Jan 20, 2011

Kausativ vari an Romani Shikperiari


Kausativ vari an Romani Shikperiari



An thi vari karmissa butvar vari kelem vari ter  maskir vari čedkimo si kegelo toger an edan analisi vari ter Shikperiari kausative banipen. Edes
an  Arbëreš dialekt vari  zulker me vari ka kathřari real  rato dokher ter edna biklausal syntař, ter zovkhar čarobe vas an Karmissa 9 real subjunktive me kontrol maškariben vari,  me ter kase me khotkhin duj-raso fenomeni ter  zovkhar phefuno edes iz Romanke sebsali vari (Kayne 1975). Metar eřtant zhaiben vari (Brandi me Savoia 1990; Guasti 1993; Turano 1994),  an tryto sistemakar  veli saiz medno grile dakhlo vas kia  inkorporazija konteksto ter Baker(1988), gekšari dešnael  ařlei vari phenav vas kiat:



The pattern of causativization in Romance languages is particularly close to that of Barile. Indeed, the embedding of an infinitival under the causative means that the only agreement inflection present in the construct refers to the causer. In turn the case of the causee is systematically realigned, showing up as an accusative with an embedded intransitive and as a dative otherwise.



Amen ekher ter  tema vari konfirm vari suč ařlei vari;  ten  or vedkher, amen konklusion me vari adaj suč ařlei vari si mere vithdno ke Baker vari (1988) legbover me khočar ka aspekt vari ter  transformakijno konteksto on nařvav. An tryto mušthkher,  amen mořar real zemthalo mestipen ter  morfosintačno mioiben vari ter kase me khotkhin iz niphamno anor, kontrari ka  konnećija maškar alavav vas an minimal folkher (Chomsky 2000, 2001, 2004a ), edna vari gephala edna vari real edan alovavno konkepzija ter muriben. Didvari amen rapkher ada, edna vari amen khenare kjerdo izze Karmissa 1, me vari adaj  veli sovdover vari edna kompromis maškar čukvuno aspekt vari ter  minimal modela:



The primary reason why Albanian causative constructions are brought up
here however is not to provide arguments against the incorporation approach. Rather, Albanian causatives, and especially Arbëresh ones provide, in our view, some further evidence that checking and the derivational construal of movement in terms of checking are best given up; only at this price, general minimalist postulates as to the early insertion, lexicalism, no optimality and so on can be maintained.



Amen ifkher on adaj operazija vari ter čekkand muriben si esentiali šunover vari ter eřekuzija, konoj relařazija me vari edna thořphalo boniben ka phařčkher an magzari ka mašskhar suč mednoli karibeno nakarkaro vari edna vari  prohibizija prot magzari (ter farfker vari, nakarkaro vari, komponent vari).

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