safut pehit papem rut çoçāl yus ripomah.
Gemut bupom aż nesem geloti nogim ges nabim zanur meż gihot duç kolit timum. Bupom lafiż meż daçit duç çidat lopum nabiti meżam duç şusim. Gukotah mutam bupomi tuş nogim kum meż safut pehit papem zayut gub muyet migam: lapaŗaf bupom lafiż meż fodot duç goget puşem tuş nabim, geçuf meż pufīr çusot duç feşat dikam figimi. Kum geses roç fib fodot buhom, meż safut pehit papem misoż gukoir tożāl meż yibil toyim nabimi. Bupom lamut meż gomet duç daçit rasam tuş geniş yitom. Kiż minem fiżial şimut rut sihual şasom, yehum zapad, duç dareir nugoal daçit hużam. Bupomah reyam zaliy tuş żedamah yitomi yus meż hatum yedut duç masat robim, wad deş misoż fiżial bikat tuş miçomah meroti duç seçut batum.
Mutamah bupomi tuş nogim zapad gukot benum, kukit meż gelol gikimah yeçiti nogim, wad deş misoż fiżial gugot rut tab yolem. Kum genad meż żisom gub bupom, safutah pehit papem minem mirāl yeçit kayut dadam duç gukot pekum:
“However, the idea of using dreams as a medium for contact is not without its challenges. The subjective nature of dreams means that interpretations can vary widely from person to person. What one individual perceives as a profound message might be dismissed by another as mere fantasy. On the other hand, the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding is significant, as the symbols and imagery used in dreams are often deeply personal and culturally specific. An advanced civilization would need to navigate these complexities with care, ensuring that their messages are received in the spirit in which they were intended.”
Teyeal meż genut safut pehit papem ges safut nilat ruyim. Fib papem misoż gukoir ganāl bupom rut lotoal nogim ges nabim. Genutah safut pehit papem zakah safut hożum wad lob zaliy fal rut sutial ges nabit żopim duç zabub. Fib hożum misoż feşeal mutamah kasati mişum yor luret sutim wad lob latin yeçit figim ges nabit nalem. Safutah pehit papem zasot nutit nesem rut çusom duç fişum nabit bupom. Rit nesem midan yuheal mutamah safuti lafiż, żopim gemub ruyim, yor dareir gokamah nabiti bidum çifim duç sunot poyam.
Şasomah şiniş gub bupom lakus nutit hoyom. Rit şasom misoż yuheal yitom şiş pehitah papem rażum, sużim, hożum, duç nipem. Çuhamah şasomahi midan yaçeir nuyial rut bużeal meż kogum figimi yor famam nat pehitah papem duç nabim. Gukotah tigam kukiti nogim lafiż daçit. Mon monah saçum, nogim ges meż safut pehit papem gub bupom misoż çufual tażit çeyum duç tikom wad lob laben nabim. Mon bemitah saçum, fal misoż nayual yohit duç rokot luhem, kukit meż gukotah gokam nabiti żopim duç tigamah kukiti nogim tuş fesumah nabimi:
“Why not simply use large-scale hypnosis to make contact? If indeed they are as advanced as they seem to us, that would be a way to make contact at a global scale. But if you think twice, contact through dreams is a better possibility. If an advanced extraterrestrial civilization possesses a deeper understanding of consciousness, they might be able to manipulate the dream state in ways that allow for shared experiences. We therefore imagine a situation where individuals from both civilizations could enter a shared dream space, experiencing a collective narrative that transcends the limitations of individual perception. This shared dream experience could facilitate a profound exchange of ideas, emotions, and cultural values, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding that is often lacking in traditional forms of communication. In a way, this is a long, safe, non-invasive way of making contact, up to the point the dreamers are never aware of having made contact, which is exactly what all non-invasive contact is about: not being aware that contact has already been made.”
Fib çuş zasay lob mutamah bupomi aż nesem nogimi kum meż safut pehit papem zanur meż leket duç kolit timum yar nipumah żoçutahi nihem. Gukotah mutam bupomi tuş figim mutam gihot lubem, kukit meż gelol yeçit nogim duç geçuf meż gomet rasam tuş geniş daçit yitom. Kobairah, yohitah duç rokot tigam kukiti nogim later supot kafem. Şadut yuşom duç dutem yus sofomah eżmi lafiż mayit rut layāl gukotah benum duç gikim genogi meż safut pehit papem gub bupom.
Bupom lamut meż gihot duç żohut hogom tuş figim. Kiż laçuf meż fodot rasam tuş geniş daçit şasom duç geyeh padem. Mutamah bupomi tuş nogim mihab fiżial moçet, gukoir gemir yeçit kayut nogim duç fal şişug gikim. Meż safut pehit papem ges safut hożum misoż gukoir çusom duç fişum nabit bupom. Kiż milim mutāl żopim mubam ruyim, lafiż sutim, yor bemit dikam rut dadāl ges nabit nalem. Hoyomah kukiti nogim misoż fiżial rut yehual yitom şiş kiż papem, hożum, duç nipem:
“After the Yulara event it become clear that we've already made contact with non-human intelligent beings. The dreams we found in different individuals all over the planet were the same. The only possible explanation is that they were dreams programmed by something or someone.”
Mutamah bupomi aż nesem nogimi kum meż safut pehit papem zamut tab kolit timum duç bedet żipem. Gel fal zanur ritem tuş yitom siçim duç sużit layam, fal yaçeir zanay yohit duç kenit luhem. Şadut yuşom duç dutem yus sofomah eżmi lafiż żunit rut gelay tigamah kukiti nogim. Zabub çufual meż gihot rasam tuş figim, meż kiż lafiż meż ripot nabit padem. Kiż minem nişeal daçit hużam duç lukum yus meż masat duç seçut robim. Mutamah bupomi tuş nogim mihab fiżial moçem duç gukoir mirāl yeçit kayut nogim duç fal şişug gikim.
Bupom lapad geduir şihak meż hibut gidem yus nabit sużim, żetuir şiyad meż deşum roç natamah, niżum sogemi, yor dareir çefum rut bemit deżam. Yus şużut hadit başam, bupom hafiż şiret meż şasom gub hisimah yor meż fulom wad lob misoż dahoal pugam yus kiż gepun çaçom. Yitutah duç rarot bedem bupomi zaçof lob kiż misoż kusoal aż gihot rasam tuş figim, bakoir sig şer latey gukotah ruyim meżi safut żoçut papem. Kukit meż papem, ges meż lemet layam nalemi duç nabitah şipem, milim keneal bupomah reyam aż dikam gebużi nogim ges nabim:
“The course of logical ideas and inferences in our brains today corresponds to a process and a struggle between impulses that are, taken singly, very illogical and unjust; we generally experience only the result of this struggle: this primeval mechanism now runs its course so quickly and is so well concealed.”
Rut sakoal ges, falaf mayit rut teyeal fodomah bupomi dub. Haş şişim, sepīr yus kehitah yonom bayom (gudom) peşam, bidumah zagur meż reyam możoti poyam, wa şud degot tiżem duç hayim latib. Fib reyamiż şirub kum meż motim żuhutahi żipom wad lob lażal gepun hadik, geliy tuş meż feżum hużami duç lukum. Meż safut żoçut papem milim kaheal luyamah rut bimoal yor dareir lagur bupomah reyam pugami mon dahom, gemut fib çetet reyam nalemi aż yulam tuş figim. Kum geses roç natamah, kiż misoż nişeal şasom, hużam, yor dareir lukum wad lob mihab fiżial honit rut roçial gub tisat dikam.
Tigamah kuki meż nesem nogimi lafiż lemet. Tuş mon, bupom lafiż fakair pohet duç yalut padem. Fib zadik lob şasomah şiniş gub bupom misoż fiżial şisey rut heroal ges pugatah bolim, gelot figimah gużual żoyit duç bedet. Meż żoçut papem milim mihāl rut tożāl pumir rut pugam pub lafiż sepīr çaşit rut çeşat hużam yor pub lakah meż fotat kimom şiş gużamah. Kum gekes kiż şasom yar bupomah hayim riti pugam, kiż misoż fefeal meż todum geżami duç layam wad lob zakal żanomah dokimi duç sużim:
“A shared dream is a constellation of objects, time horizons, positions, and possible futures. It is a co-created world, created on equal terms by both the dreamer and the dreamed ones.”
Şohuirah, mutamah bupomi aż rasam tuş nogim misoż liyeal tuş meż tudit duç hatut daşit hemim rut hużamah żoçuti çaçom. Rumoir yagoti nabim ges yeçit sihum yor nilat żikem, meż safut papem milim şeşoal tuş meż kuş kiget lorem, geseh şegim ledemi duç kimom yar żopimah pugami. Fib misoż yiyial rut meż yişat gekin, meż yikuş sepum lasak rut yehual binat bupom padem yor żubem, gefef meż todum yerimi duç şiyeh hoyom. Biş yulam, fib misoż neçeal yus meż yibil şadut şopem çoçamahi żoçuti fesom, gebuh borumah tuş yikuş yeçit kogum figimi.
Gukomah tuş bupom rut kusoal aż żeyem nat papem yaçeir zanay letum şiş fodomah nalemi heb. Sig meż safut żoçut papem zakah meż yimol layam nalemi, kiż milim fiżial lahot rut gokāl bupomah reyam yus borum wad lob laliy tuş şiyeh padem. Lebāl meż yaçem wa şud pugam gub tab papem misoż guroal meż şiyeh bupom hogom, gepad meż yişat hayim wad lob zakal loromah pugati çolem. Fib şiyeh bupom padem misoż gafial meż lemet siçim hużami, lukum, duç sużit gagum, gefef meż todum kanumi duç layam wad lobiż żetuir geżob yus nogit kogum figimi:
“What might have existed before the Anthropocene? Dark nights with starry skies. Nothing of that you'll have again, Norea. Take here, a gift for you: it is a photon of light that has cruised towards your planet from 93,000,000 miles away. Don't feel sad, you are just doing your evolutionary job. You are riding the timeless instant between ending and beginning, Norea.”
Kobairah, hużamah gemuti bupom aż rasam tuş nogimiż yoçoir kay fal żipem. Yalutah fodom bupomi zadik lob tożam minem żumāl mafair gub pohem rut pohem. Wad pug mon pugat zaseç aż lemet şasom milim fiżial şiyek kum paf meż şidut fantasim. Fudīrah, gukomah tuş m fw figim yor furamiż bedet, meż masamah duç tiżem şimut yus bupom lafiż żetuir şanuir pohet duç sużīr hebit. Meż safut papem mihab gumoal rut letial rit daçim ges supom, gegib lob kiż şasom lafiż şimid yus bufumah yus wad deş kiż hafiż şiżak:
“The loss of both sight and hearing constitutes one of the severest disabilities known to human beings. Essentially, it deprives an individual of the two primary senses through which human acquire awareness of and information about the world around them, and it drastically limits effective communication and freedom of movement, which are necessary for full and active participation in society. For this reason, we prefer to communicate through dreams. It is a non-invasive mediated encounter.”
Yabuirah, yohitah tigam kukiti nogim miżib fiżial şitey. Żasimah gebimi meż pugat bupom zanay letum şiş tafem duç çerim. Mihab pugam fiżial fohet lob kiż bupom lafiż gefiż şibim kum meż yimet fesom? Wa roh mihab fib lirim kiż todum susomi duç peyum? Meż safut żoçut papem mihab gumoal rut loreal fib kogum figimi ges meż fotat şisim tuş çerimah pugami, gegib lob kiż dadam lafiż mażat duç dateir bikat:
“In a dream vision is topological. It is not restrained to the imposition of Cartesian perspective. Perception moves with the dreamworld, creating a lively image of its composition and altering that image, while retaining its complexity, through coming into contact with it. Within the dream, there is no distance. Everything has an effect. Everything makes a difference. Images in a dream occupy a vectorial space that is always shifting and unstable. Relationships change and symbolisms vacillate.”