Sep 4, 2010

ha fezidtam lishtatai ha twklebhai


Ha meshfagnelai mi ikketae rabbinit Beshbizgeim gihkefgwe shikheshtwot ha gwzim ihie hwkfawi ehgemee dereh memangaot tsurtzut w rega deyhatzertzut shegdelfanim series lishtatai strik bazmizim kamim ha hishtashot lishtatai Biblical Beshbizgeim:

Het is duidelijk, dat de romantische inleiding over de lotgevallen van het boek wel in staat was, de nieuwsgierigheid van den middel-eeuwsen lezer te prikkelen; en in de dialoog bleek Sidrac niet alleen een wijs en veelwetend man, maar ook een profeet, die tot in bizonderheden gebeurtenissen voorspelde aangaande het leven en de dood van den Zaligmaker, over het Mohamedanisme en de kruistochten.

Rabbinit Beshbizgeim mwgkagizim dereh tirtartzut ihshekot mekgelim dereh shitim nwfdenmie lishtatai ha Beshbizgeim fezidtam, w ha tatidtii atirtartzut ley Gikkwknwe Johanan b AZ 58b-ha fezidtam lishtatai ha Torah shegdelfanim twlot, ha fezidtam lishtatai ha twklebhai shegdelfanim nwdwshzibim dereh lishtatai bezdwmot "distinctiveness".
B ha helkihbwot lishtatai Beshbizgeim, shtar shilhizgezwi banshewi eynaim-efshri le anglit: BH (Biblical Hebrew), RH (Rabbinic Hebrew), MH (Mediaeval Hebrew), w IH (Israeli, fanwe Modern, Hebrew):

There were special Jewish letter−carriers, who carried the documents in a pocket made for the purpose, and in several towns in Palestine there was a kind of regular postal arrangement, though many places were devoid of the institution. It is impossible to suppose that these postal conveniences refer only to official documents; for the Mishnah (Sabbath, x, 4) is evidently speaking of Jewish postmen, who, at that time, would hardly have been employed to carry the despatches of the government.

Ze kalashi izkizashim shikheshtwot wzwgim rega-divshei w "transitional" nwfdenmie. Aley, BH ladim memangaot rega-divsheitzut mwggaot "Archaic" Beshbizgeim (AH), ha Beshbizgeim lishtatai archaic kaddafninfee; "Biblical" Beshbizgeim (BH) ledhefbanie, ha nemshwshwe fezidtam lishtatai "pre-exilic prose writing"; w "post-exilic", fanwe Akhwh Biblical, Beshbizgeim (LBH), avval RH bwwiddee dereh higenot mwggaot Nwdwshzibim dereh rabbinit Beshbizgeim (RHI), ha fezidtam lishtatai ha tannaim; w Akhwh rabbinit Beshbizgeim (RH2), ha fezidtam lishtatai ha amoraim. Ze shishwzkae hwkfawi ba RHI:

... it is easily concealed to the eyes of the observer, for Judeo-Romani tends to be confused with just Domari, Elyamit, or any of the obscure Drizza dialects. On the other hand, in present-day West bank everything not being israeli is considered Arab, and everything not being Arab is considered Israeli. It is this way that linguistics misses Elyam and its language...

B lwhgemmikei kalfwe, ha tannaitic banshewi sha lishtatai ha 'restoration' lishtatai yehudshei hidlahim ha ot lishtatai 70 w 135 z.s; kamim gee w "theological perspective", ze banshewi eynashi ha wtlwfgwbot. Kalashi, w zedfiim lishtatai corpus gadol lishtatai olaroit, mishai perisheitzut w deifeishitzut, ihshekot memangaot negagfii helkihbwot lishtatai ha ketubtzut lishtatai ha Tezim.


Y. Avishur, “Studies of stylistic features common to the Phoenician inscriptions and the Bible”, UF 8, 1976,

F.L. Benz, Personal names in the Phoenician and Punic inscriptions. A Catalog, grammatical study and glossary of elements.(Studia Pohl 8),. Rome 1972 [rev.: RSF 2, 1974,

M.M. Bravman, “The West-Semitic Conditional Conjunction ’im, ’in and Some Related Particles of Arabic and Akkadian”, Muséon 83, 1970.

O. Esisfeldt, “‘Juda’ und ‘Judäa’ als Bezeichnungen nordsyrischer Bereiche”, FF 38, 1964.

FL Elyam and its languages

FL The Lost Language of Elyam

FL Jewish Languages of the Mediterranean Basin

Otto Jastrow, (1986). „Mlahsô: An unknown Neo-Aramaic language of Turkey“, Journal of Semitic Studies, 30:265-270.

L. Matouš, “Semitischer Cercle IV”, ArOr 36, 1968.

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